xcvi xv issue
IN BRIEF Anti-abortion rally demands defunding of Planned Parenthood About 250 abortion opponents rallied outside of the Raleigh office of Planned Parenthood on Saturday as part of a national day of protest seeking to cut funding for the organization after video footage was released by the Center for Medical Progress apparently showing Planned Parenthood employees haggling over prices for baby parts with actors claiming to be representatives from a research institution. Many protesters carried signs with graphic images from the videos on them. “We are here to protest the sale of baby parts,” said Veronica Mullaney, 74, of Apex. “I don’t want our tax dollars going to Planned Parenthood.” SOURCE: News & Observer
UNC professor refutes Trump’s stance on citizenship
Rocks were thrown at police in the course of a protest on Friday at Bank of America Stadium against the 8-4 vote to acquit Wes Karrick, a white police officer, accused of using excessive force in firing 12 shots at Jonathan Ferrell, an unarmed black man, who charged at him moments after police encountered him walking near a neighborhood pool. Dash cam footage swayed the jury in favor of acquittal, in which Ferrell is shown charging police as soon as they pulled up to the scene followed by an off-camera tussle and gunfire. Protests continued on Saturday while fans were leaving the Carolina Panthers’ preseason game, even disturbing a baseball game at BB&T Ballpark. SOURCE: Charlotte Observer
24 2015
Raleigh, Raleigh,North NorthCarolina Carolina
Habitat pledges to sponsor 11 houses Kaitlin Montgomery Editor-in-Chief
NC State’s Habitat for Humanity student chapter and its Wake County affiliate announced its biggest col laborat ion ever at Packapalooza. The two groups will work to raise $715,000 to “Build-A-Block” of 11 townhomes on Lake Wheeler Road for those in need. The fundraising began with the announcement on Saturday night and will conclude at the student chapter’s annual Shack-a-Thon event in 2016. The plan is to build the first five townhomes in the fall of 2016 and the last six in the spring of 2017. The property is two-and-a-half acres and is within walking distance of both a grocery store and a bus stop. “I’m really excited,” said Sarah Paluskiewicz, a senior studying
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The NC State student chapter of Habitat for Humanity plans raise $715,000 to build 11 townhouses for those in need. The construction is scheduled to begin in the fall of 2016.
Donald Trump told Fox News host Bill O’Reilly earlier this week that “very good lawyers” agreed with his position that children born in the United States to those who entered the country illegally do not have American citizenship. “We have to start a process where we take back our country,” Trump said on “The O’Reilly Factor” on Tuesday. “Our country is going to hell.” Theodore Shaw, a University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill law professor and director of the UNC Center for Civil Rights, said that regardless of Trump’s position, the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is clear on birthright citizenship. “The children of illegal or undocumented immigrants are citizens of the United States if they are born in the United States. Period,” Shaw said. “The argument that Donald Trump is making is one that is ill-informed, and he’s just dead wrong.” SOURCE:
“Black Lives Matter” protests flare in Charlotte, NC
monday august
Red Cross app streamlines blood donation process Deonte Edwards Correspondent
Mr. Wuff crowd surfing as Petey Pablo performs on Hillborough Rd during the Packapalooza festival on Saturday, Aug. 22, 2015.
Packin’ the streets: Packapalooza busts records Rachel Smith Senior Staff Writer
Zeke Hartner Staff Writer
Packapalooza was the sound outside your residence hall if you lived near Hillsborough Street on Saturday, drawing the largest crowds of its four-year run. Considered Hillsborough Street’s day of fame, the mile-long block party, which featured more than 350 vendors, welcomed students, faculty, staff and community members from 2 p.m. until 10 p.m. “Packapalooza brings neighbors together,” said Maggie Bruns of Raleigh. “This school
is rooted in tradition, and I am happy to be here celebrating with future, current and past members of the Wolfpack.” Packapalooza hosted a number of other bands, all of varying genres, with The Wolfpack Hip Hop Time Machine headlining. “We [had] something for everyone,” said Justine Hollingshead, assistant to the vice chan-
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In a partnership with the American Red Cross, Friday marked the sixth annual Service NC State Blood Drive, a Wolfpack Welcome Week event sponsored by the Center for Student Leadership, Ethics, and Public Service and other organizations on campus. Held in the Carmichael Gymnasium, the event lasted 11 hours and had students, faculty and other members of campus donating all throughout the day. “The goal for this year’s blood drive is to have 1,180 people participate and 1,000 units of blood donated,” said Kim Berrier, senior account manager for the Red Cross, who assisted in the coordination of the event. Berrier said that prior to the start of the blood drive, more than 900 appointments had been made by potential donors. This was made possible through the free American Red Cross Blood Donor app, which allows users to make and manage appointments, as well as find blood drives in the area. Potential donors must first complete a health history questionnaire, reading statements regarding their blood pressure, pulse, iron levels and temperature to see if they are eligible to donate. Upon successful completion of the health history survey, donors can either give whole blood or double red cells. According to the Red Cross, whole blood, which consists of red cells, plasma and platelets, is the standard donation and amounts to one pint. Meanwhile, double red cell donations are formed solely from red blood cells due to their high demand and amount to approximately two pints of blood. These types of donations come from people with an O-negative blood type, known as universal donors.
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Clinique comes to first NC university campus OPINION First Impressions Part 1 See page 4
SPORTS Wolfpack holds red & white scrimmage See page 8.
Cody Drum Davidson Correspondent
NC State became the first university in North Carolina to open a skincare counter on its campus when the Clinique counter in Wolfpack Outfitters opened on Aug. 5. Located in Talley Student Union, the full-service counter offers the same products as you would find in a department store. There are only 20 other campuses in the country that have
Clinique counters. “It’s a concept that Clinique has been doing since 1998 — working with colleges and universities to bring them to their student centers and their bookstores,” said Amber Richards, Clinique counter manager at Wolfpack Outfitters. The planning process for implementing a Clinique counter at Wolfpack Outfitters has been going on for four to five years. Blueprints and sketches for the counter were included since the beginning
of the conception of the new Talley Student Union, according to Celeste Lowndes, NC State Bookstores’ gifts and novelties buyer. “It came from a need we were hearing from in the university,” said Scott Brennan, assistant director of retail merchandise at NC State Bookstores. “It was something they desired to have, so it was more of something that was added in at the request of and hearing feedback from our customers.”
Instead of having to travel off campus to get essential skincare products, students and faculty can simply stop by Wolfpack Outfitters as they pass through campus, according to Richards. “It’s actually useful because a lot of people live on campus, and they can’t just go to a CVS or go to the mall to get skincare and stuff like that,” said Susan Mykalcio, a senior studying business admin-
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