wednesday april
13 2011
Raleigh, North Carolina
Designers find inspiration in the little things professor of textile and apparel technology and management, said is a sign of progression from previous years. “The designers have definitely gotten better through the years,” Istook said. “I think they learn from the past mistakes from other designers.” Elis e Heglar & Abby Miller Each of the designers was also reStaff Writer & Correspondent sponsible for directing the styling of While many on the outside see fash- their models. Some of the models did ion as simple collections of patterns more than just walk in their garments, and fabrics, fourteen of N.C. State’s as junior in art and design Danica up-and-coming designers proved that Dewell demonstrated as the models true fashion has much deeper roots, for her collection danced onstage to an inspiration that comes in all forms. portray her vision of dancing out of Art to Wear, a collaboration between darkness. For Keely Cansler, the College of Desenior in textile techsign and College of nology, her inspiraTextiles, celebrated tion came from an its tenth anniverintense emotional sary by highlightexperience—the loss ing both the rich of a friend. history of the event “My inspiration as well as its drastic came from the loss changes, and accordof my best friend. I ing to Emily Parker, had a very difficult director of college time with it and her relations in the Coldeath has come up lege of Textiles, this multiple times in my year’s showcase is work,” Cansler said. the largest and most While Cansler said successful yet. Keely Cansler, senior in textile this idea is a recent “This whole show technology one, she said she felt has grown a lot over it was the best time the years,” Parker said. “The whole process of how the to unveil her creation and personal event is run has changed; it’s more of message. “This is my last year and I felt ready a production now.” Each of the 14 designers, selected and fully committed to the topic,” by a panel of jurors, focused his or Cansler said. “I feel it’s something her collection on a specific theme, many people can relate to, and the something Cynthia Istook, associate line is not meant to be sad, depress-
The 10th anniversary of Art to Wear brought out record crowds and unconventional muses.
“It’s really a story of my journey through the grieving process and my personal interpretation of each step.”
Brent Kitchen/Technician
Sophomore in fashion and textile management Tessa Gore poses at the end of the runway during Art to Wear Tuesday in Reynolds Coliseum. Gore was a part of Suzanne Atkinson and Afaf Seyam’s collection, “Seven Wonders of the Architectural World.”
ing or anything like that. Its purpose is to serve as a sense of hope for others, closure for myself, and to honor the memory of my best friend. It’s really a story of my journey through the grieving process and my personal interpretation of each step.” Veronica Tibbitts, junior in art
and design, said she wanted to make people aware visually of their physical impact on the world. “The message of my collection is awareness. Daily, we consume an enormous amount of resources of every kind—money, food, energy, animals, products—the list is end-
less,” Tibbitts said. “I was inspired by these throw away materials, and created garments which re-purpose these items.” Another designer, Rebecca Walker, a sophomore in art and design, said her
art continued page 3
Undergraduate researchers have their hard work recognized
Parking regulations pose conflicts between students and officials
Undergraduate students showcase their research projects at the 20th Annual Research Symposium.
Students and transportation officials have different opinions when it comes to on campus parking.
Allie Beckett Staff Writer
The Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium featured 217 research projects conducted by students and their mentors, ranging in topic from hard sciences to social sciences. George Barthalmus, director of undergraduate research, started the Office of Undergraduate Research in 2003. He said he believes undergraduate research is the best way for a student to gain valuable knowledge in their area of study. “Undergraduate research is con-
sidered a high impact educational tool,” Barthalmus said, “Every employer wants to see hands on experience in their field.” Whitney Lohmeyer, a senior in aerospace engineering, agreed with Barthalmus on the value of undergraduate research experience. Her two and a half year project working with Dr. DeJarnette, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, is focused on how engineers protect vehicles as they reenter the atmosphere. She received the NSF fellowship, which will help to fund her continued research and her pursuit of a master’s or doctoral degree. Lohmeyer also credits her research experience for her acceptance to MIT.
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insidetechnician Stephanie Ouellette heads to NCAA Nationals See page 8.
The Garage sparks innovation on Centennial See page 6.
Greene sidelined for spring See page 8.
viewpoint features classifieds sports
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Grad Fa ir Class Rings
10% off all Caps & Gowns and Diploma Frames
Anja Davis Correspondent
Due to a recent uprising in the amount of boots given to students’ cars around campus, students voice their opinion about parking on campus, parking violations, and parking passes. Curtis Edwards, a senior in parks, recreation and tourism management, said that he has had five parking violations since August, and that he parks both on and off campus. “On campus I usually park in spots near my classes and hope I don’t get ticketed. I don’t want to give away my off campus spots, but they are fairly close to class and I rarely have problems with authorities, but I know others that have in the same spots,” said Edwards. “If I don’t drive, I will ride my bike, but sometimes it’s hard to get up that extra 15 minutes earlier.” As for the violations themselves, Edwards said he finds them ridiculous. “I think they are pretty ridiculous, but at the same time it doesn’t dissuade me from taking my chances,” Edwards said. “I have just accepted that I’m going to get tickets if I park where I’m not supposed to, but if I can keep that cost under that of a permit in a year, in my mind it’s worth it.” Keli Johnson, a junior in psychology, said she’s only parked on campus during summer school and that she’s never had any violations. “[Parking on campus is] too strict because we are such a large campus,” said Johnson. “Because of all the students it’s not convenient for all of them to ride the bus or catch a ride, so they should make parking easier and more convenient.” Johnson said she drives to Food
sarah edens/Technician
Hunter Nelson, a sophomore in agribusiness management, pays his meter along Hillsborough Street before going to class. Although there has been an increase in the number of tickets given and cars booted on campus, Hunter said,” I have never gotten a parking ticket from State.” Only 20 percent of the fines collected from parking tickets stay at the University.
Lion and catches the bus from there, but that it’s not the ideal situation. “It kind of sucks because you get out of class and you still have to wait to catch the bus,” said Johnson. As for improvements to campus parking, Johnson and Edwards both said they would like to see more available spots. Despite the popular student belief, “for a University of our size we offer more parking opportunities,” said
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r i a F d a r G
NC State Bookstores April 12 - 14 10am - 4pm
Christine Klein, transportation public communication specialist. “Parking opportunities are greater [on our campus] than at most universities.” NCSU is such a large University that parking could quickly get out of hand, according to Klein “Without rules and guidelines it would be chaos,” Klein said. “Parking rules and regulations are in place to
Graduation Announcements
Diploma Frames