Technician - March 17, 2011

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Technician          

City bus offering Wi-Fi Graphic by Hsi Chen

TT hopes introduction of Wi-Fi entices more riders.

“We’re different from other transit services.”


17 2011

Raleigh, North Carolina

& Public Affairs, said over the past few years TT has received survey feedback requesting a Wi-Fi service, and after a successful test of the system in FebruJustin Rose ary, TT is ready to open the Staff Writer full system. “We want to know what Commuters who use public transportation and yearn our riders like and what for one more spot to access will make things better their data on the go are in for them,” Shultz luck. Triangle Transit now s a id . “We offers free Wi-Fi to its bus w a n t t o know what passengers. Currently, 42 TT bus- w i l l g i v e es have Wi-Fi on them. their bus pass These buses display a more value.” The system has been un“Wi-Fi Onboard” sign. Not all buses, which rotate der construction for the past couthrough ple years different and cost routes as approxidemand mately dictates, $112,000, will 10 percent have Wiof which Fi ava i lable . A s Brad Schulz, TT Communications came & Public Affairs from the resources state. become available, other buses will Schulz said the Wi-Fi serbe considered for Wi-Fi im- vice will help set an example plementation, according to for other transit systems in the Triangle and the sera press release. S c h u l z , vice is especially needed Brad from TT Communications for the TT buses.



Cuts move from paper to practice for OASIS Advising division loses four administrators. John Wall


Staff Writer

“We’re different from other t ra nsit services in that our buses travel farther, for example, from Raleigh to Chapel Hill. If our passengers travel longer distances they could benefit more from mobile data access,” Shultzsaid. The system has received positive feedback so far via social media like Facebook and Twitter, according to Shultz, who also said he’s excited about the prospect of people changing their commuting habits. “The free Wi-Fi might encourage more people to take the bus instead of their car, similar to what you find with a rail system,” Shultz said. TT has been working with

Office of Advising Support,

TRIANGLE TRANSIT AUTHOTTY WI-FI FAQ: Is there a cost to use the wireless network? No. Wi-Fi on Triangle Transit is free. When can the wireless network be used? The wireless network is available while the bus is powered on. Where can I sit to pick up a stronger signal? Within each bus a wireless access point is located near the front. Can I connect to the Wi-Fi service with my Bluetooth? No. Bluetooth is not supported SOURCE: TRIANGLE TRANSIT AUTHORITY WEBSITE

Wifi continued page 3

Hey batter batter ...

In an attempt to improve adminInformation and Services (OASIS) istrative efficiency and deal with Student advising program OASIS impending budget reductions, four announced that it will cut four OASIS administrators have been administrator positions this summer. notified that their positions will be OASIS’s mission is “to provide eliminated as of mid-June. academic information to current OASIS, part of the Division of undergraduate students through Undergraduate Academic Provirtual and face-to-face cross grams, has advisors who help stucurricular advising,” according to its dents that seek to change majors. website. OASIS advisors also assist Pack Some of the services OASIS offers Promise Scholars students and include: pre-law students. Pre-law advising to those seeking John Ambrose, interim vice information regarding law school and provost of the Division of Underthe process of applying to law school, graduate Affairs, said the cuts will guidance, information and support. save the University “$357,000 and Virtual Advising Center, which supplements traditional, face-to-face change.” The cuts are a permanent advising with virtual services that yearly savings to the University provide curriculum and academic since the division’s yearly budget policy information online. has been reduced indefinitely. General academic advising services The administrative cuts will not for all students. reduce the OASIS advisors’ capacity to advise students, according to SOURCE: OASIS WEBSITE Ambrose. “Our effectiveness in advising will actually increase,” Ambrose Division of Undergraduate Academic said. “A lot of things OASIS has Programs umbrella. “I have been to my College of Hudone, it will continue to do. It’s just that we’ll reassign the respon- manities advisor four or five times,” Jennings said. “My advisor was helpsibilities.” Ambrose said the elimination of ful.” DUAP offers a tutorial center at administrative positions within the OASIS program was the only Park Shops. Casey Peterson, a freshman in psychology, said she has utiway to deal with the budget cuts. “It’s always unfortunate when lized the center several times since she entered N.C. State in you have to deal August. with eliminat“I go to the tutoi ng posit ions, rial center. I hope but there’s just the tutorial center no way of getting isn’t cut,” Peterson a rou nd t hat,” said. Ambrose said. Peterson said she “That’s going to hopes the money be happen i ng saved with campusacross campus.” wide budget cuts will This round of John Ambrose, interim vice positively affect the cuts is not the provost of the Division of price she pays for first for the DiUndergraduate Affairs tuition. vision of Under“Our tuition is graduate Affairs. “I think it’s important to under- already going up,” Peterson said. “If stand that during the last round [administrators] save that money, it’s of cuts, we took down 13 positions going to make our tuition go down.” Jennings had other plans for Uniin this division. Our people have suffered a considerable reduction,” versity funds. “You know what they should use the Ambrose said. Victoria Jennings, a freshman in money for? I live in Bowen [Hall]; they communication, said she has nev- should get me some new elevators. I er sought advising outside of the live on the ninth floor, and I smoke advising her college provides. In a lot of cigarettes. It’s pretty hard to fact, she had never heard of OASIS, get up to the ninth floor [via stairs].” or any other programs under the

“It’s always unfortunate when you have to deal with eliminating positions.”

Brett Morris/Technician

Rob Chamra releases a pitch during Wednesday's game against George Mason. Chamra was later subbed out for D.J. Thomas at the top of the sixth inning.

Alleycat racers to stalk downtown streets 15-mile scavenger hunt/ bike race stresses fun, prizes. Chelsey Francis, Senior Staff Writer

The Wolfpack Environmental Student Association and the local blog are partnering to stage WESAcat, an Alleycat bike race, Saturday starting at the Belltower. The event will not be just an Alleycat race, however. There will also be a trick competition after the race, according to the organizers. Alleycat races are informal, and stress participation over competition. William Hardy, a senior in computer engineering and a blogger with trianglefixies.

com, said all participants will will begin at 1 p.m., with regget a list of clues at the start of istration starting at 11:30 a.m. “At the beginning of the the race. “It’s going to be a lot like race, everyone will receive a l i s t of a scavenger clues and a hunt. Some map. The of the clues outermost a re pret t y boundardirect, but ies of the others will map are the m a ke you outermost think,” Harboundaries dy said. “At of the race,” each checkHardy said. point, you’ll Sponsors have to do a of the Alfun activity, leycat race which may have donatbe someWilliam Hardy, senior in ed prizes, thing silly, computer engineering which the taking a picorganizers ture or comsaid they plan to give out for pleting a task.” The race will cover approxi- a variety of accomplishments. “We’re definitely going to mately 15 miles and will take place around N.C. State and downtown Raleigh. The race Cats continued page 3

“It’s going to be a lot like a scavenger hunt. Some of the clues are pretty direct, but others will make you think.”


Story headline See page 8.

Q&A with Story Musgrave See page 6.

Flier courtesy of Sonum Nerurkar

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St. Patty’s Day T-Shirts NC State bookstores

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