Tuesday, September 22

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TECHNICIAN                   


xcvi xxxi issue


UNC’s football stadium can hold nearly 63,000 fans. But at their last home game against Illinois Saturday, only 41,000 fans attended. Sales are down by almost 3,000 tickets from last season. A spokesperson for the school said that initiatives have been put in place to attract new ticket buyers. Attendance records show a fluctuation of attendance since head coach Larry Fedora was hired in 2012. SOURCE: WNCN

UNC student sells t-shirts to take stand against drunk driving

In response to the fatal drunk driving car crash this summer, a former UNC student created t-shirts with “stop driving drunk” and “free’s not” slogans. The shirts are being sold for $20 on teespring.com until Oct. 6. Proceeds go to support family members of the crash victim. SOURCE: The Daily Tar Heel

Nearly 25 percent of UNC women experience sexual assault

A recent survey found that almost one in four women at UNC-Chapel Hill experience some sort of unwanted sexual contact during their tenure at the school. The results were part of the first ever Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct. UNC was one of 27 universities across the nation and the only one in NC that participated in the survey which looked at perceptions and experiences of sexual assault on campus. UNC-CH Chancellor Carol Fort said she was concerned with the results of the study. About 45 percent of the respondents said they had witnessed a drunken person headed for a sexual encounter and about 73 percent said they did nothing to prevent it. SOURCE: News & Observer

Raleigh,North NorthCarolina Carolina Raleigh,

Inez Nicholson

Two female employees at the McDonalds on Western Blvd. were charged earlier this month for skimming customers’ credit card information at the restaurant’s drivethru window. Each woman was charged with five counts of identity theft and single counts of using a scanning device to steal credit card information, criminal possession of financial transaction cards and financial card forgery. The women spent a total of $535 from the victims’ accounts. Detectives said an operational representative from the McDonald’s on Western contacted police about suspicions of illegal activity by the two employees. SOURCE: News & Observer

UNC-CH fails to attract crowds to football games


University Police continue investigations

McDonalds on Western Blvd. experiences trouble with identity theft

A construction accident in Raleigh severed a telecommunications fiber cable, causing thousands of Verizon Wireless and Time Warner Cable customers to lose cell phone and Internet service for more than six hours Monday evening. Verizon Wireless said the outage cut out cell phone service in Wake, Durham and Orange counties. Time Warner customers lost phone, Internet and cable TV services. SOURCE: News & Observer




Verizon Wireless, Time Warner Cable customers lose their service and minds after construction accident

tuesday september

News Editor

Graphic by Anthony Motroni

‘Focus’ medications may harm more than they help Conor Kennedy Staff Writer

A new study shows that medications used to treat ADD and ADHD do not improve the grades of people who take them without a prescription. A lt houg h t he study showed that 43 percent of the respondents thought ADD and ADHD medications were performance enhancers, experts say the

drugs do not necessarily improve the grades of those who take them and also carry health risks that many students may not expect. There are several different medicat ions available in this class s uc h a s a dd e r a l l , vyvanse and ritalin. These can come in instant and extended release variants as well, which carry their own specific health risks. “Prolonged, unsupervised use can result in increased risk of anxiety, panic attacks and psychosis,” said Victor Schwartz, the medical director at the Jed

Foundation, an organization that promotes positive emotional and mental health. Schwartz went on to say that all of the medicines in this class are stimulants, meaning they can be linked to increases in heart rate, blood pressure and insomnia. These effects are already dangerous, especially if people have undiagnosed conditions such as heart disease. When taken consistently, these

FOCUS continued page 2

Joey Banks Investigation: University Police are awaiting the results from the medical examiner’s report before they can make a final ruling about Joey Banks’ cause of death. “The last thing we want do is make a ruling without all of the info,” Major David Kelly said. “We don’t want to make an erroneous notification.” After University Police receives the autopsy reports and they conclude interviewing all of the witnesses of the fall, they will be able to officially decide upon the case of death. If anyone has any more information regarding the tragedy, contact University Police at 919-515-3000. Wolf Alert Investigation: University Police are still investigating the two alleged sexual assaults that were reported within the past week and a half. The most recent alleged sexual assault occurred between a female victim and male perpetrator. The incident took place at Carroll Hall and the two are said to have known each other, according to Major David Kelly. No charges are brought up against the male student at the time. University Police is working with Student Conduct to see if the perpetrator should be prosecuted based on evidence and university violations. The other alleged sexual assault case is also still being investigated. “We take all of these investigations and whatever evidence we have to the district attorney,” Major David Kelly said. “Then we decide whether we follow with the prosecution of the case and if we secure charges against the individual.” The Technician will continue posting updates about both investigations as they become available.

Students can howl for alcohol-related assistance Victoria Rice Coorespondent

NC State recently revised its alcohol safety and intervention policy, “Howl for Help,” which now encourages students to seek help in alcohol-related emergencies without the fear of legal consequences. Howl for Help assures that students will not be sent to the Office of Student Conduct for underage possession or consumption of alcohol charges. It covers individuals who have consumed alcohol and seek emergency help on their own, as well as people who are not intoxicated and seek emergency help for others. “College drinking is going to happen so it’s nice to have a policy that isn’t ignorant of that,” said Emily Finch, a senior studying psychology. The policy now protects victims of a crime, such as assault or sexual abuse, who are under the influence of alcohol and call for assistance. Howl for Help also applies to events hosted by organizations, including Fraternity and Sorority Life events. If a member of the organization seeks help for an alcohol-related emergency and stays on the scene, they will not be punished and neither will the affiliated organization. More than 70 percent of NC State undergraduates drink safely or don’t drink at all, but about 13 percent of the remaining individuals drink at a level considered the most dangerous, according to Student Health. “Students don’t have to be afraid, they should err on the side of caution and call if they have any doubt that someone needs help,” said Daniel Perry, the Director of Alcohol & Other Drug Education and


With the new alcohol-related emergency policies, students are encouraged to seek help without punishment.

Prevention at NC State. The pilot program for the policy took place last year, but underwent major changes that apply the 2015 school year. Previously, students were only allowed to use protection offered by the policy one time, but now there isn’t a defined number of times an individual or an organization is able to call for help. However, the policy doesn’t apply to illegal conduct with drugs or other prohibited acts including driving under the influence, vandalism and harassment. Students also are not protected by the policy if they seek help from someone besides an university

official or emergency personnel. NC State’s policy on Health and Safety Intervention For Alcohol-Related Emergencies focuses on two aspects: environmental prevention and prevention intervention. Environmental prevention aims toward making students understand the consequences that can result from drinking. The Department of Alcohol and other Drug Prevention Education released a flyer advertising

HOWL continued page 3






Women’s soccer falls to Pittsburgh in road matchup

Sailing boasts sportsmanship, camaradarie

Reinventing the wheel: clear signage means safer roads

The (table top) games are just beginning

See page 8.

See page 8.

See page 6.

See page 5.

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