Technician - February 19, 2008

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TECHNICIAN          

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Raleigh, North Carolina


Muir, who attended last year’s away game against the Tar Heels, said the event was a good uniter of the student body as it “helped The ACTION Committee hosted the 12th bring everyone together,” which is exactly annual Big Event in the historic Reynolds what Austin’s vision for the event has been Coliseum. The event, which featured a since its beginning. big screen viewing of the men’s basketball “We just provide an alternative to a sports game vs. UNC-Chapel Hill, with giveaways, bar,” Austin said. “A majority of undergrads raffles and a halftime shooting contest, are underage, so we provide an exciting way garnered much student support and may to view the game.” have even topped last year’s attendance And that’s precisely why so many students totals, according to Jay Dawkins, student came out, according to Katelyn Burgee, a body president and freshman in biology. the event’s master of “It’s such a big ceremonies. game,” Burgee said. While event plan“I wanted to watch it ners were unsure with a bunch of spirabout exact attenited people.” d a nc e nu m b e r s , The crowd, estiChris Austin, the mated to be over assistant director of 2 , 0 0 0, c e r t a i n l y Health Promotion, showed spirit as fans said the turnout was cheered and yelled slightly better than at the 16x20 foot last year, but noted Chris Austin, assistant director of Health screen throughout that students also the broadcast of the Promotion came in much earlier game, even booing a than in years past. commercial intended “People didn’t trickle in,” Austin said. to persuade college hopefuls to consider at“They came early and were in their seats tending Carolina. by tip-off.” The game-like experience is what brought Austin felt the turnout and excitement Kathryn Kay, a sophomore in microbiolfor the event was likely due to the men’s ogy, back to the Big Event this year for the basketball team’s recent success. second time. “[Winning] the last few games brought in “Just to see the game on a big TV with more people, I think,” Austin said. cheerleaders and the band, it’s awesome.” But Taylor Muir, a sophomore in me- Kay said. chanical engineering, said the event’s varied Despite the turnout, ACTION commitpublicity likely led to the high attendance. tee student representative Matt Garcia said “I got an invite on Facebook and saw fly- he’d like to see even more students filling ers, and heard people talking about it and Reynolds. asking if I was going,” Muir said. “[Word] got around pretty well.” BIG EVENT continued page 3 News Editor

“A majority of undergrads are underage, so we provide an exciting way to view the game.”


Watching the UNC-Chapel Hill game, Eric Berte, a senior in history, Cayle Machek, a sophomore in First Year College, and Adam Rodgers, a freshman in First Year College, react to the game at the Big Event in Reynolds Coliseum. Rodges said the game was going “not so good right now. It was looking good, but we’re down by nine now.”

Natural Resources Library may close due to budget cuts, students affected University proposes closing as one possible response to budget problems Jake Goldbas Correspondent

The University has identified closing the Natural Resources Library as a possible budget reduction strategy, according to Karen Ciccone, the library’s director. This is a problem for students in the College of Natural Resources, many of whom use the library regularly. Graham Ford, a junior in forestry, uses the NRL on a daily to weekly basis. “I think that the library is a great resource for CNR students,” Ford said. “Shutting it down would be a bad idea, because it’s a good place to go do some work, using the school resources. There has got to be other ways to cut costs.” As a center for specific reserves, the NRL is a resource for faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students. The single subject library prevents the books from being housed in D.H. Hill where they would be spread out over the course of several floors. Three full-time employees, Ciccone, Pam Crooke, Kevin Atkinson, help users of the NRL find books and articles. Ciccone, aside from overseeing the two full-time employees and student workers, selects the books and journals that are in the library and works with professors and graduate students to help them find specific information in the books. Atkinson said that the NRL was placed under review in January by the Personnel Department and the Finance and Business

WolfProwl begins tonight New bus system will take students to and from downtown Raleigh late at night on weekends

tor bus provide free transportation to students, allowing them to reach downtown safely and for free all a student has to do is show his or her student ID, the Web site states. The new bus was intended to Grayson Parks Correspondent cater mainly to students seeking out bars and other hotspots in The Transportation Depart- downtown Raleigh, according to ment will be introducing the Brian O’Sullivan, the assistant Wolfprowl today, a new bus shut- director for planning and trantling between campus and down- sit operations for the University. town Thursdays, “[Students Fridays and Sathave asked urdays, from 9 for] a safe, car p.m. to 3 a.m. f re e op t ion The new Wolfon weekend prowl bus will nights to aca l s o c on ne c t cess the groww it h t he Raing entertainBrian O’Sullivan, assistant leigh circulator, ment offerings director for planning and giving students downtown,” new widespread O’Sullivan transit operations access to t he said. Raleigh downMo s t s t utown nightlife, according to the dents living on campus are below Wolfline’s Web site. the drinking age. but the bus is There are three Wolfprowl largely meant to cater to people bus stops downtown along the who want to have a night on circulator route, with all the the town. Still, some restaurant other stops on campus. Both the Wolfprowl and the circulaBUS continued page 3

“Students have asked for a safe, car free option on weekend nights.”


Working on a group lab report for their natural resources measurements class, juniors in natural resourses Liz Montgomery, Lee Anna Young and John Atkinson use the Natural Resources Library in Jordan Hall. “I’d rather come here than D.H. Hill because all the books and resources we need are in one spot, and it would take forever to find them over there,” Montgomery said. “We have a lot of group projects, and this library has more space for group work than the main library,” Young said.

Departments, which are responsible for budgetary oversight of the NRL. “Our jobs have not been guaranteed,” Crooke said. Atkinson, who won the Pride of the Pack award in 2005, said the NRL should not be closed simply because of its size. “The NRL is the smallest seated library, but the tasks that are performed are just as needed; and we handle the same kind of quantity as the other branches. I’ve bonded with the professors who come here over the

years, and it’s getting harder and harder to think about closing for good,” he said. Ciccone said the NRL is primarily important because of its ability to help CNR and Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences majors with the books that it has and the workers that help with access to these materials, but it is open to helping all students. The reason that it is so convenient for major-specific materials is because it is in LIBRARY continued page 3

Pre-Inventory Clearance Sale Don’t miss this opportunity to save! We'll be adding items daily to the bargain tables located in the middle of the sales floor now through March 3rd - because if we don’t sell it, we’ll have to count it!


Heels too much for Pack. See page 8.

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NC State Bookstores Visit all three locations now through March 3rd. New items added daily!

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