Technician - Jan. 13, 2009

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TECHNICIAN          

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Raleigh, North Carolina

Preliminary report to come Friday


Campus Culture Task Force Committee to present initial recommendations at meeting this week


Dorian Solot, sex and relationship educator, talked to approximately 500 people in the Campus Cinema Monday night along with her husband Marshall Miller, also a sex and relationship educator. In their program titled, “I Heart Female Orgasm,” they discussed taboo topics ranging from orgasms to vibrators.

Festival to showcase sustainability Event to bring ‘community together’ James Cox Staff Writer

The Hillsborough Street Renaissance Festival, a green arts and music festival, is in the planning stages to be held on March 14, 2009 from noon to 10:30 p.m. Some of the events will include bands playing all day, an organic Iron Chef Cook-off, a barbecue cook-off between the fraternities and a ‘pie-off’ between the sororities. William McGuire, a senior in aerospace engineering and one of the organizers, said the festival will also benefit the community through charity. “Initially, we were trying to raise money for one group but then we found out just how in depth it could go and we expanded,” he said. Engineers without Borders, MorLove and Sole4Souls are the three main charities that will split the proceeds of the festival. Akeem Robinson, a senior in chemical engineering and the president of Engineers without Borders said his organization is participating in the Renaissance to raise money for its projects in Bolivia and Sierra Leone. “Each project will receive water purification system and Sierra Leone will receive a solar-wind hybrid system to benefit communities,” Robinson said. Moran Aframian, a senior in textiles, and president of the non-profit organization Morlove said that MorLove is putting on a fashion show at the festival. “Morlove partnered with American Vintage and Energy Greem Builders together we’re putting together an eco-friendly fashion show and its called Redress Raleigh,” she said. But the event isn’t just about charity, McGuire said. “One of the things were trying to do is make the street a place where everyone meets together,” he said. Daniel Tebo, a freshman at Wake Tech and media director for the Renaissance said that


Brooks Wood, a 2006 alumnus, sings and plays guitar at the Hillsborough Street Renaissance community meeting Monday at the Pullen Arts Center. The meeting took place to help plan and promote the March 14 event that aims to revitalize the Hillsborough Street area. The event will feature live music including Wood’s band — the Brook Woods Band, and a hip-hop band called Inflowential, both of which played a demo at the meeting. “Everybody in the band graduated from N.C. State,” Wood said. “There’s lots of bands they could have asked, but we grew up here and understand the cause. It’ an incredible privilege and honor.”

there will be a wide variety of Guire said. Robinson said he thinks the music for a lot of age groups. “We’re going to have the Am- festival is a great event for him ateurs, Brookswood, Murphy’s to raise money and also spread Kids, Joco, Old Regime, Wreck- the word about his organization. “It pertains to us because ing Season and Chime Carolina the whole foin concert,” he cus of this is said. to bu i ld up Tebo said the Hillsborough c onc er t w i l l Street and show bri ng people off green techtogether. nology,” Rob“People who inson said. wou ld ne ver Engineers hang out will be Without Borout there partyders, Robinson ing together,” said, is all about Tebo said. developing new The festival is technology and also about sushelping out the tainability. world. “We’re strong Alexander believers that Akeem Robinson, senior in Joyce, a senior you can’t just chemical engineering in communicahave environtion, said he is mental sustainability - you also need financial new to the organizing team. “It’s something I want to be a sustainability,” McGuire said. The festival is really showcas- part of,” he said. Aframian said she wants to ing companies that demonstrate show people it’s easy to be ecothat, according to McGuire. “It should be a good time,” Mc- friendly and also stylish and

“It pertains to us because the whole focus of this is to build up Hillsborough Street and show off green technology.”

fashionable. “I don’t think people realize how much money you waste on clothes that are massproduced and aren’t really good for the environment,” Aframian said. She said she is involved in the festival to get involved in the community. “It takes a while for a non-profit to get name recognized and joining in the Hillsborough Street Renaissance is a way to touch 15,00 people that I may not have been able to reach on my own,” Afraimi said. Robinson isn’t sure exactly what his organization will be displaying at the festival. “We have a couple of options,” he said. Aframian also said that the businesses on Hillsborough aren’t doing as well as they should. “It’s something fun and I thinks its good for students to support other students,” she said.

do to discourage people from doing things that are completely irrational but to a certain extent free speech is free speech,” he said. “Sometimes free speech includes stupid speech.” Since the creation of the task Derek Medlin Managing Editor force, members have been meeting in subcommittees focused on Members of the Campus Cul- three separate areas: campus culture Task Force Committee will ture, the student conduct code meet for a second time this Fri- and Brickyard and Free Expresday to discuss preliminary rec- sion Tunnel Practices. ommendations about how to Dawkins, who serves on the improve the campus atmosphere Brickyard and Free Expression regarding diversity. Tunnel subcommittee, said his Chancellor James Oblinger particular subcommittee has a created the task force in No- difficult task. vember 2008 following the hate “There is so much tradition speech and racand history in i s t me s s a ge s the Free Expreswritten on the sion tunnel as it Free Expression is,” he said. “If Tunnel about one were to try President-elect to change the Barack Obama. nature of the Student Body Free Expression President Jay Tunnel it would Dawkins said face resistance the work of the but that doesn’t committee is mean there important for aren’t ways to Jay Dawkins, the culture on better approach student body president campus to ima controversial prove. issue.” “We learned that there are a lot On Friday, the entire task force of campuses that have similar will meet to discuss the initial issues and fight similar battles,” recommendations of the smaller Dawkins said of the initial work groups. of the committee. “On Friday, the subcommitThe messages threatening tees will present initial findings Obama prompted the U.S. Se- to the full committee and we’ll cret Service to investigate to de- have a chance to discuss them,” termine if any credible threat had Dawkins said. been made. Dawkins said he believes the While no students faced crimi- Free Expression Tunnel incident nal charges, the University did in November provides an oppordiscipline the four students who tunity for the campus to talk took responsibility for painting about sensitive issues like race. the tunnel. “In a lot of ways speech in the Dawkins said the issue of free way we saw it Nov. 5 can awaken speech is difficult to deal with society to issues that still exist despite the threatening nature of that need to be addressed,” he messages like those found Nov. said. 5, 2008. “There are some things we can

“We learned that there are a lot of campuses that have similar issues and fight similar battles.”

21 days remaining to register for KKC Staff Report The fifth annual Krispy Kreme Challenge — a two mile run from the Bell Tower to the Krispy Kreme in downtown Raleigh where participants eat a dozen doughnuts and have to run back to the Bell Tower in under an hour — will take place Feb. 7 this year. The race, which a group of friends started for fun, has now become an N.C. State tradition with last year’s run attracting 3,000 participants. Participants pay a registration fee for a free T-shirt, the doughnuts and any extra money goes to benefit the N.C. Children’s Hospital. There are 21 days left to register, and organizers expect 5,000 registrants this year. For more information on the run or to see photos of previous runs, check out www.krispykremechallenge. com. SOURCE: WWW.KRISPYKREMECHALLENGE.ORG GRAPHICS: SUSANNAH BRINKLEY


Red means go.

2 for $20 @ NC State Bookstores

Fighting for reparations

This week’s ‘Focused’ concentrates on the situation in Gaza. See page 3.

focused arts & entertainment classifieds sports

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In Monday’s page-two In the Know “University to honor MLK Jr. Wednesday,� the time of the event was incorrect. Guest speaker Morris Dees will be speaking Wednesday at noon. Technician regrets the error. Send all clarifications and corrections to Editor-in-Chief Saja Hindi at editor@








































Today LAST DAY TO ADD CLASSES WITHOUT INSTRUCTOR PERMISSION LITRE EXPO 2009 D.H. Hill Library West Wing, second floor, 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL MANAGERS MEETING Carmichael Recreation Center, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

54/27 Partly cloudy throughout the day with highs reaching the mid 50s.


40 31 Sunny but chilly with highs reaching 40.


Wednesday LEGENDARY CIVIL RIGHTS ACTIVIST MORRIS DEES PRESENT “A PASSION FOR JUSTCIE� Stewart Theatre Talley Student Center, 7 p.m. LITRE EXPO 2009 D.H. Hill Library West Wing, second floor, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. BLUES ‘N CUES BILLIARDS TOURNAMENT Talley Student Center, 6 to 9 p.m.

Tickets available for ‘Canes College Night’ Tickets for the third ‘Canes College Night’ are on sale now for the Carolina Hurricanes vs. Toronto Maple Leafs Jan. 15. College students with valid college e-mail addresses or valid college IDs can purchase lower level tickets starting at $25 and upper level tickets starting at $15. Students can save more by purchasing tick-

POLICE BLOTTER Jan. 10 12:04 A.M. | ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Pi Lambda Phi Fraternity Raleigh Police Department requested assisted with party at Pi Lambda Phi. RPD cited for nuisance party violations.

ets online at Each student may purchase up to eight tickets online or a maximum of two tickets at the RBC Center Box Office. Tickets for College Night 4 against the Boston Bruins have already been sold out. Due to the sellout, an additional game, the Hurricanes vs. Buffalo Sabres Feb. 26, has been added. Tickets for this game will go on sale Jan. 15 at 9 p.m. For more information visit http://hurricanes.nhl. com/tickets/college.htm or e-mail


Pilot’s distress call was faked

Police are now on the hunt for Marcus Schrenker, a 38 year-old pilot who apparently faked a plane crash Sunday. Schrenker sent a life-or-death distress call from his aircraft, and then parachuted safely to the ground, leaving the plane to crash in a Florida swamp by apparent natural causes. The pilot checked into a hotel using a fake name and then fled into the forest, authorities say. The search for the man is still ongoing.

Russia, Europe reach come to terms in gas dispute Russia will begin sending natural gas to Europe today after a dispute with the Ukraine prompted Russia to cease pumping the gas for almost a week. The Ukraine receives all of the Russian gas and then transports it to the rest of the receiving European countries by a pipeline. Russia had originally ceased transportation of gas when it claimed the Ukraine had attached unacceptable terms to the pact Russia had been working on with the European Union. SOURCE: CNN



3:42 A.M. | SUSPICIOUS INCIDENT Avent Ferry Complex Report of student drinking and driving. Officer located subject and found no problems. Further investigation will continue. 3:43 A.M. | CHECK PERSON Hillsborough Street Officer spoke with non-student. Subject complied to leave the area. 5:00 P.M. | TRAFFIC STOP Dan Allen Drive Student was issued citation for stop

light violation Jan. 11 12:11 A.M. | ALCHOHOL VIOLATION Sigma Chi Two students were referred to the university for alcohol violations. 9:03 A.M. | CHECK PERSON D.H. Hill Library Report of subject soliciting money. Canvass of area produced negative results. 10:45 A.M. | DAMAGE TO

PROPERTY Bragaw Hall Student reported vehicle had been keyed. 2:27 P.M. | ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Avent Ferry Complex RPD officers were assisted in serving warrants to student for off campus incident. 5:45 P.M. | DAMAGE TO PROPERTY Dan Allen Parking Deck Student reported vehicle had been keyed.

remembering the dream

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he latest conflict between Israel and Palestine, which intensified Dec. 27, 2008 when Israel began an air assault on Gaza, has now cost almost 900 Palestinians and 15 Israelis their lives. The newest round of fighting has been another example of the decades old conflict between the two groups. When Israel became a nation in 1948, Palestinian people in the region between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea were effectively left homeless, creating a volatile situation that has once again flared up. Since then, multiple periods of fighting have done very little to solve the problem of Palestinian statehood.

Land issues, religious differences and even a discussion about how to handle Jerusalem, the holy city for Christianity, Islam and Judaism, have come together to create a truly unique situation that has proven time and again to appear somewhat unsolvable. Bob Moog, an associate professor

in political science, said the roots of the conflict have come from a land dispute between the two sides. “At the core of the conflict is an issue of land and Palestinian nationalism,” he said. “It’s not really a religious issue at its core. The founding of the state of Israel left the Palestinians without a land of their own.” Moog said both sides of the equation know what must be done to solve the problem but also said those same people have known potential solutions for years. “For the last 15 to 20 years, most of the world has agreed that there would be a two-state solution,” he said. “There are issues obviously as to exactly how this two-state plan

“The vast majority of people involved agree that there is going to have to be a two-state solution.” Bob Moog, associate professor of political science

would work out, but basically both sides agree.” This two-state plan, according to Moog, would make the Gaza strip and the West Bank territory an official Palestinian state. “The vast majority of people involved agree that there is going to have to be a two-state solution,” he said. The fighting that began in late December has once again highlighted the long running dispute between Israel and Palestine, and has students on both sides speaking out. Ben Mazur, a senior in religious GAZA continued page 4

R O F G N I T FIGH S N O I T A REPAR Israel is more than a war zone

H Blaire Davidowitz

sophomore, communication



Educate yourself about the Gaza strip

ow heartbreaking to wake up yet another day knowing that another promising cease-fire has been eradicated. It is painful to see it in the news so much, to have lived with this feeling of not knowing if my “homeland” would still be here tomorrow, and to see that yet again, my hopes for peace have been shattered. Broken cease-fires and the conflicts between Israel and its neighbors are nothing

he conflict between Israel and Palestine in the Gaza strip affects millions around the world, and this includes people at this university. Though it may seem like we, as students, can’t do anything to help the situation, one of the best things we can do is to stay educated. If you feel strongly about one side of the issue, then become

DAVIDOWTIZ continued page 4

EDITORIAL continued page 4

Hamas is to blame for Israeli deaths

U.S. should only be a mediator

W Ori Tuvia

senior, engineering

hat would you do? Imagine a situation in which you and your family are forced to dodge bombs over a period of eight years. Imagine living in fear knowing that when the alarm sounds you have 30 seconds to reach safety. This is the case for the citizens of southern Israeli cities. For the past eight years, Hamas, a terrorist organization based in the Gaza Strip, have been shooting misTUVIA continued page 4

Israel is responsible for genocide

I Julie Abdelrahman

junior, textile and apparel management

Travis Seymour junior, international studies

SEYMOUR continued page 4

JULIE continued page 4

Stop targeting Palestinian civilians


here’s no doubt that both Israel and the Palestinians are guilty of committing some pretty terrible acts. A quick glance at the news is all it takes to see that. Under international law, however, the actions of Israel are far less excusable. Gaza and the West Bank are occupied territories, and under international law, its occupants have the right to resist Israel’s military occupation. I don’t

am a Palestinian-American. It gives me great pride to call myself Palestinian and be from a nation that will never give up and will never surrender. I am proud to be an American, but I am dismayed at our government sending at least $3 billion of our tax dollars to Israel each year. I am ashamed and appalled at the stance taken by our government to excuse the actions of the Israelis as self-defense, but to con-

T Mariem Masmoudi

junior, political science

oday is the 18th day of the illegal and savage Israeli military campaign on the innocent civilian population of Gaza. According to the few reporters who have somehow managed to get around the Israeli block of international news coverage on the atrocities being committed in Gaza, a staggering 45 to 50 percent of the injured, and 25 to 30 percent of those killed, are women and MASMOUDI continued page 4


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studies and supporter of Israel, said the fighting is the result of the efforts of Hamas, an organization, which controls the Gaza strip, to harm Israel. “I try to disconnect the Gaza crisis,” Mazur said. “It shouldn’t be connected to the overall disagreement between Palestine and Israel, but Hamas wants to do everything they can to destroy Israel.” Mazur said Israel has been forced to retaliate to protect itself. “If they don’t retaliate, they are leaving themselves open,” he said. “Israel cannot afford to look weak.” When Israel began its offensive in December with air attacks, the death toll in the decidedly

less developed Gaza strip grew quickly. As of Monday evening, news stations reported the casualties in Gaza of at least 900 people includes Palestinian women, children and Hamas forces. The Israeli death toll, which is near 15, includes around five civilian deaths as of Monday. Omar Awartani, a senior in aerospace engineering who was born in the West Bank and supports Palestine, said the difference in the number of deaths cannot be overlooked. “Sheer numbers would give you a huge hint about what Israel is doing in Gaza,” Awartani said. “Gaza is one of the most populated areas in the world. It’s not just all desert. When you bomb a building it is likely you will kill multiple people.” Mazur agreed that the death toll is unfortunate, but defended


new to me. I witnessed it firsthand in 2006 when I was spending a summer in Israel with my family and closest friends. I was camping on the IsraelLebanon border after a long three-day hike when I was woken up by gunshots and security guards urging us to get onto the buses and into Jerusalem where we would be “safe.” I was there when I had to comfort friends around me when we had all heard that a suicide bomber had been caught and had to pretend it was okay even though I knew that they were trying to bomb the hotel my parents were staying in. These events were some of the most terrifying of my life. However, it was comforting at the same to see how eager my people were to fight for their country. With so much going on, I felt oddly safe. America likes to portray Israel as this huge war zone and the fact of the matter is that it is not this way. I was still able to go play on the beach and still capable of going out to the local discos and restaurants. I was not the only one going on like normal. So did everyone else. This is part of their lives, and it is something that they just have to deal with. So when people picture Israel I can only hope that they do not picture fires, bombs and other unfortunate events, because this is only a small fraction of it all. The crime rate in America is much higher than that of Israel’s. More people die in car accidents than they do from warfare. However, I would be lying if I said that the hostilities did not exist. Why do I still support Israel? I support Israel because it is one of the most wonderful places on Earth. There is so much suffering, yet it is a land rich in history, the history of my ancestors, the Jewish people. It is a land that welcomes me with open arms and land that my friends are glad to fight for. It is a land that I too believe is worth the struggle. No one wants to give up a place that holds so many precious treasures, thus its appeal for both the Jewish people and the Palestinians. And so, even though often I may log onto the computer or read a paper and see all of the terrible things going on between Gaza and Israel, no matter how discouraged I may get, I hold out hope that the next cease-fire will be the last one.


siles at civilians with the intent to kill. During the same period of time, Israeli diplomats have tried to talk to the Hamas with no success. In an act of self-defense, Israel has begun a military operation in Gaza to stop the shooting and bring peace to the region. The Gaza strip has been ruled by Hamas for the last three years. Hamas was elected into power by the “innocent” people of Gaza. The sole purpose of Hamas is to kill.



demn the Palestinians doing the same as terrorism. I am aghast at our government justifying the murders of Palestinians at the hands of the Israelis. I am horrified at our government that refuses to step in and stop the killings in Gaza and further sickened that, instead, our government continues to send monetary and military aid to Israel as it maintains its siege upon Gaza, the most densely populated area in the world with over 1.5 million inhabitants. At the time this column was being written, the Israeli strikes against Gaza had entered the 16th day. In just over two weeks, the death toll has reached a staggering 888


think it’s unreasonable for these people to resist a foreign power that’s destroyed their homes, severely restricted their movement and cut off access to the outside world. They don’t, however, have the right to attack civilian targets. Average Israeli citizens aren’t the ones perpetuating this conflict. Attacking civilian targets is illegal under international law, and Israel has the right and obligation to protect its citizens from these attacks. The degree to which Israel has responded in this particular situation is far too excessive. Under the Geneva Conventions, disproportionate military response and collective punishment against groups of people are implicitly prohibited, as the occupying power Israel has done both, and repeatedly attacked civilian targets. Israel has attacked schools, hospi-


active and get your voice out there. We encourage students to come together to hold discussions about this and have an opportunity to express their opinions. Listen to a side that may not necessarily be as common in the media or elsewhere. We also ask instructors, professors, groups and clubs to hold forums to discuss this situation along with other prominent issues and events. Though people can become passionate about one side of this issue, keep in mind the only way to effectively get your opinion across is to stay civil. It is and always will be a touchy subject, and the worst

way to express your opinion is to be hostile and close-minded. Also, if you do not know much about the situation in the Gaza strip, read up on it and find out what is going on. You may be surprised by how many people it affects. This is history in the making and missing out on this while it is going on can be detrimental to your understanding of what will happen in the future. Read into its history and it may open you up to a new way of viewing the situation in the Gaza strip. Find out how much aid the U.S. gives Israel. Read up on the United Nation’s stance of the conflict. Talk to students who have families there. And be careful about preconceived notions that you may have. Listen to the facts and make up your own mind instead of just spreading around someone else’s opinion. Keep in mind

Consequently, they are not interested in peace. Their idea of peace is that all of the citizens of Israel will either die or move to a different country. This terrorist organization that has been elected by the people has been killing innocent people everyday, and no one has said a word. Interestingly, now that Israel has been killing Hamas leaders in an act of self-defense and in attempt to make citizens safe, it becomes a crime against humanity? Hamas leaders hide in areas of high civilian density, they shoot missiles from schools and they walk in the streets carrying babies in their hands.

The Hamas uses these tactics so they can claim that Israel is killing innocent people when the Israeli military is, in fact, solely aiming for Hamas militants. The Israeli military does not intend to kill innocent people and tries extremely hard to limit the deaths of innocent people, even if that means an increase in Israeli casualties. Unfortunately, mistakes still happen and innocent people still die. For the past eight years, Hamas has been a major threat to the Jewish state of Israel, its interests and its people. This is the same terrorist organization that was elected three years ago into power in the Gaza Strip and the

same terrorist organization that has continued to shoot missiles into Israel during times of cease-fire. I now ask what you would do if this was the case in your life. Imagine living with the possibility of a terrorist missile screaming toward your home at any time. Imagine constantly living in fear, knowing that from the time you started reading this paragraph until the time it took you to get to this line, is all the time you have to reach for safety.

Palestinians and the injured has hit 4,080, and rises by the hour. The death toll on the Israeli side has reached 13, soldiers accounting for 10 of them. They say, in war, numbers don’t matter, but the sheer difference in numbers is not indicative of war. They are indicative of genocide. The vast majority of Americans are misconstruing the Palestinian standpoint about the conflict in Gaza. This is not about Hamas. This is not about who has the rightful claim to the Holy Land. This is about the state of Israel illegally and sadistically denying the Palestinians in Gaza their basic human rights: their right to freedom, their right to justice, their right to equality and most importantly, their right to life. I read reports and see newscasts of the deaths and conditions in illegally occupied Gaza

and it literally hurts my heart. People dying from bombs, shootings, lack of medical attention, starvation and disease inside an area sealed off on one side by an Israeli-enforced partition reminiscent of nothing short of apartheid, and on the other by a political barricade enforced by the corrupt Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, who, like so many other fraudulent leaders, neglects to follow the wishes of the masses they represent. As I watch these images, I’m chillingly reminded of another time in history when an entire population of an ethnicity was herded into an undersized prison and suffered unspeakable circumstances. The current situation in Gaza is no different from the agony of the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto. The only difference is this is 2009. Nearly 70 years later, the

world clearly has not learned its lesson of history repeating itself. In its simplicity, this issue is not Palestine versus Israel. It is purely an issue of humanity. It is a challenge for those of us who are sensitive to the reality that so mistreats the most desolate among us to watch the atrocities in Gaza and remain silent. That is the Palestinian standpoint. It is the humanitarian standpoint. Across the world, from South America to Europe, we are raising our voices and standing up for Gaza because no one else will. In essence, the Palestinian people are fighting for freedom, as once did the American people. And in the illustrious words of Patrick Henry, simply give us liberty, or give us death.

tals, private homes and television stations because they supposedly support Hamas; even if they do, they still aren’t military targets and Israel’s bombing of them is illegal. More than 350 civilians have been killed during the campaign (including 130 children), and Israel shows no signs of withdrawal. Israel has also restricted foreign aid into Gaza, even going as far as ramming a Gaza-bound European boat carrying aid supplies for civilians. Throughout the course of the bombing, Israel has only allowed one four-hour period for people to leave their homes to get food and supplies. Does Israel think actions such as these are the way to peace? Israel has shown the Palestinians that it has an almost complete disregard for human rights and international law. These people are not going to stop resisting Israel unless Israel stops tearing down their homes and building walls around the cities. True, the Palestinians have to do their part too. They have to stop attacking Israel’s civilians and using terrorist tactics. As the occupying

power in this situation, I think it’s the responsibility of Israel to take the lead in this situation and begin actively working toward creating some sort of agreement with the Palestinians. Doing what they’re doing now hasn’t worked before and isn’t going to work in the future. What is the United State’s role in this conflict? I believe our only place in this issue should be as a third-party mediator or arbitrator. This isn’t our fight, but our continued funding of Israel’s military has made us less than neutral in this situation. The Palestinians and the rest of the world are well aware that Israel receives large amounts of funding (over $3 billion annually) and ideological support from the United States Government, and our unquestioning support of Israel despite its numerous human rights and international law violations has reflected badly upon the United States on the international stage. Continued funding of Israel is also a violation of United States law. The Arms Export and Control Act states that countries re-

ceiving U.S. military aid can only use it for legitimate selfdefense within their own borders. Israel, clearly, violates this rule. The Gaza Strip and the West bank are occupied territories and do not legally belong to Israel. There’s no doubt that the state of Israel has a right to exist and to defend itself, and if they used the military equipment the United States has given them for only that purpose, I don’t think there would be a problem. However, Israel has used it in an aggressive, domineering manner against the Palestinian people. I think it’s time we start putting some pressure on U.S. politicians to reconsider giving Israel military aid, or at least reconsider the amount given and the terms on which any aid is given. Is this really how we want $3 billion of our tax dollars spent every year? On bombing civilian targets and oppression of people in territories occupied for over 40 years?


Saja Hindi

323 Witherspoon Student Center, NCSU Campus Box 7318, Raleigh, NC 27695 Editorial ..................................515.2411 Advertising ...........................515.2029 Fax..............................................515.5133 Online


Israel’s decision to attack Gaza. “No one wants to see innocent Palestinians dying, but Israel has a right to defend itself,” he said. “It’s unfortunate to see innocent people suffering through this.” Awartani also pointed to Israel’s decision to block foreign aid into Gaza as a reason for the conflict. “What Hamas is doing is wrong,” he said. “But how is stopping food and medical aid helping to stop Hamas? This will only create more radicals in the region. If you go to an area and starve people and abuse them obviously there will be conflict.” Even though it looks as if no agreement between the two sides will come soon, there are proposed solutions. Moog said these solutions must happen for there to be peace in the region.


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you need to get information from all types of sources from all sides of the issue. This can enlighten you to hearing a side of the story that you may have not considered before. Just because it is taking place in another hemisphere does not mean we shouldn’t be knowledgeable about current events like these. This situation doesn’t only affect people in Gaza. This is a problem for several countries, including United States, which has been involved since 1948. Also, don’t relay others’ opinions if you haven’t heard all sides. A new generation is going to inherit these problems, and it is certainly not going away. The University has and will continue to have students from Israel and Palestine and several members of the Wolfpack community are or have families that are involved.


children, who should be spared fortheir non-combatant status. Hospitals are running low on doctors and medical supplies, and what’s left is stored in warehouses that are too dangerous to approach. The United Nations, among many other donor countries, sent vessels loaded with various supplies to the affected areas. The supplies never actually reached their targets because of confrontation with Israeli naval ships in international waters. The fragile situation in Gaza is quickly deteriorating, and efforts to relieve the crisis have proven to be futile. And to make matters worse, the U. S. Congress last week passed resolutions basically granting a blank check and reaffirming America’s unconditional support to Israel, regardless of its actions. The reason for this campaign that Israeli officials have fed the media is that they are combatting terrorists, namely Hamas, and that this particular campaign is an extension of the Global War on Terror. It is with this rhetoric that Israel seeks to appeal to the sentiments of Americans. The problem here is that Hamas militants comprise a small percentage of the many people who have been targeted and killed in this campaign. I use the word “targeted” for a reason, for I fail to see the rationale behind bombing neighborhoods, mosques and U.N.-sanctioned schools if the real motive is to crack down on Hamas leadership. What we are seeing in the Middle East is an illegal, systematic and collective punishment of thousands of civilians for the few scattered rockets fired by Hamas into Israel that caused neither significant damage nor claimed the lives of more than three nonmilitary Israeli citizens. While I stand strongly against the murder of any civilian of any nationality, the response by Israel is disproportional and morally corrupt. Israeli officials repeat over and over that it’s Hamas that is the real cause of this conflict, and they, are not to blame for the loss of lives. What Israel doesn’t seem to understand here is the most basic concept of human nature - namely, self-preservation, for if a raging criminal broke into my home and shot my parents and siblings dead, I doubt that anyone would see fault in my incrimination of the shooter himself, rather than some sort of larger social construct that somehow pushed that criminal to pull the trigger. In other words, Israel is pulling the trigger and killing nearly 1,000 innocent people in Gaza, not Hamas. Israel continues to do so and the international community will blame no other entity than Israel itself.

Technician (USPS 455-050) is the official student newspaper of N.C. State University and is published every Monday through Friday throughout the academic year from August through May except during holidays and examination periods. Opinions expressed in the columns, cartoons, photo illustrations and letters that appear on Technician’s pages are the views of the individual writers and cartoonists. As a public forum for student expression, the students determine the content of the publication without prior review. To receive permission for reproduction, please write the editor. Subscription cost is $100 per year. A single copy is free to all students, faculty, staff and visitors to campus. Additional copies are $0.25 each. Printed by The News & Observer, Raleigh, N.C., Copyright 2008 by North Carolina State Student Media. All rights reserved.



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The Curious Case of Benjamin Button PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY LUIS ZAPATA

Button’s disabilities aren’t a big deal Andrew Johnson Senior Staff Writer

At least, that seems to be the message promoted by Hollywood’s latest entry into Oscarseason, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.� Based on the short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the film follows a man (Brad Pitt) with one unique attribute: he ages backward. However, based on how he’s treated by other characters, this really isn’t anything out of the ordinary. Indeed, most of the people that meet Benjamin don’t realize his peculiar state of being. His friends and family don’t seem too interested in even asking what it’s like to grow younger. The only person who seems to give it the attention it deserves is his one true love, Daisy (Cate Blanchett), and that’s because it could have catastrophic effects on their relationship. Director David Fincher and writer Eric Roth seem much more concerned with telling a story about how other people affect Benjamin, rather than on how he and his condition affect others. Roth is perhaps best known as the writer behind another film about a man with a unique condition: Forrest Gump. Structurally speaking, Benjamin Button is virtually identical. Boy has condition. Boy meets girl. Boy can’t be with a girl for a while. Boy has some extraordinary life experiences. But even though both films deal with similar ideas, they are two

vastly different pieces of work. Whereas “Forrest Gump� played out like a fable, with a considerable amount of coincidence and charm, Benjamin Button stays fairly close to reality. It’s a much darker and more somber film, and perhaps this is for the best. After all, it’s hard to turn difficult themes like life, death and the nature of aging into light-hearted fare. Don’t expect Benjamin to encounter people like shrimp-lovin’ Bubba or have a hand in shaping U.S. culture and politics. His experiences arguably aren’t that much different from yours and mine. As a resu lt of this more grounded tone, Benjamin Button lacks the replay value of “Forrest Gump,� but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a work of art in its own right. Technically, this is Fincher’s finest achievement s i n c e “F i g ht Club.� From the gorgeous cinematography to the inspired use of different film stocks, it’s clear he’s

DIRECTORED BY DAVID FINCHER 130%6$&% #: 1"3".0/5 8"3/&3 #304 1*$563&4 3&-&"4&% %&$&.#&3

growing as a filmmaker. Pitt and Blanchett give pitch-perfect performances, though one wonders if that’s due mainly to their own abilities or the ground-breaking effects work. It will be a travesty if this film doesn’t walk away with an Academy Award for visual effects, because never before has the use of makeup and CGI felt so natural. You’ll come away believing that this is exactly how Brad Pitt looked when he was 17, and how he will look when he’s 80. If anything is missing, it’s that added bit of sentimentality that “Forrest Gump� had sprinkled throughout. For a film about growing younger, it’s frustratingly hesitant to provide any insight into what this is actua l ly li ke. On the whole, Benjamin is no different from you or me, and his life takes no fairy-tale turns. Perhaps t hat ’s the point – we all have to die eventually, despite some of us having more unique ways of getting there.

Wolfline Expanded Night Service Until 3 AM Effective January 9, 2009

Button up for a ride, Benjamin

Morgan McCormick Senior Staff Writer

Magic. If there is a single key ingredient in movies, it is this. Magic lives in those moments in film where we cast off the bonds of our reality and exchange them for the straight jacket of a good story. Magic is believing in something, no matter how unlikely, because sometimes we forget how to believe in things. Sometimes we worry that we’ve discovered everything on the map and that there’s no new lines to be drawn. Benjamin Button should have been all about t h i s , c ouc he d i n the style and class that only a h ig h budget, epic-length Hollywood film punctuated with heartthrobs and starlets can. Instead, it comes off as one of the most selfimportant, unremarkable and boring films in recent memory. Tha n k f u l ly, I have no longterm memory for truly weak films and am looking

forward to forgetting about this one entirely. My initial hope was that Button would be a picaresque, a journey film in the vein of “Forrest Gump� and “Into The Wild,� where an individual sets out on the road to find their fortune, a little love and maybe even themselves. The charm of these tales comes from our lead’s chance encounters on their travels. Colorful, memorable characters with a kind of vulnerable honesty and some wisdom to offer about life. Button was a prime candidate for this, the titular character constantly skirting the fine line of life and death. Instead, all the colorful characters are so excited to be here that they’re practically spewing fortune-cookie life lessons out of every orifice, just itching to frost Button in a sticky film of chicken soup for the soul. And maybe we’d all give a damn if Button weren’t such a breathtaking unentity, but Pitt’s overblown Louisiana accent and incessant stuffy narration drain him of all his folksy, Johnny Appleseed charm. In the end, he’s just a vehicle for t he back ward-aging gimmick at the film’s putrid center. The movie feels like it has everything riding on how amazing this is supposed to be to us, but if you strip that away the film simply has no soul. I can’t believe in magic when it’s being spoon-fed to me in every scene. I need subtlety, something the “gee, life sure

is grand� dialogue can’t accommodate. The acting is easily some of the most mundane I’ve seen of Pitt and Blanchett, two actors I hold in very high esteem for doing the exact opposite of what they do for three agonizing hours in this film. Then again, Blanchett was part of the nightmare known as “Indiana Jones 4,� so perhaps there is no saving her at this point. What may be the worst sin this film commits is doing everything we expect it to. It’s trying so hard to be a classical tale of two starcrossed lovers that it shoots right past all the nuances of the human experience and goes straight for the most tragic bullet points. And it’s not just predictable because the trailer telegraphs every major scene to you though it does and you should avoid watching it. It’s predictable because the boy meets the girl, the boy and the girl part ways, the boy and the girl reunite after some hardlearned lessons, and pain and joy come in equal measures as they make some hard decision of some kind. I just can’t bring myself to care. The movie is very well made and very well shot, but at 150 million dollars it damn well better be. And it also earns the dubious honor of biggest WTF moment of 2008, which is its very pointless and even more unnecessarily tragic ending that comes so far out of left field I could swear it was right. I worry that people will walk out of this movie and think they saw something original, even Oscar worthy, but in the end it’s just a long, sad movie, and there are enough of those already.

JAN 15: RANDY ROGERS BAND AT BERKELEY CAFE DOORS: 7 P.M. | SHOW: 8 P.M. For more information about the band, which has been featured on The Late Show with David Letterman and debuted on itunes with the most downloaded country album, check Also, check A&E next week for a review of the show on the 15th.

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UP AND COMING MUSIC (Releasing Jan. 13) Artist: Heather Headley Album: Audience of One Label: EMI Gospel Artist: The Derek Trucks Band Album: Already Free Label: RCA Victor


Worth its weight in millions %*3&$503&% #: %"//: #0:-& 130%6$&% #: '09 4&"3$)-*()5 3&-&"4&% /07&.#&3

Artist: Peter Cincotti Album: East of Angel Town Label: Sire/London/Rhino

Laura Fausch

Artist: Kreator Album: Hordes of Chaos Label: Steamhammer SOURCE: FYE.COM

VIDEO GAMES Jan. 7 Interpol (XBOX 360) Jan. 13 Moon (DS) The Lord of the Rings: Conquest (XBOX 360, PS3, PC, DS) Jan. 21 Skate 2 (XBOX 360, PS3) SOURCE: IGN.COM

MOVIES (Opening Jan. 16) Chandni Chowk to China Studio: Warner Bros. Synopsis: The story of an everyday cook’s transformation into a kung fu fighter. Defiance Studio: Paramount Vantage Synopsis: The movie focuses on World War II from a unique viewpoint, that of a group of Eastern European Jews who fought back against the Nazis. Last Chance Harvey Studio: Overture Films Synopsis: A romantic comedy about a man who is coming to the end of his career that has consumed his life and the attempt to make up for lost time. SOURCE: ROTTENTOMATOES.COM

AT THE POUR HOUSE Jan. 14 Viva la Venus/Lactose Quervo/ Sleep Control/H.O.W. doors: 8 p.m. | show: 9 p.m. Jan. 15 The Soul Brothers (James Brown Tribute) doors: 8 p.m. | show: 10 p.m. Jan. 16 Vintage Freshness & Buzzround w/ The Autumn Film doors: 8 p.m. | show: 10 p.m. SOURCE: THE-POUR-HOUSE.COM

AT THE LINCOLN THEATRE Jan. 15 Keller Williams doors: 7 p.m. | show: 8 p.m. Jan. 16 Zoso w/ Fair Warning doors: 8 p.m. | show: 9 p.m. Jan. 17 Zoso w/ Fair Warning doors: 8 p.m. | show: 9 p.m. Jan. 18 Mothers Finest w/ Jam Pain Society doors: 7 p.m. | show: 8 p.m. SOURCE: LINCOLNTHEATRE.COM

Ladyhawke makes excellent debut with retro-flavored pop


Slumdog Millionaire

Artist: Satyricon Album: The Age of Nero Label: Koch


OF THE WEEK Ladyhawke

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Senior Staff Writer

There’s a long list of independent films that tend to hit theaters around this time of year, when the air retains a post-holiday chill and Oscar season looms in the not-sodistant future. There’s usually one film that stands out from the rest as different, even special. “Slumdog Millionaire,� the latest film by director Danny Boyle, is that underdog of the year, taking home several Golden Globes last Sunday night and inspiring movie-goers throughout the world. The story of “Slumdog Millionaire� centers around a young, impoverished Indian man who winds up as a contestant on the Indian version of the television show “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?� Because of Jamal’s socioeconomic background and reputation as a “slumdog,� his success on the show causes accusations of cheating. But this film is not about a game show or about winning millions of dollars. It is rather a moving and touching account of one man’s life story and his incredible journey to find a lost love. Jamal Malik’s story consists of a series of flashbacks as he is a contestant on the show. Boyle’s sharp eye for editing presents a seamlessness between real time and the f lashbacks. The questions that he is asked on the show correspond to certain moments in his life, and each answer has a story of its own. The way the director presents these moments is both unexpected and, at the same time, incredibly genuine. The flashbacks make up the heart of the story, focusing on the experiences that orphan Jamal and his brother Salim face. There are moments of incredible suffering and also childlike spontaneity that the young actors portray with the earnestness of youth.

Jon Gomes WKNC DJ


At a young age, Jamal and his brother escape an attack on their home village and witness the death of their mother. A young girl named Latika, played by Freida Pinto, joins the two brothers as they journey through their lives. Latika eventually becomes Jamal’s love interest. The film portrays a world that many Americans are probably not accustomed to, and Boyle captures the raw reality of impoverished India through this film. Boyle shines a light on the social injustices these “slumdogsâ€? face. There are moments in the film that undoubtedly are meant to make the viewer feel uncomfortable and sympathize with the main characters. Dev Patel’s portrayal of Jamal showcases the actor’s incredible, raw talent, especially since this is his first starring role in a motion picture. Freida Pinto, who plays Jamal’s childhood friendturned-love-interest Latika, is also a newcomer to Hollywood. While she is stunningly beautiful, I wasn’t entirely convinced of their chemistry. This can most likely be attributed to the relative inexperience of the two actors. This movie is one that will most likely stay with the viewer a long time after the final credits roll. It is humorous, intense and powerful, all at the same time. At the risk of sounding clichĂŠ, this film is the feel-good movie of the year. I highly recommend this movie because a) director Danny Boyle does his best work since Trainspotting, b) Dev Patel’s raw talent is a breath of fresh air, c) the portrayal of impoverished India is moving, or d) all of the above. Hint: the answer is “D.â€?

A lot of things came out of the 80s. As a distinct and influential genre, new wave music falls in the former category. Synthesizers and drum machines will forever be associated with the 80s, but they have found their way into modern pop music. Singer/songwriter Phillipa Brown, professionally known as Ladyhawke, has incorporated the best elements of new wave into her self-titled debut album. Fresh yet familiar-sounding, the album instantly makes an impression with its retro feel. The first track, “Magic,� starts off with bubbling synthesizers and a dance beat on electronic drums—two quintessential new wave elements. Ladyhawke demonstrates her vocal prowess during the stripped-down verses. Her ability in writing pop hooks shows in the next track, “Manipulating Woman,� with its infectious chorus and subdued guitar riffs. The most recently released single, “My Delirium,� is one of several addictive tracks on the album. The pounding beats and anxious vocals es-


calate into a shimmering, synthheavy chorus. The end result is a powerful dance floor anthem with a hook that lingers in your head for days. The same effect occurs with “Another Runaway.� Though sugary, it is the perfect marriage of pop melodies and classic new wave tones. Rich synths and a lively rhythm section underscore Ladyhawke’s yearning lyrics. A bit rawer in sound, “Love Don’t Live Here Anymore� stands out with its crunchy guitar riffs and smooth vocal harmonies. It is followed by another upbeat number entitled “Back Of The Van.� Again, Ladyhawke takes the formula for a great pop song and improves upon it with beautiful, inspired synth and guitar parts. The 80s influence is most apparent on “Paris Is Burning.� The main hook is reminiscent of “Cars� by Gary Numan—definitive new wave. The next track,

“Professional Suicide,� almost sounds like it could be an old Depeche Mode song. Another dance f loor track, “Dusk Til Dawn� features sultry vocals and fat synths layered on a prominent four-on-the-floor rhythm. It contrasts with the airy mood of “Crazy World,� easily the most pop-oriented track. Things come to a close with “Morning Dreams,� a calm and swirling ballad. In the end, Ladyhawke makes an impressive debut with this album. Her songwriting is solid and the production makes for a great listening experience. She also plays all the instruments on the album, and she plays them well. However, Ladyhawke’s true skill lies in her ability to weave retro elements into modern pop songs. Imagine if Cut Copy or Goldfrapp did an audio version of “I Love the 80s.� Add in a healthy dose of energy and the result is this album.

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continued from page 8

after her four years of varsity eligibility expired. “We don’t have a really close relationship with varsity team, but the opportunity is always there,” Little said. Hyatt said club coach Stephanie Coates and a few of her friends started the team when they were students. Since Hyatt graduated in 2004, Coates has been instruNEIL D’SOUZA/TECHNICIAN ARCHIVE PHOTO mental in guiding the team to Members of the womens’ club basektball team get prepare for a drill where it is now. during one of last year’s practice sessions. However, Hyatt said having a former player as a coach can hind. Of the 16 girls that were on Georgetown. be tricky. the team this year, she expects 10 “We didn’t play quite up to our “She was a president when to 11 to return this spring. potential,” Hyatt said. she was “Team A set schedule isn’t in place for here and it chemistry has the spring semester, but the team wasn’t that been a lot bet- will stay active and might possilong ago, so ter than in the bly hold a tournament, according she’s ver y past, and we to Little. knowledgehave a lot of “In the spring, we have a couple able about young play- of games here and there, maybe what we e r s ,” Hy at t a scrimmage or two,” Little said. have gosaid. “I think Hyatt said after experiencing ing on with that will ben- the ups and downs of her relaclasses and efit the team tively new team, she knows how all,” Hyatt g o i n g f o r - tough it is to deal with coaching said. “But ward.” changes, as N.C. State’s women’s she expects T he te a m basketball team is facing after a lot out of participated the Athletics Department anus in pracin a Novem- nounced that Kay Yow would sit tice because ber compe- out the rest of the season. Club President Rachel Hyatt tition at the she’s been “I’ve gone to coach Yow’s there.” University of camps since I was in middle Hyatt, who is graduating in Maryland, which is the highlight school, and I have the utmost May, said she is very proud of of its season. It placed fourth in respect for her and the team,” the squad she is leaving be- its division, falling to ECU and Hyatt said. “I wish her the best.”

“We have freshmen who are coming in and want to keep playing and seniors who just found out about the team, miss basketball and want to play again.”


Farnold Degand, a reshirt junior guard, speeds down the court during an exhibition game against Fort Valley State Nov. 6. The Wolfpack will face Florida State tonight at 7 p.m. in the RBC Center.


continued from page 8

that is coming off a loss at home to No. 2 Duke. FSU have been sound defensively, holding all of its opponents under 44 percent shooting from the field and averaging 8.8 steals per game. The Pack shot a dismal 17 of 54 and turned the ball over 18 times in its ACC opener against Clemson last


Saturday. As the team enters its first conference home game of the year, Benson said Wolfpack fans need to show up and prove N.C. State’s fanbase is among the nation’s elite. “When our team isn’t doing the best, it’s easy to get down,” Benson said. “But hopefully by creating this hostile environment we can help improve the play of the team. We claim to some of the best fans in the country and now it’s time for us to prove it.”

Record: 13-3 (0-1 in ACC play) Scoring Offense: 66.6 ppg, last in the ACC Scoring Defense: 60.9 ppg, 2nd in the ACC Leading scorer: Toney Douglas (18.4 ppg) Leading rebounder: Chris Singleton (6.3 rpg) Last game: a 66-58 loss against Duke SOURCE: FLORIDA STATE ATHLETICS



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THE Daily Crossword Edited by Wayne Robert Williams

15 16 17

Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every HILLSBOROUGH ST. !"##$%&'&()!*$ + digit, 1 to 9. For strategies PRINTING ! COPYING !""DIGITAL NETWORK on how to solve Sudoku, visit


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1 2 3 4

1 6 9 14

Solution to Monday’s puzzle

3BR/2BA House in Boylan Heights. Private backyard with 2 decks and a large great room. $1250/month. Available Feb. 1st. Call Steve Superville, 412-9688



39 40 42 43 45 47 48 49 50 51 52 55 60 61 62 63 64 65

ACROSS Listened to Capp and Gore Climb '50s candidate Stevenson Romaine Macho types The true state of things Inventer Howe Attention getter Little in Dundee Spaces between leaf veins Regular guy Hobo's sack Gelling agent Bone: pref. Art colony of New Mexico "So Big" writer Ferber Celtic god of the sea Biographical reference book Iranian desert, Dasht-e __ So that's it! Pub offerings See-through fabric Catches off guard Apollo 10 astronaut Up-and-comer Some postal workers Pugilist's stat __ En-lai Advertising gimmick Another chore done! Beside French water Satellite of Jupiter Window parts Ho or Pardo "Star Trek" genre

DOWN 1 Partner of hem 2 Old English letter

3 Chicken-king connector 4 Snitch 5 Reject as invalid 6 Painful points 7 Rich soil 8 Mach+ jet 9 "Morning Train" singer Easton 10 Holm of "All About Eve" 11 Paris pal 12 Poetic meadow 13 Printer's spaces 18 Shout of joy 21 Guitarist Joe 22 Destroy entirely 23 Gets up for 24 Implore 25 Poetic tribute 26 Cat calls 27 Body axis 28 Ring-shaped 29 Tidies 31 Argon and radon 33 Rental sign 37 Angelic rings

Lookin’ for the answer key? VISIT TECHNICIANONLINE.COM

38 41 44 46 47 49

Says too often Writer Caldwell Table scrap Certain sandals Old geezer Snowboarder White 51 Actress Rosalind

52 Spigot 53 Stevedores' grp. 54 Long period 55 Actor Knight 56 RN's niceness 57 Yokohama yes 58 Kennel sound 59 Mai __ cocktail















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QUOTE OF THE DAY “I think they are a little bit afraid of what she is going to ask of them conditioning wise almost to the point where they are scared.� #ARY (IGH !THLETICS $IRECTOR +URT 'LENDENNING





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Creating a better atmosphere In an effort to create a better home court atmosphere, the Student Wolfpack Club is changing ticket distribution


Women’s basketball club eager to begin spring season Entering its tenth year of existence, the women’s basketball team continues to grow and thrive

Sean Klemm

Kate Shefte

Staff Writer

Senior Staff Writer

When asked about the toughest places for opposing college basketball teams to play, pundits and fans alike cite Duke’s Cameron Indoor Stadium, UNC-Chapel Hill’s Dean Dome, Kentucky’s Rupp Arena or Michigan State’s Breslin Center. Where does the RBC Center, home of the Wolfpack, fall? Who knows? But the fact of the matter is that the daunting task of creating an unfavorable environment for road teams lies in the hands of the fans as much as the players. With that, Student Wolfpack Club president Matt Benson decided to propose a few changes in the ticketing distribution to encourage fans to arrive at the games earlier. JOSH LAWSON/TECHNICIAN ARCHIVE PHOTO Benson said last year’s bas- Basketball coach Sidney Lowe addresses the crowd at the RBC Center during the Red and White game ketball tickets were distribut- on Oct. 27, 2007. Lowe will give a pre-game talk to students who arrive to the stadium early. ed on game day, three hours prior to tipoff at Reynolds Student Wolfpack Club] arriv- words of wisdom and inspiraN.C. STATE VS. Coliseum. This year, howev- ing early, it will create a challenge tion. FLORIDA STATE GAME for the other In addition, the Student Wolfer, the tickNOTES students, fans pack Club board is planning ets will be and support- activities for fans that get there distributed Where: 2"# #ENTER ers to both ar- early, including a 3-point shoottwo hours Tipoff: P M Television: %30.5 rive early and ing contest. before game Radio: 7OLFPACK #APITOL create a great Sophomore Kyle Jackson, who time at the 3PORTS .ETWORK atmosphere to has been a part of the Student RBC center. be a part of.� Wolfpack Club since his freshGates to enSOURCE: N.C. STATE ATHLETICS According man year, is optimistic about the ter the game to Benson and new pre-game routine. benefit from it.� open shortcoach Sidney “I think it’s really cool that SidTonight, the Wolfpack (9-4, ly after. 3OPHOMORE +YLE *ACKSON L owe, L owe ney Lowe is taking the time to 0-1) is set to take on a gritty “The idea and the rest of meet the fans and student body,� Florida State (13-3, 0-1) team is to crethe basketball Jackson said. “It gives us a more that is coming off a loss at ate a better home court advantage,� Ben- staff plan to address the student unique experience, and I think RBC continued page 7 son said. “Hopefully by [the section prior to the game with that the students and players will

Rachel Hyatt, a senior in chemical engineering and president of the women’s basketball club, has watched her team grow from a hobby that a group of friends shared, to a team that competes against other teams around the country. “Last semester, we had a girl, Charity Britton, who was offered a scholarship to be on the varsity team, but she either didn’t have the time or wanted to focus on her academics, and she chose to play on the club team,� Hyatt said. Hyatt said the team attracts women of all backgrounds who aren’t ready to give up the sport they love. “We have players that could play on all levels, from rec leagues to varsity,� Hyatt said. “We have freshman who are coming in and want to keep playing and seniors who just found out about the team, miss basketball and want to play again.� According to Samantha Little, a junior in textile technology, the talent on the team is comparable to some smaller college programs. She said some players had the opportunity play college basketball. “We have girls that could have played at a smaller school, but chose to pursue academics over athletics,� Little said. Since Hyatt has been on the team, she said a club player tried out and eventually made the varsity team and Darline Jasmin played on the club team

“It’s really cool that Sidney Lowe is taking the time to meet the fans and student body.�

CLUB continued page 7


Kerrigan takes over as Cary High head coach Former women’s soccer coach Laura Kerrigan is able to spend more time with her family as a coach at Cary High Jason Livingston Staff Writer

Soccer balls rolling across the grass, being strategically woven through a series of cones, are a familiar sight for former women’s soccer coach Laura Kerrigan. However, two white field goal posts, a JROTC drill, and a white water tower that reads “Class of 2009� decorate an unfamiliar landscape for her. This landscape can be seen just beyond the Raleigh city limits at Cary High School. After stepping down from a job she held at State for eleven years, Kerrigan decided she would like to spend some more time with her young children. However, she did not feel like she was ready to give up soccer. A few weeks ago, Kerrigan accepted a position as the head women’s soccer coach at Cary High school. “This will give me the chance to work with some athletes, which I love to do,�


Laura Kerrigan, former women’s soccer head coach, watches the game against Francis Marion with her staff on Oct. 8, 2007. She will take over as Cary High School’s women’s soccer team.

Kerrigan said. “The part about coaching that I love the most has been teaching.� Cary High School Athletic Director Kurt Glendenning is thrilled about the hire. After the Lady Imps only won four games last season, he sees Kerrigan as a perfect fit. Glendenning cited Kerrigan’s extensive

experience as a big reason she will be successful at Cary. However, Glendenning said he feels her experience is not her most important asset. “Every athletic director strives to find someone as perfect as I think Laura is going to be for our young ladies,� Glendenning said. “What she brings is the epitome

of a role model because she did so well academically at State.� Kerrigan has coached high school players before and does not see any problems with the transition from college to high school. Kerrigan said she hopes to give the girls a chance to experience the same joy she felt when competing in high school

athletics. “Each age group has its own challenges, but each group also has its rewards,� Kerrigan said. After Cary posted a 4-11 record last season, Kerrigan has a plan to help her team play winning soccer. “We’re going to do a lot of technical skill which is what we are working on now,� Kerrigan said. “Tactically we will be focused on smaller group tactics so we will all be on the same page when we’re ready to play and I think fitness is going to be a huge part of it. You’ve got to be fit to compete on this level.� Glendenning said many members of the soccer team are familiar with Kerrigan, having spoken to her previously or met her at camps. However, he said it can be intimidating for a high school player to learn from someone with Kerrigan’s credentials. “I think that they are a little apprehensive,� Glendenning said. “I think they are a little bit afraid of what she is going to ask of them conditioning wise almost to the point where they are scared. However, I think coach Kerrigan will ease their minds as soon as they are in there. They will learn that there is nothing to be afraid of.�

THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 2009 Lower Level tickets as low as $25* / Upper Level tickets as low as $15* To purcha se tickets a nd for more information, s kate to: *When purcha s ing through w w


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