Tuesday, August 25

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TECHNICIAN                   


xcvi xvi issue


A strain of drug-resistant head lice has spread into North Carolina, affecting grade-school children. Head lice of all kinds can spread quickly within a classroom, where children share combs and brushes, hats, headsets and earbuds. Even a hug with head contact gives the lice an opportunity to move from child to child. As many as 12 million school-age kids, mostly between 3 and 11 years of age, get lice each year. The typical treatment is an over-the-counter shampoo containing insecticides called pyrethroids, but the new strain of lice appears to have developed a genetic resistance. SOURCE: WRAL.com

Two corrections officers charged in connection with kidnapping of prosecutor’s father

Gregory Dustin Gouldman, 31, a corrections officer at Polk Correctional Institute, is accused of smuggling mobile phones, tobacco, marijuana and packages of AA batteries into a “high security maximum control unit” along with fellow Polk corrections officer Jason Dean, 29, who is accused of extorting “things of value” from inmates and lying to FBI agents and a federal grand jury investigating the smuggling of contraband after the kidnapping in 2014 of a Wake County prosecutor’s father. SOURCE: News & Observer

‘Captain America’ awarded Air Force’s highest honor

Airman 1st Class Spencer Stone, who stopped a gunman armed with an AK-47 on a French train on Friday, was nominated for the highest noncombat honor offered by the Air Force by Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James on Monday. “Last Friday, as you know, evil arrived in the form of a heavily armed gunman on a high-speed passenger train in Europe, a gunman who brandished an AK-47, hundreds of bullets, a Luger pistol and a box-cutter,” James told reporters at a Pentagon briefing. “What the gunman didn’t expect, however, was a confrontation with our very own ‘Captain America,’” James said. “And believe it or not, that is what Airman Stone’s friends nicknamed him during Air Force technical training.” SOURCE: News & Observer


Raleigh, Raleigh,North NorthCarolina Carolina

Students can go green, save green with TCM

Lice plague sweeps youth

GoTriangle, the regional bus and transportation planning agency, recently released a report that details where the future light rail system will go, where they will stop and why, though much is still to be worked out in terms of funding, politics and engineering of the project. Durham and Orange counties are partnering on the development of 17-mile, 17-station light rail line. The report won’t settle all the arguments about the $1.5 billion to $1.6 billion project for some residents in southwest Durham and east Durham. You can read it and comment online at ourtransitfuture.com, and ask questions and offer your views at public meetings and hearings scheduled during the coming five weeks. SOURCE: News & Observer




New details of Durham light rail system released

tuesday august

Lindsay Smith Staff Writer

she said. “The smoothies at Smoothie U are more like slushies.” Whether or not students like what Smoothie U offers, students can slurp them without fear of high calories or other dietary restrictions. Options for students with gluten intolerance or allergies are plentiful, according to Gilmore. She said as much effort as possible has been put into providing information about all ingredients used at Smoothie U. Catering to students with allergies as well as vegans and vegetarians is also a top priority for University Dining. “If you tell students that their food is safe and healthy, you have to honor that,” Gilmore said. “At

Students can produce a pretty hefty ecological footprint, especially with the pileup of unused school supplies, appliances and technology, and that’s where The Campus Market finds its niche. Since the start of 2015, The Campus Market, an online platform for students to buy and sell used items, has given more than 30,000 students the opportunity to sell and purchase old textbooks and other materials for better prices than retail counterparts, all with the hopes of reducing students’ waste. The Campus Market also allows college students across the nation the chance to sell items ranging from textbooks, appliances, electronics, tickets and anything that they might not need at the end of a semester. With these physical items, The Campus Market also allows people to find potential roommates, tutors and living quarters. The Campus Market is available to universities across the nation. Schools in North Carolina, along with NC State, such as Appalachian State, Duke, East Carolina and UNC-Chapel Hill use the platform. “When you go to a college like NC State, there is a sense of community, and students don’t want to mislead students, especially with them living so close to the other;

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Smoothie U, NC State’s newest addition to University Dining, opened in April. Hefty planning went into the creation of the smoothie shop, according to Jennifer Gilmore. Allergy and health concerns were taken into concern when planning the menu. Smoothie U offers both fruit-based and dessert-based smoothies.

Smoothie shop returns to campus Abigail Pugh Correspondent

Smoothie U, a relatively new dining option for students, is located in the Atrium, overlooking the Brickyard. Right in the heart of campus, Smoothie U is a one-stop shop for students’ blendable needs that offers a wide array of fresh, fruity and protein-packed options. Recent ly opened i n Apr i l, Smoothie U is engineered with students in mind with its brightly colored and contemporary style. “Some students are drawn to more tart, juice-based options, and others want more of a treat or dessert aspect,” said Jennifer Gilmore, the director of Marketing and Communications for Campus Enterprises.

She said the staff learned from previous ventures that students have a wide palate when it comes to smoothies. Some students agree that Smoothie U is indeed delicious, like Julia Lumbattis, a junior studying communication. “I love having so many different smoothies to choose from,” she said. “It’s great to have some quick, healthy options for days when I am running from class to class. My favorite is the Raspberry Truffle- it’s the perfect combination of sweet and chocolaty.” However, some students believe the smoothies are not worth the price, like Anna Shelton, a senior studying human biology. “Smoothie U has nothing on Freshens, the old smoothie place,”

Are you interested in Arts NC State? Rachel Smith Staff Writer

ARTS NC State Fall Preview: Mark your calendars! BANDALOOP Pioneers in vertical dance performance, BANDALOOP, will be turning the stage on its side at NC State’s newly renovated Stewart Theatre on Sept. 17 and 18. Suspended by wires, this group of flying dancers known for its performances on skyscrapers and billboards

is one of many shows ARTS NC State is bringing to campus this fall. “We know there is no such thing as a typical NC State student, so we try to bring in a little bit of everything,” said Jill Powell, director of arts marketing. “We don’t want students to miss out on these opportunities.” NC State LIVE NC State LIVE, formerly known as Center Stage, is bringing the circus ensemble A Simple Space by Gravity & Other Myths to campus this November.

Intramural sports registration and study abroad applications are due soon! If you plan on traveling abroad next semester or signing up for intramural sports this semester, make sure you mark your calendars ASAP. The spring semester study abroad application deadline is Sept. 15. If you are applying for scholarships, make sure also to have that application in by Sept. 15. This is for students who are studying any time

University Theatre, NC State’s volunteer student theater will be performing three shows: “Fiddler on the Roof,” “Duck Hunter Shoots Angel” and “Anon(ymous)” this semester. “Fiddler on the Roof,” as well as many of the shows brought to campus through NC State LIVE, will be performed in the Stewart Theatre located in Talley Student Union. Stewart Theatre’s return This is the first year that Stewart Theatre will be open since the renovations began on Talley Student Union

in late 2012. The return to the Stewart Theatre is something that all of the members of the ARTS NC State community are excited about, according to Mark Tulbert, associate director of NC State LIVE. Tickets can be purchased in person at the box office located in Thompson Hall, online and over the phone. Students are encouraged to purchase their tickets in advance to avoid sold out shows, but tickets are also available at the door.

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during the spring term, including spring break 2016 or winter break 2015-2016. The spring break and short-term application is due Oct. 15.

Tennis Registration: Wednesday, Aug. 19, 9 a.m. - Monday, Aug. 31, 11 p.m. Play Begins: Tuesday, Sept. 8

Team Handball Registration: Monday, Aug. 24 9 a.m. - Monday, Sept. 7 11 p.m. Play Begins: Monday, Sept. 14

If you plan on playing intramural sports this semester, you have one week remaining to register. The following are dates for each sport offered this semester:

Outdoor Soccer Registration: Monday, Aug. 24, 9 a.m. - Monday, Sept. 7, 11 p.m. Play Begins: Monday, Sept. 14

Cricket Tournament Registration: Monday, Aug. 24, 9 a.m. - Monday, Sept. 7, 11 p.m. Tournament Date: Sunday, Sept. 13

Kickball Registration: Monday, Aug. 24, 9 a.m. - Monday, Sept. 7, 11 p.m. Play Begins: Friday, Sept. 11

Captains of intramural teams this year will receive a 25 percent off discount card to Sammy’s Grill.

Flag Football Registration: Wednesday, Aug. 19, 9 a.m. - Monday, Aug. 31, 11 p.m. Play Begins: Tuesday, Sept. 8

SOURCE: IM Leagues & NC State Study Abroad


FEATURES Sir Walter Miler heads to the finish line



NC State suffers pair of defeats in San Diego

Players challenge for setter spot

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