Nubian Message February 22nd

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NUBIAN MESSAGE RALEIGH, N.C. n VOL. X, ISSUE 14 n THENUBIANMESSAGE.COM n FEB 22nd, 2012 Live Black in Wax Museum n2

Black History Tidbit: Julian Abele n4

Whitney Houston laid to Rest n6

Tunnel of Oppression Seeks to Educate CJ GUION | EDITOR - IN - CHIEF

This week marks the second time that the university will be celebrating a new annual tradition of Diversity Week. This also marks the second year of the Tunnel of Oppression, which is a feature event of the week. The Tunnel of Oppression is a simulated tour of oppressive situations which many students face sometimes on a daily basis. The three day tour is a co-sponsored event hosted by Multicultural Student Affairs and the Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity, with assistance from the GLBT Center and Women’s Center. The tour gives students, faculty, and staff various opportunities to experience different forms of oppression. Different students from around campus act out different scenes, and students have the opportunity to view multimedia slide shows of actual oppressive images that have been found throughout campus in past years. This year the specific types of oppression which will be highlighted includes body image, homophobia, relationship violence, race, and disabilities. Students who are offended by anything that they witness in the tunnel have the option to exit at any time. At the conclusion of the tour students are able to reveal emotions they faced during the tour and have the opportunity to commit to stand up against oppressive behavior on campus. This year, the tour includes a debriefing session which

Other Diversity Week Thursday Events: Wednesday “Stop the Hate” : Sponsored by the GLBT Center Speech and Discussion by Keith and Al Toney. The first and only Same Sex Couple to sue the United States Federal Government DOMA law and win. This presentation will give us a chance to look at how we self identify and express ourselves along with where we get our messages about people and ways to respond when people make oppressive comments.

Title IX: Gender in Higher Education 10 AM - 12 PM , Administrative Services Building II Learn the history, progress, and presence of Title IX in higher institutions of learning. Gay Marriage: Is this the Civil Rights Issue for Today’s College Students ? 3pm - 5pm, Erdhal Cloyd Auditorium Sponsored by GLBT Center

Beyond the Veil Riddick Hall, 7PM This event will de-mystify veiling, explain women’s empowerment in Islam and explore diversity in religious interpretation. Sponsored by Women’s Center and Muslim Student Association.

Friday Film Screening: Matewan Caldwell Hall, G107 4:30 PM - 7PM Professor An American film directed by John Sayles, illustrating the 1920’s coal miners’ strike and their attempt to unionize despite racial tensions and the repression of workers’ rights.

Photo by CJ Guion/Nubian Message Student actors portray scenes of oppression in the Tunnel of Oppression. Tour guides lead audiences though different rooms which focused on different forms of oppression including racism, body image, homophobia, and relationship violence. will ensure that all tour participants leave empowered. The Tunnel of Oppression is performed at various universities around the country with hopes to unite diverse campus communities. The tour will end on Wednesday, February 21st. To check for tour availability visit the Multicultural Student Affairs website at

News Briefs Nubian Message Website Wins Award This past weekend at North Carolina College Media Association Conference, The Nubian Message website was honored with Best of Show award for an onlines news site. NCSU Technician and the UNC’s The Daily Tar Heel were also honored in the same category. The Nubian Message launched the new website in the Fall with a fresh look, upgraded features, and a new url. You can check the website out at

The Wolfpack Falls to UNC On Wednesday, the NC State Men’s Basketball team fell to Tobacco Road rival UNC-Chapel Hill 86-74. The pack falls to (18-10 regular season, 7-6 ACC). The Wolfpack will conclude it’s regular season next Wednesday against Miami at the RBC Center for Senior Night.


PAGE 2 |FEB. 22ND, 2012

What’s Happening on Campus



22 Diversity Week Tunnel of Oppression 3:00 PM - 8:30 PM Carmichael Recreation Center Playzone Diversity Week Stop the Hate: GLBT Center 7PM Washington Sankofa Rm. Witherspoon Student Center (AACC)


23 NUBIAN MESSAGE STAFF/INTEREST MEETING Today 5PM WITHERSPOON 325 African American History Month Lift Every Voice: Empowering Blacks Thorough the Media African American Media Club 6PM Washington Sankofa Rm. Witherspoon Student Center (AACC)


Black Students Board Battle of the Sexes 7:30 PM Washington Sankofa Rm. Witherspoon Student Center (AACC)

Nubian Message


24 NAACP Gospel Explosion: Unification of Church and State 4PM Washington Sankofa Rm. Witherspoon Student Center (AACC)


Sentinel of the African-American Community at North Carolina State University since 1992


STAFF WRITERS: CORDERO SLASH CHELSEA GARDNER SYLENA FLOYD KIERRA LEGGET YOLANDA RAY ALEXIS TEASDELL TEVIN BYRD HIND MALIK KELVIN CARTER SAMPSON BLOH PHOTOGRAPHERS: KAREEM WILLAMS MELVIN MOORE Only with the permission of our elders do we proudly produce each edition of the Nubian Message. Dr. Yosef ben-Yochannan: Dr. John Henrik Clark: Dr. Leonard Jeffries: The Black Panther Party: Mumia A. Jamal: Geronimo Pratt: Tony Williamson: Dr. Lawrence Clark: Dr. Augustus McIver Witherspoon: Dr. Wandra P. Hill: Mr. Kyran Anderson: Dr. Lathan Turner: Dr. M. Iyailu Moses: Dokta Toni Thorpe and all those who accompany us as we are STILL on the journey to true consciousness. COPYRIGHT 2011 BY NORTH CAROLINA STATE STUDENT MEDIA, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Locations Avent Ferry Complex Brooks Hall Caldwell Hall Harrelson Hall DH HILL LIBRARY Witherspoon Student Center Biltmore Hall

325/326 Witherspoon Student Center Box 7138 NC State University Raleigh, NC 27695-371 PHONE NUMBER: 919.515.1468 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: TWITTER: @NUBIANMESSAGE



FEB. 22ND, 2012 | PAGE 3

Where Are All The People?


Where are all the people?! As child I used to always watch the popular 90’s television sitcom, “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” and one of the jokes that I found funny was when Hillary, the oldest daughter who was known for being ditzy and shallow, was playing a popular hand game that many play as children. She held her hands in the shape of a Church, and said, “Here’s the Church.” Then she made another shape and said, “Here’s the steeple,” then she opened her hands to find that she had done something wrong and yells, “Where are all the people?!” I found this joke hilarious. So hilarious in fact, that I still remember it years later. But, as we get older some jokes become more of a reality. Really...where are all the people? As a freshman, when I came to North Carolina State University, I was proud. There was comfort in knowing that not everyone was able to come here. I liked that I knew that when I graduate, I had a strong degree. But truthfully, what was important to me at the time was also my development. After watching many friends come here, I knew that this was the place to come because I had seen them grow into intelligent, self-aware, men and women, whom I respected and looked up to. They were knowledgeable about their culture and I was even nervous when engaging in conversation with these people because I didn’t want to say anything that would appear ignorant or incorrect. Sometimes I wonder if this standard is still upheld. Are we continuing the NC State legacy of nurturing the incoming class into success? Our elders always talk with us about the importance of knowing our history and our culture and how we are neglecting the values that used to be present in our society. I can honestly say that when I heard these statements, I understood what they were saying but it didn’t register to me that it was

so factual. It was almost as if they were saying that the world was going to end in 2012 and I thought, “yeah, okay, we’ll see” or when people tell us that global warming is real and we need to recycle because the ice caps are melting, and we think, “Yeah, I hear you but we’ll be okay.” But recently my sentiments have changed. Now, hearing our elders say that we’re “losing our values”, “we’re not developing like we used to on this campus”, or “we don’t care as much anymore” is like hearing that 1 in 9 women have breast cancer. Hearing that “something isn’t right anymore” is similar to hearing that “The estimated lifetime risk of becoming infected with HIV is 1 in 16 for black males, and 1 in 30 for black females.” It’s real to me now. It’s not just speculation, or opinion, or overreacting. Apathy is becoming an epidemic. Writing this I began to think to myself, “Am I being a traitor to my generation by taking up this view point?” Have I even been doing my part with my personal lack of attendance at important programs on campus? Why do I care? The truth is, it hurts. I remember attending multiple programs last semester, not even really knowing what they were about. I simply knew that they were important because prominent figures on campus would be there, understanding the value of them and teaching me the value of these programs. I had no clue what the Historic Thousands on Jones Street March was, but I saw how many people were going and how important it was to them and I made sure that I went. Then when I was out side of Shaw University, standing with so many other African Americans celebrating our culture in such a profound way, I understood. It wasn’t our culture in terms of the way we “turned the N Word into something positive from something negative” or “how we dress” or “Hip Hop.” It was the culture that isn’t aired on television. I got to see African Americans

as scholars, watching elderly alumni walk with Shaw University, or North Carolina Central University jackets on, something that I couldn’t imagine considering that my mother was a first generation college student. I got to see African Americans as socially aware artists as poets performed spoken word and singers sang “Lift Every Voice and Sing.” I got to see African Americans as people with a sense of community as we looked out for children who were walking away from parents and could get lost. I grew from the experience that I would not have had, had it not been for the students who came before me who understood it’s value. Now, when I attend events on campus that are intellectual, culture-based, and moving, I walk in with that same realization that Hillary had, “Where are all the people?” Where are the role models, the leaders, the respectable men and women? Why is it that our schedules don’t permit the development of ourselves academically and culturally? Why is it that programs that were once filled with intelligent, prominent, men and women who I personally admired and looked up to, are now made up of faculty and about ten students? Who’s fault is it? Maybe it’s my class. Maybe we are failing at passing the torch of knowledge to new generations. Maybe it’s the class before mine, and they failed to instill the value of looking out for those that come after us. Maybe it was the class before them. Regardless of who’s fault it is, the problem is relevant. It’s here. If we don’t make a change now, what will our presence be on this campus? A people who only value discussions on sex and relationships? A people who don’t care enough to discuss our history, literature, and our culture? Are the scholars, socially aware artists and sense of community a thing of the past? I don’t think so. I just think that some things have begun to change slightly and it’s our job as a community to fix it, together.

What to Expect After Graduation? SYLENA FLOYD | STAFF WRITER As college students, we strive for the path to success. Whether you are a part-time student or full time student, many of us have signed up for classes, made our busy schedules work, and still have no idea what’s going to occur in the work world following graduation. At least for some of us. Many students are not sure what to what they should expect in a new working environment. Will there continue to be group assignments? Will work be expected in a specific time frames? Will our boss be a foe and not as friendly as some of the professors we see on a weekly basis? What should we be prepared for next? A couple of things that you can expect is an interview to get the job, work etiquette when you land the job, and that contacts will come in handy in the future. So here are a couple of tips that you can follow. To prepare for an interview, the following might be considered: - Research the company to find out what makes them successful - Pay attention to the tone of your interviewer, because you don't want to over talk them. - Always look them in the eye. - You also might want to figure out what sets you apart from your competitor

because your not the only one interviewing that day. So say you remember and follow these steps and you get the job. Congrats! Now you belong to a potential million dollar company. In other words the organizations was successful before you got there. So now you need to think about what you have to do to keep your job, tuning into company policies, and finding out the big secret for how the company, so that you don’t screw anything up. Don't get ahead of yourself, stick to presenting yourself for who you are and what you have to offer. I think that should take you a long way. As a senior, I have learned to keep up with my Professors and GA's. Yes, it is good to have recommendations but you might also have questions that you didn’t think of before you got the job or before entering one. One way to do that is by keeping up with emails, by transferring all university emails out of your student account and into your permanent email account, including phone numbers. Having good contacts is important and very useful when you've moved miles away and you find out that your favorite instructor has accepted another job offer or has retired. With that you should be on a better track of finding success in the workforce post-graduation.

Published by the Student Media Authority of NC State University

The Nubian Message is written by and for the students of North Carolina State University, primarily for the African-American community. All unsigned editorials are the expressed opinion of the editorial staff and do not represent the university in any way. The Nubian is published every Wednesday of each month during the fall and spring semester, except during holidays and exam periods. The Nubian Message encourages letters to the editor. The Nubian Message will consider fairly all letters to editor, but cannot guarantee the publication of any.


PAGE 4 |FEB. 22ND, 2012

Nigeria’s Violence, Deadly For Africa’s Future SAMPSON BLOH | STAFF WRITER For the past few weeks Northern Nigeria has been consumed by violence. But although this violence, like many elsewhere in the continent of Africa goes way back, it also has to deal with Nigeria’s oil success. While rebels in the Delta region fight to cease control of the pipeline, in the north, ethnic Muslim groups complain that their areas are not experiencing the economic success that Southern Nigeria currently is undergoing. In order words the oil money is not being dispersed up North. However, if you watch the news today, the situation is only reported as a MuslimChristians conflict. Of course, tension is heated but is it believed that not all Northern Nigerian Christians or Muslims are engaging in the battle Critics should be careful not to completely term it a religious war. In part, the religious implication is true but the disputes is also an economic issue that

if remains unsolved could be very bad for not only Nigeria, but Africa as well. This is also an educational and social issue and the Nigerian government should begin a reform to influence how its people think. All African governments should follow suit and influence their people to think not in a tribal or a religious way, but as a people of a nation or as Africans. Now, the problem in Nigeria, as is all problems on the continent of Africa is the Nigerian president, Goodluck Jonathan would put it, is a “Cancer” to Africa that must be terminated through African determination, through a complete unity of African people, and also through the will to bring peace and prosperity and security to the people of the nation. . Every Nigerian and Africans, especially those in Sub-Sahara have a stake in this because any kind of unrest in Nigeria, could be deadly for Africa. For example, Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country and its people are among Africa’s smartest and business minded. Nigeria had helped other countries on the continent with their problems. Now, all other Africans countries should be very

concerned about even the break of a stick in Nigeria and should begin to bond together in whatever way they can to help. While many African countries do not have the necessary economic and military means to help Nigeria but they must try. In fact, The Sub-Saharan African countries should try to adopt the policy of making each others problem their own. They should try to champion sending military aid or offer what ever economic or social aid that they can even though they themselves lack these resources. With this form of interaction based on unity, peace, security and prosperity among these nations they can be saved. The point is that these policies, if adopted will be a positive and a strong foundation on which this generation can build a better Africa. Nigeria is a very powerful, populous and economically important country in Africa; it is a country whose scholars, businessmen, movie stars, and soccer players serve as models for success. So therefore, a Nigeria with unrest means a helpless Africa.

Quote of the Week: If you don’t know who you are, you are not going to like yourself. You’re not going to love yourself, and you will not like others who look like you. How can we begin to improve our relationships, with others if we don’t like ourselves.” - Kevin Powell

Diversity in the media presented by

NubiaN Message Wednesday, February 29, 2012 7:00-8:30 PM Witherspoon Student Center Washington Sankofa Room The panel discussion will focus on diversity in the local media. Each panelists will have a chance to address the topic briefly and then the floor will be open to questions from the audience. All students, faculty, staff and interested members of the public are invited to attend. This event is free of charge. • Gerald Owens, Anchor, WRAL • Jon Bloom, VP and General Manager, 96.9 FM (La Ley) • Pam Spaulding, Blogmistress, Pam’s House Blend • John Drescher, Executive Editor, The News & Observer • Kelvin Jervay, Publisher, The Carolinian • Karen Waters, Editor, The Triangle

of North Carolina State University

LITTLE KNOWN BLACK HISTORY: JULIAN ABELE OF DUKE UNIVERISTY If you were asked to design a building today, would you be upset if you didn’t get the chance to see your own creation until many years later? This happened to Julian Abele who was the designer of most of the building’s on Duke University’s main campus, as well as the designer of the famous Cameron Indoor Stadium. Julian Abele was a famous African American architect, and the chief designer in the offices of Horace Trombauer. In addition to Duke University, he also contributed the design of the Phildelphia Museum of Art. Abele’s role in the project was not a secret, but it was not publicly recognized by the University until around 1986. Due to Jim Crow laws at the time, African Americans were not allowed to step foot on the campus of Duke University. For this reason, Abele was not able to see much of the work that he designed. However, today there is an oil portrait of him that hangs in the main lobby of the administration building, as well as a page on Duke’s website which is devoted to the architect, who for so long was hidden in the shadow. Photo courtesy of Duke Library


FEB. 22ND, 2012 | PAGE 5

Reaching For Success: Thomas Easley CORDERO SLASH | STAFF WRITER Director of the Community for Diversity Thomas Easley has made a host of contributions to the ongoing success of many students here at NCSU through the programs he heads as well as through his interpersonal involvement in their lives. As an aspiring musical talent, Deacon of Poplar Spring Christian Church here in Raleigh and a hard working professional who is aiming for a doctorate degree in adult education, Mr. Easley is one who often has a very demanding schedule but is still committed to making time for peers and students who seek his assistance around NC State. Whether it’s stopping by the office to explore future career options or simply to chat about what’s going on in the community, Easley is a great resource for those both inside and out of the College of Natural Resources. Recently I sat down with Easley in his office to talk about his thoughts on a variety of issues from student life to the ongoing success of the organization Pack’s Pact which he, Mr. Abraham Dones (Interim Director of Multicultural Student Affairs), and Mr. Edward Brown (Director of Diversity Programs and Assistant Director of Student Affairs in the College of Textiles) have put together in order to influence the social life and graduation rates of African American males at NCSU. Nubian Message: You are an aspiring musician, heavily involved in the NCSU community as the director of the Community for Diversity, and you are pursuing a doctorate in adult education. With all of the responsibilities that you have, what helps you to stay focused on your goals both academically and musically? Thomas Easley: Well staying focused on God’s will for my life keeps me from focusing on selfish ambitions. When I come to work I know one thing God has me do is to work with people like yourself and make sure that when people see me they see God. That’s why I like working with folks and I think that when I do work its effective and things happen. It does get frustrating at times but I still push through it. As far as the music, which is my passion, it reaches people in ways that education and higher education can’t, it touches them emotionally and it touches them spiritually. With God

leading me I put my all into everything I do so I’m I make sure not to slack at anything. Everything gets all of me because that’s what’s really driving me.

he showed me those numbers we came to the realization that we have to make a concentrated effort to do something like this (Pack’s Pact).

Nubian Message: I know you said that your relationship with God was very important to your drive but I also wanted to ask you, what specific people influence your personal success? Thomas Easley: Number one is my supervisor, Dean Bob Brown, because he is so supportive. He sends stuff my way to help me grow as a professional and he also helps develop me by helping me and I really appreciate that. I’ll be honest, you all do (too), and by you all I mean (the members of) Pack’s Pact and other (focused) young people. Though I’m not responsible for them, I am responsible to them. I can’t sit here, try to motivate people and try to tell anyone they have to “do this” if I’m not handling business. Mr. Edward Brown (as well), he really helps me out a lot. He’s a great “accountability partner”. Another person is Dr. David Washington. He’s a good friend, brother and colleague. He’s an example of things that I can do, (though) he’s not my model. I don’t have a role model [besides Jesus] because I’m not trying to be like anybody else. So I don’t look at other people and say “well I want to be like them” because they’re not me and I’m not them, I just look at some of the things they do and say “wow, well if you can do it I can do it”.

Nubian Message: Besides Pack’s Pact, what other organizations would you recommend for students of color on campus? Thomas Easley: I can say the NAACP, whom I do work with and used to advise on this campus, and MANRRS, but I’m not a fan of organizations mostly because from what I see most organizations are all built on socializing and that’s it, and you can socialize anytime at NC State. So to me when I see a lot of organizations that’s really what they do. I’m not trying to down organizations because there’s a purpose for everything and I think that they do have their place, but the problem is we need to look at developing each other. If we’re not developing each other then we’re just taking dues and we’re just another click getting together.

Nubian Message: The Pack’s Pact program is such a positive thing for young African American students at NCSU to be a part of. With that being said, what was your motivation behind Pack’s Pact? Thomas Easley: Being a black man that got help when I was not only at Alabama A&M, which is a historical black university, but when I was at the University of Georgia this other gentleman helped me out. He helped me learn how to write. I flunked the first (writing) test and I went to him to ask him for help. He met with me every day for the next two weeks and I ended up getting a 104 on the next test. Because of that, when I came here and Mr. Brown and I got together and we looked at the stats and saw that are numbers weren’t as great as everyone else I was like “man we’ve got to do something”. I’ll be honest, he (Mr. Brown) was the push behind it so I can’t take anything away from him, but when

Nubian Message: What people would you refer those students who need help with their academic and personal development to? Thomas Easley: Well you already got Mr. Brown and Mr. Dones but I would definitely say Dr. David Washington because that’s what he does. There are so many women here too. I think Dr. Sheila Smith McCoy can help develop students (as well as) Dr Rupert Nacoste, Dr. Roger Callanan, and Dr Jamila Simpson. These are people who care about developing students and take the extra time to do so. Nubian Message: I want to thank you for the time you’ve devoted to this interview but before I go I wanted to ask, what is the best piece of advice that you can give students to help them succeed at NCSU? Thomas Easley: Know as best you can what it is that you want to do because when you know what you want to do you can literally strategize steps to get there, and hardly anything can knock you off path. The problem that we have is that a lot of people really don’t know what they want to do. Now, it’s unfair sometimes to ask someone at 18 years old to know that, but when people get that (knowledge) their whole path can change.




PAGE 6 |FEB. 22ND, 2012 The Nubian Message’s Guide to What’s Goin’ On in Arts & Entertainment

BLAZIN 8 OF THE WEEK 1. I Will Always Love You Whitney Houston 2. Turn Me On- David Guetta feat. Nicki Minaj 3. Rack City- Tyga 4. We Found Love- Rihanna 5. Starships- Nicki Minaj 6. Turn Up The Music- Chris Brown 7. Young, Wild, and Free- Wiz Khalifa & Snoop Dogg feat. Bruno Mars 8. International Love- Pitbull feat. Chris Brown

WKNC’s UNDERGROUND Top 5 of the Week 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

BODEGA BROVAS “The 4080 Rule Part 2” [Single]n Hipnott BILLY ORTIZ I Still Believe GANGRENE Gladiator Shit WILEY Link Up BUSDRIVER Here’s To Us

Listen to Underground Radio on WKNC 88.1 FM... Sunday 12 - 2AM Sunday 10PM-12AM Monday 8PM - 12AM Tuesday 12-2AM Saturday 10PM-12AM


Winners Announced at NAACP Image Awards CJ GUION | EDITOR - IN - CHIEF

Stars gathered over the weekend to celebrate the 43rd Annual NAACP Image Awards at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California. The NAACP Image Awards celebrates the accomplishments of people of color in the fields of television, music, literature, and film; as well as individuals and/or groups who promote social justice through creative endeavours. This year the event aired on NBC and was hosted by Sanaa Lathan and Anthony Mackie. The show featured some of the biggest names in Hollywood such as LL Cool J, Vanessa Williams, Cuba Gooding Jr., Keke Palmer, Harry Belafonte, Tia Mowry, and Pooch Hall. Gospel singer Yolanda Adams performed a moving tribute in honor of the late Whitney Houston. George Lucas was honored with the NAACP Vanguard Award. Radio One/TV One Founder Cathy Hughes received the Chairman’s Award, and the founding member’s of the Black Stuntmen’s Association received the NAACP’s President Award. The NAACP is the nation’s oldest and largest civil rights organization. Its members are “premier advocates for civil rights in their communities” who conduct voter mobilization and monitor equal opportunities in public and private sectors. Sponsors of the event were AT&T, Bank of America, American Airlines, Cadillac, and a host other companies around the nation. The NAACP Image Awards is produced by Vicangelo Films. Notable Awards: -Outstanding Comedy Series: Tyler Perry’s House of Payne -Outstanding Drama: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit -Outstanding Reality Series: Dancing with the Stars -Outstanding New Artist: Diggy Simmons -Outstanding Male Artist: Cee-Lo Green -Outstanding Female Artist: Jill Scott - Outstanding Motion Picture: The Help - Outstanding Directing in Motion Picture -Salim Akil, Jumping the Broom

Photo courtesy of NBC Media Village LL Cool J won the NAACP Image Award for an outstanding actor in the television series “NCIS: Los Angeles.” The NAACP Image Awards celebrates the accomplishments of people of color in television, music, literature, and film. The event was telecast on NBC.

Whitney Houston Laid to Rest

Inspirational Songs of the Week James Fortune & Fiya - Still Able Earnest Pugh - I Need Your Glory William McDowell - I Won’t Go Back Donald Lawrence - Spiritual

Controversial Ex-Couple Reunites with New Song Singer Chris Brown and Rihanna recently teamed up and released a new single entitled “Birthday Cake: Remix.” The couple split three years ago following a domestic dispute.


Photo by Asterio Tecson

Singer Whitney Houston was laid to rest this past Sunday following a private ceremony in New Jersey. On Saturday, Houston’s family hosted an invitation only service at her childhood church. The home going service featured a tribute by many of the big names in music such as R Kelly and Alicia Keys. Tyler Perry, director and star of the famous Madea movies and “The Bodyguard” co-star Kevin Coster were among those who had a chance to speak about the star who passed

away the week before. Whitney Houston passed away last Saturday at the Beverly Hills Hotel on the eve of the Grammy Awards. The cause of death has yet to be determined, but a toxicology report should be expected in about four to six weeks. Her death has given the media and fans a chance to focus on her career achievements, as well as her public battle with drugs. The funeral was broadcast on many channels across the nation such as BET, CNN, etc.

NUBIAN MESSAGE The Imposible is Nothing Part II This is something for the future educators the future legislators Society of African American Culture future change makers the Women who Empower Society and they’re writing papers to be a Dubois scholar first generation, chain breaker 1000th generation change maker Collegiate 100 Black Men presidents and top men Because I believe you can Go out and be an engineer Black Female President Just because you have to wait a bit doesn’t mean it’s not relevant This for the presidents at the roundtable who speak up confidently and make me proud of my people For the people who give God Uninhibited Praise Who said black people couldn’t be Accountants these days? (NABA!) you’re role models to me too and what I’ve seen I hope I’ll do SAA-PAMS, CHASS-MAS, Black Finesse Modeling Group And as you do what you do never forget why you’re here if attendance gets low remember there’s a need for you to be here Thank you for staying true to your purpose and being something we’re proud of and being the source of greatness that God has allowed us.

- Alexis Teasdell


FEB. 22ND, 2012 | PAGE 7

Preserving Black History Month CHELSEA GARDNER | STAFF WRITER

Last week, as I scrolled through my new Facebook timeline, I discovered a particularly interesting shared photo about Morgan Freeman from a friend’s page. The image displayed a conversation with Morgan Freeman and an interviewer from a 2005 episode of CBS News “60 Minutes” where Freeman stated that he thought Black history month was “ridiculous.” As soon as I saw this, I was instantly shocked and somewhat frustrated by such a blunt and harsh word-choice. In hopes of finding some kind of explanation for this comment, I continued to read on to see why Morgan Freeman would feel this way about Black history month. As the interviewer pondered on his reasoning, Freeman followed up by saying, “You’re going to relegate my history to a month…What do you do with yours? Which month is white history month?” In that moment, I finally began to realize what Morgan Freeman was trying to say and I must say that I do not agree with his statements. I agree that black history month should not be confined to just one month. Also, in every sense, I can understand that black history should be completely included and discussed in American history but the question is…is it? From what I have experienced and seen, it is not. I have never, in any class, completely focused on black history. I have even found that black history month is celebrated mostly in elementary and middle school. I remember having class discussions or doing projects about iconic or monumental leaders in black culture. Looking back, black history was considered important and actually celebrated in my younger years. As I have grown up, the facts and names are unfortunately not drilled into

my mind like they used to be. Having participated in the African American Cultural Center’s Live Black Wax Museum, I have noticed the lack thereof in others minds too. I have taken a history class each year of school. I took US History my junior year of high school and I can honestly say that black history was not heavily included in the discussions. I am sure that others can agree with this statement, as well. So if that means, we have to take one month out of every year to educate or refresh our minds on the leaders and makers of our culture, then we should. It is so important that we know our history. We need to be able to see how we have grown as a people and whom we must thank for these successes. Without our leaders, we would not be where we are today. It is imperative that we celebrate our history and know our history so that it won’t repeat itself. If we walk around without appreciating this month, we are doing ourselves a great dishonor. We are not allowing ourselves to truly know and experience our heritage, our leaders, and our founders. Another important idea is that Morgan Freeman said this seven years ago, and yet it has resurfaced and was relevant in the lives of a few of my Facebook friends. I have heard quite a few people on campus discussing how they have either experienced or heard people say similar remarks as Morgan Freeman in terms of the celebration of black history month. Some people say that they don’t understand why we have black history month or that they think it’s unnecessary. I will never begin to understand how one month can create such an issue for people…but it still does. It is important to note that even in 2012, people still need to be reminded as to why black history month is celebrated.

Freeman also said, “I don’t want a black history month. Black history is American history.” The interviewer then asked him how he thought we should get rid of racism. Morgan Freeman replied by saying, “Stop talking about it.” These comments were the ones included in the image but the actual interview showed Freeman continuing by saying, “I’m gonna stop calling you a white man and I’m gonna ask you to stop calling me a black man…” Every history teacher I have had always tells the class that the purpose of history is to educate and inform. So why would we stop talking about our ancestors and how they have allowed us to live in the world we live in today. Why would we stop talking about a social problem that has existed for years and years? It is an issue so deeply rooted in history that there is no way to just demand that it not be talked about or discussed. That would not solve anything. That would just make it a taboo discussion and people would not feel comfortable enough to stand up for their rights and beliefs. Black culture has not always been embraced and accepted. Now that we have an opportunity to celebrate the fact that we are prevailing and making it despite all of the hardships and struggled we have had to endure is an honor in itself. Black history month is far from being ridiculous. Our ancestors put their blood, sweat, and tears in order to have this month and it is long overdue that they have the necessary recognition that they deserve. As a culture, we should want to contribute to this long lineage of successes and history and one day contribute to making this world a better place. Are you doing your part?

Nubian Message “RISING STARS OF TOMORROW” Do you know a student who is excelling inside the classroom? Do you know a student who is involved in various campus organizations? Do you know a student who has found new ways to give back to the community? Do you know a student who is simply a “Rising Star of Tomorrow”? On February 29th, in celebration of Black History Month, the Nubian Message will be recognizing various students around campus who are making great strides inside and outside of the classroom. We are leaving it up to the students, faculty, and staff to nominate students who they think fit the bill.


PAGE 8 |FEB. 22ND, 2012

Advice Column

Dear Nubian Queen,

I am a senior this year and I find myself having to give more and more class presentations. I practice and plan exactly what I am going to say. However, when it is my turn to present my hands and legs begin to shake, and my heart starts to race. I do not know what to do to help me overcome my fear of public speaking and I am afraid that it will interfere with my professional development. Please help! Sincerely, Stage Fright

Do You Know Your History? 1. WHO WAS THE FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDENT SENATE PRESIDENT? ___________________________________

Dear Stage Fright, In a public survey it was found that the number one phobia of Americans is… the fear of public speaking! Second to public speaking is the fear of death. It is a little surprising, but the idea of public speaking terrifies so many Americans. It is important that you confront this fear head on. You will be more comfortable giving presentations not only in school but in the workplace as well. Having good presentation skills is beneficial to your professional life and helps to develop relationships with your colleagues and peers. First, figure out exactly what it is about public speaking that frightens you. Is it the fear of messing up? Or are you afraid of what your audience is thinking? In general, for most Americans it is a combination of these things and truly depends on the situation. It is important that we realize that public speaking is not as scary as we might think and nothing too bad can happen. Let go of your sabotaging thoughts. You can only become a great public speaker when you believe you can. With that said, I advise you to take the plunge! Volunteer to give the presentation on behalf of your team and to speak at the program your organization is hosting. Secondly, continue to prepare for your presentations. Thomas Edison stated that, “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.” When you are well prepared and have a thorough understanding of the topic at hand then you in turn will be more comfortable, confident, and relaxed. Some people are naturally good at public speaking and others are not, you know who you are. Even those that have this natural talent must practice, do not over practice though. Prepare ahead of time and take the last 15-30 minutes to relax. Lastly, take criticism positively and celebrate your success. When someone is giving you negative feedback please do not feel discouraged. Instead, look at it as an opportunity to learn, develop, adapt, and evolve. As your public speaking skills evolve take the time to celebrate your success and pat yourself on the back. When you acknowledge your success it gives you more encouragement to continue fighting your fear of public speaking. I hope you find these words encouraging and take the plunge to conquer your fear. Break a leg! Sincerely, Nubian Queen

Need Advice? If so, send your questions to the Nubian...

NUBIAN MESSAGE Do you have a passion for writing? Are you an outspoken person looking to voice your opinion about issues that you care about? Are you a photographer, poet in the making, or good with design? If so, consider joining the Nubian Message which has been the “Sentinel of the African American Community at North Carolina State since 1992.” We are in our 19th year of production and are a part of NC State Student Media. We are always looking for new talent. If you are interested shoot us an email at Open positions: Staff Writers Photographers Copy Editors No experience needed as Student Media is compiled of students from all colleges around campus. There are also opportunities to make a little extra change on the side. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD!


Past Week’s Questions and Answers 1. What was the name of the first restaurant on Hillsborough St. to serve African Americans? Baxley’s 2. Who was the first African American to join the NCSU football team? Marcus Martin 3. This person was the first African American Miss North Carolina State University? Mary Evelyn Porterfield 4. This HBCU was created in 1891 to comply with the Morrill Act in order to keep African American students out of this university, which at the time was the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts? North Carolina A&T State University 5. What was the first university to establish a Black Studies Program? San Francisco State University 6. This building served as the African American Cultural Center, but now is beneficial for students who lost their student ID? West Dunn Building 7. Who was the first African American female to receive a degree from NC State? Norma Wright Garcia 8. In what year was the first Pan Afrikan Festival Held? 1970 9. Who was the first African American head coach of the men’s basketball team at NC State? Sidney Lowe 10. The Nubian Message began publication in what year? 1992

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