August 26, 2015

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TECHNICIAN                   


xcvi xvii issue

26 2015

Raleigh, Raleigh,North NorthCarolina Carolina

Cypher rap battle celebrates 5th anniversary

IN BRIEF Democrats pressure Republicans to finalize budget

On Tuesday, the Democratic Party along with a group of moderate, pro-business legislators calling themselves the Main Street Democrats, needled the budget negotiators and Gov. Pat McCrory by sending out news release criticizing the GOP majority for dragging its feet on a new budget. North Carolina legislative leaders are working out the details of a third extension of their deadline to adopt a state budget, which will take them at least into the middle of September. Members of both the House and the Senate said on Tuesday that budget negotiators are making progress. The main hurdle remains efforts by the House to find cuts that they have been reluctant to make. Source: The News & Observer

Thiago De Souza Correspondent


At 11 p.m. every Monday, people gather at the Free Expression Tunnel to participate in the energy that is the NC State Cypher. Rappers form a circle and spit bars, beatboxers complement flows, musicians bring guitars, saxophones and bongos and listeners sit on the steps leading down to the tunnel. But the most recent Cypher marked the half-decade milestone since its start in 2010. The celebration was hosted by key members and founders of Cypher: Eternal the MC, Mike L!ve and Tuscon and deejayed by Chaundon from Golden Era Music. Speakers were set up, microphones, turntables, plenty of camera-

Eternal the MC, a founding member of NC State’s Cypher, performs a freestyle rap in front of the Free Expression Tunnel during the NC State Cypher’s five-year anniversary on Monday night.

CYPHER continued page 3

Tropical Storm Erika threatens Dominican Republic

Tropical Storm Erika is approaching the Leeward Islands, near the Dominican Republic, and forecasters say the storm may gain strength. Erika was centered Tuesday evening about 545 miles east of Antigua and moving west at 20 mph. It had top sustained winds of 40 mph. Tropical storm watches were issued to multiple islands off of the coast of South America. These watches mean tropical storm conditions are possible within 48 hours. Source: The News & Observer

Student group has burning love for Sanders Abigail Pugh Correspondent

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who describes himself as a Democratic socialist, is currently riding a wave of support from millennials toward a potential nomination for the Democratic Party in 2016. NC State Students for Bernie is a student club that aims to rally fellow supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders in his 2016 presidential run and is a chapter of College Students for Bernie. The central organization for student support nationwide, College Students for Bernie, is a grassroots movement with chapters in about every university in the United States, according to club president, Alex Caudill, a sophomore studying political science. “What drew me to Sanders at first was his authenticity — you can tell he’s not your average politician,”

Study finds black students suspended more than white students

A new report released Tuesday by the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania found that black students are suspended at a much higher rate than white students in North Carolina and other Southern states. The study found that black students make up 26 percent of North Carolina public-school enrollment but account for 51 percent of suspensions and 38 percent of expulsions. The analysis comes out after the Obama Administration issued guidelines in January of last year calling for schools to ease up on zerotolerance policies, promote more equitable discipline practices and stop arresting students for minor disciplinary infractions. Source: The News & Observer

Caudill said. “He’s not out there for special interests, he cares about people holistically, and he wants to make things better on a system-wide scale.” Running as a Democrat in the 2016 election, the Independent Vermont senator has piqued the interest of college students far and wide for his policy proposals and sincere, straightforward personality, among other qualities. “Bernie has a rare level of integrity and a moral compass directed toward saving the middle class, reducing poverty and bringing about institutional equality,” said Jesse Henderson, a graduate student studying natural resources economics and a member of Triangle for Bernie. Henderson added, “Bernie runs his campaign on small donations from ordinary citizens, so it’s clear that he serves our interests.” This issue was made clear by Sanders at


Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks at a rally in Phoenix, Arizona, for his 2016 campaign trail.

a rally in New Hampshire Sunday night when he said, “[Other candidates] have the money but we have the people, and when the people

stand together, there is nothing we can’t accomplish. This country be-

SANDERS continued page 2

CSLEPS elects experienced director Staff Report


FEATURES Flashback feature: NC State’s mascot then and now See page 5.

SPORTS Potential pros hone skills at NC State See page 8.

wednesday august

Melissa Barnes has accepted the offer to serve as the director of the Center for Student Leadership, Ethics and Public Service. “We are delighted that she will continue to share her passion for social justice, civic engagement, equity and inclusion with our students and the global community,” wrote, Mike Giancola, the associate vice provost of the Division of Academic & Student Affairs, in an email to student leaders. Barnes has served in various roles in the last five years within CSLEPS including most recently serving as the interim director. Barnes has served as the chair of the Service NC State Blood Drive Committee, served on the steering committee that founded the Feed the Pack Food Pantry in 2012 and is a member of the campus National Coalition Building Institution team. Before coming to NC State, Barnes served as the assistant director for Leadership and Volunteer Services at Western Michigan University, as a resident director at the University of Illinois UrbanaChampaign and a graduate assistant in Multicultural Affairs at Ohio State University. “I am excited and grateful for this leadership role within CSLEPS,” Barnes told NC State News. “I believe in every word of our mission and vision in CSLEPS, and I am thankful for the opportunity work with such a talented team as we work together to bring our mission and vision to reality. Through our work, we have the unique opportunity to help cultivate socially just leaders and develop partnerships that are truly changing the world.”

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David Roberts and a team of researchers at NC State have developed a harness prototype that utilizes various forms of technology to allow for two-way communication between man and man’s best friend.

New harness tech gives ‘woof’ more meaning Rachel Smith Staff Writer

We’re one step closer to understanding man’s best friend on an emotional level thanks to David Roberts, an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science, with a project he calls “the future of

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canine computing.” Roberts, along with a research team at NC State, are working toward creating a harness that would allow for more accurate interactions between man and dog. “Humans and dogs communicate very

WOOF continued page 2

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