fall exam week extra 2010
Raleigh, North Carolina
Woodson: Arden the ‘best selection’
High-octane booze nixed
After serving as the interim provost since May 2009, Warwick Arden has officially been named the provost.
The N.C. ABC Commission’s attempt to reduce alcohol-related medical emergencies on college campuses may not be enough, according to Campus Police.
Chelsey Francis
Brooke Wallig
Deputy News Editor
Staff Writer
The University turned a new page and put an end to the Mary Easley saga Dec. 3, when Chancellor Randy Woodson introduced Warwick Arden as the new provost. According to Woodson, the hiring cemented an already held sentiment at the University. “My view is the University had already moved past [the Mary Easley scandal],” Woodson said. “This is the last position we’re filling after the scandal. After an outstanding national search, we decided that Arden was the best selection for us.” Arden had been interim provost since May 14, 2009, when Larry Nielsen stepped down amid the scandal surrounding the hiring of former Lee Daniello/File photo first lady Mary Easley. Arden served Interim Provost Warwick Arden assists Chancellor Randy Woodson familiarize faculty, administrators and students as dean of the College of Veterinary with the strategic planning layout in Titmus Theatre Sept. 13. Strategic planning is an effort to create an ideal Medicine for almost five years, before atmosphere at N.C. State, over the course of the next five to seven years, by implementing four main goals: providing being named interim provost. Arden’s scholarship and grants that meet the needs of the 21 century, achieving a culture of innovation, inducing an environment that values incusiveness and diversity, and generate an efficient operational enterprise. salary will be $315,000 a year. In his first interview since his hiring “It was a great selection and he is an to complete the job of provost as he at a special meeting of the Academic About Warwick Affairs and Personnel Committee, outstanding academic leader,” Wood- always has. “I have been approaching the job as Arden said he’s excited about the op- son said. “He’s done an outstanding Arden: job with managing though I wasn’t interim,” Arden said. portunities. t he Universit y’s “You can’t approach it as an interim “I feel like this is AGE: 53 CITIZENSHIP: Austrialian, difficult budget,” and get anything done. That being great University that permanent resident of U.S. said, I’ll continue to do the job with Woodson said. has a great future,” WIFE: Barbara Loeffler The provost posi- no major changes.” Arden said. “I’m exCHILDREN: Matt, Andy, Kate, Ben Arden was a part of the initial stration has remained cited to be a part of OFFICE: 109 Holladay Hall in transition since tegic planning layout since Woodson it.” PHONE: (919) 515-2195 the 2009 scandal arrived at the University in April of Immediately after Chancellor Randy Woodson EMAIL: a ssociated w it h this year. announcing Arden as “Now that I know I’m the permaMary Easley’s hire the provost, Woodson spoke with the Technician and said at the University. All other positions nent choice, I have more stability and Source: Provost’s Office Arden’s conduct during his time in the vacated following the scandal have can do more long range planning,” temporary post convinced him of the already been filled. Arden said he intends to continue decision. Arden continued page 4
“We decided Arden was the best selection for us.”
June 25
Nov. 1
Nov. 8
Nov. 10
Nov. 17
Robert McGrath visted campus for interview
Warwick Ardens interview
Cathryn Newton visits campus for interview
Dec. 3 Arden named provost of the University
May 10
Three final candidates for provost named
Amid Mary Easley controversy, Nielsen resigns as provost
Debbie Yow hired as athletics director
Jayne Fleener hired as the College of Education dean
2005 Larry Nielsen hired as interim provost in January
A Look back on the hiring of the provost
The North Carolina Alcohol Beverage Control Commission removed the final two 190-proof alcoholic drinks in an attempt to limit alcohol poisoning on college campuses. According to Mike Herring, chief administrator of the commission, 190-proof Everclear and Diesel will no longer be available Dec. 1 to the general public, and Everclear will be replaced by a lower proof. “We aren’t banning Everclear, we are simply replacing it with a 151 proof,” said Herring. “Most of the items listed in the N.C. ABC system are 80, 90 and 100 proofs, so this lower proof of Everclear should still be efficient for punches, which is why college students want it in the first place. But we wanted to deter those who wished to use the 190-proof for such purposes because of its strength.” Nathan Lauer, a freshman in biochemistry, said he believes removing drinks with the highest alcohol content will prove beneficial, especially for students who take drinking to the extreme. “This is definitely a good idea. Some students here at N.C. State are young or new to alcohol, so they are not careful when it comes to what they drink and how much of it they’re drinking. Because of this, they often end up consuming too much,” said Lauer. “I think that with students unable to buy drinks with extremely high alcohol contents, fewer students will get sick, or in more serious cases die.” But according to Capt. Jon Barnwell of Campus Police, this measure may not actually solve the University’s alcohol poisoning problem, although he applauded their effort. “That’s a significant amount of alcohol for one bottle of liquor, so banning it is not a bad thing. I do appreciate their attempt to lower the amount of alcohol in a specific drink,” said Barnwell. “But I’m not sure that it will have a significant impact, since when we see students getting in trouble with excess, they aren’t drinking Everclear. They’re
Everclear continued page 10
Compiled by chris boucher
Lee Daniello/Technician
The new Atrium, coming in the spring, will feature five dining options and spacious seating to appease hungry students’ appetites. It will include Chic-fila-A Express, featuring the spicy chicken sandwich and the long-awaited return of waffle fries; Zen Blossom, an Asian eatery; Brickyard Pizza and Pasta, campus’ own Italian cuisine venue; Delirious, a refreshing option specializing in fresh-made wraps and salads; and WolfPack To Go, a quick option for students in a hurry.
Dining prepares Atrium for sneak peak and opening in January University dining is preparing the atrium for a grand opening Jan. 10 and a sneak peak Jan. 9. Chelsey Francis Deputy News Editor
The waffle fries are returning. But now, there’s going to be even more choices in the Brickyard for hungry students. When students return to campus from winter break, the Atrium will
function in a different manner. The serving area will open as planned on Jan. 10 for breakfast. However, for a few students, there will be a sneak preview on Jan. 9, where they will be allowed to taste everything except Chick-fil-A. Students who win a Golden Ticket from one of the C-stores will be able to bring a friend with them to the sneak preview on Jan. 9. The rest of the student body and anyone else interested in the new Atrium will have to wait until 7 a.m. Jan. 10 before entering.
The Atrium will be open until 4:30 p.m. through May. Students will be able to taste food from Delirious, which will serve wraps and salads; Zen Blossom, serving Asian food; Brickyard Pizza and Pasta, which will have a rotating pasta menu; and Wolfpack-to-Go, which will have more options, according to Kitty Lewis, University food service director. “We are really excited for this part of the Atrium to open up,” Lewis said. “It’s taken about two years of planning
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to be at this stage.” The Atrium will be larger to accommodate the higher population of the University, according to Lewis. “There’s going to be an expanded Chick-fil-A,” Lewis said. “There’s going to be two serving stations, and both are going to have waffle fries. When we reopen, we’re also going to have the spicy chicken sandwich.” The new Dining choices are a result of a campus wide survey conducted prior to the beginning of the Atrium renovation. All the dining locations in
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the Atrium are University owned, except Chick-fil-A, so dining can change the menus based on student response, according to Lewis. Lewis said Zen Blossom will have fresh sushi and three stable menu items every day. The other items will rotate with all the University owned locations in the Atrium, the rotating menus will be swap out a weekly basis.
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