Technician - October 22, 2010

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TECHNICIAN          

friday october

22 2010

Raleigh, North Carolina

of Fall Color Explosion to raise awareness Hordes zombies to take over Raleigh

The Fall Color Explosion is planning to beautify campus by planting flowers to increase breast cancer awareness and honor Kay Yow.

volunteers,” Morris said. According to Morris, the first Color Explosion was held in 1993 and has been held every October. “The relationship between Fall Color Explosion and Breast Cancer is somewhat open to individual interpretation. We tie Fall Color Explosion to breast Nithya Kote cancer normally because the month of Staff Writer the planting occurs in October, which Students will have a chance to in- is Breast Cancer Awareness Month,” crease breast cancer awareness Satur- Morris said. Britney Keene, a sophomore in soday, as well as beautify the campus. Fall Color Explosion, an event cial work, said the beautiful season and planned by the Student Government cause work well together. “Fall is a season of community service pretty colors-the colcommission and the orful flowers makes University grounds the surroundings crew, prompts stuso beautiful. If the dent volunteers to University can come plant flowers around together to support campus in order to breast cancer awareraise awareness for ness by planting breast cancer. flowers, it means a According to Erin lot,” Keene said. Morris, co-chair of Willysha Jenkins, a senior in Mor r i s s a id a the Department of animal science, Breast Cancer Vigil Community Outwill be held on Oct. reach, the Fall Color Explosion is meant to honor coach Kay 25 at Wolf Plaza. “The following Monday after the Yow and all other victims of breast canplanting is done, Student Government cer. “This event is meant to honor our is planning on doing a Breast Cancer beloved coach Kay Yow. We want to re- Vigil,” Morris said. “This ceremony member the amazing woman that she will honor both victims and survivors was, and to pay respect to her memory. of breast cancer. We wanted to give In addition to that, this event is meant students and faculty the opportunity to encourage both students and faculty to pay tribute to loved ones who have who have been affected by breast can- had breast cancer. In addition to that, we also wanted to pay tribute to our cer,” Morris said. Morris, a junior in political science, beloved Coach Yow.” According to Morris, the University’s said Student Government is very exgrounds management crew provided cited about the event. “We have a wide variety of student the plants for the event. “It is the wonderful NCSU grounds organizations participating [in the event].” “We are expecting about 100 plus EXPLOSION continued page 3

People all over Raleigh are being encouraged to look, talk and act like zombies in the 2010 “Zombie Walk.” Brooke Wallig Staff Writer

“It is good to have a campus full of flowers and greenery; it has a relaxing effect.”


Family members Susan Yow, Debbie Yow and Ronnie Yow, along with Jeffery Johnson, a senior in business administration, and Jim Barnhill, sculptor of the memorial, unveil the memorial for Kay Yow beside Reynold’s Coliseum, Aug. 24.

TEDxNCSU to ignite imaginations Organizers hope that event speakers will be thought provoking.

Reyes said. “‘X’ stands for an independent, community organized TED event. It is licensed by TED, but it is organized locally by the community. So, there have been over a thousand TEDx events around the world.” Allison Saito Last year Reyes attended a TED Staff Writer event in India and he said the UniN.C. State will become the first versity seemed like a natural place university in North Carolina to host for a pro-progressive thought event a TEDx event when the University like TEDx. Reyes was a main factor in getting TEDx to campus. presents TEDxNCSU Saturday. “When I was in India, I was sitTED, Technology Entertainment Design, has licensed the University to ting there thinking ‘Why can’t we host this independent event. Francis do this at N.C. State?’ The Univerde los Reyes, an associate professor sity has students who we want to of civil, construction and environ- inspire,” Reyes said. “It is a space mental engineering, said the event where we should be able to exchange presents the best thinkers and ideas ideas. It is a natural place for a thing like TED, and so I to change the world. thought we should “TED is a nado TEDxNCSU.” tional, internationReyes sa id t he a l l y phe nome n a event changes how actually. What it is listeners think and actually is is a confeel about world ference put on by a changes. nonprofit organiza“[It’s like] your tion that features m i nd has been the best thoughts in Francis de los Reyes, an blown away. Your the world. They put associate professor of civil, up these two confer- construction and environmental emotions have been pulled in many difences,” Reyes said. engineering ferent directions,” “Twice each year Reyes said. “You get they have a gathering of the best doers, thinkers, and a really great talk that changes how ideas to present ideas that change the you think, how you feel, and inspires you.” world.” He predicts TEDxNCSU will be a “TED is not about main stream, it is about ideas. Some of them might similar experience. “It is going to be a barrage of inbe something we don’t hear every day, but it is making an impact,” Reyes formation, different messages, {and] ideas in four hours,” De los Reyes said. The event will be held Saturday said. “It is quite intense.” Speakers at TEDxNCSU will infrom 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. in the Talley Student Center Ballroom. Ap- clude Marshall Brain, N.C. State proximately 200 people purchased alumnus and founder of HowStufftickets. The event is sold out. Accord-, and Dick Gordon, host ing to de los Reyes, Union Activities of the public radio show This Story. “[Brain] has been on Oprah. He’s Board is planning on hosting another TEDxNCSU event in the spring. That been on things like National Geoevent may accommodate up to 800 graphic series,” Reyes said. “He is a attendees. thinker, he thinks about a wide range “TEDx is an off shoot of TED,” of topics, and he is going to talk about

“The University has students who we want to inspire.”

the meaning of life.” “[Gordon] is going to talk about stories that he thinks are inspirational or will change how you think about the world,” Reyes said. Members of the University community will also speak. Speakers were chosen to fit into the event theme, “What Really Matters.” Mike Giancola, director of CSPELS and one of the event’s speakers, said he thinks it’s a great thing that the University is trying to bring to campus. Giancola said he was invited to speak by an event organizer and that he plans to speak on hunger and poverty at Saturday’s conference. “Anytime you’re given an opportunity to talk about something you’re passionate about it’s a great opportunity,” Giancola said. Reyes said the organization looked at a variety of speakers and searched for those who would bring new perspectives to the debate. “We either came up with names first, or we thought about issues that we wanted covered and then we looked at different people who would bring a new perspective to those issues” Reyes said. “Obviously, we wanted an N.C. State slant, so we started with the university of N.C. State.” All talks will be less than 18 minutes, and Grains of Time, an N.C. State acapella group, will also perform. “[This weekend] it is just the morning, but we figured that we would start to get the ball rolling,” Reyes said. “The hope is that we can do this every year.”

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QUESTIONS FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT SUCCESS TASK FORCE The chancellor has begun work on the University’s Strategic Plan. The plan is divided up between nine task forces, one of which is Undergraduate Student Success. The Technician will be asking students their opinion about undergraduate student success each day leading up to the Strategic Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 26.


Halloween will arrive early this Saturday, as zombies participating in the 2010 Raleigh Zombie Walk will flood the city streets. In the fourth annual Raleigh Zombie Walk, participants are expected to dress and act the parts of zombies, zombie hunters, or hapless and helpless victims while lurching around a fixed path in downtown Raleigh at 7 p.m. According to Rich Livingston, event organizer and self-proclaimed “Shaun of the Dead,” the event is meant to be both a tribute to the classic idea of the zombie and an event for all ages. “We really want to keep with the classic images of zombies as set by film director George Romero,” said Livingston. “But this is also an event for everyone, regardless of age, and we want people to act accordingly.” The event, which first started in 2007, began as a collaboration among multiple people who shared an interest in classic horror and the undead. “It was just a group of people interested in horror and the undead who saw that Raleigh was missing out on something that every major city should have,” said Livingston. “Walking hordes of the undead.” Livingston said there are two sets of rules for this zombie walk, the main

ZOMBIES continued page 3

SUCCESS? WHAT SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES ARE RELEVANT TO THESE CHALLENGES? WHAT DOES THE UNIVERSITY NEED TO DO TO TO IMPROVE IN THESE AREAS? To submit your responses to the Technician, email: letters@ To submit your input to the Undergraduate Success Task Force, visit: To voice your opinion in front of the University, attend the Chancellor’s Forum on Oct. 26, at 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., in Stewart Theater.

Installing: Chancellor Randy Woodson Overall progress: 44%

Estimated time remaining: 4 days Destination location: S:/buildings/HolladayHall/offices/chancellor/Woodson

CHANCELLOR’S INSTALLATION WEEK EVENTS: WEDNESDAY The Chancellor’s Ice Cream Dream: When: noon – 12:45 p.m. Where: The Brickyard, by D.H. Hill Library What: Meet the chancellor and sample the University’s newest ice cream flavor, which will be Woodson’s own signature ice cream. Celebrating Faculty Research and Scholarship Event: When: 4:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. Where: Auditorium, D.H. Hill Library What: This event will highlight the collective achievements and scholarship of N.C. State’s faculty. SOURCE: CHANCELLOR’S OFFICE


Pack ready for Dig Pink

Women’s volleyball to play two over weekend, including annual Dig Pink match. See page 8.

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NC State Bookstores Nov. 16-18 10am - 4pm

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