Technician - February 7, 2011

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Technician          

monday february



Raleigh, North Carolina

Krispy Kreme Challenge runners scarf doughnuts

Belltower Briefs

Student wins scholarship Vinnie Feucht, featured in the January 27 issue of the Technician, was notified last week that he was the recipient of the 2011 Innovation Institute Scholarship, which will give him $6,000 for participation in the Innovation Institute in South Africa this summer. Vinnie’s closest competitor trailed him by 130 points. This was the inaugural competition. Source: Innovation Institute

Dr. Ernie Alexander: 2010 Natural Resources Distinguished Alumnus Dr. Alexander ‘67, ‘72, combined an undergraduate degree in pulp and paper technology with a PhD in chemical engineering to build a successful career in the forest products industry. After completing his doctorate, Dr. Alexander joined Westvaco, a leading paper, packaging and specialty chemicals corporation, as a research engineer. After seven years, he was transferred to Covington Mill as supervisor of the newly formed paper process group. Dr. Alexander spent 23 years at Covington Mill and relocated to Centennial Campus in 2005 for the Westvaco and Mead Corp. merger. In 2009 he retired and launched a consulting firm and sponsors the Ernie and Beverly Alexander Endowed Scholarship in Paper Science and Engineering. Source: College of Natural Resources

Nominate a student for the Matthews Medal for the 2010-2011 The Mathews Medal honors graduating seniors who have made significant contributions to N.C. State University during their tenure as undergraduate students. It is modeled after the Watauga Medal, the highest non-academic award given to alumni who serve their alma mater. The Mathews Medal is named for Walter J. Mathews, the first student enrolled at the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts in 1889. The Mathews Medal may be awarded to as many as four students in one academic year. However, the award does not have to be presented in any given year. Applications are reviewed by a selection committee, and selection will be based on demonstration of outstanding service and leadership to promote and benefit N.C. State. For more information: http:// editor_documents/mmApplication_10. pdf Source: NCSU Alumni Association

Mr. Wolfpack Competition: Feb. 22 Presented by UAB and CSLEPS are hosting an all-male pageant on Tuesday, Feb. 22 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Witherspoon Student Cinema as a fundraiser for a local school initiative group, Communities in Schools. Communities in Schools is a Wake County-based organization that promotes community involvement in Raleigh area schools, empowering young citizens to take full advantage of their education. Tickets at the door of the event are $3, but tickets bought the week before the competition in the Brickyard are $2. The “pageant” consists of 4 components: 1) Opening Number 2) Beach Wear 3) Talent (2.5 minutes max per contestant) 4) Wolfpack Pride / Q&A The pageant’s Facebook page is located at: php?eid=103737749702776. Source: Kelly Hook

OIT announces new web site for Wolfpack Sports TV OIT introduces the Wolfpack Sports TV (WSTV) web site, the university’s first social networking sports site representing WSTV, which airs on campus cable channel 92, is devoted to N.C. State sports 24-hours a day, seven days a week. The interactive web site provides visitors a new way to submit and view game results, news and announcements, listings, photos and videos of Wolfpack sports, student club sports and intramural sports. Fans can also share news and accomplishments of their favorite teams. Visit the site at Source: OIT

Despite temperatures in the mid-30s and bursts of rain, the 2011 Krispy Kreme Challenge was a success. Brooke Wallig Deputy News Editor

They came. They ran. And despite the rain, they conquered. Uncooperative weather was apparently no match for participants in the eighth annual Krispy Kreme Challenge on Saturday as throngs of people took to Hillsborough Street to run this unique N.C. State tradition. The Krispy Kreme Challenge is an annual race from the Belltower to the Krispy Kreme on Peace Street, 2 miles away, and back—but once the Challengers arrive at the Krispy Kreme they are given a box of a dozen glazed donuts to hurry and eat before racing back to the Belltower. For veteran runners like Taylor Tim O'Brien/Technician Myers, the prospect of finishing Dwayne Dixon, senior in public relations, eats his last three donuts at the Krispy Kreme Challenge Saturday. It was such a race—even with the al- Dixon’s first Challenge, and he ran it in the 40 degree rain. most-freezing rain—is more than enough motivation to keep going. ing all of their donuts, but still opted and people not wearing much of anyWinners “The rain didn’t affect me at all. to run the race, including Maura thing; there was a guy with a big donut on his head. It was insane.” It rained last year too so I thought Carter, sophomore in biology. Males: Whether the runners were challeng “We ran the race because we heard if I could do it last year I could do • Jeffrey Glick – 27 year old from Fort it was a lot of fun— ers or casual runners, people were defit again this year. Bragg, N.C. – 29 mins. 31 sec. something you have initely cheering, including freshman I run better when • Eric Mack – 24 year old from Raleigh, N.C. – 30 min. 22 sec. to do—and it raises chemical engineering major Allison it’s cold outside • Reese Wells – 19 year old from money for a great Coats and freshman civil engineering anyway,” Myers Chapel Hill, N.C. – 30 min. 30 sec. cause. I think our major Tiffany Preddy, who came out said. “This exexperience was a bit like so many others to support their perience is aweFemales: different from every- friends and family in the race. some though. It’s • Trisha Moore – 28 year old from Raleigh, N.C. – 36 min. 30 sec. “Our bible study leaders are runone else’s because we a really cool feel• Rita Beard – 21 year old from didn’t actually eat ning, and so our members of our biing when we’re Raleigh, N.C. – 38 min. 12 sec. the donuts, but I ble study wanted to support him even starting and see• Valerie Forker – Carrboro, N.C. – 39 think this is a good though it’s raining. I mean at first we ing all the people min. 11 sec. Taylor Myers, participant f irst step. Maybe were like ‘Do we really want to come running and then Source: Krispy Kreme Challenge next year we’ll grad- out in this?’ But then we decided it was a really cool feeling coming back and seeing all the uate to eating the donuts,” Carter said. worth it,” Preddy said. “It’s a good tra“But we saw some pretty crazy things. dition, and it’s cool to be a part of it.” people cheering for you.” For some, the tradition is so in Many runners chose to forgo eat- There were people wearing onesies, Challenge continued page 3

“It rained last year too so I thought if I could do it last year I could do it again this year.”

Group protests Egyptian crisis Students and members of the community gather to protest the situation in Egypt.

Jeff Glick, a captain in the U.S. Army, takes top spot in Saturday’s Krispy Kreme Challenge.

Chelsey Francis News Editor

Despite the rain and the nearfreezing temperatures, Egyptians and supporters gathered on the corner of Gorman St. and Western Blvd. Friday afternoon to publicly display their disdain for the current Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Mubarak has been president of Egypt since 1981. In January, Egyptians began protesting Mubarak’s rule. To begin with, Mubarak shuff led his cabinet around, until, on February 1, Mubarak announced that he would step down at the end of his current term in September. Although Mubarak is considered an economic liberal and his government has promised economic reforms, Egypt is still suffering from high unemployment rates and low standards of living. In response to the protests being held in Egypt, people living in the Raleigh area have began to organize protests, and say they plan to continue to protest for as long as Mubarak is in power. The group included members of the Raleigh and Cary communities as well as N.C. State students. Mohammad Hassan, a graduate student in chemical engineering, participated in the protest today, but said he was unable to participate in the protest in the Brickyard on Thursday. “We’re just trying to stand up for justice and peace for an area where human rights have been violated,” Hassan said. Hassan and the group said they plan to protest the Egyptian crisis for as long as they feel they need

John Wall Staff Writer

Participating in his first, but not last, Krispy Kreme Challenge, Jeff Glick, a U.S. Army captain, won the race in just less than half an hour. Glick, 27, of Fort Bragg, North Carolina officially completed the race in 29 minutes and 31 seconds. Eric Mack, of Raleigh, North Carolina, came in second place with a time of 30 minutes and 22 seconds. Saturday was his first, but not last, time running in the four-mile-long race and eating all one dozen doughnuts at the N. Pearson Street Krispy Kreme, according to Glick. “I dunked [the doughnuts] in water, kind of like competitive hot dog

Winner continued page 3

insidetechnician Amanda Wilkins/Technician

Burhan Ghanayem, a retired research scientist from Durham, holds a “Game over, Mubarak!” sign on the corner of Western Boulevard and Gorman Street on Friday.

too. He said he, as well as other Egyptians, believe that Mubarak is an unfair and unjust ruler. “As long as [Mubarak] is in power, we will protest,” Hassan said. According to Hassan, Mubarak’s regime has been using illegal ways. “He has been using the government to help disperse false information,

which just is not allowed,” Hassan said. According to Hassan, people have lost their lives because of Mubarak’s ways. “A 22 year old guy died because

protest continued page 3

Valentine’s Specials at NC State Bookstores

Somebody at NC State Loves Me Tees $10 while they last!

Army officer chews, sprints to victory

All Cutter & Buck & Greg Norman Polos $39.95 (reg. $50-$65)

Rose Bouquets & Helium Balloons Friday - Monday 25% off all plush!

Beat-up Wolfpack falls to Blue Devils See page 8.

viewpoint features classifieds sports

Representatives from NC State Class Ring Collection will be at NC State Bookstores TODAY from 10am to 3pm

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