Technician - June 3, 2010

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TECHNICIAN          

thursday june



Raleigh, North Carolina

Organization Chart of North Carolina State University

Board of Governors The University of North Carolina


Tom Stafford, vice chancellor for Student Affairs, will now report directly to the provost. Athletics will continue reporting directly to the chancellor.

President The University of North Carolina


Extension, Engagement & Economic Development

Finance & Business

Research & Graduate Studies

Provost Academic Affairs

Previous heirarchy

Board of Trustees

University Advancement

Information Technology

Future heirarchy

Legal Affairs

Student Affairs

Chancellor makes changes to University heirarchy Randy Woodson makes several changes in N.C. State’s administrative standings Chelsey Francis Staff Writer

Since the new chancellor, Dr. Randy Woodson, officially started at N.C. State, he has made several changes to the hierarchal system that was already in place. He has changed the system making it similar to Purdue University, as well as most of the universities in the UNC system. Dr. Thomas Stafford, who has been the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs at N.C. State University for 27 years, will no longer report directly to Chancellor Woodson. Instead, he will make his reports to the yet to be hired Provost. According to Chancellor Woodson, he moved Dr. Stafford to reporting to the provost starting July 1, 2010 for several reasons including honesty

in advertising the provost position as well as lessening the amount of direct reports to him. “Here’s the bottom line, in advertising for the new provost, I want it to be as honest as possible. We had to move Dr. Stafford to reporting to the provost, so we could advertise the position and show what the person we hire as provost would be responsible for,” said Chancellor Woodson. Dr. Stafford has about forty different University departments reporting to him. Some of these include the arts programs, like Center Stage and ARTS NC State, the ROTC programs, CSLEPS, University Scholars, Caldwell Fellows, and Campus Recreation. Dr. Stafford said, “The primary reason that Chancellor Woodson changed certain parts of the hierarchal system is because he felt there were too many direct reports to him. He decided to reorganize a bit to relieve some of these direct reports.” Along with Dr. Stafford, the dean of the graduate school and the direc-

tor of institutional research will also be reporting to the provost instead of Chancellor Woodson. “Making this change is not going to have a negative impact on the students, if it was, I wouldn’t do it. This change will make sure Student Affairs is an integral part of the university,” said Woodson. “We want to increase the retention rate of students as well as the graduation rates, and Student Affairs plays a big role in this. This will help us to focus our attention in Student Affairs on academic success.” According to Woodson, N.C. State administration is categorized into four “silos.” They are academic affairs, business, research and engagement. “These silos are organized along the four pillars of the University; therefore it is important for Student Affairs to be a part of the academic side of the University.” Woodson said, “I’m trying to get everything organized along those four pillars to make things run smoother.”

The current University hierarchal structure is set so that the inter-collegiate sports will report to the athletic director, who reports directly to the Chancellor. Intramural and club sports are under campus recreation and will report to Dr. Stafford. Chancellor Woodson said, “The rearrangement of the hierarchal structure is coming from the fact that we want our organizational structure to be so that the success of the students is central to everything we do at the University.” The provost is considered the chief academic officer under the Chancellor for the University. Currently, a search is underway for the new Provost. Marjory Overton, the chair for the faculty, is in charge of the search and targeting on-campus interviews to start in September. “The provost has responsibility for all the deans, all the colleges, and therefore all the students and faculty,” said Woodson. According to Chancellor Woodson,

he has the most direct reports of any Chancellor in North Carolina and this rearrangement will alleviate some of that from him. Woodson said, “I want to stress that this move is not showing a lack of support of the students at N.C. State, it’s showing the opposite. We want to make sure Student Affairs is an integral part of academic affairs and helping students succeed.” Chancellor Woodson officially began work at N.C. State on April 5, 2010. With the rearrangement of the hierarchal system, Lee Fowler, the athletic director, stepping down from his position before the end of his contract, and the current legislative meetings, Woodson has been busy. He has also been traveling around North Carolina meeting with alumni from N.C. State and visiting places that will hire graduates. He has also testified for North Carolina’s Senate and House about the budget and the University’s need to continue to develop Centennial Campus.

Athletics director search begins amidst Fowler’s final days

Chris Boucher Correspondent

The search for Lee Fowler’s replacement is on, even as the N.C. State athletics director finishes out his tenure with the Wolfpack. In a May 12 press release, N.C. State chancellor Randy Woodson announced the formation of a nomination committee to start searching for candidates to replace Fowler. The release came on the heels of Fowler’s decision to step down, which he announced May 4. “Selecting our next athletics director is an important decision for the future of the athletic program and for the university,” Woodson said in a prepared statement. “We are looking for a proven administrator and leader, who will help our student-athletes be successful in the classroom and on the field of competition.” Smedes York, a former chair of the N.C. State Board of Trustees, will be committee chair, the release announced. Also appointed to the 13-member nomination committee were:


The committee held a meeting May 17 at the Park Alumni Center, and elected to hire Parker Executive Search to assist in the candidate nomination process. Under president Daniel Parker, the firm has a proven track record helping universities nail down candidates for athletic directors and other university administrators. The firm, based in Atlanta, recently helped the NCAA during its search for new president, Mark A. Emmert, who formerly held the same post at the University of Washington. Parker Executive Search has also aided in the searches for athletic directors at Notre Dame, Washington, and Mississippi State. “Daniel Parker is part of an established search firm that has worked with N.C. State before, and he has helped with many other universities’ national searches,” Carlton said. During the nomination process, Parker will work with the committee to identify the best candidates for the position, York said. The nomination committee plans to conduct the first round of interviews with fewer than 10 candidates, said York. The committee then plans to recommend three or four candidates

FOWLER continued page 3

Story headline

Promise of free Krispy Kreme doughnuts leads to Operation All-Nighter. See page 5

viewpoint features classifieds sports

4 5 7 8


Battalion Chief Rob Johnson explains Thursday’s Hillsborough Street gas leak to reporters. D.H. Hill library was one of the many buildings evacuated during the emergency.

Gas leak reveals faulty D.H. Hill alarm system Nathan Hardin News Editor

The natural gas leak on Thursday which closed part of Hillsborough Street and led to the evacuation of several shops and buildings in the area did more than just inconvenience people. It also revealed a flaw in the D.H. Hill Library alarm system, leaving people on the second, third and fourth floors of library’s stacks unaware that there was an emergency. With the emergency doors closing off the different sections of the stacks, students who were listening to music were almost certainly left unaware. The sections of the library that were left vulnerable during the alarm were also the areas closest to the gas leak. The problem was quickly identified by N.C. State’s Fire Protection department as a faulty relay switch, which is necessary for the alarms to activate because of the library’s complex system which uses three

While you’re on campus, visit NC State Bookstores

different panels to relay the emergency signals. Fire Marshall Bill Stevenson explained that the relay switch had been experiencing complications in the days before the gas leak and was immediately replaced following Thursday’s alarm. “On the previous alarm, the wire had come loose. We put it back in and it ran a silent test and it worked fine,” Stevenson said. “Thursday, the relay basically stopped working again. So it was immediately replaced.” This is not the first time that the fire alarms in the stacks have had problems. Both, Susan Nutter, vice provost and director of libraries, and David Goldsmith, associate director for materials management, expressed concern about previous occurrences. “What really concerns us is the previous times that this has happened,” Nutter said. “About a year and a half ago, one of the pull stations was activated and the alarms went off but the alarms in the stacks did not go off,” said Goldsmith.

“The electric shop came in and they did repairs to the panel.” Stevenson explained that these things are going to happen but the University has great programs in place to assure students of their safety. “N.C. State is very lucky we have a group such as the Fire Protection and Electronics Shop that respond and do what we do, keeping in constant contact,” Stevenson said. “Students come first and we have to make sure we take care of our students to ensure we continue to have a great university.” However, there still remains the problem of an outdated and extremely complicated fire alarm system in perhaps the busiest building on campus. “There are three different panels that service the four buildings and at least one is pretty antiquated,” Goldsmith said. Nicholas Giron, junior in marketing, explained that the problematic alarm system should simply be replaced instead of constantly being

D.H. HILL continued page 3

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Committee chosen and Atlanta firm hired to aid in new athletic director search

Page 2





June 2010

Send all clarifications and corrections to Viewpoint Editor Amanda Wilkins at editor@








































89/70 Isolated showers, then scattered showers and thunderstorms after 10 a.m. Chance of precipitation is 40 percent.


90 70

Produce carries more pesticides than originally believed

Slight chance of showers in the morning, thunderstorms in the afternoon.


90 70 Chance of showers and thunderstorms. SOURCE: NOAA.GOV

Throwin’ Down

May 26 10:37 A.M. | LARCENY Burlington Labs Student reported scooter stolen. 12:23 A.M. | ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Brooks Avenue RPD charged student with Alcohol Underage and Disorderly Conduct. Student was referred to university for same. 10:22 P.M. | VIOLATION OF POLICY Off Campus Student was arrested by RPD for DWI and Provisional DWI. Judicial Referral issued. 10:34 P.M. | VIOLATION OF POLICY Off Campus Student arrested by Rolesville PD and charged with Possession of Marijuana, Possession of Schedule II Drugs, Possession of Schedule VI Drugs. Judicial Referral pending. 10:40 P.M. | VIOLATION OF POLICY Off Campus Student was arrested in Johnston Co. by SHP for Provisional DWI. Judicial Referral pending. May 28 11:04 A.M. | LARCENY McKimmon Center Staff member reported wallet stolen.


MOVIE: BROOKLYN’S FINEST Witherspoon Cinema Start Time 10 p.m.






ustin Chang, a sophomore in international studies, instructs martial arts in Carmichael Gym. “We’re just starting out and could use more members,” Chang said, “It would help out if more people came out if they were interested.”


On Tuesday, June 8 at 3 p.m. in the Chancellor’s Conference Room a conference call meeting of the Athletics Director Nomination Committee will take place. For more information contact PJ Teal at 515-2191.

At the Awards for Excellence Reception, we will announce the 5 University-level winners who will be submitted to the Office of State Personnel for consideration for the Governor’s Awards for Excellence. No RSVP or tickets are needed, so come out and support N.C. State’s outstanding employees! The event will be held in the Talley Student Center Ballroom. For more information contact University Awards For Excellence Reception at 919-5154282.



Meeting of the Athletics Director Nomination Committee

2010 University Awards For Excellence Reception

Triangle Potters Guild Exhibition

On Tuesday, June 8 at 2 p.m. the University Awards for Excellence program will recognize the accomplishments and achievements of permanent N.C. State staff (who do not hold faculty rank) at both the college/unit and University levels. The 18 University units/colleges collectively select up to 48 employees to recognize as award recipients for the respective colleges/ units. Campus units submit their college/unit award recipients to the University Award for Excellence selection committee to determine the 5 University-level winners (4 SPA and 1 EPA).

In an ongoing exhibit until June 13 ceramic works by members of the Triangle Potters Guild are on exhibit in the “Street Gallery” windows at the Crafts Center. Many items are available for purchase as well. The Crafts Center is located on the lower level of Thompson Hall, located on Jensen Drive across from the Cates Ave./Coliseum parking deck. Check our website for directions or phone the Crafts Center at 919-515-2457. SOURCE: NCSU CAMPUS CALENDAR

(CNN) — According to a new report from the Environmental Working Group, most non-organic products today may contain 67 pesticides or more. The group, a nonprofit focused on public health, scoured nearly 100,000 produce pesticide reports from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to determine what fruits and vegetables we eat have the highest, and lowest, amounts of chemical residue. Foods with soft skins have been dubbed the “dirty dozen” because they contain 47 to 67 pesticides per serving. The group suggests limiting consumption of pesticides by purchasing organic for the 12 fruits and vegetables. The Dirty Dozen include strawberries, celery, peaches, nectarines, domestic blueberries, apples, spinach, collard greens, cherries, sweet bell peppers, potatoes, imported grapes and lettuce. The group found a number of non-organic fruits and vegetables dubbed the “Clean 15” that contained little to no pesticides. The Clean 15 include avocados, onions, sweet corn, pineapples, mango, sweet peas, kiwi, eggplant, cantaloupe, cabbage, asparagus, sweet onions, grapefruit, watermelon and sweet potatoes. SOURCE: CNN

Particle collision thought to replicate Big Bang forces, may help explain how things exist

of several generations have reasoned that shortly after the Big Bang created the universe, matter and antimatter should have wiped each other out. So that explains the global chain reaction of excited e-mails among physicists last month, after scientists at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory physicists have confirmed that certain subatomic particles have mass and they could account for a large proportion of matter in the universe, the so-called dark matter astrophysicists know is there but cannot be observed by conventional means. The finding concerns the behavior of neutrinos, ghost-like particles that travel at the speed of light. SOURCE: MCT CAMPUS

FCC asks for volunteers in study of Internet speeds Washington D.C.- Federal regulators want to know just how fast people are surfing the Internet, and they’re looking for 10,000 volunteers to submit to a speed check. Four out of five high-speed Internet users don’t know how fast their home connections are, according to a survey released Tuesday by the Federal Communications Commission. That leaves those consumers unsure whether they’re getting what they’re paying for from cable and other Internet providers. Allowing users to check their speeds will hold companies accountable and allow the FCC to understand the varied Internet speeds across the country. SOURCE: MCT CAMPUS

Chicago- By the logic of science, things simply shouldn’t exist. The best scientific minds

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Seven vet students win Pfizer Animal Health Veterinary Scholarship Due to a declining veterinary industry, Pfizer hopes that the $2 million award program will improve veterinary education as well as encourage students to focus on food-animal science programs Nathan Hardin News Editor

Seven N.C. State veterinary students won the 2010 Pfizer Animal Health Veterinary Scholarship. Adam Beard, Halyna Deihl, Harrison Dudley, James McCrea, John Parks, Erin Royster and Vincent Ziglioli were all award recipients. Although in the program’s first year, Pfizer Animal Health has given away

$550,000 to 222 second- and thirdyear U.S. veterinary students as part of their $2 Million Veterinary Scholarship program. The scholarship is designed to support the future of the veterinary profession. Each student will receive $2,500 this year. Harrison Dudley, doctoral student in veterinary medicine, explained that the University’s Vet program is very good and that he’s proud to be a scholarship recipient. “N.C. State has a really good program,” Dudley said. “Every one of us was very deserving of the award. I’m proud to be one of them.” Another student, James McCrea, doctoral student in veterinary medicine, said he has always been interested in food-animal science.

“For me, it’s been something I’ve always grown up around. I’m from Michigan originally,” McCrea said. “We have a feed-lot back home and that’s where I’ve always been around. I’ve always wanted to contribute.” McCrea also said he believes urban migration is the leading cause of foodanimal veterinary shortage. “The reason I see there being a larger shortage in the population at large is that most people are growing up in the cities and don’t see the jobs, the opportunities from a farming or agricultural background,” McCrea said. “Knowing that there is a shortage makes me more willing and excited about going back to start practicing.” The U.S. Department of Agriculture currently projects a shortage of 600


excellence, leadership, diversity and potential for contributing to foodanimal or food-safety veterinary medicine. 28 U.S. veterinary schools have students receiving awards. Approximately 18 percent of the scholarships represent students from diverse backgrounds, and two-thirds are studying to practice food-animal veterinary medicine.
“This scholarship program is a huge investment in the future of veterinary medicine,” says AVMF Executive Director Michael Cathey. “Pfizer has recognized the gaps and has set out to proactively and generously help address them.”

Raleigh Sister Cities Association provides students with international connections

continued from page 1

to Chancellor Woodson for the second round of interviews, after which the chancellor would make a final decision. There is no timetable for naming the new athletics director, but “we’d like to get it done within 30 to 60 days; a lot of it depends on how things come together,” said York. The nomination committee will meet June 8 via conference call and hold a face-to-face meeting June 14 at the Park Alumni Center. The university said it plans to honor Fowler’s contract, which pays him $280,000 annually until September 2013. He will stay on the job until June 30, when an as-yet-unnamed interim athletic director will take over. During his May 4 conference Fowler said he was disappointed that he would not be around to see the “fruits” of his decade’s work. “But I have the greatest confidence that with the caliber of facilities and coaches we now have … the athletics program is poised for great success going forward,” he said. Fowler was instrumental in raising funds used to upgrade N.C. State’s athletic facilities, most notably the state-of-the art improvements to CarterFinley Stadium and the construction of the Murphy Center. “He built a very solid platform to move N.C. State even further forward, especially the facilities. I was always very supportive of Lee and give him very high marks,” York said of Fowler. Fowler’s tenure was not without its turmoil. He had to replace men’s basketball coach Herb Sendek in 2006, after Sendek departed to lead Arizona State’s basketball squad. He selected former Wolfpack player Sidney Lowe, whose teams have failed to reach the NCAA tournament since he took over. This NCAA drought has frustrated many Wolfpack fans, but Lowe has a top-notch recruiting class coming in next year

veterinarians and anticipates demand for food-animal veterinarians will increase 12 to 13 percent by 2016. Over the last few years, about 2,600 veterinarians graduate annually from U.S. veterinary schools. The average debt a veterinary student incurs by graduation is approximately $120,000. According to Pfizer Animal Health, the American Veterinary Medical Foundation (AVMF) is helping to administer the scholarship and the program is designed to further demonstrate its support of veterinary education, as well as its commitment to encouraging more students to focus on food-animal practice and increasing diversity in the profession. 
Scholarship recipients were selected based on several criteria, including academic

RSCA gives students a chance to establish connections in England, France, Germany and China Nathan Hardin News Editor


Athletics director Lee Fowler talks to the crowd after the Wolfpack’s gymnastics meet against Rutgers. Lee Fowler announced May 4 that he was stepping down as athletics director. He will be paid for the rest of his contract, which runs out on Sept. 30, 2013. The search has begun for a new athletics director with the formation of a 13-member committee and hiring of Parker Executive Search.

ADDITIONAL APPOINTEES Also appointed to the 13-member nomination committee were: • Steve Carlton, chair of the Staff Senate • Derick Close, former trustee • Eileen Goldgeier, vice chancellor and general counsel • Kellie Harper, women’s basketball coach • Kelly Hook, student body president • David Horning, senior associate athletics director • Charles Leffler, vice chancellor finance and business 
Margery Overton, chair of the faculty • Sam Pardue, faculty athletics representative • Ray Rouse, president, Student Aid Association • Steve Warren, Board of Trustees • Cassius Williams, Board of Trustees SOURCE: N. C. STATE NEWS SERVICES

led by local recruit C.J. Leslie. There have been several successes on Fowler’s watch - some under extreme circumstances. The death of women’s basketball coach Kay Yow meant he had to replace one of the game’s towering figures. With the 2009 hiring of Kellie Harper, Fowler seems to have found a solid replacement for coach Yow. The football team has also shown steady improvement

under coach Tom O’Brien, whom Fowler tabbed for the post after firing Chuck Amato in 2006. “I feel that Lee Fowler has brought some great talent to N.C. State, especially in bringing in qualified coaches. He has also made great strides in upgrading our facilities, and I hope that his successor continues in that respect,” said Carlton.




The Raleigh Sister Cities Association may not earn students college credits, but the connections and experiences learned will be beneficial in the long run. According to Dave Kaber, professor and co-director of RSCA, international art displays from Compiegne in Raleigh, international student photography exchange exhibitions between Raleigh and Rostock, Raleigh secondary school student exchanges to all sister cities, local soccer team exchanges between Raleigh and Rostock, student choir visits and local university student summer exchange programs are among some of the events that students can look forward to by joining the organization. RSCA is a nonprofit organization that seeks to promote friendship and understanding

D.H. HILL continued from page 1

repaired. “They should update the old alarm system,” Giron said. “If there was a more serious situation, something bad could happen.” Susan Nutter also said she was concerned with regulations on the faculty with regards to emergency protocol but that she believed there are alternative methods of conveying the emergency to those inside the building from the outside. “There’s a protocol that we

between the people of Raleigh and its sister cities. Raleigh currently has four sister cities, including: Kingston Upon Hull, England, Compiegne, France, Rostock, Germany, and Xiangfan, China. According to the sister cities website, the program is designed to “enable citizens of Raleigh and its Sister Cities to exchange ideas and experiences in the areas of education, culture, the arts, and economics, and to promote exchanges between the cities.” The organization, founded in 1950s under President Eisenhower, partnered with Raleigh in 1986. Kaber explained the importance of the organization and its mission to establish and maintain relationships between the city of Raleigh and other international cities. “The long-term goal of the association is to foster new international relationships for the City of Raleigh in terms of culture, education and commerce,” Kaber said. “In the near-term, we are currently developing education and industry connections with the new sister city of Xiangfan, China.”

Association membership is open to everyone. The participation from our University provides a way to connect academically with international countries. Kaber explained that there are some requirements for membership, but that members will maintain connections with international education and business partners in the sister cities, as well as city and state government officials. “Members of the association are asked to participate in existing sister subcommittees and to participate in international organization events,” Kaber said. “Members are also involved in committees for fundraising for the association, and evaluating new sister city applicants.” For more information on the RSCA and details on becoming a member are available through the association’s website visit . Elana Turner contributed to this report.

have to follow. We can’t go up into the stacks and notify people,” Nutter said. “There is a loud speaker system, but we don’t have the key to it. That could be an added way of notifying people that there is an alarm.” Budget cuts have been detrimental to the libraries’ fire alarm renovation fund, keeping a renovation plan, originally drawn up in 2008, from being implemented. The library is planning a special appeal, which will be for a renovation repair project. “The state didn’t provide any repair money during this fis-

cal crisis. That makes it tough for the university to respond,” Nutter said. “But I think there are avenues where you can get special dispensation.” “The library is the most intense gathering space of students, the most heavily used public building on campus,” said Nutter. “In a lot of ways we see this as a reason for some of these issues to move to the head of the list.”






Thursday May 27, there was a gas leak caused by Hamlett Associates Inc. workers on Hillsborough Street behind D.H. Hill Library. The second, third and fourth floor bookstacks’ alarms did not go off due to a faulty relay switch.


Student safety should be a priority that transcends budgets. The fire alarm system should be completely replaced with a new, simple, multicommunicative alarm system to ensure student safety.


Our safety is not a gas

ur fine University has many different costs to prioritize. As students, it is very easy for us to think they should change their priorities to accommodate our perspective. Sometimes, we as students might seem too demanding, but when we hear that students are endangered in our library because of faulty safety equipment, we hope University priorities align with our own. Basic student safety is our priority. When the University recognized the D.H. Hill Library had a deteriorating fire alarm system, they should have also recognized the need for that safety system to jump to the top of the priority list. When we think of students

this kind of problem in the future. Hopefully, the employees of the library will gain access to the intercom system that could ers to be put into the Atrium, have alerted the students withbut we haven’t been paying for out their headphones. More a functional fire alarm system importantly though, we hope in the library. our University acknowledges a We want to be angry with the serious mistake in a top priorpeople at fault for creating the ity: our safety. gas leak and how they should be more careful for our safety. However, it is difficult for us to ask others to be more careful and responsible when our money we feed into the University is not being completely spent on careful and responsible precautions for these kinds of events. Hindsight is 20/20, and our improved eyesight should show the University that it should fix

The unsigned editorial is the opinion of the members of Technician’s editorial board excluding the news department and is the responsibility of the Executive Editors.

on the second, third and fourth floors of the library, we do not think of students completely aware of their environment. We think of students looking down at books or laptops in those little cubical boxes with ear buds, listening to their mp3 players. The library had no sound, visual or person making these people aware of the emergency when the gas leak was taking place. Someone made a mistake. Maybe the University does not know that students want their library to be without fire or other safety hazards. After all, we’re paying for new burn-

Observing Memorial Day


his past Monday was a day of barbecues, days off and sleeping in. Campus was deserted. Grocery stores had burger specials and the banks were closed. Some of you may have tuned in to the “Band of Brothers” marathon on Spike TV. It was a good series, of course. Andrew do you Dworznicki But know WHY it Staff columnist was on? Monday was Memorial Day. This day was originally meant to commemorate the people who sacrificed their lives in the Civil War. After World War I, though, it was used to honor anyone who died in any war. About 625,000 soldiers died in the U.S. Civil War, about 260,000 from the Confederacy and 365,000 from the Union. World War I took over 100,000 soldiers. 405,000 died in World War II. Over 50,000 died in Korea and about 60,000 were killed in Vietnam. In more recent years, 1,000 troops have been killed in Afghanistan and more than 4,000 more in Iraq. That’s more than 1,245,000 soldiers dead, and that’s only adding up the big wars. I ask you this: did you give those soldiers, who made the ultimate sacrifice, one thought as you bit into your big juicy cheeseburger on Monday? Unless you live in an area with a large military presence, Monday probably came and went like an extra Sunday. My girlfriend comes from a military town. I’ve gone with her to a few Friday night football games, and when the band plays the national anthem, there is not a sound coming from the crowd. Everyone stands respectfully and silently until the very end. Let’s contrast this with an N.C. State football game. Look around at the next game you go to. The band takes the field, and the first few measures begin to play. The girl on your left is still chatting to her friends about

where she went last night and with who and who was there and what they were all wearing. The guy on your right is discussing with his buddies whether they can beat the crowd to Cook Out after the game. But of course, everyone joins right in when it comes to the “home of the Wolfpack” bit. Because if you sing the last line, even though you changed a word, it counts as patriotism, right? Oh, and don’t forget yelling out “red” in the middle of the song. That’s important too. And I have to say, some people are just stupid. I was actually told “Happy Memorial Day” more than once. Seriously? You’re happy that countless soldiers have died over the years protecting your right to grill out in peace? If you think about it, it’s really a holiday that shouldn’t even be “celebrated”. A better term would be “observed.” I guess you could say that you’re “celebrating” the lives of those sold iers, i f you want to get technical, but that’s really grasping at straws. So I have a simple request: Next Memorial D ay, w he n you’re lighting up the grill and cracking open a beer, pause for a second to think about the fact that if it wasn’t for those soldiers, there’s a possibility that grilling and drinking in the backyard would not be an option. While everyone is eating and enjoying their picnics, try to remember the sacrifice that made this day possible. On the 4th of July, between “oohs” and “ahs” during the fireworks, think about the soldiers that spent months or years even, watching bombs explode overhead instead. And every now and again, even though it’s not an official holiday, just a random Tuesday or whatever day it happens to be, don’t be afraid to take a second to think back and appreciate all the soldiers have done and still do to protect our country.

“That’s more than 1,245,000 soldiers dead, and that’s only adding up the big wars.”

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Mark McLawhorn, Editor-in-Chief Emeritus

Tolerating intolerance


very day we are bombarded with ideas, speech, and rhetoric that we profoundly disagree with and are even offended by. Many of you have no doubt witnessed the fireand-brimstone rhetoric of ‘Brickyard preachers’. These Brickyard loonies seem tame in comparison to the Zakk White Westboro Staff columnist Baptist Church. Soon, the Supreme Court will hear a case between the Westboro Baptist Church and the family of a soldier killed in Afghanistan that will test the limits of our freedom of speech and may have disastrous consequences. They may be only one small congregation, but they sure do get around. For those who haven’t heard of the Westboro Baptist Church, they are a group of Christians, under the leadership of Pastor Fred Phelps, who flies around the country protesting schools, churches, Lady Gaga concerts and, most egregiously,

the funerals of U.S. soldiers. These particular Christians are upset over what they see as the tolerance of gays and lesbians in the United States. Thus, they celebrate the freedom protecting deaths of U.S. soldiers. The father of a slain veteran whose funeral was picketed sued the Church and was awarded damages in a lower court. Westboro raised an appeal and subsequently won. Soon the Supreme Cour t w i l l decide t he case. Will they decide to curb the right to free speech out of respect for the dead? If the Supreme Court can find the rationale to permit the selling of pornographic videos that depict the murder of animals, then it seems unlikely they would limit free speech in the case of the Westboro Baptists. The first amendment not only concerns free speech but also the right to peaceably assemble. In the case of the National Socialist Party of

Editor-in-Chief Amanda Wilkins

News Editor Nathan Hardin

Sports Editor Tyler Everett

wwvvPhoto Editor Amanda Karst

Managing Editor Biko Tushinde

Page 2 Editor Alanna Howard Features Editor Laura Wilkinson

America v. Village of Skokie, the Supreme Court upheld the right of Neo-Nazis to stage a rally in the town of Skokie, Illinois, which had a large Jewish population that included actual Holocaust survivors. If free speech and assembly can allow that to happen, then it can allow the Westboro parishioners to assemble and protest as well. The Supreme Court cou ld ma ke an exception to free speech regarding funerals, but if they do rule in favor of the soldier’s father then they will probably cite the church’s speech as hate speech and harassment. I truly hope this is not the verdict. Imagine the reverse case. It would be a shame if it was illegal for non-Westboro Baptists to protest the disgusting views of the Westboro church outside their Sunday services. This judicially imposed stalemate would force fringe beliefs further underground, further from the scrutiny of the marketplace of ideas. If fringe el-

“The first amendment not only concerns free speech but also the right to peaceably assemble.”

323 Witherspoon Student Center, NCSU Campus Box 7318, Raleigh, NC 27695

What murky situation lies in store?

Viewpoint Editor Conrad Plyler

Advertising Manager Andrea Mason

ements are allowed to retreat into the shadows and fester, then potential members will be shielded from any criticism or ridicule, which may actually strengthen their numbers. We have to tolerate speech that we find distasteful, vulgar and offensive. If the court rules that offensive speech is grounds for harassment, our society will become even more politically correct and bland. If this standard were applied in the past, many good ideas like abolition, civil rights and gay rights would never have caught on. The sword cuts both ways. If you decided to stifle speech you consider offensive, those same tools can be applied to ideas you personally hold to be correct and just. The way to fight Westboro is not to censor them. We need to show up to their protests with more people and better ideas. I truly feel for the family of the slain soldier, but if they limit our freedoms in his name, that to me would be directly in opposition to what our military fights for. So next time a Brickyard preacher or a fellow student hollers something you find offensive and wrong, please exercise your freedoms by hollering back, not running to the courts.

Technician (USPS 455-050) is the official student newspaper of N.C. State University and is published every Monday through Friday throughout the academic year from August through May except during holidays and examination periods. Opinions expressed in the columns, cartoons, photo illustrations and letters that appear on Technician’s pages are the views of the individual writers and cartoonists. As a public forum for student expression, the students determine the content of the publication without prior review. To receive permission for reproduction, please write the editor. Subscription cost is $100 per year. A single copy is free to all students, faculty, staff and visitors to campus. Additional copies are $0.25 each. Printed by The News & Observer, Raleigh, N.C., Copyright 2008 by North Carolina State Student Media. All rights reserved.





Two deserving ‘Princes’ stand before summer audiences STORY BY RICH LEPORE | IMAGES COURTESY WALT DISNEY PICTURES/UBISOFT


have been a fan of the Prince of Persia [POP] games for a long time. Back when series creator Jordan Mechner was filming his brother running in the backyard in order to better simulate human movement in the original “Prince of Persia” for PC, I was reading about it. And when Ubisoft rebooted the series, releasing “Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time” to a wealth of critical acclaim, I was playing it and loving it.

Then, two years ago, Ubisoft direction was a bad idea. But the rebooted the series, releasing rushed development period and their fourth POP game, simply the hearkening back to “Sands of called “Prince of Persia,” and I, Time” gameplay tropes can only of course, bought it. This game mean one thing: Ubisoft is trying was quite different from all that to cash in on the expected success had come before, however. The of the new film. But I have to give Ubisoft credmain character wasn’t a prince at all, but rather a street kid hunting it: “The Forgotten Sands” is far for treasure in dangerous places. better than your typical movie And the gameplay was different as tie-in game. “Kung-Fu Panda: well, eschewing the Sands of Time The Game” this is not. Instead, trilogy’s time manipulation game Ubisoft is giving fans of POP what mechanics for a partner character, they really want: an HD reimagElika, who would catch you when ining of 2003’s fantastic “The Sands of Time.” you fell. Unlike many movie-based This made the game a bit too easy, and along with the new video games, “The Forgotten story, made it Sands” is not controversial on the Prince of Persia: The based a mong f a n s . film directly at Forgotten Sands I enjoyed this all. The game Ubisoft new st yle of and film share a main character main character, and play style, a setting and a but overall, the theme, but the game left me longing for the tra- plots of the two are completely ditional prince (and his devilishly different. The game finds the titfun old tricks). ular prince visiting his brother’s This year, my prayers, and the kingdom, only to find it in the prayers of many POP fans world- midst of war. In order to combat wide have been answered in a big his attackers, the prince’s brother way, as this summer has seen accidentally unleashes an ancient the release of a brand new game, evil he doesn’t understand, and “Prince of Persia: The Forgotten all hell breaks loose. The prince Sands,” and a major motion pic- must then pick up the pieces of a ture, “Prince of Persia: The Sands shattered kingdom and try to seal of Time.” Both are welcome addi- the evil away once more. tions to the series, and although Overall, the game’s story is they are not directly related, rather thin and predictable, but together they present a back-to- the gameplay is classic POP, with basics approach to the franchise a high definition boost. The game that is extremely refreshing. is split like this – two-thirds is The new game, “Prince of Per- spent traversing the rocky walls sia: The Forgotten Sands,” is an and trap-filled halls of the kingodd sort of movie tie-in. The last dom, and the other one-thirds is POP game was released in De- spent in combat. The traversal segments are the cember 2008, only about a year and a half ago, and as previously core of the experience, and they mentioned, it took the series in start off being fun and approachan entirely new direction. Games able. Slowly but surely, though, usually take at least two years to they creep up in difficulty, until develop, and even if they didn’t, the player is pulling off deathstudios tend to leave two years in defying jumps that seemed imbetween game releases within the possible an hour earlier. I found myself initially shocked same franchise to allow anticipaat the ridiculously challenging tion to grow for the next game. But here we are in 2010 with tasks the game placed in front another Prince of Persia game of me, and then even more surthat chronologically fits between prised and totally proud when I “The Sands of Time” and “War- realized I was skilled enough to rior Within,” the first and second accomplish them. But I am not trying to brag games in the Sands of Time trilogy. The gameplay is also very here, well, at least not about my similar to games from that tril- ability. What is worth bragging ogy, making this game an admis- about is the design team’s ability sion of the fact that 2008’s new to teach the gamer how to play

better and better, simply through would otherwise be a traversalexpert game and level design. At only game experience. Whether the beginning of the game, sure, other critics recognize it or not, there are tutorials for the basic the Prince of Persia formula is moves and skills, but as the game finely honed and tweaked to perprogresses, these become decid- fection, and any deviation from it edly show rather than tell. This would have a significant impact is a game that constantly ups the on the game as a whole. ante, but also provides the player “The Forgotten Sands” is an with the necessary tools to stay impressive game, especially conahead of its ever-increasing dif- sidering its shortened developficulty curve. The result is a feel- ment cycle. As you play each new ing of personal accomplishment section, the development team’s and satisfaction few games can fine craftsmanship is on display. provide. This is the fifth Ubisoft-develThere are some new features oped Prince of Persia title, and it in “The Forgotten Sands” worth shows, from the new ideas present mentioning as well. In addition in each new level, to the overall to time manipulation, the game polish of the game as a whole. This same allows the player level of considto manipulate Prince of Persia: The eration and care the natural elewas also taken ments. For exSands of Time Walt Disney Pictures when Walt Disample, there are ney Pictures and water powers director Mike that allow the Newell took on prince to freeze t he dau nt i ng water momentarily, turning a waterfall into a task of bringing the franchise to wall to run across or a pillar to the big screen. “Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time,” is a carefully climb. This elemental control system crafted and overall exciting adextends to the combat as well. The venture film, and interestingly, prince has access to fire, wind, one that both I, and families with ice and stone-related abilities to small children, could enjoy. The prince in the film is played aid in the slaughter of hordes of skeleton enemies of varying types by Jake Gyllenhall, who I usually and strengths. Some enemies have severely dislike as an actor. But shields that must be kicked away here, Gyllenhall plays the swashbefore you can attack them head- buckling, sarcastic and even charon, and others require a greater ismatic rogue, as opposed to the degree of cunning to destroy. overly sensitive tool he plays in Overall, I found the combat to all of his other films. Here he is be the best yet for the series, but gruff and to the point, so there is that isn’t saying much, as combat no time for the histrionic, pseuis generally considered to be the do-emo acting that often makes weakest aspect of the POP expe- him uncomfortable to watch on screen. rience. The film’s story revolves around Many detractors have argued Ubisoft should just do away with a dagger that can turn back time the combat segments all together and a plot about a royal family, and focus on the series’ strengths betrayal, deceit, and finally the instead. I disagree and feel the main character’s quest to make game would be far too homog- everything right again. Sure it’s enous without the aid of these rote and predictable, but what fast-paced deviations from what summer blockbuster isn’t, right?

The thing is, though, this summer blockbuster isn’t just special effects scene after scene, with over the top action blasting at you from every angle. There is also a compelling story and characters you can relate to, including an underdog, of course, and even a Jack Sparrow clone. Yes, that’s right: this film has a character that straight up might as well be named Jack Sparrow, who rambles in semi-coherent sentences, rants and raves and provides plenty of comedic relief. “Prince of Persia” is, after all, Disney’s next big new franchise after “Pirates of the Caribbean,” and I guess they lacked the confidence to release a film completely devoid of sure-fire crowd-pleaser Jack Sparrow. So you hear me describing the rather thin plot, the clichéd archetypes, the Jack Sparrow clone and the fact it’s a movie based on a video game, and you wonder why I’m not saying this is the worst movie in history (as it has every right to be). But somehow, “Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time” is better than the sum of its parts. You just have to go into the theatre without too critical of an eye, ready to have a good time. And, of course, it doesn’t hurt if you love the game series the film is based upon, as I do. All things considered, “Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands” and “Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time” are two solid installments in a beloved franchise guaranteed to keep you indoors and well entertained during the hot summer months. If, like me, you are a fan of this venerable series, by all means, jump right in. And if not, start with the film and see if you don’t get sucked in to the eversifting sands of time yourself.





Promise of free Krispy Kreme doughnuts leads to Operation All-Nighter Laura Wilkinson Features Editor

For 10 hours, I waited outside a closed Krispy Kreme store in the hopes of winning a prize of free doughnuts for a year and no amount of rain or sketchiness of downtown Raleigh was going to stop me from fulfilling my dream of free Krispy Kreme. Tuesday morning at 6 a.m. the Krispy Kreme store on Peace Street reopened after renovations caused the store to be closed for about two months. For the grand reopening, Krispy Kreme offered prizes, ranging from free T-shirts to free doughnuts for a year. The most coveted prize was for the first person in line: one dozen free doughnuts every week for a year. My love affair with Krispy Kreme doughnuts began roughly at the age of four, when my father handed me a hot, gooey doughnut and I proceeded to smear sugar all across my face and clothes. Therefore, when I learned of this opportunity to win the delicious confections for a year, I jumped in headfirst with Operation All-Nighter. Don’t laugh. I took the Operation very seriously, even recruiting several of my friends to protect me from the evils of downtown Raleigh. My all-nighter began at 9 p.m. Monday night with me, three friends, and one GPS which got us lost as soon as we hit Hargett Street. After using a different GPS, we finally arrived at the store only to face defeat. There were already seven people there, and they had been there since 12:30 that afternoon. Disheartened, we lugged our trunkload of blankets, pillows, activities, warm clothes and sunken spirits to the forming line. Our hearts soared, however, when we found out the first 12 customers would win a free dozen for a year- not every week, but every month. This news came like manna from heaven because it

meant I would still win the precious bounty. All I had to do was defend my spot in line for the next 10 hours. For starters, my dear friend Jenny created a claustrophobic fort of lawn chairs and blankets, which we used as a hideout for an hour before tearing it down so we could actually sit in comfort. The fort was an interesting idea, but not very practical. The hours passed by somewhat eventfully: a carload of friends also got lost on their way to the store, and as I was trying to get them back on track, all of a sudden I experienced hearing loss from the deafening screeches resonating from the cell phone. Apparently, a homeless man came up to their car in the middle of an abandoned parking lot and they freaked out, nearly running over the poor guy in their haste to get away. When the rest of my crew finally arrived, a gigantic game of Phase 10 ensued, a gigantic hissy fit by me over the ineptness of my friends to play a simple card game ensued, and then the rain ensued. After soaking most of the chairs, blankets, games and people, the short shower effectively ruined the playful mood. However, we all persevered, thanks to a much-appreciated Cook Out run that brought deliverance in the form of a peanut butter milkshake. The rest of my morning was spent chatting with a random man about life and religion, every so often opening the umbrella to avoid the rain, which became more frequent as the sky began to lighten, and eating both the fresh free doughnuts the employees brought out for us and the grilled doughnuts the first person in line grilled for us. At 5:30 a.m. the moment of truth arrived when a Krispy Kreme employee came out to take names for the drawing to determine who would turn on the Hot Now sign for the first time since


Erik Fessler, sophomore in FYC, waits for Ayana Hernandez, Public Relations for Krispy Kreme as well as a coordinator of the opening event, and Michael Dillon, a manager, to announce the customer selected to turn on the “Hot Now” sign, which signaled the official reopening of the Peace Street Krispy Kreme store.

the store closed (which is a lie because they totally tested the sign around 4 a.m. that morning). Everyone that had camped out began packing up their belongings to accommodate the growing line of soon-to-be customers. Sadly, some little girl in a pink Snuggie and rainboots won the honor of turning back on the Hot Now sign (I myself had my own leopard print Snuggie and rainboots with me). But at 6 a.m. when that sign came on, the giddy audience erupted in cheers; alas, Krispy Kreme was open for business again! After collecting my T-shirt, coupon for a free ice-cream, voucher for my free dozen dough-

nuts every month for a year and my paper Krispy Kreme hat, I rushed to buy more doughnuts for my parents, who were at home expecting sugary goodness. After dropping my friends off at home, the plan was to continue my day working at my 9-to5 job. That never happened. Deciding I didn’t want to see any more rain for the rest of the day, I took the day off and slept. And slept. And slept. Operation All-Nighter was mostly a success ñ and for those who deny it, I only have to shove my voucher for free doughnuts in their faces to prove that in the end, all I do is win.

Fellowship awarded for research in biotechnology Recipients focus on bettering sources of alternative fuels with the $5,000 grant from the N.C. Biotechnology Center Laura Wilkinson Features Editor

The North Carolina Biotechnology Center awarded two N.C. State students the

NCBC Research Fellowship, a one-time grant of $5,000 for recipients to use over a one year period in the field of biotechnology research. Brian Schuster, a sophomore in chemical engineering, said he was looking on the Internet for different research grants when he saw the NCBC one. “I’m doing research on ethanol production using a bacteria to do consolidated bioprocess-

ing, which is a way of combining the steps of ethanol production into fewer steps,” Schuster said. Schuster said the research with ethanol he is working on is “kind of a new thing.” “Ethanol has always been produced… and for a while it’s been produced on a large scale, even for fuel. So now we’re trying to get it from cellulosic feedstock, like from trees or

sweet sorghum, grasses, things like that,” Schuster said. Jason Whitham, a senior in biochemistry, said he got an email about the NCBC opportunity and felt it was perfect. “It was an opportunity to get money to do collaborative research related to the biotechnology industry in North Carolina and the industry in North Carolina is highly tied to alternative fuels. Research

Triangle Park has a ton of biotechnology companies. Another thing is we’re a huge agriculture state,” Whitham said. “The two industries nowadays are very much connected. They take waste products from farms and stuff and convert it to biotechnology products and alternative fuels. With the economy the way it is, the more solutions we bring by doing research, the more employment we’ll have.” Whitham said he is doing work with Methanogens and Clostridia, both of which are really important for upcoming alternative fuel research. “The Clostridium that I worked with last year was able to take smoke stack gas, synthesis gas, and convert it to ethanol and acetate. Ethanol is an alternative fuel that is becoming more and more important for this country,” Whitham said. “The other part they make is acetate, but acetate is not an alternative fuel.” The hope is, Whitham said, in the future we’ll be able to take pollution and remove all the carbons from it, which would normally go into the atmosphere as greenhouse gases, increasing the temperature around the globe, and convert it to useful products like alternative fuels. “This summer and the following semester my grant is providing money for me to look at Methanogens, which will take the acetate – that is, the byproduct of the Clostridia — and convert it to methane — which is also known as natural gas — which is also an alternative fuel,” Whitham said. Schuster said corn is the number one feedstock right now, and the reason they use

it is because it has a lot of starch in it. “You can get the starch out and then convert that to ethanol a lot easier than you can convert cellulose to ethanol,” Schuster said. “As we move on and stop using corn — it’s mainly a food crop so that’s a big problem with it; people also demand it for food — and hopefully we can use a lot more cellulose and feedstock; especially sweet sorghum since that’s grown in North Carolina.” Whitham said since grain is being converted to ethanol more and more, and grain is food, food prices are now connected to fuel prices because of that trend. “But if we can do things like use waste products like smoke stack gas then we will be a lot better off,” Whitham said. Looking at studies on biofuels, Schuster said ethanol and biofuels do reduce greenhouse gas emissions. “Some people think it doesn’t come out with a net energy gain, but it does come out with 100 percent energy that is in the plant into ethanol. It does release energy, and you can harvest that. Gasoline needs an oxygenate to be added to it and ethanol is one of those,” Schuster said. “Most people just hear that [ethanol] is not producing any energy. I’ve looked at different technical documents and studies and the actual studies show that it does come out with more energy if you analyze the whole process.”

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Tourney continued from page 8

James Ramsey collided with Wolf pack redshirt junior catcher Chris Schaeffer along the third base line, knocking Schaeffer unconscious. “He had great strength in his hands, he had great strength in his feet and his eyes were moving around, he just didn’t know where he was,” Avent said of Schaeffer’s on-field condition. “He had no idea where he was. And he was knocked unconscious.” The collision occurred 15 feet up the base line from home plate as Schaeffer was moving to catch the ball thrown by senior right fielder Drew Poulk. Despite what he called a good job during the course of the game, Avent said he disagreed

with the ruling on the play. “I tell you we had a good umpiring crew here and the crew today was outstanding,” Avent said. “They made what they thought was the best decision and we respect that, but we totally disagree with it. I’m not going to change my mind that it was 15 feet up the line, inside the line and the guy could’ve run around him,” Avent said. “I’m not going to change my mind that my guy was knocked out and to say that he didn’t lower his shoulder, maybe he didn’t, but it was a hell of a collision. It could’ve been avoided, should’ve been avoided, he should’ve been out and thrown out in my opinion.” Schaeffer was called for obstruction and Ramsey was ruled safe on the play. The umpiring crew did not believe that the collision warranted an ejection of Ramsey.

“We did not have [the Florida State runner] lowering his shoulder, throwing his forearms out or doing anything that we thought would be ejectable,” home plate umpire David Savage said. Schaeffer was taken off the field by an ambulance and was released from the hospital Sunday night. Doctors diagnosed him with a Grade 3 concussion. The team finished out the contest without incident, falling 8-3. “They finished the game with class and that’s what they should’ve done.” Avent said. “And I continue to be proud of them. They played so doggone hard.” Four Pack players were named to the All-Tournament team—sophomore first baseman Harold Riggins, senior second baseman Dallas Poulk, senior centerfielder Kyle Wil-

thursday, june 3, 2010 • Page 7

son and junior pitcher Jake Buchanan. Riggins was named tournament MVP. “Coming into every game I really try not to analyze each day,” Riggins said. “Maybe I’ll think about it after the game is over, but my approach to every game is to focus on every at bat and focus on playing defense and helping my team win games.”

Brent Kitchen/Technician

Sophomore first baseman Harold Riggins warms up in the on-deck circle during the team’s game against Virginia Tech Saturday.


continued from page 8

any ball throughout the tournament. That blast was one of many impressive swings by Riggins, who put on a weekend-long hitting clinic for the fans in Greensboro, one that earned him tournament MVP honors. A double, an error and a single by the Hokies in the bottom of the seventh gave them a 9-8 lead. State looked as though it might have tied the game in the eighth, but Kyle Wilson was ruled out at home on a

dramatic throw from right field and ensuing play at the plate. Senior Dallas Poulk hit the ball in front of the Virginia Tech right fielder, who quickly threw home. The Hokie catcher dove to his left and was able to catch the ball and tag Wilson in one motion to end the inning and preserve his team’s lead. “I felt when I slid in I hit the catcher’s shin guards and he had caught the ball but he didn’t touch me which is why I was pretty heated,” Wilson said. “That’s what I felt, but the umpire made the call.” Wolfpack coach Elliott Avent was thrown out of the game for expressing his displeasure with the umpire’s call.


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“That’s the worst feeling in the world,” Avent said. “I hadn’t been ejected all year. And it wasn’t a goal not to get ejected, but being out of a ballgame is almost like leaving your team.” But after neither team scored in the eighth, the Pack got the rally it needed to tie the game in the ninth. Senior outfielder Drew Poulk reached on a single before an error on the first base line moved him to third and allowed sophomore Andrew Ciencin to advance to second. The error occurred when Tech first baseman Ronnie Shaban lost the ball while attempting to tag Ciencin. Riggins was subsequently walked to load

the bases with one out, and freshman catcher Danny Canela reached base and forced in Poulk to tie the game after an errant pitch hit him. In the tenth, sophomore catcher Pratt Maynard singled to right with runners on first and second to put his team ahead 10-9. Buchanan recorded the final two outs of his evening in the bottom half of the inning, and with runners on first and second, junior reliever Grant Sasser got the game’s final out on a harmless fly ball to right field.



continued from page 8

tournament games. The Wolfpack pitching staff has been revitalized with strong efforts from senior lefthander Alex Sogard. The lefty turned in two strong performances during the ACC tournament and will be depended on as State looks to advance out of the Myrtle Beach regional. “Alex has just been phenomenal,” Avent said. “He’s been phenomenal since he’s gotten here but the off-season shoulder surgery, which set him back, was something he’s had to deal with to try and come back

and pitch in his last year of college. At times he just was not up to full strength and that was frustrating for him, but he’s a competitor in every way, shape and form, and that’s why he has been pitching so well lately.” The Pack’s first game is slated for Friday at 7 p.m. against College of Charleston. “We’re just trying to give our guys some rest right now so they will be sharp for this weekend’s games,” Avent said. “If we play the way we are capable of playing, I don’t see any reason why we can’t make it out of this regional.”


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ACROSS 1 Cook, as Swiss steak 7 “There never was a good” one, according to Franklin 10 Like many a head-turner 14 Imposed, as a tax 15 Fertility clinic cells 16 Colored 17 Getting on 18 Musician’s parlance? 20 Buddhist discipline 21 1773 jetsam 23 Wall alternative, perhaps 24 Billiards player’s parlance? 30 Draft holder 31 Make known 32 Spread out 33 For time eterne 35 Mole user: Abbr. 37 Sailor’s “Agreed” 38 Mechanic’s parlance? 42 Fella 44 West of Hollywood 45 Bard’s “before” 46 Hello or goodbye 49 Crime lab subject 51 Beginning 55 Remodeler’s parlance? 58 Heating device 59 Sudan neighbor: Abbr. 60 Dust remover 61 Chiropractor’s parlance? 65 Arctic exploration tool 67 Long-running reality show, familiarly 68 __-tzu 69 Syndicate 70 Court defense? 71 Bot. or chem. 72 Ticks off DOWN 1 Conflagrations 2 Temporary ruler


By Mark Bickham

3 Right, in a way 4 Junior’s junior 5 Orlando newspaper 6 Barely beats 7 Moo goo gai pan pan 8 Rosary recital 9 Lustrous fabric 10 Fired wildly into, as an oater town 11 Where It.’s at 12 Marked with two lines 13 Fabric meas. 19 Some friendly greetings 22 “Bingo!” 25 Covered for a crony, perhaps 26 Fungus-alga unions 27 Onetime apple spray 28 In high spirits 29 Inspect 34 Dream state acronym 36 Absorbed, as a cost 38 Desktop image 39 Detroit’s founder 40 Garbage site

Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved

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41 Congers, e.g. 42 Google Earth image 43 According to 47 Badger at the park 48 “Thanks __!” 50 Adept type 52 Hook, for one 53 One who pulls a scam 54 Pinhead dancers?


56 Antique phone features 57 City near Syracuse 61 Profession, casually 62 Flap 63 Voting “nay” 64 Ornamental carp 66 Centimetergram-second unit



•93 days until the football team’s season opener against Western Carolina


• Page 7: Continuations of the stories about the baseball team


Page 8 • thursday, june 3, 2010



State well represented on ACC’s 2010 All-Tournament Baseball Team


Women’s swimming and diving adds two more to freshman class Coach Brooks Teal announced that two more recruits will join the five incoming freshmen who signed back in December. The latest additions to the Pack’s 2010-11 squad are Kelsey Liu and Lauren Poore. Liu is a breaststroker from North Potomac, Md. who will also participate in the IM. She was a two-time captain at Quince Orchard High School and competed with the RockvilleMontgomery Swim Club. Poore hails from Bethesda, Md. She was also a two-time team captain for her high school and she participated in club competition with the Curl-Burke Swim Club. Poore will likely focus on freestyle and backstroke. Source: N.C. State Athletics

Former Wolfpack defensive tackle enshrined by National Football Foundation Dennis Byrd, who played defensive tackle for N.C. State from 1964-1967, recently became the fifth player in the history of the Pack’s football program to be named to the College Football Hall of Fame. Byrd was a threetime All-ACC selection, the first player in conference history to earn the honor three times. He was also a two-time First-Team All-American and the first ever Wolfpack player to become a consensus All-American. His play during 1965 helped State win a share of the conference title and secure the program’s first ever post-season victory. Source: N.C. State Athletics

athletic schedule

June 2010 Su




































Brent Kitchen/Technician

Brent Kitchen/Technician

Sophomore catcher Pratt Maynard gives a high-five to coach Elliot Avent following Maynard’s solo home run in the fourth inning of the team’s game against Georgia Tech Saturday. The team lost 17-5 in seven innings.

Weary Pack surprises ACC with run to title game Despite lack of sleep, team surprises field, advances to finals Brent Kitchen Agromeck Sports Editor

This weekend ’s ACC Tournament in Greensboro may not have gone according to plan for the Wolfpack, but its results surpassed expectations. As the No. 7 seed in the tournament, State found itself matched up against three nationally ranked teams in pool play: No. 16 Clemson, No. 6 Georgia Tech and No. 18 Virginia Tech. The Pack opened play against Clemson Wednesday. The two teams battled back and forth until State was able to take a lead it wouldn’t give up with a fiverun sixth inning. State went on to win 13-8 as redshirt senior Alex Sogard picked up his second win of the season. But the real test for the Pack began with its matchup w ith Georgia Tech Friday night. The game, scheduled for 8 p.m., pitted junior Wolfpack ace Jake Buchanan against Georgia Tech’s Brandon Crumpton. The game started on time with storm clouds looming and the Jackets were able to knock in two runs in the top of the first inning. But during the change, officials suspended the game due to the imminent threat of severe weather. Follow-

ing a rain delay of nearly two its. “Hopefully everybody’s hours, the game was postponed got the mind set to come in until 10 a.m. Saturday. Georgia Tech brought back here and get the job done, Crumpton, but Buchanan did so I don’t think the timing not return following his ap- of the night will have any effect on us,” sophomore pearance the previous night. “When you lose your ace, catcher Pratt Maynard said. that means a lot,” Coach Elliot “But I think we’ll be ready Avent said. “But [that’s] out of to play [Sunday] and hopefully we’ll be able to come our control.” Crumpton went six strong away with the victory.” And the Wolfpack came innings for Tech while State out firing on all cylinders threw seven pitchers. The game was called after despite a lack of sleep. The seven innings because Geor- Pack held a 3-2 edge headi ng i nto gia Tech had t he s e va 17-5 lead. ent h i nNCAA rules ning of the state that any championgame shall be ship game. declared final In t he if a team has seventh, a 10 run lead Florida af ter seven State was innings. able to get But the team could coach Elliott Avent on his team’s to junior not linger on response to the injury to catcher pitcher Chris Schaeffer Grant the loss beSasser for cause it had a game against Virginia Tech two runs to get a lead it scheduled for 8 p.m. that night. wouldn’t surrender. “I left a few pitches up,” Clemson defeated Georgia Tech that afternoon to make Sasser said. “One time you Saturday’s fourth and final can get away with it and game featuring N.C. State and then another time it can get Virginia Tech responsible for crushed. It didn’t really roll determining Florida State’s op- our way. It’s a mistake that position in the championship we paid for.” But a moment in the game. The Pack earned the right to eighth inning served as a take on FSU with a 10-9 vic- reminder to all in attentory over Virginia Tech in extra dance that the championship game was just that—a innings. Despite the 1:23 a.m. conclu- game. On a sacrifice fly by the sion of the Virginia Tech game and the 1 p.m. scheduled start Seminoles’ Devon Travis, time of the championship Florida State right fielder game, the team kept high spir-

Thriller ends long day with baseball preparing for championship game Rough early start to Saturday ends in extra innings win to put the baseball team in Sunday’s championship game Tyler Everett Sports Editor

The baseball players started play Saturday at 10 a.m. with a 17-5 loss to Georgia Tech, but finished the day more than 15 hours later focused on an ACC Championship showdown with Florida State. “It’s 1:30 in the morning right now, but we’re glad to get that win after how we played this morning,” senior outfielder Kyle Wilson said after the win over the Hokies. “It definitely feels good to come out and play baseball again tomorrow, that’s for sure.” The Pack’s loss to the Yellow Jackets ended after seven innings in a game called short because of the tournament’s 10-run mercy rule. That game was postponed to Saturday morning by Friday night rain that allowed the teams to play just half an inning. After starting the day off on the wrong foot, the Pack spent the afternoon pulling for Clemson to give it a chance to redeem itself in Saturday’s late game against Virginia Tech.. “There really wasn’t much time to think because we went back to the hotel and fell asleep,” Wilson said. “What you’ve got to do is put it behind you. Obviously we didn’t play the baseball we’re capable of playing this morning.” The Tigers did exactly what

State needed them to, defeating Georgia Tech 9-3 to keep State’s hopes for a tournament title alive. State capitalized with a 10-9 triumph of its own in an extra innings roller coaster that lasted ten innings and ended shortly after 1 a.m. Sunday morning. Early on against the Hokies, it looked as though the mercy rule might very well come into play once more. The hot bats that played such a large role in the team’s 13-5 victory over Clemson Wednesday night were at it again, giving State a 7-1 lead after three and a half innings. The Pack fell behind 1-0 in the first inning, but answered and built a six-run cushion on one run in the second, four in the third and two more in the top of the fourth. But the Hokies battled back in what quickly became a seesaw fight for the right to take on the Seminoles in Sunday’s tournament finale. A seven-run outburst in the bottom of the fourth put Virginia Tech ahead 8-7 and chased sophomore pitcher Cory Mazzoni. Junior Jake Buchanan came in and stopped the bleeding, recording the final out of the fourth to keep his team within one run of the Hokies. Buchanan stayed on to record all but one out the rest of the way, giving up one unearned run on six hits in six innings of work. Sophomore first baseman Harold Riggins knotted the game at 8 apiece with a solo homerun that f lew as far as

VT continued page 7


State to return to Myrtle for NCAA Regionals Baseball heads to Myrtle Beach, S.C. looking to continue lateseason surge Tucker Frazier Deputy Sports Editor

Saturday Baseball vs. Coastal Carolina or Stony Brook @ BB&T Coastal Field in NCAA Myrtle Beach Regional Myrtle Beach, S.C., TBA

Monday Baseball in NCAA Myrtle Beach Regional @ BB&T Coastal Field Myrtle Beach, S.C., TBA

Tourney continued page 7


Friday Baseball vs. College of Charleston @ BB&T Coastal Field in NCAA Myrtle Beach Regional Myrtle Beach, S.C., 7 p.m.

Sunday Baseball in NCAA Myrtle Beach Regional @ BB&T Coastal Field Myrtle Beach, S.C., TBA

“They finished the game with class and that’s what they should’ve done.”

Coach Elliot Avent watches his team play Virginia Tech Saturday, May for a spot in the ACC Championship game Sunday. The game lasted until 1:23 a.m. as the Pack beat the Hokies 10-9 in 10 innings.

Only one week removed from narrowly making it’s own conference tournament, the baseball team now finds itself in a fortuitous doubleelimination NCAA regional. The pack will join top-seeded host Coastal Carolina, College of Charleston and Stony Brook in Myrtle Beach for regional play, which will kick off Friday. The site of the regional will be the familiar BB&T Coastal Field in Myrtle Beach, S.C., the same ballpark where the Wolfpack beat thenNo. 5 UC Irvine and James Madison in the Baseball at the Beach Classic

in February. “We’re excited to travel to Myrtle Beach,” coach Elliott Avent said. “We knew we were not hosting so our guys would have been happy to go anywhere. We’re going to have a good fan base down there and we played there back in February so we’re familiar with the ballpark.” Dating back to the series against Georgia Tech, the Wolfpack (38-22) has been one of the hottest teams in the country, winning 10 of its final 13 regular season contests, making it all the way to the ACC championship game before falling to Florida State Sunday. Perhaps the most important ingredient in State’s success this upcoming weekend will be rest. The Wolfpack is attempting to recover from a threegame stretch in the ACC tournament that spanned nearly 36 hours. “It’s not about wins and losses right

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now,” Avent said. “It’s about how you are playing. Even though making it to the ACC championship game beat our kids up a little bit physically, it toughened them up mentally. A couple of guys were able to get some experience in big-time pressure situations that will help prepare them for this upcoming weekend.” The Myrtle Beach regional features a slew of talented players including Big South pitcher of the year Anthony Meo, who helped Coastal Carolina (517) earn the Big South championship. Meo boasts an impressive 13-1 record for the Chanticleers this season to go along with a 1.80 ERA. College of Charleston (42-17) is led by the Southern Conference’s player of the year, third baseman Matt Leeds. Only a sophomore, Leeds has been the spark to the Cougars’ potent offense all year, batting .340 with 20 homeruns and 80 RBI.

Stony Brook (29-25) is led by No. 1 starting pitcher Nick Tropeano, who helped the Seawolves claim the American East conference championship. Tropeano has an 8-3 record with a 2.36 ERA and also threw an astounding 101 strikeouts in 91 innings. In order for State to repeat the success it had in 2008, when it advanced to the Super Regionals, the Wolfpack must continue to pitch well and maintain its torrid hitting. Slimmed-down first baseman Harold Riggins has been the Wolfpack’s hottest hitter as the season has unfolded. The sophomore became only the second State player to be honored as the ACC tournament MVP after an impressive weekend at the plate. Riggins went 9-for16 in Greensboro with three RBI in four

NCAA continued page 7

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For their efforts in helping the seventh-seeded Wolfpack finish second in the eight-team conference tournament, four players were named to the alltournament team. Senior second baseman Dallas Poulk and senior outfielder Kyle Wilson, along with sophomore first baseman Harold Riggins and junior pitcher Jake Buchanan all garnered alltournament honors. Virginia Tech had the next greatest number of players named to the all-tourney team, with three.

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