Technician - October 17, 2010

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TECHNICIAN          

Although it is rumored the 1911 Building is haunted, there is no proof of the building being haunted. Sagar Sane Staff Writer

Over the years, there are ghost stories that have circulated throughout the campus about the 1911 building and a supposed ghost. The 1911 Building is unique in the regard that it was originally built as a dorm that housed many students and was later converted to a building that has offices of many academic departments, including interdisciplinary studies, social work, and sociology and anthropology.

Michael Coombes, assistant director of the new student orientation said that there have been unconfirmed myths about the building in past. “The myth is that the building is said to be haunted by a student who died as a result of a prank gone wrong. The student, while sleeping, was bound and gagged and tied to the railroad tracks by a secret society that existed on campus,” Coombes said. These societies were student organizations that were banned by the administration at the time, according to Coombes. “The society knew the train schedule and tied the student to the side of the tracks the train would only pass by, so he would not be injured. Legend has it that the student was so frightened that he died of a panic induced heart attack,” Coombes said. According to Coombes, there is


18 2010

Raleigh, North Carolina

1911 Building has no proof of being haunted


QUESTIONS FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT SUCCESS TASK FORCE The chancellor has begun work on the University’s Strategic Plan. The plan is divided up between nine task forces, one of which is Undergraduate Student Success. The Technician will be asking students their opinion about undergraduate student success each day leading up to the Strategic Town Hall Meeting on Oct. 27.


no ev idence of a haunting in the 1911 Building. Coombes said, “This is just a myth, there is no evidence of a haunting or any strange occurrences.”

HAUNTED continued page 6

To submit your responses to the Technician, email: letters@ JORDAN MOORE/TECHNICIAN

The 1911 building, named in honor of the class of 1911, opened in 1909 as the largest dormitory in the south.

To submit your input to the Undergraduate Success Task Force, visit: undergraduate-student-success/. To voice your opinion in front of the University, attend the Chancellor’s Forum on Oct. 26, at 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., in Stewart Theater.



Ravi Akkinepalli, a first year buisiness administration student persuing his master, discusses supply chain management with Kimberly Pautz, a Lowes Inc. employee, at the College of Managment Career Fair Friday. Akkinapalli, who was not looking for a particular job or internship, was excited about his field of interest. “Supply chain management applies to all industries, and is multidimensional” said Akkinapalli.

College of Management holds career fair


The College of Management held there semi-annual career fair on Friday with 82 companies being represented.


auren Gerringer, a freshman in First Year College enjoys a ride at the NC State Fair Sunday morning. “It was so fun…It was kinda scary” was Lauren’s reaction when getting off the “booster” ride. The ride is made of two extending arms balanced on a column with spinning seats at the ends. The column acts as a swing bearing while those riding swing in a circular motion while spinning in there seats.

Shivalik Daga Staff Writer

insidetechnician Red zone woes costly in Greenville See page 8.

Annual Open House considered a success See page 5.

viewpoint features classifieds sports


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The College of Management’s semi-annual career fair received well-rounded applause from students and recruiters. The career fair was held at the McKimmon Center on Oct. 15. Seventy-four companies had initially registered for the fair, and with 6 new companies being added at the last moment, the fair saw a total of 82 organizations during the day-long event. The one thing that stood out was the smooth handling of the event by the College of Management. Recruiters were unanimous in their praise for the well-organized event, according to Greg Claussen, accounting manager at Caterpillar Inc. “The coordination at this event has been much better here than other campuses we’ve been to. Right from when I got out of my car, there were 4 people to greet me,” Claussen said. “We’ve been to Pennsylvania State and Michigan too, but this has been much better.

our second time here; we hired a few I’m really impressed with this.” Accoridng to Terry Bolte, senior ac- interns the last time,” Jesse Driscolle, count manager with UPS supply chain regional assistant vice president at management, the students were of Horace Mann Insurance, said. Nancy Hatfield, special agent with high quality. “We’ve got some high quality ap- criminal investigation with the IRS plicants, and are looking at hiring said she met a lot of qualified candidates during the fair. fulltime for sales,” Bolte said. “No experience is required, we hire Bolte said that she was happy with right out of college,” Hatfield said. how the event was handled. Students, such as Christopher “The lunch was great,” said Bolte. The career fair had a generous mix Prosser, a junior in business adminof companies from all disciplines of istration, said they found the career fair to be a useful management, inopportunity to meet clud i ng f i na nce, recruiters. reta i l, sa les a nd “We had a lot of insurance. Federal great companies toagencies like the day, and they were EPA, IRS, Army and really friendly and Nav y ROTC, and helpf u l,” Prosser Marine Corps were said. “They are not also present at the Special Agent Nancy Hatfield just talking to us, but fair. they actually want to Olivia Davis, human relations specialist with the EPA help us.” Bryan Crolla, a junior in business said they were interested in students administration, said he found the caat all levels. “We’re hiring both undergraduates reer fair to be a successful and useful and students in graduate school. It’s event. “We always have good employers, been great so far. The students are very and today also it was a good mix,” enthusiastic,” Davis said. Most companies were offering both Crolla said. Janet Rakes, undergraduate career internships as well as fulltime recruitments, giving the students a lot of op- coach with the College of Managetions to choose from. We’re looking for trainees to hire for CAREER continued page 6 both fulltime and internships. This is

“No experience is required, we hire right out of college.”

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Technician - October 17, 2010 by NC State Student Media - Issuu