thursday january
13 2011
Raleigh, North Carolina
Juan Williams speech postponed Inclement weather delays celebration. Chelsey Francis News Editor
Because of the inclement weather that hit Raleigh Monday afternoon, posing problems for travel, the annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Campus commemoration has been postponed. The event was supposed to feature political analyst and author Juan Williams as the keynote speaker. The event is organized by N.C. State’s African-American Cultural Center. As of Wednesday afternoon, the new date for the event has not been finalized. Williams’ presentation was supposed to be entitled, “American Leadership: Stories of Inspiration and Power Behind Proven Lead-
ers.” Williams is the author of Thurgood Marshall: American Revolutionary and Eyes on the Prize: America’s Civil Rights Years, 1954-1965. Williams also hosts America’s Black Forum, a syndicated weekly news program. He is also a regular panelist on Fox News Sunday and is a political analyst for Fox News. Williams graduated Haverford College. He received a B.A. in philosophy in 1976. Currently, Williams sits on a number of boards, including the Haverford College Board of Trustees, the Aspen Institute of Communications and Society Program, Washington Journalism Center and the New York Civil Rights Coalition. According to the African American Cultural Center, Williams also worked for National Public Radio.
Heather Blackwell, a senior in enviromental design in architecture, walks by recently closed Hillsborough Street restaurant Sylvia's Pizza on Wednesday. Sylvia's Pizza is one of several Hillsborough Street businesses that have closed in recent months. "I'm surprised it closed," Blackwell said.
Businesses close, landscape shifting on Hillsborough Pair of businesses shut down over winter break; Hotfox to replace Sylvia’s Pizza.
that happens in business. The owners had different things they wanted to do in life.” “The pair of closings was unfortunate, but part of Hillsborough Street’s continuing evolution,” Murison said. Elise Heglar “It’s pretty natural for a business comStaff Writer munity to evolve, with some busiTwo local businesses on Hillsbor- nesses phasing out and new busiough Street are no more, as of this nesses opening up every now and month. Sylvia’s Pizza and Go Paks then. Sylvia’s and Go Pak were stable businesses on the Convenience Store Hillsborough Street have officially closed w it h dedicated down for good. The customer service.” t wo businesses Still, students were closed without much sad to see Sylvia’s advance notice. and Go Paks go. When told of the Luisa Gomez, a closings, Michael senior in biological Gregory, a junior in sciences, said, “I do biological sciences, not stay on campus, said, “Oh wow. It’s Michael Gregory, a junior in but I did visit Sylvia’s terrible that local biological sciences pizza, and I felt the businesses on Hillsfood was good.” borough Street, espe“I visited the Go Pak store for a Tcially the ones that cater to the student shirt or an occasional snack,” Gregory needs, are closed down.” Hillsborough Street community said. Alan Lovette, who owns Melvin’s organizers chalked up the closings to and 5 O’Clock Sports Bar on Hillscyclical factors. Jeff Murison, the executive direc- borough Street, said he believes the tor for the Hillsborough Street Com- businesses may have never recovered munity Service Corporation, said, from the loss of business during con“I found out late last year about the struction work. Hillsborough Street closings. My understanding is that was undergoing renovations for about they closed due to the natural cycle a year that caused many businesses to
“I visited the Go Paks store for a T-shirt or an occasional snack.”
lose money. “Some people just haven’t really gotten back to normal yet. Students got into the habit of going somewhere else while the construction was going on, and they haven’t transitioned back to Hillsborough yet,” Lovette said. There was no real advertising about the businesses closing. Most people did not hear about the closings until directly before they happened, according to Murison. “Those were great staples to Hillsborough and were well-liked. There’s never much excitement about businesses closing, not the way there would be if we were talking about new businesses opening,” Murison said. There is already talk of a new business to replace Sylvia’s, according to Murison. A local business called Hotfox Pizza will be opening later this year. Hotfox will offer pizza, breadsticks, salad and beer on its menu. “It’s a very urban, social and engaging environment,” Murison said of Hotfox. “It’ ll cater both to the residents around the Hillsborough St reet as wel l as t he student communit y f rom N.C. State.” The construction project on Hillsborough Street officially ended in August. Since then, Hillsborough Street has
CHANGE continued page 3
West Deck construction paused as a result of the ice storm. However, as of Wednesday, construction was still on schedule. The deck will have approximately 840 spaces.
West Deck construction continues West Lot Deck will have approximately 847 spaces after construction.
Chelsey Francis
Prior to project: 530 spaces After project: 143 spaces West Deck: approx 847 spaces Total net gain from project: 460 spaces
News Editor
Currently, the University has taken part of the West Lot in order to work on building a parking deck which will add, overall, 460 spaces to West Lot, with the addition of a parking deck.
N.C. State sustainability delegation headed to Havana University group will travel Cuba to explore its agricultural systems. Joshua Chappell Senior Staff Writer
Sustainable agriculture, not cigars or communism, will be the focus of a four-person contingent on its trip to Havana, Cuba next week. A delegation from N.C. State will travel to Havana and the surrounding area to learn about Cuban sustainable agriculture practices and work with world-renowned leaders of organic agriculture. According to the sponsoring organization, The Natural Environmental Ecological Management Corporation, delegates will “see firsthand largescale Cuban infrastructure developed to support its world-renowned sustainable agricultural system.” Delegates will also get the chance to work with world-renowned leaders of organic agriculture like Fernando Funes.
Headed to Cuba will be: Julie Gross- culture production,” Grossman said. According to Grossman, the fall of man, assistant professor of soil fertility management in organic cropping the Soviet Bloc in 1991 created what systems, Yasmin Cardoza, assistant some call the world’s greatest exprofessor of entomology, Michelle periment in organic agriculture. The Schroeder-Moreno, assistant profes- island nation had an expansive agrisor of crop science, and Jacob Rutz, a culture system of sugar cane production, but their food sophomore in plant production provided and soil sciences. very little food for The CALS Office Cuban citizens. The of International Prosugar that the Cugrams requested that bans produced was the group of profestraded to the Soviet sors participate in Union for almost the delegation due 60 percent of the isto their strong backland’s food. ground in interna“T he resu lt i ng tional sustainable shortages of producagriculture practive capacity forced tices. When GrossCuba to make a maman heard about Julie Grossman, jor shift,” Grossman the opportunity, she assistant professor said. was immediately inThis “experiment” terested. “I have had a fascination with Cuba will provide a great opportunity for for over 15 years, as it is an example non-Cuban citizens to learn from the of rural and urban ingenuity in agri- novel practices.
“It is next to impossible for my students to travel to Cuba, I am going to bring Cuba to them.”
Phone: 919.515.2131 Email: Web:
“I am hoping that visiting Cuba 18 years after the initial push to develop these low-input farming practices will provide me with case studies I can share with my students,” Grossman said. “I am also hoping for fresh ideas for agricultural research questions and practices that could be applied [in North Carolina].” For Grossman, the conference is not just about learning for herself. As a professor and researcher, she said that she hopes to bring back fresh ideas and teaching methods to share. “Since it is next to impossible for my students to travel to Cuba, I am going to bring Cuba to them,” Grossman said. “I plan to document my trip with video and digital photos in order to bring Cuba into my soil science classroom.” Grossman said she also hopes to use the ideas from the conference to expand her research program in North Carolina. The Grossman Lab studies
CUBA continued page 3
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Social network meets carpooling See page 6
Cold weather unable to stop campers See page 8
viewpoint features classifieds sports
Wolf Xpress Print and Copy Services has relocated from the main bookstore to the new Atrium Food Court! We offer a full line of document services conveniently located next to the DH Hill Library.
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