Technician - November 24, 2008

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BOT approves increases Student leaders look to change process for next year Saja Hindi Editor-in-Chief

The Board of Trustees approved a 3.6 percent tuition increase for all students except out-of-state undergraduates who would be subject to a 1.7 percent increase in tuition, as well as a $72.20 increase in fees for all students. But before this decision goes to the Board of Governors for approval, the tuition and fee committees are already looking for ways to improve the process. Jay Dawkins, student body president and junior in engineering, said the Trustees thought the process went well this year, and the committees are planning minor changes for next year. “Everybody was pleased with the way it went, instead of administrators arguing for a 6.5 percent increase and the students arguing for 0,� Dawkins, who sits on the Trustees and co-chaired the Tuition Advisory Committee, said. “And on the fee side, the fee referenda was more successful.�

PROPOSED CHANGES FOR THE 2008-2009 FEE INCREASE PROCESS • All proposed fee increases have been presented and receive formal recommendation to the Board of Trustees by the Chancellor • All proposed increases are to be presented to the student body and be made available online to students, faculty and staff • All proposed fee increases should be voted on by the student body

Student Senate President Greg Doucette, agreed. “I’m glad the Board of Trustees agree with the chancellor, and I’m glad the chancellor agreed with the students,� Doucette said. But that doesn’t mean the system is perfect. This year’s fee presentations were videotaped and available to students to watch on YouTube before voting the Student Senate Fee Referendum, which allowed students to vote for which fee increases they wanted the Fee Review Committee

to approve. “The main thing is getting the videos done earlier as well as getting the online fee referenda done through Senate earlier, so Student Government can start advertising earlier,� Doucette said. Doucette and Dawkins both said they also want a more formalized process for fees next year, though Doucette said he is not sure exactly how to do that yet. Dawkins said making it more formalized would make the process clearer for everyone involved. “We’re looking at ways to make it more geared toward how fee entities should use the appropriated money,� Dawkins said. “This fee process last year wasn’t very formalized.� Doucette said while the committee wants to make sure fee requesting entities follow guidelines for how they’re going to spend the money they are awarded, he also wants to ensure flexibility of moving funds. He said the economy is a big factor in that line of thinking because, as an example, when campus entities asked for money at the beginning of the process, gas prices were as $4 per gallon and are now down to almost $1.80.

“We want to make sure they have flexibility, but that the stuff they’re asking for gets funded the way it’s supposed to be,� he said. However, as reasonable as the increases compared to inf lation may seem for some, student concerns about money remain the same. Tojan Rahhal, a freshman in engineering, said tuition is already high enough. “Students are already having problems paying.� Rahhal said. But with the economy going the way it is, Rahhal said she understands the need to increase prices. Still, she said, with the University budget cuts, the University should be picky about what it agrees to increase fees for. And for Rahhal, transportation and library funds should be at the top of the list. “Then again, everything is important to somebody,� Rahhal said.



Raleigh, North Carolina

Committee to discuss potential student homepage Group meets for first time to begin discussion on getting students more information faster Derek Medlin Managing Editor

The Student Government Committee on University Communication held its first meeting Friday to begin talks on how to use the N.C. State Web site to get students the information they need faster and easier. Jay Dawkins, student body president and junior in engineering, asked the committee to develop strategies for students to more efficiently receive information from the University, communicate better with their organizations and use the University Web Site. “There is a lot of student content out there that could be on a student homepage,� Dawkins said. “It we could get all these things in one location it would be amazing.� One goal of the committee, Dawkins said, will be to develop a student homepage through the University’s Web Site to allow students to get all the information they may need. Dawkins said the homepage could potentially include things HOMEPAGE continued page 3


Kenan empties as Pack rolls See page 8.

Size does matter See page 5. DREIER CARR/TECHNICIAN

Owen Spencer, a sophomore wide receiver, and Markus Kuhn, a sophomore defensive end, celebrate after the UNC game at Kenan Stadium in Chapel Hill, NC on Saturday, November 22. Spencer had three catches for 94 yards and one touchdown. The Wolfpack clinched the mythical state championship by beating the Tar Heels 41-10.

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Celebrations break out after win over rival UNC Students participated in celebratory activites across campus Saturday James Layman Deputy News Editor

As the final score read 41-10, the excitement among N.C. State students couldn’t have been higher. The anticipation leading up to the football game against UNC-Chapel Hill was high after UNC students painted the Free Expression Tunnel blue Nov. 26. Maggie Reaves, a sophomore in business, was working at the football game and said the excitement couldn’t have been

higher. tinct difference between UNC fans “As soon as the game was over one and NCSU fans. of the coaches picked me up, lifted “I was working on the sidelines me into the air near all the and hugged me,� Carolina fans Reaves said. “It’s a nd ever y a little weird now time some of that I think about t he players it, but I was so exgot close, the cited at the time I fa ns wou ld didn’t even think talk trash to about it.� t hem,� she Maggie Reaves After the game, said. “They sophomore in business Re ave s , who’s wou ld say employed by t h i ngs l i ke Raycom Sports, served pieces of ‘F--- you guys, you f---ing suck, an N.C. State cake to students and I don’t know why I even come to talked about the game with several these game.’ I thought it was such of her friends. They noticed a dis- an awful thing to do. No matter how

“The excitement was so high and everyone had so much energy to burn.�

good or bad our team is doing, we’re always there to support them.� Reaves also said UNC students were talking down to NCSU students and she was happy to prove them wrong. “It made me mad how they were just brushing us off and saying things like we were a waste of their time,� she said. “I heard one UNC student say ‘doesn’t State realize Duke is our rival, not them?’ which really made me mad. I was so happy when we beat them because I could laugh in their faces.� Gerardo Romero, a junior in textile and apparel management, said he couldn’t describe how excited he was after NCSU won.

“I was really happy,� Romero said. “I don’t know how to explain it, but I was glad N.C. State won. A lot of people didn’t think State would win because Carolina has had a better season, but it was a really good thing they won.� As the stands began to clear out, Reaves met up with one of her friends who is a student at UNC. A week before the game, they had made a bet on who would win. “I ran to find him before he left because I knew he’d chicken out on our bet,� Reaves said. “Since he lost, he had to run from Franklin Street to the Old Well completely CELEBRATION continued page 3

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Technician - November 24, 2008 by NC State Student Media - Issuu