Thursday, September 10

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TECHNICIAN                   


xcvi xxv issue

thursday september

10 2015

Raleigh, Raleigh,North NorthCarolina Carolina

Grave site finds new life away from stadium Rachel Smith Assistant News Editor


Chancellor Randy Woodson summarizes the history of Talley Student Union to a crowd. The Chancellor and the crowd were celebrating Talley Student Union’s Grand Opening on Wednesday, Sept. 9th.

After much anticipation, Talley officially opens Emma Lampe Correspondent

The long-awaited Talley Student Union celebrated its grand opening Wednesday with a luncheon, public ceremony and open house. A single trumpet got the attention of the crowd as Chancellor Randy Woodson spoke about Talley Student Union and its namesake, Banks C. Talley, Jr.

Following Woodson, student leaders introduced and publicly welcomed and thanked the namesakes of spaces in and near Talley Student Union, like Thomas H. Stafford. Aerial dancers performed over the side of the balconies, representing the versatility of the open space above the lobby. Following the performance, members of the NC State marching band came and

played the fight song. The band then closed the ceremony with the alma mater, uniting students, alumni, faculty and staff. The speakers at the event spoke of the shared experiences and emphasized that the new Talley Student Union is a place for all members of the NC State community to come together. “This is our space. This is our pack. This is our union,” Khari

Cyrus, Student Body President, said. Woodson highlighted the idea of Talley acting as an open, safe ground. “Here at Talley Student Union, we seek to create a safe and inclusive environment for the campus community,” Woodson said. While most of the attendees

TALLEY continued page 3

Triangle remembers 9/11 this weekend Inez Nicholson News Editor

The 14th annual anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks is this Friday. The Triangle is offering many opportunities to commemorate the date. The Red Hat Amphitheater will host a Day of Service Evening Commemoration from 6:30-8 p.m. where local leaders will speak, live music can be enjoyed and there will be service projects at stations throughout the amphitheater to wrap-up the fourth annual day of service. Attendees are asked to bring a nonperishable food item to donate to ‘fill-the-truck’ for the Urban Ministries of Wake County food pantry. More than 40 causes will benefit from volunteers’ work, including Raleigh Rescue Mission, Note in the Pocket, Urban Ministries of Wake County, Carolina Tiger Rescue, Ronald McDonald House and AnimalKind.



On April 7 members of the wolfpack held a moment of silence and cherish the memories of Olivia Spurlock at the candlelight vigil held in Harris Field on Monday evening. Friends and acquaintances of Olivia shared fond memories of her at the vigil and encouraged people to reach out to those in need. Olivia was a sophomore in mechanical engineering and an RA in Sullivan Residence Hall.

NC State commemorates World Suicide Prevention Week Alix Vo Correspondent

FEATURES Mr. and Ms. Wuf: finding Mr. and Ms. right See page 6.

SPORTS Wolfpack seeks second straight victory See page 10.

Around the world today, millions of candles will be lit to remember those lost to suicide. This week is World Suicide Prevention Week with Sept. 10 being World Suicide Prevention Day. The Nation’s Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) on Campus, the NC State Student Health Center and other sponsors are holding its 5th Annual Candlelight Vigil tonight in Wolf Plaza. The event will start off at 5:30 p.m. where students will learn about the warning signs of sui-

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cide and paint the Free Expression Tunnel. At 7 p.m. the Vigil will start with a screening of the “Share Your Story” film and the candle lighting will begin at 8 p.m. The event will close with an open mic, allowing students who wish to share their story or one of someone close to them. Angel Bowers, Assistant Director of Outreach at the NC State Student Health Center, said the event is a balance of campus partners sharing their services and support to students. “We hope students will join together in support of those who have and continue to struggle with mental health

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concerns so students never have to be alone,” Bowers said. NAMI on Campus is an NC State student organization that hopes to educate and increase students’, faculty and administrators’ awareness of mental health issues. They also promote existing mental health services on campus and assist students in receiving care from these services. “One of our main goals is to reduce the stigmas surrounding mental illnesses and surrounding suicide, because no one talks about it,” said Avi Aggarwal, the president of NAMI,

SUICIDE continued page 3

For the past 49 years, thousands of students and NC State fans alike have unknowingly passed by and through a grave site on their way to cheering on the Wolf Pack at Carter-Finley Stadium. Last mont h, 12 unmarked graves, which were situated on a wooded hill just outside the stadium near gate six, were excavated and re-interred at Oakwood Cemetery. “It is really interesting to think of where [the graves] were,” said Robin Simonton, executive director at Oakwood Cemetery. “I am just intrigued by the fact that the players walked through that area to get to the practice field, and also by all the people that have cut through that area to get inside the stadium.” Records of a gravesite in this location first appeared in 1938. Some of the graves contained shards of broken glass, indicating that the coffins were likely covered with glass— a style that predated the Civil War, according to Simonton. “That give us the clue that they, at the latest, were buried in the 1850s or 1860s,” Simonton said. Field investigations to locate the unmarked burials were conducted in November of last year. It was initially estimated that only five people were located in this area; however, upon excavation, it was discovered that seven additional graves had to be relocated. “[The excavators] dig down until they see remains and dirt discoloration, which is typically in the shape of a coffin,” Simonton said. “In this case, there were a lot of skulls and a lot of jaws. All of these remains and discolored soil was brought with them here.” After the graves were excavated, remains and discolored dirt were put into open 16 by 24 inch pine boxes and moved to Oakwood Cemetery where the graves were re-interred in the order in which they were found. “We don’t put lids on the new coffins,” Simonton said. “They have obviously been through a very disruptive process so we try not to put them in anything that is unnatural. They go back to the ground which they came from.” Once the ground settles at the new burial site in Oakwood Cemetery, a monument that says exactly where the graves came from and when they were moved, will be placed next to the site, according to Simonton. The monument will also disclose that the identities of the individuals who were relocated from the Carter-Finley grave site are unknown. “It is kind of a guessing game at this point,” Simonton said. “Since we there was never any direct documentation that makes us think that it was perhaps people that don’t usually show up in documentation, such as slaves.” Simonton said that given its proximity to the former location of the AME church; she believes this grave site could have been used for slaves.

GRAVES continued page 3

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