September 3, 2015

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TECHNICIAN                   


xcvi xxii issue

Tthursday september



Raleigh,North NorthCarolina Carolina Raleigh,

NC State receives funding for workforce opportunities


Kaitlin Montgomery Editor-In-Chief

NC State announced a $386,000 investment from the Duke Energy Foundation Wednesday at 10 a.m. in the Currituck/Hatteras room in Talley Student Union. The announcement was made by Chancellor Randy Woodson and David Fountain, Duke Energy’s North Carolina president. The “Backpacks to Briefcases” program will work to expand workforce development efforts and prepare college graduates for jobs. The three-year grant will provide unemployed or underemployed Wake and Johnston county college graduates with paid internships. Eligible students will have to have completed a bachelor’s degree within six to 24 months prior to entering the program. In 2011-2012, NC State ran a pilot “Backpacks to Briefcases” program in partnership with the Capital Area Workforce Development Board. Backpacks to Briefcases is part of a $2 million workforce development investment in six UNC System schools. “NC State takes pride in its ability to not only prepare students for their first job but also to educate them for a career,” Woodson said. “The ‘Backpacks to Briefcases’ program matches college graduates who, in a tight job market, may need help finding the right employers together with employers looking for fresh, qualified interns who can transition into permanent employment. These types of powerful partnerships are written into NC State’s DNA. We thank the Duke Energy Foundation for its investment and its trust in this economic development effort.” NC State’s partners in the program are the Capital Area Workforce Development Board and Educational Data Systems Inc.


Redshirt junior quarterback Jacoby Brissett runs the ball downfield Saturday Nov. 30, 2014 at Kenan Stadium. The Wolfpack defeated the Tar Heels 35-7. Brissett begins his final season with the Wolfpack Saturday against Troy.

Carter-Finley strives for zero waste this season


Composting at Carter-Finley is a new addition to the 2015 Wolfpack football season. Students are encouraged to put their left-over food, trash and recycling items in the correct receptacles.

Lindsay Leonard Correspondent

This year, NC State is scoring a sustainability touchdown in Carter-Finley Stadium. NC State’s Athletics Department and Waste Reduction and Recycling have teamed up this fall to implement a new system of compost bins in the stadium. The bins, which are gray with green lids, will stand alongside the landfill and recycling bins at various locations on the concourse and serve as the collection point for leftover food and food-related paper wastes. After being deposited in the bins, leftovers and wastes such as pizza boxes, napkins and paper

plates will be recycled into soil amendment. “Twenty compost stations will be available on the concourse of Carter-Finley Stadium to help Pack fans strive for zero waste,” said Lauren McKinnis, outreach coordinator for Waste Reduction and Recycling, who is in charge of the new composting initiative. However, students and other fans must play their part in achieving this goal because McKinnis said items left in the stands will not be composted. Students can do their part by bringing any leftover food and food-related paper waste to the compost bins located on the concourse. She said she hopes that the program will

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help Carter-Finley strive for zero waste by minimizing landfill additions, and this initiative will lead to an expansion of overall composting efforts throughout campus and an increase in education and awareness about composting on campus and in the community. Lindsay Batchelor, program coordinator for Sustainability, is also excited about the composting system. Striving for zero waste has been a long-time goal at the stadium. “The WE Recycle program has been diverting recyclables from the landfill for the last 12

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WHAT YOU CAN COMPOST: Look for the gray bins with green lids: • • • • •

Leftover food Food-related paper wastes Pizza boxes Napkins Paper plates SOURCE: WASTE REDUCTION AND RECYCLING

COMPOST continued page 3

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