Paul seeks return to ‘Golden Age’ John Wall Staff Writer
Rep. ron paul’s topics: • • •
The Federal Reserve should be abolished End the War on Drugs Obama should have asked Congress before supporting action in Libya Municipal bond market is another possible market bubble, which could burst Supports a move from Keynesian economics to Austrian economics Actions in the Middle East can be explained by looking at the issue of “who has the oil”
• Rep. Ron Paul, a Republican who wants the federal government “out of Americans’ lives and wallets,” spoke • to more than 1,000 people in the Mc• Kimmon Center Monday night. The Texas congressman orated to applause and cheers throughout his speech, which covered topics ranging Source: Paul’s speech from U.S. offensive action on Libya to the causes of and cures for the current U.S. financial crisis. Paul, who ran for president in 2008, said he is consid- the international belief in fiat currenering running for president in 2012, cies, according to Paul. “Your dollar is going to go down a decision that will be based on the in purchasing power,” Paul said. “All value of the dollar. Paul supports the abolition of the empires [such as the U.S.] end for fiFederal Reserve, an institution that nancial reasons.” Paul, who said U.S. support of the stands alone from the U.S. government, which has no say over its ac- bombing of Libya is an “act of war,” tions and decisions. Event attendees disagreed with the way President chanted “End the Fed” at the begin- Obama went about taking offensive action on Libya. He said Obama ning of Paul’s speech. Evidenced by rising food prices should have come to Congress before at the grocery store, the purchasing making any decision to act against power of the dollar is currently in de- Libya, instead of getting permission cline. Economists call the decline in from the United Nations alone. “We’re getting into too many wars. purchasing power inflation. Paul said the Federal Reserve, which is respon- We’re doing them carelessly,” Paul sible for the stable purchasing power said. Paul went on to say that due to his of the dollar, wants inflation to hover belief in national sovereignty, the U.S. somewhere around 2 percent. should not be in Paul disagreed the United Naw it h Ben Bertions. nanke, the chairPau l ca l led man of the FedU.S. suppor t eral Reserve, and of bombing in the Fed’s goal of 2 Libya an offenpercent inflation. sive action be“The monetary cause the U.S. is crisis is still yet to not acting in its come, and it will direct defense. get worse,” Paul He called the said. “The only Rep. Ron Paul, Texas Libyan action thing that can rea “preventive store stability is war.” sound money.” “People on the receiving end of our The U.S. tied the value of its money to the value of gold until Richard preventive wars view it as an act of agNixon fully abolished the “gold stan- gression,” Paul said. The fact that college graduates candard” during his presidency. The U.S. currently employs the system of fiat not get jobs is not the fault of capitalmoney, in which the credibility and ism, according to Paul. He said that value of the U.S. dollar lies only the although deficit spending may have holders’ confidence in the currency. prevented an economic depression, Paul wants the U.S. to return to the the current administration should have let the depression come. gold standard. The depression would have come to Higher prices worldwide are due to
“People on the receiving end of our preventive wars view it as an act of aggression.”
“I hear it’s going to be quite chilly that night, but I’m not going to let that stop me!”
29 2011
Expo offers students a peek at healthcare jobs ‘Alternative service breaks’ allow students to serve when school’s out. Nick Mobley Correspondent
tim o’brien/Technician
In front of a giant U.S. national debt sign, Texas Rep. Ron Paul speaks to a crowd of more than 1,000 at the McKimmon Center on Monday. The N.C. State club Young Americans for Liberty collected 2,000 signatures to bring Paul to N.C. State to talk about national politics.
“the right people,” Paul said, speaking on the bailout money that bankers and big business people received around 2008. The amount of funding poor people get through welfare transfers from the federal government is “puny” compared to the money big business has received, according to Paul. The N.C. State chapter of Young Americans for Liberty hosted the event. They sought out 2,300 signatures to petition Paul to speak. YAL member and freshman in chemical engineering Ryan Vest said the University is lucky to have such an influential person speak on campus. “It’s definitely a big deal when a pos-
sible Presidential candidate comes to visit your campus to give a free speech,” Vest said. “I think a lot of [Paul’s] views are shared by college students.” The speech was delayed several minutes because event coordinators had to add seats to the more than 1,000 that were already in the room. Paul said college campuses have always been a haven for him. “I’m very happy with what’s happening on campuses,” Paul said. “I always went to the campuses, because I believed that’s where the action was.”
Nearly Naked runners to donate duds to charity mile-long run. The clothes the students shed pre-race and any additional Strip-down to precede campus clothes students bring to the event will race. be donated to the Raleigh Rescue Mission, a local homeless shelter. Justin Rose The exact route has yet to be deterStaff Writer mined, but the course will mostly be Colleen Ly is always looking for on campus. The event is free and is sponsored ways to get involved with charitable causes - especially events sponsored by Wiggio, an online collaboration tool for organizations to orchestrate by N.C. State. That’s why this week’s Nearly Na- events and facilitate communication. Dana Lampert, founder and CEO ked Run caught the sophomore’s atof Wiggio, said he wants the event tention. to be a student“ T h i s [r ac e] le d i n it i at ive , is something I and his company wouldn’t have exchose NCSU to pected N.C. State be one of the parto be involved ticipating schools with,” said Ly, because of its who is majoring significant Wigin design studies. gio user popula“Running around tion. Those users campus with no Kathryn Mogg, senior in have meant great clothes on for a communications publicity for the good cause? Who run, he said. wouldn’t want to “We went to schools that really knew join?” The first Nearly Naked Run for about the tool and used it often,” Lamcharity will take place Thursday at pert said. “At N.C. State we found that 9 p.m. in the Brickyard. NCSU racers thousands of students are using Wigwill join other students who will also gio, and we decided to take advantage participate in the event at their respec- of that.” Lampert said he would love to see tive universities. Students will strip down to their the Nearly Naked Run become a reunderwear, or until they are “nearly curring event every semester. At press time, more than 550 stunaked,” before the start of the nearly
Raleigh, North Carolina
Presidential run could be on the horizon for Texas congressman.
N. C. STATE’S INAUGURAL NEARLY NAKED RACE WHEN: Thursday, 9 p.m. WHERE: University Plaza (The Brickyard) SO WHAT’S THE NEARLY NAKED RACE? A charitable race involving more than 100,000 students from universities nationwide. According to race organizers Wiggio, it’s a chance for students to “show off their best outdoor undies, take part in a wild run through campus and donate clothes to a local homeless shelter.”
dents said they plan to attend on the Nearly Naked Race’s Facebook page. According to a press release, the run aims to “show the power, effectiveness and ease of building groups for a purpose; to mobilize for a good cause and to provide students with an opportunity to take a break from studies and have fun.” Kathryn Mogg, a senior in communications, said she is very excited about the run. “I’m doing the event because school and stress is kicking my butt right now, and I just saw it and thought it would be a fun, free way to give myself a necessary relaxation break for the week and put a smile on my face,”
Featured campuses for the race include: N.C. State, Ole Miss, Tulane University, Virginia Tech, and Vanderbilt University
Students with an eye on working in the healthcare industry had a chance to mingle with possible future employers Monday in Talley Student Center. During the annual N.C. State Health Career Expo, hundreds of students met representatives from organizations representing various healthcare professions and curricula. Hosted by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Health Professions Advising Center, students attending the event searched for internships with 100 organizations, including nearly 80 universities such as UNC-Chapel Hill’s School of Medicine and East Carolina University’s School of Dentistry. Lucy Dunning, a sophomore in elementary education said her professor, Dr. Anita Flick, the director of Health Professions advising and teaching, and an assistant professor, stressed the importance of attending the event. “I’m here for my Bio 105 class. It was suggested by my teacher,” Dunning said. Among the organizations present, International Service Learning was one of several looking for a few good students. The organization sponsors student’s “service trips” to communities in need of healthcare services. ISL provides qualified applicants handson experience in several fields, includ-
expo continued page 3
Wells ditches video camera for softball bat See page 8.
Additional campuses participating include: Miami, Alabama, Arizona State, Boise State, Indiana, Purdue, Harvard Michigan State, Cornell, Syracuse, Ohio State, Temple, Florida State, Appalachian State, UNC, East Carolina and Duke.
What to expect at the theater in 2011 See page 5.
Mogg said. Mogg called the charitable aspect of the Nearly Naked Run an “added bonus” to the event. “I certainly plan on bringing something to donate. I am always happy to help out with a charitable cause,” Mogg said. “I hear it’s going to be quite chilly that night, but I’m not going to let that stop me!”
$5.00 from the sale of each shirt to benefit “Origami Wishes” NC State’s campus-wide fundraising for the American Red Cross. T-shirts will be available this Friday for $10.00 each at NC State Bookstore.
One Juco to transfer to another See page #.
viewpoint features classifieds sports
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