Raleigh, North Carolina
Limits may hinder Hike business
Campus haunted by ghosts
Mitch’s owner says restriction promotion will do more to draw away patrons than restrictions themselves
uring the day, campus is full of life. But as the campus is touched by the moonlight, it is transformed into a labyrinth filled with darkness and despair. Angered spirits look for those who tormented them and life and lost souls simply stand by and watch the University grow. As you walk into the following buildings, you can still hear the whispers of those who can’t bear to part with the University.
Chris Allred News Editor
The Universit y’s parking li mitat ions on Ha l loween may not significantly impact Hillsborough Street businesses, but Mitch Hazouri, owner of Mitch’s Tavern, said the University’s “grandstanding� in trying to restrict patrons from Hillsborough Street is hurtful. “The kind of businesses the University really needs are most hurt by this,� Hazouri said. The University’s administrators are acting “childish� and with “nerve� to think that by restricting outsiders from entering the University, they can control the situation on Hillsborough Street, Hazouri said. The University announced Tuesday that it would restrict many parking lots on campus to only those with valid University IDs in an effort to keep the Hike an exclusively studentbased event. According to Hazouri, most of his customers are not students, but other Raleigh residents. “It’s the outsiders we need to have a busy street,� he said. The University’s press release about parking restrictions will do more to drive people away than the parking restrictions themselves, Hazouri said. Most of the people who will attend the Hike, he said, are not likely to park on campus. In the past, people have parked on adjacent streets, and Hazouri said most of his customers do not know campus parking is open at night. Hazouri said he was offended in part because people coming to N.C. State to use D.H. Hill Library or other establishments on campus frequently use parking spaces that belong to Hillsborough Street businesses. Israel McGhee, manager of Charlie’s Grilled Subs, said they have plans to stay open to 2 a.m. for the Hike, but that the parking restrictions would likely cut down on business. “From a business perspective,
TRAIN TRACKS / 1911 BUILDING: The 1911 Building was originally a dormitory and was the largest dormitory in the south at the time of it’s construction. The building is said to be haunted by a student who died as a result of a prank gone wrong. The student, who lived in the 1911 building, was bound and gagged while sleeping and tied to the railroad tracks by a secret society that existed on campus. The society knew the train schedule and tied the student to the side of the tracks the train would only pass by, and he would not be injured. Legend has it that the student was so frightened that he died of a panic-induced heart attack. Faculty, whose offices are in the first floor of the 1911 building, have reported mysterious banging sounds coming from the basement, the northern half of which has been closed off for years. Today, high fencing surrounds the tracks and it is considered trespassing to be on them in order to prevent accidents such as what happened in 1911.
Alums Lindsey Driver and Ashley Muma, and Natalie Hudson, a junior in elementary education, discuss the costume contest held at East Village Grill & Bar with a few other students during the Hillsborough Hike last year.
PARKING RESTRICTIONS University-owned parking lots and campus streets will be restricted to only students, faculty and staff with valid University IDs beginning at 6 p.m. Friday. The restricted areas include: - Brooks Lot - Hillsborough Building Lots - North Hall Lot - Dan Allen Deck
- Coliseum Deck - Student Health Lot - Doak Field/Sullivan Lot - Entrances to campus from Hillsborough Street, excluding Dan Allen Drive Wolfline and Werewolf bus routes could also change, and students should expect delays and reroutes SOURCE: NCSU NEWS SERVICES PRESS RELEASE
it’s not beneficial,� he said. “But I guess if it’s a problem, it needs to be taken care of.� Gerardo Romero, a senior in textile brand management, said the University’s announcement
has led to confusion from people coming from out of town. “There’s a misconception that people will think their friends or people from out of town aren’t going to be allowed in,� he said.
PARKING continued page 3
Anna Courie Staff Writer
Actress Ashley Judd speaks to students outside of Talley on Thursday. Both Judd and Valerie Biden Owens, Sen. Joe Biden’s sister, talked about rights for women and helping making things easier for college students.
Contest: how old is the Mordecai House? Be one of the first two to bring the answer to this question, as well as how many pumpkins are placed throughout the paper, to win gas cards. Bring both answers to the third floor of Witherspoon Student Center in the Technician office Sunday to Wednesday from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. (Hint: The first pumpkin is to the right.)
NC State Bookstores
Officials on the State Board of Elections are considering extending early voting hours Saturday by four hours. Early voting hours this Saturday were set to end at 1 p.m. in most counties. The proposed change would extend voting hours to 5 p.m. Saturday. However, local Boards of Elections must approve the change. James Hall, a senior in communication, said he does not think extending early voting hours will increase turnout significantly. “People who have strong opinions have already likely voted or have planned which candidate they are going to vote for,� he said. “For most
Built in 1897, the Alumni building originally served as the campus infirmary. The history of the building has lead many to speculate that it is haunted. In 1918, 13 students died in the infirmary of the worldwide Spanish influenza epidemic including then-Chancellor Riddick’s daughter, who was serving as a nurse. It is rumored that her ghost still wanders the building. Employees who work in the building have heard footsteps and the random opening and closings of doors.
The Army ROTC originally held its morning workouts here. Legend has it that some soldiers’ spirits haunt the grounds where they spent their years as young men. Students have reported seeing a “sea� of Army men doing jumping jacks and toe-touches in the early morning. SOURCE: KATHLEEN CURP, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION
Early voting hours may be extended Saturday Voters could get four extra hours to make it to the polls Saturday
Hazouri described the University’s efforts as a political play that was “blown out of proportion.� “The University is very sensitive to politics,� he said. The police that work to secure Hillsborough Street should welcome students, Hazouri said, but their approach is too harsh. With Raleigh Police’s zerotolerance policy, he said a student caught for something that would normally bring them a citation could now result in an arrest or added punishment from within the
Just before it was completed in 1889, a fire of unknown origin destroyed part of the woodwork and defaced the walls with smoke. According to rumor, the fire was started by the disturbed spirits of three people who were buried near the east side of the building. The idea that Holladay Hall was erected on or near the site of an old family burial ground seems to be verified by the following statement in the minutes of the trustees for November 9, 1887: “The chairman was requested to see the parties interested in the dead buried on the college grounds with a view of having the bodies removed; otherwise to have them disinterred and buried elsewhere,� — History of N.C. State College, Lockmiller. Today, there are many important offices in Holladay Hall, including that of Chancellor Oblinger.
people Tuesday is voting day. If a week-long increase hasn’t changed things enough, I don’t think four hours will make a difference, especially since people may already have Saturday plans.� Hall said he also doubts that extending early voting Saturday by four hours will make early voting any more convenient. “People voting age and above are usually those who work or have their schedules already planned out,� he said. “Extending early voting hours could make it more convenient, but only if people know about it.� However, Michael Boergert, a senior in math, said the change would make a difference because it would make voting on Saturday more convenient. “People sleep late on Saturdays, so making it so people VOTING continued page 3
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Canes squeak by Pack see page 8.
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