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Raleigh, North Carolina
Controversial movie showing will go on Meeting between players in film showing, those opposed to it discuss details of events Ty Johnson Editor-in-Chief
Despite a call from the Women’s Center, Tucker Max’s film, “I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell,” will be shown Wednesday. Advocates who wanted the film showing cancelled met with Union Activities Board Film Committee Chair Will Lamb and others in the UAB office Monday to discuss the implications of the movie and the question and answer session with Max, which is scheduled to follow the movie. Rape Prevention Education Coordinator Juliette Grimmett, who works at the Women’s Center, said the Center was notified the film would be shown on campus three weeks ago, but said the Center wasn’t aware of how offensive the content of the film would be until a concerned student e-mailed her. “It was on my radar but the way Rick [Gardner] said it and described it, it didn’t seem to be a major red flag,” Grimmett said of her meeting with Associate Director of Campus Activities Rick Gardner, which she said occurred in passing in between meetings. “It didnt even occur to me that there was anybody out there like [Max.]” Grimmett said the original plan was to have Pack PEERs hold a booth during the film’s showing, but said she realized it was more serious than she thought. “ I don’t think it’s as easy as having a couple peers to sit at a table,” Grimmett said. “Once I saw what this was about it wasnt just another “Knocked Up or Superbad Both Grimmett and Women’s Center Director Shannon Johnson said the weeks since the meeting were “busy,” preventing them from following up more closely with Gardner or the Films Committee about the plans for the film.
“We became aware of the extremity of the offensiveness Thursday morning,” Johnson said. Johnson said though no one at Monday’s meeting had seen the movie, and only one counselor attending the meeting had read Max’s book that inspired the movie, the postings on his blog and the trailer for the movie were enough for the Center to know that the movie would be offensive. Johnson said the trailer contains sexist and racist phrases–phrases she says are intended to dehumanize and perpetuate a rape culture. Max’s book is filled mostly with stories of him and his exploits with women, some of which, according to Grimmett and Johnson, would be considered felonious acts under North Carolina law. “He views women as objects,” Johnson said. “He’s only out to get as much sex as he can
at any cost.” Technician reported Monday that Chair of the Issues and Idea Board Matt Woodward filed for a permit and planned to stage a protest during the film’s showing. Gardner, Woodward’s advisor, said Woodward did not follow procedure with this request. The Women’s Center and other advocating groups have now requested permits and will be staging a silent protest on Harris Field during the showing of the film and a candlelight vigil to honor rape and sexual assault victims following the event. “Since we couldn’t cancel it we wanted to give [students] the opportunity to know firsthand what they’re walking into,” Grimmett said. “My fear was that you’ll have students that go to this even if they think they know the extent [of the offensiveness] and realize that he’s talking about acts that mean the definition of rape. ” The Women’s Center has asked for those who leave the film because of it’s offensive content to have their money refunded, something Lamb said will happen. The Center also asked for the $400 UAB will make from hosting the film to be donated to an area sexual assault victim advocacy group. Lamb said the group is still hammering out the details of such a donation but said there was a “pretty good chance” it will happen. Grimmett said making the protest a silent one was due to many factors. “Those of us that are protesting believe in a world of peace and nonviolence,” Grimmett said. “I like to be transparent in that I do and live the way I believe the world should be and I believe a lot of our supporters believe that too. The solution isn’t to be aggressive and violent in response but to be peaceful folks that are there. It’s not about screaming and having a shouting match. She said students are invited to come to the Women’s Center Wednesday to make signs for the protest.
“[The protest is] intended for survivors to have a voice or to be seen in the candlelight vigil,” Grimmett said. Grimmet said a couple of students were involved in the plans for the protest as well. “It wasn’t like we got a huge group of students together and did a survey of what the best avenue would be,” Grimmett said. Grimmett said no one from the Women’s Center will be attending the film or the Q&A, though she would if she didn’t have family commitments planned already for that night. “I have no interest in asking him questions,” Grimmett said. Grimmett said speaking to the large crowd may not be an effective way to present the Center’s view. “I don’t think me standing there and asking a question will matter to a room of people who think he’s hilarious,” she said. “It really requires a lot more one-on-one, peer-peer discussion.” Grimmett said the protest was mostly about Max and what he represents. “We are absolutely there to protest Tucker Max–the fact he’s been brought to campus,” Grimmett said. “We’re protesting everything about Tucker Max and what he stands for.” Lamb said he felt having the protest was justified, and that the backdrop of the movie provided an opportunity for education. “I think people have as much right to protest as he does to come to campus and show his film,” Lamb said. “It’s definitely something that draws attention to the cause of the Women’s Center and various other gropus on campus.” Grimmett said the protest and vigil were there to offer support for those offended and to educate the campus. “My concern is the students on the campus,” Grimmett said. “If one student is empowered by our protest, that’s what matters to me.”
SAS Hall, Park Shops receive new look
More classroom space will move math, statistics, sciences from Harrellson and elsewhere to new and newly renovated buildings Jasmine Willis Correspondent
For more than 30 years, students taking math, statistics and science classes were confined to cylindrical Harrelson Hall, but during the spring renovations to Park Shops were completed and SAS Hall construction on SAS Hall concluded, allowing the two freshly structured buildings to offer more rooms to be used for math and science classes. Students like Tyrone Freeman, a freshman in mechanical engineering, are impressed by the admirable building. He said the building is unique and well organized. “Everything you need is found in the SAS building when it comes to math and science,” Freeman said. “The accoustics are setup pretty nicely in the rooms so the professor can be heard fairly well. The technology is up-to-date, which definitely helps the students learning process be facilitated.” “I really like SAS Hall,” said Minell Enslin, a Sophomore. “The rooms are big and easy to navigate around. There are benches in the halls where you can sit around and the bathrooms are very nice.” SAS Hall now has some of the nicest classrooms on campus. Enslin said, “The boards are movable, the classrooms have microphones and speakers.” Not only do the students appreciate the new building, but also the staff of the SAS Hall enjoy the new environment. Leonard A. Stefanski, associate head of the department of statistics, changed offices from Patterson Hall into SAS Hall. Stefanski said Patterson didn’t have classrooms and was not nearly as detailed. “I am very thankful to have a nice building to showcase the mathematical sciences on campus,” Stefanski said. The renovations to Park brought about similar reactions from students after using the facility. “Park Shops is nicely renovated and the bathrooms were bigger,” Chinyere Qnuoha, a junior in biomedical engineering, said. Cara Matthews, a junior in communication, also said she appreciated the upgrade. “The lighting in the classrooms are really good,” Matthews said. “I also like how the classrooms have a vintage and modern look.”
The best venues of the triangle See page 6.
In the lobby of the new SAS building is engulfed by students during a class change. The SAS building opened up May 1. It is now the home of math and statistic classes.
Injured veteran returns to backfield See page 8.
SAS HALL The building was sponsored by the Statiscal Analysis System (SAS), which was created by graduate students in the 1970’s. Jim Goodnight, John Salls and their wives are the founders of the SAS software company, positioned in the Triangle area of Cary, N.C. Located at 2311 Kathryn Stenson Drive, this five-story building was designed and created by students in the College of Design, dedicated to physical and mathematical sciences. This $32 million project resulted in SAS Hall’s enormous size of 119,000 square feet.
New course available to disc golf players
See page 3.
PARK SHOPS Park Shops was designed in 1914 and named after Charles Parks. Park Shops is located at the corner of Current and Stinson Dr. SOURCE: NCSU BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES
A mobile hangs in the entrance lobby of SAS Hall, the new math building.
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page 2 • tuesday, august 25, 2009
CorreCtions & ClarifiCations
World & nation
throuGh tim’s lens
Advisory panel fears flu fatalities
Monday’s page 1 story, “Student Government looks to publicize forums,” said Thursday’s chancellor search committee meeting is a closed meeting. It is an open forum.
A presidential advisory panel announced Monday that the H1N1 flu virus could cause up to 90,000 deaths in the U.S. this fall. The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology reported the fatalities would occur mainly among children and young adults. Each year seasonal flu is linked to about 40,000 deaths, though most claim the lives of those 65 years of age and older. The report says a resurgence of the flu, commonly known as swine flu, could be expected as early as September, with infections peaking in midOctober. A vaccine isn’t expected to be available until mid-October. The panel estimates the virus could infect between 30 and 50 percent of the population this fall. Large outbreaks at schools, inadequate antiviral supplies and the early peaking of the virus rendering a vaccine ineffective led the panel to project between 30,000 and 90,000 deaths due to H1N1 complications.
Technician regrets the error Send all clarifications and corrections to Editor-inChief Ty Johnson at editor@
Weather Wise today:
89/70 Mostly sunny with a 20 percent chance of precipitation. Winds east at five mph.
91 72
Overdose ruled as cause of death Michael Jackson died of an overdose of a powerful sedative he was given to help him sleep, according to court documents released Monday.
91 72
Source: WWW.WeaTher.coM
CamPus Calendar August 2009 Su
Sa 1
Today lASt dAy to Add Without inStructor perMiSSion AdViSer’S roundtAble: Step Talley Student Center, Blue Room, noon to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday coMMittee on internAtionAl progrAMS Page Hall, Room 109, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. grAphic QuiltS At the gregg Gregg Museum of Art & Design, noon to 10 p.m. chAncellor SeArch open ForuM For StAFF Stewart Theatre, 12:30 to 2 p.m. chAncellor SeArch open ForuM For FAculty Stewart Theatre, 2 to 3:30 p.m. chAncellor SeArch open ForuM For StudentS Stewart Theatre, 3:30 to 5 p.m.
Source: cNN.coM
Mostly sunny throughout the day and clear overnight. Maximum daytime humidity at 67 percent.
Party cloudy throughout the day with cloudy skies in the evening. A maximum humidity of 68 percent during the day will raise to 83 percent in the evening.
Feeling the electric sizzle PHOTO By tiM o’brien
ancing to the electric slide, Meaghan Lynch, junior in psychology, relaxes at the South Side Sizzle outside of Bragaw Hall Sunday. “It’s a total success — good music, food, and weather,” Lynch, a junior in psychology, said. “My favorite moment was when we did the electric slide. We just let loose and had fun.”
Dr. Lakshamanan Sathyavagisaran reviewed toxicology results carried out on Jackson’s blood according to a search warrant. Jackson’s personal physician had been treating him for insomnia for six weeks when Jackson died.
I Hope THey Serve Beer In Hell Witherspoon Cinema, 7 to 10 p.m. Thursday grAphic QuiltS At the gregg Gregg Museum of Art & Design, noon to 10 p.m. WAnt to leArn tAi chi Court of North Carolina, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Free eVent DogS of CHInaTown Witherspoon Cinema, 7 to 9 p.m. TermInaTor SalvaTIon Witherspoon Cinema, 9 to 10:55 p.m.
Source: cNN.coM
Get involved in technician Technician is always looking for people to write, design, copy edit and take photos. If you’re interested, come to our office on the third floor of Witherspoon (across from the elevators) Monday to Thursday 9 a.m. to midnight and Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., or e-mail Editor-inChief Ty Johnson at editor@
on the WeB See exclusive audio/photo slideshows. Answer the online poll. Read archived stories. There’s something new every day at Check it out!
in the knoW
STEP program offers alternative to CO-OP
Tucker Max brings controversy to campus
Kelly Laraway will hold a meeting today to explain the Short-Term Experiential Partnership program. The program is ideal for students who cannot commit to a full year of a Cooperative Education program. STEP will give students the opportunity to gain work experience outside of the classroom, while still balancing daily life. I nt e re s t e d s t u d e nt s should attend the meeting in the Blue Room of Talley Student Center at noon.
Tucker Max, the author of “I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell,” will be on campus Wednesday. Max, who is known for the controversial material found in his book, will be screening the movie version of the famous book, as well as answering questions and signing autographs. This is a special event, and tickets will be $10 each. Tickets can be purchased through the Web site The screening will begin at 7 p.m. in the Witherspoon Cinema.
Globalizing the University The Office of International Affairs is hosting a seminar Friday titled “Globalization Strategies and International Services at N.C. State.” The purpose of the seminar, which is a part of a series, is to inform campus communities about the globalization strategies and will focus on the international programs that are available to students, staff and faculty. The seminar is also aiming to promote existing international programs, as well as develop new opportunities that will help to keep campus informed, trained and globally competent. Source:
PoliCe Blotter Aug. 22 12:38 A.M. | Alcohol ViolAtion Talley Student Center Area Student was referred to the University for underage alcohol violation. 1:11 A.M. | SuSpiciouS incident Avent Ferry Complex Report of possible alcohol violation. Officer did not located any problems. 3:41 A.M. | SpeciAl eVent Talley Student Center NCSU PD and Wake County Deputies maintained crowd control during party. Attendance was great than 1000.
12:25 p.M. | MedicAl ASSiSt Bragaw Hall Units responded to student in need of medical assistance 1:15 p.M. | SpeciAl eVent Harris Field Officer provided crowd control for Sigma Phi Epsilon concert.
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1:32 p.M. | Fire AlArM Wolf Village Apartments Officers responded to alarm
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caused by malfunction. System reset. Aug. 23 12:27 A.M. | MedicAl Alcohol Metcalf Hall Units responded to student in need of medical assistance. Student was referred to the University for underage alcohol violation. 2:09 A.M. | Alcohol ViolAtion Hodges Wood Products Lot Fours students were referred to the University for underage alcohol violations. One student was issued citation for Underage Consumption. 2:53 A.M. | SuSpiciouS incident Dan Allen Drive/ Thurman Drive Student reported possibility of being followed and did not feel safe. Officers checked area but did not locate subjects. 9:30 A.M. | Fire AlArM Wolf Village Apartments Officers responded to alarm caused by malfunction. System reset. 1:04 p.M. | Fire AlArM Wolf Village Apartments Officer responded to alarm caused by malfunction. 3:27 p.M. | lArceny Turlington Hall Student reported bicycle stolen. 7:16 p.M. | lArceny Watauga Hall Student reported bicycle stolen. 7:48 p.M. | WelFAre check Turlington Hall Non-student called regarding welfare of student. Caller later reported contact had been made. 8:09 p.M. | check perSon DH Hill Library Report of disagreement regarding computer usage. Subject was a minor and officer stayed with subject until relative arrived. No further action taken.
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News/ Features
New course available to disc golf players
fter a final inspection, students will have a new course to “frolf” as construction on the Centennial Campus disc golf course will be complete. Carmichael Complex Facilities and Operations Director Matthew Miller will inspect the course, which begins near Lake Raleigh, Wednesday. More information about the course will be announced in the coming week. Check out Technician later this week for a feature on the course.
How will the opening of the Centennial Campus disc golf course change your playing habits? “An increase in going over to check out other parts of the campus, because only engineers generally get to go over there.” John Southerly senior, sports management
“Being that close I would probably play a lot, over the summer I designed a disc golf course for my sports management major, so I play a lot.” Riley Wilkins senior, sports management
“I might be tempted to play more.” Clinton Caudle senior, political science JONATHAN STEPHENS/TECHNICIAN
Riley Wilkins, senior in sports management, plays disc golf quite often over at Kentwood Park, Wilkins says he, “designed a course in [Goldsboro] this past summer.” He and a friend cleared out the course and made it playable by the end of the summer.
Gregg Museum of Arts & Design showcasing quilts, tapestries Gomz Vinoth Correspondent
The Gregg Museum of Arts & Design at North Carolina State University provides resources for the study of art, craft, design, creativity, history, and social or personal expression. Six to eight exhibitions will be presented in the course of a year, all of which are free and open to the public. A crazy question rises to many people’s mind has been, “Why nick a pulchritudinous fabric and spend a lot of time and energy in sewing it all back together again?” Well, the designers end up in producing QUILT, which grabs the eye and portrays the creative instincts of the designer as well. Art is something that can be made only by a few creative individuals and of course, that can be seen, felt and enjoyed by a few art lovers. Just as the curator Kathlyn Sullivan adduced, “quilts were the art and the color in humble, dark cabins. Quilts were labors of love for the warmth and security of loved ones. Quilts
were the vehicles for the ambi- of this year. The time period tion to be recognized and quilts for this exhibition is from provide a means for wordless 1840-1980. Since 1840 is when expression. The choice of fab- quilt making grew to become ric colors and a design was an part of yeoman farm life and escape from the usual daily the late 1970s is the time of the nationwide quilt revival. domestic drudgery”. Also, there is one more onCurator Kathlyn Sullivan and textile consultant Janine going exhibition on Textile design. TexLeBlanc tile design have orgais a spenized for cialized a graphic field that quilts involves exhibiseveral tion and sectors – it is defashion, signed to interior show how decorawomen tion, the f rom a l l producwa lks of Lynn Jones Ennis, Interim Director of tion of life chose Gregg Museum of Art & Design expressive to deworks, sign their sculpquilts, their home made art. This ex- tures and handcrafted items. hibition includes quilts with This traveling exhibition, subpatriotic themes, exquisite sumes Coptic and Pre-Columsilk and crazy quilts, finely bian, European, Asian, Middle designed and made antique Eastern and American f lat North Carolina quilts and two functional textiles. The James enthralling Sas Colby art quilts Collection of American Quilts, and it goes on till October 4th the Gelinas Apparel Collection,
“A medley of stupendous works on pottery, textile design and quilts in this museum props up the art lovers.”
Technician was there. You can be too.
and major gifts from individuals as well as institutions form the basis for a true history of world textiles. Curetted by the Center for Craft, Creativity and Design in Hendersonville, NC, this exhibition features designs that represent five 21st century design growth areas of creative/
innovative textiles using computerized Jacquard looms. NCSU- Come on Gear up! An exhibition is going to be conducted from Oct. 22 to Dec. 19 wherein faculty, staff, students & alumni of N.C. State can trot out their innovative works on paper and painting,
ceramics and installation art. “A medley of stupendous works on pottery, textile design and quilts in this museum props up the art lovers,” said Lynn Jones Ennis, Interim Director of Gregg Museum of Art & Design. Gregg exhibitions educate and inspire by making objects of art and craft available for personal enjoyment, inspiration, study as well as research. The Gregg not only works directly with the University faculty to arrange access to the collection for study and research, but it also offers student internships for class credit. To conclude, the Gregg Museum of Arts & Design paves the way for art lovers to appreciate world-class work in the media of textiles, ceramics, photography, wood, glass and metals. Michelle, a student at NC State said, “I am absolutely dumbfounded by seeing this. I love quilts so much and I relish every part of this exhibition.”
Travel the Triangle FREE with
Pick yours up at the Transportation Office! “Your ticket to ride the CAT and TTA for free!” The Technician staff is always looking for new members to write, design or take photos. Visit for more information.
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page 4 • tuesday, august 25, 2009
{Our view}
the facts:
Free speech must be protected A
Tucker Max and his new film are coming to the University on Aug.24. Despite his subversive writing and misogynistic content, he has not been convicted of any felony offenses. The Women’s Center plans on leading a student protest before and during the event.
Our OpiniOn:
Tucker Max and those who intend to protest the screening are entitled to their thoughts and opinions, they should be allowed to voice them freely.
screening of Tucker Max’s new film, “I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell” is coming to Witherspoon Student Center Aug. 24. The movie and Tucker Max’s other works have been characterized as misogynistic and offensive in every sense of the words. Despite his notable academic degrees — Duke Law School and the University of Chicago for his undergraduate work — he lives a life without any sort of moral code and truly redefines the term sociopath. Despite the negative publicity surrounding Max and the ghastly nature of his fame, he is still entitled to free speech. The screening was not paid for with student fees and is actually a revenue source for the
The unsigned editorial is the opinion of the members of Technician’s editorial board excluding the news department and is the responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief.
University — the University Activities Board is being paid $400 by the promoters to host the film. Max has been accused of many things, including: rape, violence against women, libel and invasion of privacy. But he has never been convicted of any crime and is entitled as an American citizen to speak as subversively as he pleases. The Women’s Center is leading a student effort to protest the screening and currently plans on holding a silent protest and candlelight vigil on Harris Field before and during the screening. As a voice of dissent, those
students must be allowed to have their opinions heard — furthermore, the integrity of their protest must be maintained by the campus administration and police. The protesters and their source of disdain are not the only ones who have rights though. 443 people, at least 263 of them N.C. State students, paid $10 to see the event. They are consenting adults who have paid for a product — their right to freely see it must not be impeded by the protesters. The sold-out event is highly polarizing, but must attempt to maintain the sort of fair
exchange of ideas that should characterize an educational environment. Minority views, even outlandish ones, are protected in the US. It is what sets us apart from places like China, where Tucker Max and those protesting him would be thrown in jail. The conventional view is that offensive language and actions toward women should be demonized. In an educational environment, like NCSU, students must attempt to understand why other students believe the things they do by listening and inhibiting their ability to speak. This is imperative to learning and mutual understanding.
Megan Fox isn’t the only fox
n the world of women, body image is a big issue. Throughout history, women have been second-class citizens and, for the most part, only prized for their outward appearances. Century after century women have made major impacts on the world in Marlena various ways. Eve n w it h Wilson t he se g re at Staff Columnist accomplishments judgment comes from the age-old area of physical appearance. Can this barrier on the value of women ever be broken? Understandably, looks are basically the only thing we have to go on when first meeting a person. Everyone is attracted to different things. The media and recent Internet blogs make it seem as if men (and women) prefer the look of a young lady na med Me gan Fox. You may know her from the hit film “Transformers” and the upcoming film “Jennifer’s Body.” Megan Fox was given the #1 spot on Moviefone’s “The 25 Hottest Actors Under 25” in 2008. She recently earned the #2 spot on Maxim’s “Hot 100” list and FHM readers voted her “Sexiest Woman in the World” for 2008. Is she what women should strive to be? The answer is no. The truth is that physical attractiveness will run its course. When the fantasy is over what will you have left? That is the question we must ask ourselves when looking at women. Some men have ridiculous fantasies about what a “real woman” should be. They see a woman with so-called perfect measurements, in high heels and an apron leaning over a stove, cooking a hot meal. They need to wake up, that’s not reality. The reality is that heels hurt, sexy clothes are not comfortable and cooking turns you into a ball of smelly sweat. I’m pretty sure if Megan Fox were the everyday middle class mom with a job, she wouldn’t look as desirable. The sad thing is that even
though women are more successful than they have ever been, they still feel as if they need to fit society’s ideals. In my sociology class I learned that the more successful a woman is the less likely she is to get married. I find this appalling — if I were a man, I wouldn’t want some brainless, big-breasted, bimbo as my wife. I do not mean to bash men, but this is what is shown in today’s society. Having a negative body image can be detrimental to one’s self esteem and personal development. Psychology Today found that 56 percent of women have a negative body image. A major cause of this is the media warping people’s minds into thinking superficially instead of with the heart. 5 to 7 percent of American women, at some point in their lives, will have an issue with an eating disorder. Those numbers do not sound very large, but one person is one too many. We should lose weight to be healthy, not to attract attention from men. Let’s be honest, no one is really interested in what Megan Fox has to say. You don’t want to be looked at as a sex object and nothing else. All women are foxes — hopefully society will come around and notice that. If you really want to shed some pounds take an early morning run. You could also go to a class at the Carmichael Recreation Center like AbSolutions to get in shape. Releasing those endorphins through exercise will boost your mood and make you more confident. Being a young, educated woman already makes you hot, you just have to realize that for yourself.
“You don’t want to be looked at as a sex object and nothing else.”
college is back in full swing, no studying involved.
like to think of myself as a multicultural fellow. Being raised overseas, living in the international dorm and working for an English as a Second Language summer camp give me the confidence to say t hat much. Since birds of the same Conrad Plyer feather f lock Staff Columnist t o g e t h e r, I have met other multicultural individuals. They hang diverse f lags in their rooms, attend obscure history classes and plan for their upcoming study abroad experiences. Usually, they absolutely love their foreign language classes. I dissent from the stereotypical “language love” that a select group of people find. I actually loathe foreign languages and the requirements imposed on many students to take those classes. In high school, it was easy for me to recognize my lack of talent in Spanish. I devoted the most time to those classes but reaped my lowest grades from
campus fOrum
HOW TO SUBMIT Letters must be submitted before 5 p.m. the day before publication and must be limited to 250 words. Contributors are limited to one letter per week. Please submit all letters electronically to viewpoint@
them. After Spanish 101 and 201, I made it a prerogative to avoid foreign languages in any of my future endeavors. However, the University mandates foreign language proficiency. Some educational disciplines can be avoided after college. Therefore, it is not necessary to take the upper-level classes on those subjects. In the U.S., proficiency in a foreign language is not required for success. The University is actually deterring my chances of success through the opportunity cost incurred by taking these unnecessary classes. The requirements are not constructive for what they accomplish. Understanding a language cannot be realistically accomplished through education in 100- or 200-level classes. A broken understanding of a language will not bring any substantial advantage in the workforce. It’s a student’s prerogative to take those classes, but it is wrong to waste my time in a field where I am not motivated to retain knowledge. Motivation is key for edu-
cation. As a political science major, I am motivated to learn a broad range of subjects as I see the connections they form with political science; writing helps me talk about political issues; economics helps me understand those issues; math helps me understand economics; but foreign language does not help with anything. If I find later in life that I need to know a different language, I can solve the problem with a translator: online or human, or will motivate myself to learn the language. I think translators will always solve my problems, as long as I have a job in the U.S., such as a lawyer, cartoonist or writer. I might be wrong. If so, that is the only way I will truly learn a foreign language. I lived overseas in Korea and Germany, and did fine for five years with English. Why does the University think I need foreign language classes when I plan on working domestically?
Foreign language assistance
there are language clubs for Chinese, Classics, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Russian. These clubs offer invaluable resources for practice and support. Students can find information about language clubs at: undergraduate/languages. php.
The foreign language tutorial center cuts are unfortunate, but language students should know that there are other options for help outside of the classroom. For example, the Spanish Club will now incorporate a peer-learning portion into every meeting so that students can not only practice their spoken Spanish at meetings, but also get help with specific language issues from other members. In addition to the Spanish Club,
Editor-in-Chief Ty Johnson
Deputy News Editor Amber Kenney
Sports Editor Kate Shefte
Managing Editor Ana Andruzzi
Arts & Entertainment Editor Bobby Earle
Deputy Sports Editors Tyler Everett Jen Hankin
Campus & Capital Editor Jane Moon
Viewpoint Editor Russell Witham
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Joshua Andrews sophomore, pyschology
Foreign language is failing
Photo Editor Luis Zapata
Stephany Dunstan doctoral student, higher education administration
Design Director Lauren Blakely
“Yes, because it’s a good book and it’s [a] good blog.”
Phil Hursey, senior in biochemistry
Editorial Advertising Fax Online
Should Tucker Max’s new movie be shown at the student cinema? Why or why not?
S e n d Marle na yo u r thoughts on self-image to letters@technicianonline. com.
323 Witherspoon Student Center, NCSU Campus Box 7318, Raleigh, NC 27695
in yOur wOrds
Design Editor Biko Tushinde
Deputy Design Editor Jose Tapia
Advertising Manager Laura Frey
“Yeah, I think so, because it will give the students something to do.” Robert Ashe freshman, first year college
“No, that’s supporting bad character and moral habits — unless it’s used to learn from.” Caroline Mahoney freshman, chemical engineering
“Yes, if students want to go see it, they can. And if they don’t, they don’t have to. It’s there option.” Jessica Pritchett sophomore, animal science
Technician (USPS 455-050) is the official student newspaper of N.C. State University and is published every Monday through Friday throughout the academic year from August through May except during holidays and examination periods. Opinions expressed in the columns, cartoons, photo illustrations and letters that appear on Technician’s pages are the views of the individual writers and cartoonists. As a public forum for student expression, the students determine the content of the publication without prior review. To receive permission for reproduction, please write the editor. Subscription cost is $100 per year. A single copy is free to all students, faculty, staff and visitors to campus. Additional copies are $0.25 each. Printed by The News & Observer, Raleigh, N.C., Copyright 2008 by North Carolina State Student Media. All rights reserved.
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tuesday, august 25, 2009 • page 5
Downtown Live closes another season ScHooL yEar BEGinS, DownTown LivE finiSHES iTS SEaSon Story by YamIl CamaCho The fifth season of Downtown Live, Raleigh’s free concert series has come to an end. This year’s performers included Joan Jett, The Black Hearts and the Charlie Daniels Band among others, while the last concert included rockers Airiel Down, Hip Hop acts The Urban Sophisticates and funk group Hobex. Better Than Ezra headlined the final concert of the series. “They should have one of these concerts every weekend because this is awesome,” Taylor Blake, a sophomore in turfgrass management said. Danielle Devita, an alumna, was at the concert to see Better Than Ezra. “It’s nice that Raleigh has free events.” Dustin Haigler, a sophomore in agricultural education, called Downtown Live an opportunity that “you can’t pass up, it’s either pay thirty dollars for an Allan Jackson concert or this and this is free!” Hobex’s Greg Humphries praised the event. His band has played Downtown Live before.
“We’re not touring a lot, we only play the best shows that we come across,” Humphries said, Hobex played on stage before Better Than Ezra. Humphries and company played soulful rock influenced by Isaac Hayes and Otis Redding. Their show had a myriad of sounds including slide guitar solos and even castanets were used. After Hobex’s set, Better Than Ezra wasted no time and ran through their songs. They played to a dedicated crowd of fans in a stormy night. “Better Than Ezra is...childhood memories.” Adam Skinner, an alumnus, said. It seems that Downtown Live has become a successful and popular event for Raleigh. The crowds did not dwindle as the night went on, but instead continued to grow with each act, which could signal 96 Rock, the event’s chief sponsor, may bring the event back next summer. jonathan stepehens/technician
Greg Humphreys, lead singer and guitarist for local Durham band Hobex, plays his band’s opening song at the final Downtown Live concert in Moore Square, Saturday evening. Moore Square was filled with fans coming to see Hobex and the headliner Better Than Ezra.
Tarantino’s “Basterd” comes straight out of Nazi country Tarantino’s latest offers blood, guts and, of course, feet Sarah Ewald Staff Writer
He makes blood look good. Love him or hate him, you have to admire Quentin Tarantino. The snappy dialogue, distinctive visual style and tumbleweed-evoking music all add up to a memorable moviegoing experience. His new film “Inglourious Basterds” holds the record steady, pulling out all the old tricks against a new backdrop. The film concerns two storylines which connect at the end. German colonel Hans Landa (an excellently sinister
photo courtesy universal pictures
Christoph Waltz) violently kills a hidden Jewish family upon discovery, save for one daughter who escapes. The attention then switches to Lieutenant Aldo Raine (Brad Pitt), a
former Tennessee moonshiner turned Nazi killer briefing his troops. As the ringleader of the Basterds, he bellows orders in a whiskey-soaked drawl that came across the Great Smoky Mountains and leads the gang in scalpin’ them Nazis. Meanwhile, a young French woman (Melanie Laurent) readies her cinema for the world-premiere of “Nation’s Pride,” a German propaganda film centering around the exploits of soldier Frederick Zoller (Daniel Bruhl). Major political power players of the day are represented, including English prime minister Winston Churchill and German propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels. Playing the key historical character, Martin Wuttke portrays Hitler as a
petulant control-freak. In one example, Hitler pitches a fit in front of his larger-than-life portrait, which exaggerates his physical traits to where he resembles a linebacker. It’s subtle undermining that doubles as a commentary on image versus reality. Tarantino includes relevant history as needed, a treat for scholars and casual enthusiasts alike. Given its emphasis on films, it’s only natural that he peppers the action with references to Weimar-era German cinema. Noted propaganda filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl, known for the 1934 documentary “Triumph of the Will,” is name-checked via a French movie marquee and subsequent conversation. Filmmaker Georg Wilhelm Pabst also pops
Back to School & Nowhere to Live?
up, his 1929 film “The White Hell of Pitz Palu” (coincidentally starring Riefenstahl) referenced by a minor character. Representing this world is German film star Bridget von Hammersmark (Diane Kruger), who flirts and laughs her way through The Plan created by the Basterds. The film carries all of the filmmaker’s hallmarks, from the chapter titles marking different sequences to the use of Western music. Introductions of certain characters freeze the action as an introductory title card pops up next to their head. If the character is really special, they merit a flashback narrated by Samuel L. Jackson. Spurting blood and spraying bullets are filmed in slo-mo ballet-esque sequences. One added touch
is the addition of chalk circles and arrows indicating major players in the scene, like marking out football plays. Of course it’s not a Tarantino movie without some gratuitous foot footage. This time, his focus has expanded to include womens’ shoes (both day and evening) and a lovingly-filmed high-wedged cast. Cherry-red toenails make their expected cameo appearance near the end of the film. Reportedly, Tarantino regards this film as his magnum opus. He winkingly references this when one character looks at the camera and says, “I think this is my masterpiece.” I would have to agree.
SOUNDTRACKS by meredith faggart
Sudents react to the song “Tootsie Roll” by 69 Boyz.
“This is my jam. This is some old school hip hop and it’s some of my favorite [music]. I’m not into the club rap — it seems like it has no character. Stuff like this is what hiphop is supposed to be.” drew rufty sophomore, fashion and textile management
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“Considering I was a younger age, it’s something I would listen to at a cook-out or when I was having fun with my friends — nothing serious. It’s a feel good song.” marcus Pollard sophomore, business management
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page 6 • tuesday, august 25, 2009
The Best Venues of the Triangle A new start to the school year means falling back in to a structured routine centered on academia. But if you’re like me, you’re
back in Raleigh looking for some awesome concerts to offset that weird history class you somehow got stuck registering for. Or if you are new to the
music scene and need a fresh watering hole, check out these venues in the Raleigh, Chapel Hill, and Durham vicinity:
Story by May F. Chung | graphicS by ana andruzzi
liNColN theatre, raleigh
Cat’s Cradle, Chapel hill
duke Coffeehouse, durham
loCal 506, Chapel hill
The Lincoln is a really great, small live music venue in Raleigh with superb sound quality. The theatre usually houses local and lesser-known acts, as well as tribute bands, but more popular finds may play every once in a while. Just be prepared to stand, because seating is a rarity.
B a n d s a n d mu s i c a l a c t s from various genres have been frequenting the Cradle since before you were born. This venue boasts many attractions: dance crazy, great variety, and the perfect opportunity to test out your stage diving skills. Whatever the reason, get to the Cradle sometime this year. The only downside to the Cradle would be the limited space availability, so popular shows get sold out quickly. This year’s line-up is intensely promising (including Andrew Bird and St. Vincent for two nights during fall break). The Cradle is definitely one of the best music venues in the Triangle.
Durham is an eclectic city, and what a more befitting place to place a venue than a coffeehouse on a campus? The Duke Coffeehouse is sublimely intimate indie lair located in nondescript brick, but the black light raves more than make up for it. “It’s where all the kids at Duke who don’t pop their collars hang out,” says Spencer Lewis, a Duke student majoring in biomedical engineering. In the past, the venue has housed the likes of both Mountain Goats and Dashboard Confessional, so there seems to be something for everyone.
The Local 506, located in Chapel Hill’s own Franklin Street, is a member’s club, which requires a card that will set you back $3, but will come in handy considering the premium indie acts that come. Smoking is allowed, which is great if you like inhaling enough smoke to equate a Mt. Vesuvius eruption, but gross if you don’t. Also, the venue is relatively small and can feel enclosed. “I feel if I needed to get out of the Local 506, like if there’s a fire… in a mosh pit, I’d probably be trapped,” hypothetically expresses Abby R ife, sophomore in animal science.
$8-$35 plus a $2 Surcharge for anyone under 21 Distance from campus: 3.2 mile
Nightlight, Chapel hill
$8 - $25 Distance from campus: 27 miles Physica lly, this tucked-away haven is dark and somewhat dingylooking, like a mother’s basement with hanging Christmas Lights and a few ratty chairs thrown around haphazardly. But like any other lair or Batman cave, it gets pretty intimate by the second act. There’s really no marker of any sort of stage, so it’s nice to feel close to the off-beat, lesserknown music groups that frequent the Nightlight. Great for dancing and other social pleasantries, so get there before the hipsters find out about it. $5 for membership, + $5-$10 per show Distance from campus: 23 miles
the piNhook, durham This quaint little venue has a lot of character. The interior is beautifully d e s i g ne d w it h s t r at e g i c a l l y positioned mirrors, and is very well lit. The Pinhook is smoke-free, and is generally a good place to hang out. The only gripe, as with most venues that serve open liquor, persons under 21 are usually not allowed in.
$5-$8 Distance from campus: 24 miles
the Brewery, raleigh T h i s l o c a l c lu b, l o c a t e d conveniently close to campus further along Hillsborough Street, houses many diverse acts. For live music, The Brewery has housed both local indie bands and Hip Hop groups. The stage is especially cramped, but it hasn’t been a problem with past acts Panic! At the Disco and Cartel. $10-$15 Distance from campus: 22.9 miles
$2 membership + $8-$10 Distance from campus: 0.9 miles
$3 membership + $5 - $12 Distance from campus: 27 miles
disCo rodeo, raleigh Raleigh’s own Disco Rodeo tends to draw big name acts (Modest Mouse, Jimmy Eat World, etc), but the venue is not the ideal location to revel in song. Poor acoustics and minimal ventilation attribute to this proclivity, so brave only if the musical group is worth it. $25 - $45 Distance from campus: 6.1 miles
Engineers’ latest release a dull effort Pick
of the week three fact fader engineers LabeL: Kscope reLeased:
Jon Gomes WKNC DJ
Shoegaze, in a nutshell, is theme music for dreaming. In a semi-conscious drift, substance gives way to texture. Emotions are established rather than statements. The sound can bloom from a whisper into a wall of reverb-drenched guitars, awash with
Photo courtesy of KscoPe
frothy vocals and crash cymbals. It’s difficult to take it all in, but shoegaze is meant to sweep you away. Sometimes the experience is breathtaking. Other times, it all seems like haphazard noise. The sophomore effort by the British post-rock group Engineers,
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Three Fact Fader, finds itself vacillating between these two extremes. Four years have passed since the release of their stellar self-titled debut in 2005. Since then, Engineers have focused on further developing their sound: a meld of ambient post-rock, shoegaze, and psychedelic influences. Though still sonically distinct (especially with the pillow-soft vocals of lead singer Simon Phipps), the end result is a lukewarm album that lacks substance. Three Fact Fader comes on strong but cannot sustain itself. The opener, “Clean Coloured Wire,” establishes a swirling, smoldering sound which harkens back to their previous album. The song’s latent energy makes it an excellent prelude for the next track. The album climaxes all too soon with the glorious “Sometimes I Re-
alise.” The first lyric captures the dreamy essence of the song: “Time works slower in red / Flowing back to the start.” The driving bass line of the verse escalates up to the chorus, an afternoon thunderstorm of distortion and drums — easily the best moment on this album. The cloudburst excitement of “Sometimes I Realise” is quickly dissipated by the next track, melancholically titled “International Dirge.” Slightly somber and f lavored with psychedelic flourishes, it’s a decent song but does not mesh well with the established sound of the album. Fader begins to wander at this point with two more slow and sedated tracks. Thankfully, the energy begins to rise again with “Hang Your Head,” an upbeat number with an insistent beat and huge swaths of guitar chords.
Engineers also achieve a similar sense of liveliness with the title track, “Three Fact Fader.” But the sound changes, for the worse yet again, from animated to anemic for the next song. With the possible exception of the final track, the back half of Three Fact Fader consists of decent yet forgettable songs. There are a few successful moments here and there: the string orchestra section at the end of “Emergency Room,” or the sudden transition in “The Fear Has Gone” from calmness to calamity. Yet overall, these tracks fail to provoke any emotions. Despite the tidal waves of droning guitars and cascading drums, there’s no feeling of majesty that groups like M83 or Sigur Rós accomplish so well. Fader sounds like a dream but it never awakens from its comatose state.
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tuesday, august 25, 2009 • page 7
in him.” After being out for almost two whole seasons, Baker will be the first to tell you that the road back to where he is now was treacherous and long, especially after he learned he would not be able to play at all last year. “I was pretty down, but deep down I knew that this is what had to be done to get where I wanted to be,” Baker said. “That is how I looked at it and I just looked at it like I needed more time, and after I got that through my head, I just started focusing on getting better.” With Baker back, his main focus is to help this team win anyway possible, whether he is playing or not. He said he knows he has to take it game by game and play by play because anything could happen and any play could be his last. “As for myself, I just want to put myself in the best position to help this team, and whatever happens from there happens,” Baker said. “I just need this team to take it one day at a time and one game at a time and play hard.”
and Alan Sanchez, both of whom were All-ACC secondteam selections last year, are back for another bout with the Pack. To compliment its veteran core, the Wolfpack welcomed Omar Asad, a sophomore midfielder who attended State last year but didn’t play soccer, and freshmen Jeff Basey, David Brown, Andrew Carey, Daniel Comer, Michael Smith, and Michael Mastriano this offseason. In addition, Trinidad native Akil DeFreitas transferred to State from North Florida, where he was named to the Atlantic Sun first-team AllConference, was second on his team in points, and first
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david mabe/Technician
Shooting a goal during the seventh minute of the game, forward Tanya Cain kicks the ball past the Campbell defense at an away game Monday. The Wolfpack scored one goal in the first half.
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miss with a header from the edge of the 6-yard box off a free kick from senior midfielder and captain Chantalle Dugas in the 66th minute. Springthorpe said the goal was important because it eased some pressure in the closing minutes. “When it’s only 1-0, and it’s getting later in the game, to get that second goal relieves a little bit of pressure for us,” Springthorpe said. Sophomore goalie Kim Kern recorded her only save in in 75th minute of the contest. “We did what we needed
PRE-INJURY STATISTICS 2005: 546 yards, 5 Rushing TD’s, 4.4 yards per carry, 49.6 yards per game 2006: 688 yards, 6 Rushing TD’s, 4.4 yards per carry, 57.3 yards per game
to do defensively to keep the ball out of the net,” Springthorpe said. “Anytime you get a shutout, it’s good.” The Wolfpack outshot the Camels 17-2 on the night, with six cornerkicks to Campbell’s none. While he acknowledged a few offensive mistakes, Springthorpe said he was pleased with the number of shots. “There were some balls in the first half we didn’t get a foot on like we wanted to, but 17 shots is good,” Springthorpe said of the offensive performance. “One of our goals this year is to always try to outshoot the other team, and to get as many goal scoring opportunities as we can.” The Pack suffered a setback in the 13th minute when fresh-
in game-winning goals with three. Though tonight’s game is only a scrimmage, Widman said it carries special significance. “We outplayed them last year, but we lost,” Widman said. “We beat Duke and UVA, but we lost to UNC-G. We’re excited to actually play because we’ve been practicing for a while, but we’re also really excited about getting back at UNC-G for last year.” The Pack’s season officially begins with a home contest against Winthrop on September 1 at 7 p.m.
man defensive back Alyssa Bennet went down with an injury. Bennet returned to the sideline in the second half on crutches with her right leg and knee wrapped. “We’ll get back and evaluate her and see how it goes,” Springthorpe said of the injury. “Hopefully it’s not too serious.” The win brings the Pack to 13-0-1 all time against Campbell.
Tim o’brien/Technician archive phoTo
Chris Widman, a graduate student in economics, jumps toward the ball during practice Sept. 3, 2008. Widman, who will man the net for State, will be one of several veterans returning to the Pack this year.
Source: n.c. STaTe aThleTicS
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Sudoku Level:
KEEP YOUR SUMMER TAN AS YOU EARN $$. P/T LANDSCAPE HELPER NEEDED 3 miles from campus. Flexible hours (10- 12/weekly). Neat appearance. Starting salary $8.50/hr. Previous experience. Call 779-2596. Leave message. Marketing Assistant needed near NCSU. Huge Commission! On-site visits and closing sales, no cold calls required. Part-time Help in Front Counter Sales needed. Power Equipment Sale & Service. Flexible hours & pay. Cary Mower and Saw. 10 minutes from campus. Call Tommy 467-7761
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Vet Asst needed at busy, small animal Vet Clinic in Hillsborough Fax resume to 919-732-1274 or call 919-732-9969 Yard Work/Odd Jobs, 5-7hrs/wk. Must be experienced, reliable and able to work weekends. $10/hr. Send resume/experience to xander.susan@
By The Mepham Group
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ApArtments For rent Apartment in Duplex on Dixie Trail: recently updated, very nice. One large bedroom, one smaller. $795 Month/water inc. 919-796-3470
Condos For rent Female Roommates Wanted. Lake Park Condos. Private room w/bath. All appliances. Off Avent Ferry near NCSU. $275/mo + 1/4 utilities. No Smoking and No Pets. Flexible Lease. 919-233-8624 or 919-610- 9210.
Homes For rent Brick house, 3 bedroom/1 bathroom. Fenced-in backyard, pet friendly. 1 mi. from NCSU. $995/month, 1200 sq-ft. Contact jenniferlocust@yahoo. com for more info. Roommate needed for 4 bedroom/2 bathroom house near NCSU. All appliances, $300/month + utilities, fenced yard, dogs welcome. Call Rich at 851-1351
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By The Mepham Group
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Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
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LeveL 1
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis
Solution to Monday’s puzzle
Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit
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Solution to Tuesday’s puzzle
Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit
© 2008 The Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.
ACROSS 1 Punch line’s lead-in 6 Where many a T-shirt is tie-dyed 10 Mil. truant 14 Bernardo’s girl, in “West Side Story” 15 “Rubáiyát” poet Khayyám 16 Type of lily 17 Generous sort 18 Put the kibosh on 19 Like most hoopsters 20 Fuss 21 Helpless 24 Landed 25 London insurance market 26 Something wonderful, in old slang 31 “How much wood __ a woodchuck chuck ...” 32 Weapons 33 Curly and Larry’s cohort 36 Concerning, in memos 37 Rum-soaked cakes 39 Cass or Michelle, in the ’60s 40 Prefix with thermal 41 First Bond movie 42 Protection 43 ’80s animated character assisted by the seven Color Kids 46 Bring in from abroad 49 Overconfident morality tale critter 50 Character who, in a movie released nationally 70 years ago today, sang the ballad formed by the first words of 21-, 26- and 43Across 53 Past 56 Take a gander 57 Exploitative type 58 Felt the effects of overexertion 60 Morlocks’ “The Time Machine” prey 61 Physical lead-in 62 Not save
By Donna S. Levin
63 Hotel repository 64 Important times 65 Domesticates DOWN 1 Drawn-out story 2 Oklahoma city on the Chisholm Trail 3 VCR successor 4 Sporty truck, briefly 5 Released with conditions 6 Violates the Tenth Commandment 7 OAS part: Abbr. 8 Espionage name 9 Predicaments 10 Houston team 11 Exhausted 12 Leered at 13 Reclines lazily 22 Compete 23 Brewpub brews 24 Competent 26 Piece of kindling 27 Sharpen 28 Mark’s successor 29 “Shish” dish 30 Second Amendment advocacy gp. 33 Biblical gift bearers 34 Leave out
Monday’s Puzzle Solved
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35 Alleviate 37 “Fox News Sunday” panelist 38 Michigan’s __ Arbor 39 No more than 41 Dressmaker’s seam 42 Side by side 43 First-year player 44 Tara family 45 __-Mart 46 Doesn’t do a thing
47 Gelt 48 Smoking gun, e.g. 51 River through France and Belgium 52 “I __ Kick Out of You” 53 Polite interruption 54 Trait source 55 Bookie’s concern 59 Numbers pro, briefly
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• Page 7: Continuation of Toney Baker, men’s soccer, and women’s soccer stories
• 10 days until the football team’s opening game against South Carolina
Page 8 • tuesday, august 25, 2009
Injured veteran returns to backfield
Students plan to ‘White-Out’ season opener vs. South Carolina
After almost two years out of football, Toney Baker is back and ready to help the Pack
Student leaders have started their efforts to promote and encourage the entire student section to wear white for Sep. 3 showdown with the Gamecocks. To ensure the student section be as white as possible for the national television audience, every student will receive a free white T-shirt saying “Beat Carolina.” Fans outside the student section will be encouraged to wear red and will receive free white towels to wave during the game, while students will receive free red towels to go along with the white T-shirts.
Taylor Barbour Senior Staff Writer
After leaving Ragsdale High School as North Carolina’s all-time leading rusher, Toney Baker enrolled at N.C. State University with very high expectations on the football field. Baker, a redshirt senior running back, lived up to those expectations his freshman and sophomore seasons, amassing 1,234 rushing yards and scoring 12 touchdowns in those two seasons, and going into his junior season, Baker’s future looked very bright. However, after just 26 plays in the first game of the season against Central Florida, Baker suffered a seasonending injury that would keep him out of not only all of 2007, but also the 2008 season, when he had to have another knee surgery. Nevertheless, Baker has returned to the team and says he is healthy and happy to finally be back playing the game he had missed for the last two years. “It feels incredible to get back in here with the team,” Baker said. “This has been a great camp so far, and it’s just great knowing that I am finally back doing what I love to do. I feel like Toney Baker, which is great, and I am running with a lot of power and feel great.” Baker is not the only one who has noticed that he is almost back to his pre-injury form. Coach Tom O’Brien also said he has seen his progress during camp. “He was better off last night than he was at anytime during the spring,” O’Brien said. “He ran last night with a little bit of power and burst that we hadn’t seen in the spring. He’s still not all the way back, but he’s tracking in that direction, which is good
Source: n.c. STaTe aThleTicS
Football media guides on sale for students Students can purchase the 208page guide packed with player and coach biographies, records, photos, and statistics for $20. The guide is on sale in room 2133 of the Weisiger-Brown Athletics Facility, located behind the softball stadium and adjacent to Wood Hall. Source: n.c. STaTe aThleTicS
N & O’s Giglio ranks football #24 J.P. Giglio, a sports writer for the Raleigh News & Observer, recently included the Pack in his preseason Top 25 in the nation. He has the Pack ranked 24th and had this to say about the team’s outlook for the 2009 campaign: “If the Pack can figure out the start, you know Tom O’Brien has the closing kick to win the Atlantic Division. It also helps to have the best QB (Russell Wilson) in the ACC.” Source:
dreier carr/Technician archiVe phoTo
Redshirt senior running back Toney Baker runs the ball during the 2009 Red/White spring scrimmage, which took place Saturday, April 18. Baker is returning to the field after missing the past two seasons while nursing injuries.
news for our football team.” O’Brien said the biggest difference Baker has showed from the spring practices to camp is his boost in self confidence, which came from being able to make it through the spring practices without much of a problem with his knee. “Getting through the spring, confidence-wise, was big for him,” O’Brien said. “I don’t know if he was totally sure of himself in the spring.” Even though Baker may almost be back to his pre-injury form, no one is going to hand him back the starting job. Running back may be one of the team’s deepest positions and O’Brien said the battle is fierce for the starting and back-
up running backs’ roles. “There’s a lot of competition going on,” O’Brien said. “You’ve got Jamelle [Eugene], Toney, and we talked about [junior running back] Curtis Underwood. [Redshirt freshman] Brandon Barnes has done a nice job, and James Washington, the freshman who came in mid-year, looks like he’s going to be an excellent back. They are fighting it out to see who the three backs are against South Carolina.” The competition in practice has not led to any hard feelings between any of the running backs, including redshirt senior Jamelle Eugene, who said he is ecstatic to have Baker back pounding at the defense.
Women’S SocceR
Friday volleyball vs. MorGan state Reynolds Coliseum, noon volleyball vs. charleston soUthern Reynolds Coliseum, 7 p.m.
daVid mabe/Technician
forward Tanya cain attempts to dribble the ball past the campbell defense at an away game monday. cain scored the first goal of the game in the seventh minute.
WoMen’s soccer vs. DaviDson* Dail Soccer Field, 7:30 p.m.
Pack stomps out Camels
Saturday volleyball vs. caMpbell Reynolds Coliseum, noon Football Meet the pack Day Carter-Finley Stadium, 2 p.m.
Women’s soccer victorious in first road test of the season
volleyball vs. DaviDson* Reynold’s Coliseum, 7 p.m.
Brent Kitchen Staff Writer
*Student Wolfpack Club event
Following up last season’s 4-0 victory against Campbell in Raleigh, the women’s soccer team began their 2009 road campaign with another victory over the Camels, this time in Buies Creek, NC. Sophomore forward Tanya Cain began the scoring early, knocking in a ball from 15 yards out off an assist from junior defensiveback Nadia Aboulhosn in the 7th minute of play.
COMINg sOON Wednesday: A recap of men’s soccer game vs. UNC Greensboro thursday: A feature on the skateboarding club
Weekly Specials Tuesday:
$2 Domestic Bottles
1/2 Price Bottle of Wine
$5 Stoli Martinis
$3 Draft Beer
VBALL continued page 9
Aged Pack hoping for stronger start, will face UNC-Greensboro in scrimmage tonight
Today Men’s soccer vs. Unc Greensboro* Dail Soccer Field, 7 p.m.
“It’s good to have two big pounding backs in Curtis and Toney,” Eugene said. “Toney is a veteran and he plays hard and physical. I have a lot of confidence
Veterans return for another season
Starting next Thursday, the veteran tailback while try his hand at writing, as Baker will write a weekly column for Technician. For those struggling to remember his contributions on the field after his 2 year hiatus from the gridiron, several of his statistics from 2005 and 2006 are on display on page 7.
men’S SocceR
August 2009 Su
Cain said the early goal was crucial. “I think the [early goal] is what we needed to get on top,” Cain said. “Steve [Springthorpe] was saying in the locker room that we needed to get that early goal so we could start to get our rhythm.” The Pack presented a relentless attack in the first half, outshooting the Camels 11-0 in the first half. “Part of it is good defending, and part of it is [Campbell’s] game plan,” head coach Steve Springthorpe said of Campbells lack of shots. “They were trying to limit shots, so they were defending a lot in their zone to begin with.” Freshman midfielder Kara
Blosser nearly padded the team’s lead in the 27th minute, hitting a shot off the top crossbar. “I was really frustrated,” Blosser said of the close call. “I saw that we had 13 shots to zero, and I just kept hitting the crossbar.” Cain almost notched another score on a break-away in the 58th minute, but sliding Camel goalie Anna Ditommaso denied the shot just inside the 18-yard box. “I made the decision, and I missed it,” Cain said of the missed opportunity. “I’ll learn from that.” Blosser avenged her close
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stood that and we’ve been working all season long to be ready for the first game. The first game is like the last game. Every game is the final.” Goaltender Chris Widman seconded Tarantini’s words, Kate Shefte saying the team can only stand Sports Editor to improve. “We didn’t lose any starters The men’s soccer team that will take to Dail Soccer Field from last year, so we expect to for the first time tomorrow do a lot better,” Widman said. In January, when college night should look remarkably similar to a squad fans have soccer was the last thing on anyone’s minds, Pack assisseen before. That’s because the players tant coaches were leading 5:45 are so confident in the Pack’s a.m. runs before classes and chances that they stayed back practices in the afternoon. The to play for ACC dominance one team’s pace has only intensified since then. last time. Tarantini said several play“We have basically everybody back,” head coach George Tar- ers had opportunities to leave, but st ayed antini said. b e h i nd i n “The nucleus hopes of of the team prolonging is the same. their soccer T he t h i ng careers – and that isn’t the potentially same is that leading State we knew into the playw hat hap offs. pened to us George Tarantini “For [the last year.” seniors], it’s a Last year, great opporthe Pack suffered from a slow start – just tunity to show what they’re all one win in its first eight games about,” Tarantini said. Widman had already gradu– and wound up with an 8-81 regular season record (3-5 ated, but he had another year of ACC), good enough for an eligibility. He went to work at eighth seed in the ACC Tour- Bank of America in Charlotte nament. The Pack beat Virginia this summer, but he returned Tech in the opening round but for one last season with State. “A lot of people made a lot of was crushed by Wake Forest in sacrifices,” Tarantini said. the quarterfinals. Seniors Ronnie Bouemboue “We started slow, and that made things difficult for us,” Tarantini said. “We underM. sOCCER continued page 7
“The first game is like the last game. Every game is the final.”
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