xcvi viii issue
thursday july
Raleigh, North Carolina
The Stones roll through Raleigh IN BRIEF Inez Nicholson
Loretta Lynch visits Raleigh to discuss human trafficking
During a visit to Raleigh Wednesday, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, a North Carolina native, told a group of prosecutors and law enforcement officers she plans to make eradicating human trafficking one of her top priorities. At one of several stops in the Triangle, Lynch visited with members of the N.C. Coalition Against Human Trafficking in Raleigh’s federal courthouse. According to Lynch, human traffickers prey on the most vulnerable members of society and exploit them for labor, sex or servitude. Lynch described human trafficking as “modern day slavery” that happens all over the country, even though many people assume it doesn’t happen in their communities. World-renowned photographer Annie Liebovitz also attended the meeting in Raleigh as well as a roundtable discussion at N.C. Central University. SOURCE: News & Observer
Rolling Stones use NC State logo without permission
NC State got an interesting surprise from the British rock band who played at Carter-Finley Stadium Wednesday night. To promote their show, The Rolling Stones debuted merchandise to featuring their iconic tongueand-lip logo on the head of someone the university wasn’t quite expecting: Tuffy, the Wolfpack mascot. According to Indy Week, The Rolling Stones’ merchandising wing, Bravado USA, and the promoter, AEG Live, never got permission from the school to manipulate the NC State logo for merchandising use. A university representative told Indy Week the band’s promoter acknowledged the mistake and is working to resolve the issue with AEG Live and Bravado and receive full trademark royalties (12–14 percent) on any merchandise sales featuring the graphic. SOURCE: Indy Week
Seventh shark attack reported on NC coast
A 68-year-old man became the seventh person in two months to be bitten by a shark off the coast of North Carolina on Wednesday afternoon. The man, whose name was not released, was bitten off the coast of Ocracoke Island while the man was swimming in waist-deep water. The man was pulled under water by the shark and received injuries to his rib cage, hip, lower leg and both hands. Officials said the shark appeared to be about six to seven feet long. Emergency crews arrived at the scene, and the victim was airlifted to Vidant Medical Center in Greenville. He is listed in stable condition. SOURCE: WRAL
FEATURES Community garden flourishes off of Hillsborough See page 6.
SPORTS Pack runners show out at USAs See page 8.
News Editor
More than 40,000 fans rocking attire dating back from the hay-day of the 1970s gathered at Carter-Finley Stadium July 1st to reminisce and relive the tunes of the Rolling Stones in their ZIP Code tour. At nearly 72-years-old, each of the band members showed no signs of aging. Clothed in black sequin blazers, poppy primary-colored T-shirts and clunky Adidas tennis shoes, the Stones’ clothing matched their enthusiasm on stage. Wednesday’s show was the Stones first time in the Triangle in nearly a decade. The Stones made an appearance at Duke University in 2005. This was the fourth time The Stones have played in Raleigh. They previously played at Reynolds Coliseum in 1965, then at Carter-Finley in 1989 and 1994. “Anyone here that supports the Wolfpack? The Tarheels? Blue Devils?” Mick Jagger asked above a sea of screams and booing. “It’s great to see you in the same stadium at the same time.” Every thing in the show has grown since their first appearance in Raleigh — the size of the audience, the size of the venue and the age of the band members. In 1965,
Mick Jagger, lead singer for the Rolling Stones, wails on the mic during the ZIP Code Tour at Carter Finley Stadium on July 1st. The show drew more than 40,000 people, including form out of state.
the average age of the Stones was 22. They performed in front of an audience of about 14,000 people consisting of mostly high school and college students, according to the 1965 Technician coverage of the show. Fifty years later, the band rocked out at a nearly sold-out venue, this
time the audience filled with mainly older fans. The Avett Brothers, an indie-blue grass band from Concord, North Carolina, opened the show. They played a set of six songs, yet CarterFinley was still fairly empty during their performance. Duke University’s gospel choir,
Vespers, were back-up singers for the Rolling Stones, adding a soulful vibe to the concert. Tailgating for the concert began at 4 p.m., but the traffic started hours before. Police on horseback, emergency vehicles and helicopters f lying above were all eager and prepared for the thousands of
STONES continued page 3
‘Same-sex marriage is a step in the right direction’ Inez Nicholson Associate News Editor
The legalization of same-sex marriage is now federally recognized thanks to the 5-4 Supreme Court ruling last week, but the fight for equality in the LGBT community is nowhere near over, according to Renee Wells, director of NC State’s GLBT Center. “It’s an important milestone, but there are so many other issues,” Wells said. “I don’t want to minimize the importance of this, but when we’re thinking about where we go from here I think we should
really be trying to broaden the conversation.” North Carolina is one of 32 states where employees can be fired for identifying as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. Currently, there are no federal or state nondiscrimination laws in place. Also in North Carolina, a transgender person cannot legally change his or her name on birth certificates until after genital reassignment surgery. “You can be legally married but you can also be fired for having a picture of your spouse on your desk,” said Darren Lipman, former president of GLBT Community Al-
LGBT continued page 2
Same-sex marriage was federally recognized Thursday, June 25th with a Supreme Court ruling of 5-4. According to Renee Wells, director of NC State’s GLBT Center, this ruling is one step closer to equality in the LGBT community, but there is still a ways to go.
Man wounded by gunshot at Wendy’s on Western Blvd. Staff Report
A male victim was slightly wounded by a gunshot Friday morning when a cell phone purchase turned sour at the Wendy’s restaurant located at 3715 Western Blvd., less than a mile from NC State’s campus, Raleigh Police said. Ali Salam, 38, suffered a superficial wound to the head after a firearm was discharged during a struggle between Salam and two suspects. Salam had arranged a meeting to buy a cell phone, police said. The suspects f led the scene driving away from campus on Carlton Avenue in a mid-2000’s grey four-door Honda Accord. Shortly after the incident occurred, NC State Police issued a safety notice. NC State Police Chief Jack Moorman said his primary concern was to make sure nobody on campus was at any risk. “Even though it was not our investigation, once we heard about it, we wanted to send out a safety notice,” Moorman said. “We wanted to make sure that all of the folks who were out-and-about knew about it so that they could avoid the area.”
Aloft, a new hotel being built at the intersection of Hillsborough Street and Enterprise Street, is one of the many new additions to Hillsborough Street. Hillsborough is also expected to see new apartments and retail shops.
Construction continues on Hillsborough Street Zeke Hartner Staff Writer
Construction continues on several projects aimed at bringing commerce and community to Hillsborough Street. Development is in progress for several large apartment complexes and hotels along a three-mile stretch of the road
that borders NC State’s North Campus. The construction coincides with the effort to make major improvements to the area surrounding the university’s campus. Phase one of these restorations involved improving vehicle traffic flow and safety on the roadway while making accommodations for the expected increase in pedestrian traffic. The project
CONSTRUCTION continued page 2