xcvi vii issue
McCrory signs bill for in-state veteran tuition
Come fall, military veterans will have an easier time receiving in-state tuition rates within the UNC school system and North Carolina community colleges thanks to a bill passed by Gov. Pat McCrory Wednesday. The law, which waives the 12-month residency requirement to receive in-state tuition for certain non-resident veterans, goes into effect July 1. “We want to continue to be the most veteranfriendly state in the United States of America,” McCrory said. “Veterans are leaders. They are highly skilled, trained and have a history of getting jobs done. In fact, they are going to help fill the skills gap that we have in North Carolina,” McCrory said.
25 2015
Raleigh, North Carolina
Woodson names new vice chancellor of RIED
Google Fiber starts construction
Google Fiber announced Tuesday that the construction of its 5,700 mile fiber-optic, high-speed Internet and entertainment network is finally getting under way in the Triangle area. Erik Garr, the head of Google Fiber in the Triangle, said that their initial design is complete, including a detailed map of where to put the thousands of miles of fiber. “The Triangle’s city leaders have a vision for how gigabit connectivity can make the community stronger, and they’ve worked really closely with us to develop a clear plan for how to build Fiber throughout the area in a way that’s efficient and the least disruptive,” Garr said. Google has yet to say when construction will be complete, or how much residents will pay for the new Internet access.
thursday june
Gavin Stone Asisstant News Editor
Kitty Lewis, University Dining’s director of retail operations. “This location is run just like our corporate store. This week we’ll be working out the kinks, setting up and training. Everyone is doing a great job. I’m here because I love what I do. I always have. It’s just nice to be bringing something that I hope students will really love.” NC State Campus Enterprises held a scavenger hunt in Talley Student Union on the day of the opening. Winners of the scavenger hunt received a $5 Starbucks gift card. “The Starbucks brand is very familiar, especially to students,”
Chancellor Randy Woodson recently announced Alan Rebar will replace Terri Lomax as vice chancellor for research, innovation and economic development at NC State beginning September 14th. Rebar was formerly senior associate vice president for research, executive director of Discovery Park and professor of clinical pathology at Purdue University and is internationally recognized for his work in clinical laboratory medicine. When Lomax stepped down as vice chancellor of research, innovation and economic development last October, she created a wave of applicants wanting to build on an already solid foundation at NC State. Following Lomax’s departure, Woodson put together a committee with the help of a third party search firm to find a replacement for her. In the search, they looked for a candidate who had expertise in the three core components of the position: research, innovation and economic development. “We wanted somebody who understood what those three compo-
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Tamara Lee, an incoming freshman in Insdustrial Engineering and Vance Stiles, attending summer camp for material science, look at different varieties of glasses displayed at Wolfpack Outfitters store in Talley. The store made its grand opening on Monday, June 22, 2015.
Talley goes (Star)buck wild Colleen Kinen-Ferguson Staff Writer
Kaitlin Montgomery Editor-in-Chief
The new Talley Student Union bookstore opened its doors for the first time on Monday, along with a new full-service Starbucks. “I’m ridiculously excited for the Starbucks,” said Michelle Cavalieri, a senior studying zoology. “This is the first time I’ve come into the new Talley, and it’s because of Starbucks. I’ll definitely be coming here over Port City.” When asked how there could be two competing coffee shops in the
same building, Jennifer Gilmore, director of marketing and communication for Campus Enterprises, said it would mainly benefit the students. “We think it’s completely fine that there are two coffee shops in Talley,” Gilmore said. “We think that each offers something different. Port City Java offers more food options than Starbucks. Honestly, we’re just branching out and trying to provide something that every student would like.” The first 50 customers of the new Starbucks location won a free, grande, reusable mug. “The opening is going very well. Everyone’s excited and I’m very proud of all the new baristas,” said
SOURCE: News & Observer
Lexus builds functioning hoverboard
Toyota’s Lexus luxury brand announced that it has built a functioning model of a hoverboard. The board uses liquid nitrogen-cooler superconductors and magnets, according to the automaker’s website. “At Lexus, we constantly challenge ourselves and our partners to push the boundaries of what is possible,” Mark Templin, executive vice president of Lexus International, said in a statement. “That determination, combined with our passion and expertise for design and innovation, is what led us to take on the Hoverboard project. It’s the perfect example of the amazing things that can be achieved when you combine technology, design and imagination.” The company said that more information about the project will be released at a later time.
Former Chancellor Poulton dead at 88 Staff Report
Former chancellor Bruce Poulton died at 88 in his home in Raleigh. His biggest accomplishment was the development of Centennial Campus.
Bruce Poulton, former chancellor and NC State’s 10th Chief Executive Officer who oversaw the acquisition and development of the 900-acre Centennial Campus, died in his home in Raleigh on June 19. He was 88-years-old. “We are saddened to hear of the passing of former Chancellor Bruce Poulton,” Chancellor Randy Woodson said in an NC State news article. “He was instrumental in the master planning for and development of Centennial Campus and led a major expansion of the university’s research budget. On behalf of the entire NC State community, I’d like to extend our deepest condolences to the Poulton family.”
Poulton come to NC State on July 1, 1892 and was installed as chancellor in September 1983. He was a long-time advocate for distance learning, even before the Internet was created. During his tenure, Poulton accomplished the broadening of NC State’s liberal arts, the expansion of the College of Textiles and the celebration of the university’s 100th anniversary in 1987. Poulton is also responsible for the expansion of the university’s graduate research programs. One of Poulton’s biggest accomplishments as chancellor, though, was his direction in more than tripling the size of Centennial Campus with the addition of land acquired by the state under governors James B. Hunt and Jim
Martin. “The decisions that were made in 1984 and ’85 by Chancellor Poulton and the people he surrounded himself with are the kind of forward-thinking decisions that we continue to build on today,” Michael Harwood, associate vice chancellor of the Centennial Campus Development Office, said. “Thirty years ago, under his leadership, we were forward-thinking in our approach to corporate-research partnerships and we continue that vision today.” Poulton is survived by his four children and five grandchildren.
Technician fish dies Last night Technician’s office pet, Tyrese the beta fish passed away. He lived an incredibly long life for a fish. Tyrese was won by former Editor-in-Chief, Sam DeGrave at the NC State Fair in 2013. He was loved and will be missed. Tyrese is survived by those at the Technician. SOURCE: TECHNICIAN
UNC Board of Governor member arrested Staff Report
Raleigh police charged Doyle Parrish, a member of the University of North Carolina system Board of Governors and a major political donor, with misdemeanor assault on a female last month in his home. Parrish was arrested May 12. The victim was listed as his wife Nancy Parrish, according to court records. Nancy Parrish said he had slapped her and
pushed her to the ground in their home in Raleigh. She reported bruising and abrasions on her shin and foot. Parrish, 61, spent two days in the Wake County Jail on a mandatory domestic violence hold. A district court judge allowed Parrish release under the condition that he would appear at his next court date on August 26 and stay away from his wife. Parrish began his four-year term on the Board of Governors after an appointment by
the state House in 2013. He is the chief executive of Summit Hospitality Group and sits on the board of the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina. In recent years, Parrish has given thousands to national and state Republican candidates, including former state House speaker and current U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis, Gov. Pat McCrory and state Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger, according to records from the National Institute for Money in State Politics.
Alumnus lead simple river life
NC State’s unofficial tradition
Revisiting why ‘This is Our State’
Debating Lacey’s NBA draft hopes
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