xcvi xcix issue
After first day as UNC System president, students protest Spellings
Raleigh officerinvolved shooting sparks protests
Peaceful protesters gathered on Martin Luther King Boulevard Tuesday evening to protest the death of 24-year-old Akiel Rakim Lakeith Denkins. Denkins was shot by a 29-year-old white police officer, D.C. Twiddy, Monday near the intersection of Bragg and East Streets. No arrests were made during the march. The Rev. William Barber, president of the North Carolina NAACP, said the investigation of shooting should be dealt with out in the open but encouraged protesters to remain peaceful. The Raleigh Police Protective Association said it supports Twiddy’s actions. SOURCE: WRAL
Duke Quad renamed after black architect
Duke President Richard Broadhead announced that the Duke Quad will be renamed after Julian Abele, the African-American architect who designed a lot of the Gothic campus, including Duke Chapel. The Quad is a main gathering space for celebrations, protests, concerts and ceremonies and includes more than 30 buildings and spaces designed by Abele. The renaming comes as universities across the country are taking stock of historic buildings and changing names of those named after historically racist figures. SOURCE: The News & Observer
FEATURES Professor and her dog train to find cadavers See page 6.
SPORTS See page 8.
Raleigh, North Carolina
Staff Report
Gavin Harrison, the chair of elections and a senior studying biological sciences, talks to candiates Tuesday after announcing that the election for student body president and student body vice president has resulted in a run-off. Long and Nolan will face off in a run-off, and the results will be delivered Thursday.
Long, Nolan advance to election run-off Jonathan Carter Correspondent
The Student Government election results were revealed Tuesday night. The race for student body president and student body vice president resulted in a runoff between Cody Long and running mate Mitchell Moravec, and Paul Nolan and running mate Brayndon Stafford. The duos beat out three other tickets: Nate Bridgers and running mate Hayes Griggs; Rye Robinson and running mate
Jotionette “JJ” Jones; and Harrison Preddy and running mate Caroline Moody. The voting period will re-open Thursday at 8 a.m. and end 8 p.m. that evening. Runoffs occur when no candidate receives a voting count of more than 40 percent, a fairly common trend in Student Government. This leaves the candidates in limbo for the two days after the elections open. The rules for the runoff are clear: Candidates have their campaign time
RESULTS continued page 3
The new UNC System president Margaret Spellings took office Tuesday, four months after her controversial selection following the forced resignation of Tom Ross. Spellings is the former U.S. Secretary of Education under George W. Bush, and now looks to address a range of issues, from budget matters to concerns about academic freedom. She is starting her presidency by visiting every UNC campus and affiliate within the first 100 days of office to learn more about the system and how it operates. She is scheduled to visit NC State sometime in late April, though the date has not been SOURCE: WIKIMEDIA released. Margaret Spellings Spellings will bring a dogwood tree with her to every campus she visits. Even before starting her first day, Spellings has faced much controversy. Her appointment was made in a closed meeting after former president Ross was forced to resign. In an interview with WUNC, Spellings said she hopes to see eye-to-eye with those in the UNC System. “I’m going to find common ground with everyone, and that means we’re all going to be focused on affordability, access and accountability,” Spellings said. “No matter what your view, I think we can all agree that college education is the key to the American dream.” Spellings addressed statistics showing that poor and minority students perform worse in school, and said that is something that needs to be fixed. “What we’re going to do about it, particularly in our post-secondary institutions, is to understand what the research-based practices are that are going to move the needle,” Spellings said. “We also need teachers to go into our classrooms every day both as role models and as practitioners that can close the achievement gap.”
Museum completion delayed due to weather Sasha Afanasyeva Staff Writer
Completion of the Gregg Museum addition has been delayed due to weather related events and an unexpected granite rock layer. Construction that was scheduled to be complete by mid-July is now estimated to be finished by late September or early October, assuming no further weather-related delays. The Gregg Museum of Art & Design is an NC State art museum with more than 34,000 pieces. Originally located in Talley Student Union prior to the renovations, the museum will find a permanent home in the chancellor’s former residence by Pullen Park once the new addition is complete. The addition will add roughly 15,000 square feet to the museum and is expected to be open to the public by March 2017.
The new Gregg Museum addition will add roughly 15,000 square feet to the musuem. The new addition is expected to open by March 2017 barring no further delays.
Although construction was originally expected to be complete by mid-July of 2016, unexpected delays have pushed the completion date back. “We are behind schedule because of all the rain over the course of
the fall,” said Roger Manley, director of the Gregg Museum. “We had nearly two and a half times the normal rain during October, November and December.” In addition to heavy rain, an unexpected rock layer slowed con-
struction even further. “When they were digging the foundation they ran into a seam of solid granite that no one expected,” Manley said. “They had
GREGG continued page 3
Student Media annouces new student leaders Staff Report
Georgia natives lead dynamic duo
UNC System president Spellings takes office
IN BRIEF Students on six UNC campuses — UNC-Chapel Hill, Appalachian State University, North Carolina A&T State University, UNCCharlotte, UNC-Greensboro and UNC-Wilmington participated in walk outs demonstrating their contempt with the new UNC System president, Margaret Spellings, who took office Tuesday. At UNC-CH, several hundred people gathered on the quad while about 80 protesters stood on the steps of their library leading chants. Spellings spent her day in meetings with faculty leaders, in an interview with WUNC and had lunch with students at North Carolina Central University. SOURCE: The News & Observer
wednesday march
The new leadership positions for the Technician, WKNC and Nubian Message for the 2016-2017 school year were selected Tuesday night at the Student Media Advisory Board meeting. The Board appointed Stephanie Tate as editor-in-chief of Nubain Message; Rachel Smith as editor-inchief of Technician and Emily Ehling as general manager of WKNC. An interim director will be ap-
pointed as editor-in-chief of Agromeck, and the application will reopen in August. Windhover did not receive any applications, so the application will reopen until March 14. The Annual Publications Advisory Board will meet March 16 and will select the next editor-in-chief April 12. As editor-in-chief of Nubian Message, Tate said she wants to increase staff retention, improve recruitment strategies and making stories more timely. “As a student publication, I want to
2408 Hillsborough ST
ensure that students of all marginalized backgrounds feel as though they can come to the Nubian staff and address any comments, questions or concerns they have for our publication,” she said in her application paper. Smith said she hopes to improve the Technician’s online presence in ways such as social media, creating a Technician app and using more multimedia forms of reporting. “I, like most millennials, receive my news through apps like Banjo and
Apple News,” Smith said. “I believe that aligning the Technician with sources like these will only benefit our publication’s readership.” Ehling’s main priority as general manager will be to interact more with campus. She wants to partner with Union Activities Board for events like the Homecoming concert. “A stepping stone to becoming more widely known around the NC State community would be team up with campus organizations outside of Student Media,” Ebling said.
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