xcvi xxxix issue
Woodson on State-of-theUniversity News Editor
Chancellor Randy Woodson gave his annual fall “State of the University” address Monday to a crowd consisting mainly of NC State faculty, professors and administration at Stewart Theatre in Talley Student Union. He announced that the university will begin its biggest fundraising campaign this fall to fund an employee dependence tuition scholarship. It will give a minimum of $2,000 to children of full-time NC State faculty and staff for a maximum of four years, nearly a 25 percent tuition discount. “It’s a critical benefit for people who give so much to this public university,” Woodson said. “We need to support their families in attending NC State.” Woodson said this is a priority for he and his wife. The scholarship fund will begin in the fall of
2016. All of the funds will come from philanthropy donations. A few weeks ago, the General Assembly released that NC State will receive $392,256,502 this year on behalf of state funds. Last year, the state appropriated about $484 million for academic affairs. Woodson said this year’s budget is good, but “not great.” “We know that the year ahead will not be without challenges,” Woodson said. The upside of the budget is the allowance of a bond referendum vote that would fund various construction projects on Centennial campus. Woodson encouraged those in the crowd to spread the word about the importance of voting in March to pass the effort. Despite the “not great” budget, Woodson highlighted the struggles NC State has overcome within the past few months. Woodson remained positive and spoke of the importance of endowment and philanthropy funds to bet-
Raleigh,North NorthCarolina Carolina Raleigh,
Raleigh voting polls open today Rachel Smith
tuesday october
Assistant News Editor
With the endowment funds, the University plans to expand and improve various aspects on campus, including academic and research efforts, construction projects and diversity.
Today, the Raleigh Board of Elections will be holding Major and City Council elections. Polls will remain open from 6 a.m. until 7 p.m. Voting sites vary upon district. Raleigh’s growth and newly founded restrictions on food and drinks service on sidewalk patios downtown have been some of the hottest issues on the campaign trail, making this year’s election one of the most competitive in years. NC State’s campus falls primary under districts D and E, opening student ballots to five district candidates in addition to four individuals running at large and two candidates running for major. Same-day registration will not be available. Registered voters will be asked at the polls if they have a North Carolina driver’s license or other government photo ID, but they do not need to show one to vote a regular ballot until 2016. The following information about this year’s candidates was pulled from the Raleigh 2015 Voter Guide. More information regarding the election, candidates and polling sites can be found at Reporting by: Lindsay Smith and Sarah Keener
STATE continued page 3
CANDIDATES on page 2
Chancellor Randy Woodson speaks to a crowd about the achievements of NC State within the past year during his annual Fall Address in the Stewart Theatre of Talley Student Union Monday, Oct. 5, 2015. In his speech, Woodson recapped “what just might be the most successful year in NC State’s history” and looks ahead to a “future that is as big and as bold as we make it.”
ter students’ overall experience at NC State. “I have this confidence because alumni, students, faculty, staff and friends have broken every fundraising effort we have established in the past five years,” Woodson said.
Pianist blends classic and modern tunes Adam Davis Corresponent
Concert attendees wait in line for Rolling Stones merchandise before Wednesday’s concert at Carter-Finley Stadium. Among the standard shirts and posters were specially branded products with the Rolling Stones lips superimposed onto NC State’s Tuffy logo. This logo was also printed on posters throughout the venue and painted on the ground of walkways leading to entrances.
Stones pay for misused logo Conor Kenedy Staff Writer
Royalties of about $16,280 were received Sept. 10, as part of a total sale of $135,663 associated with merchandise sold at a Rolling Stones concert that took place at Carter-Finley stadium on July 1. The Rolling Stones appeared at Carter-Finley stadium as part of the Zip Code tour that ended last month. At the concert various unofficial NC State merchandise was sold by Bravado USA, the Zip Code tour
merchandising company. This merchandise included towels that said “Go Stones,” football jerseys and a few different styles of T-shirts that had been branded with a modified mascot Tuffy. The money received will be incorporated into a pool of other royalty generated funds that will then be redistributed into a variety of student support programs including financial aid, study abroad and other similar school-subsidized initiatives. The graphic was originally planned to be used only as a way to drive ticket
sales online, but due to a misunderstanding between organizers of the event, merchandise was created and sold without NC State receiving what royalties were associated with the products. “Bravado USA, the merchandising company for the Zip Code tour, was apologetic for the error and was forthcoming with what we asked of them,” said Gregg Zarnstorff, NC State’s director of trademark licensing for Campus Enterprises. “With the payment, we feel this issue is closed.”
The aura of New Orlea ns poured through Grenoldo Frazier’s fingertips Monday as he performed in Stewart Theater. The performance resulted from a joint effort of the African American Cultural Center and the University Scholars Program (USP), and Frazier will perform again in the same location on Tuesday, Oct. 6 at 3 P.M. The event is free for the public. As a pianist, singer, composer and Broadway performer, Frazier illustrated the progression of African American music. “Through everything I do you can see how we got to hip hop, you can see how we got to modern rock,” Frazier said. “It was cool how he was able to incorporate the different generations of African American music,” Luke Perrin, a freshman studying political science, said. Throughout a single piece, Frazier would begin with the piece’s original style and then f low into a series of styles that chronologically followed when the styles originated, until he eventually reached a modern style of playing. “I think [the performance] has definitely opened my mind
to how music was developed,” Isabella Lee, a freshman studying international studies, said. “I wasn’t necessarily aware as I am now of how all of the history of music is incorporated with each other. It’s interesting to see how one thing piggybacks off of another to form the music that we have today.” Alternating between speech, piano, singing, or any combination of the three, Frazier’s performance was seemingly a conversation – not just with the audience, but also with musicians who originally wrote the music. “I thought [Frazier] was amazing,” Lee said. “He had a really unique performance style.” Frazier’s performance seemed to radiate a sense of youth. Despite being in his early sixties, Frazier still stomped, danced and stuck out his tongue while his hands danced across the keys. Following the performance, the African American Cultural Center hosted a reception on the second floor of the Witherspoon Student Center. There, attendees heard a joint performance by the PEACE Church Gospel Choir and the Uninhibited Praise Gos-
MUSIC continued page 3
Growing the sport of badminton on campus and the U.S.
The tastier side of research: NCSU’s food sensory studies
Club ultimate values dedication, team chemistry
Cross country places second at Notre Dame
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See page 8.