What We Do

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Since it was founded in 1954, NCSY has been engaging Jewish teens and reconnecting them with their heritage. Through the decades, NCSY has evolved and found new ways to make Judaism relevant to teens. Today, under the leadership of International Director Rabbi Steven Burg, NCSY is in more places, connecting with more teens, in more ways than ever before.

NCSY: BY THE NUMBERS 1,200 2,000 35,000 98% 95% 85%

Number of cities in North America with active NCSYers Number of teens who spent their summer in Israel with NCSY last year Number of teens that NCSY reaches every year of NCSY alumni have married another Jew of NCSY alumni have provided a Jewish education for their children of NCSY alumni have visited Israel at least once


To connect, inspire, and empower Jewish teens.

NCSY connects with Jewish teens through innovative, cutting-edge social and recreational programs to develop a positive Jewish identity. NCSY inspires Jewish teens through informal Jewish education, retreats and summer programs. NCSY empowers teens through leadership development and guidance to become passionately committed leaders of the Jewish community.


NCSY is a world-renowned organization that has played a pivotal role in the lives of Jewish teens around the globe. With the vision of Harold and Enid Boxer a�h, the Orthodox Union founded NCSY in 1954 to provide Jewish teens with the opportunity to build a strong connection to their Jewish roots through inspirational moments and leadership skills.

JEWISH CULTURE CLUBS NCSY runs more than 250 Jewish culture clubs on public high school campuses. The clubs provide Jewish teens with programs that strengthen their Jewish identity and connection to Israel.

As a public school student in a largely gentile school, NCSY helped me survive with my Jewish identity intact. This whole path led me to live Jewish and marry Jewish. That would not have happened if not for NCSY.� -Mindy W., Omaha, NE

LATTE & LEARNING Latte & Learning brings Judaism to local coffee shops and serves up Torah in a relaxed and fun setting. By meeting teens where they want to be, Latte & Learning is the place for teens to ask questions, voice their feelings, and connect with each other.

ISRAEL EDUCATION Before students face anti-Israel activity on college campuses, NCSY educates them so they will know how to respond. NCSY continues to develop new initiatives to educate high school students including experiential Israel education, formal classroom and online teaching, and missions to Israel.

NCSY opened my eyes and heart and showed me that Israel is more than just a piece of land – it’s an inheritance, a history, and a legacy. Most importantlyit’s my Jewish home.” - Sarah R., Boca Raton, FL

SHABBATON WEEKENDS Shabbaton Weekends inspire and educate Jewish teens in a spiritual atmosphere conducive to religious pride and growth. They provide an opportunity for public school students and yeshiva day school students to interact together in a traditional Shabbat environment. For many of these teens, this is their first Shabbat experience. NCSY continues to lead the way in innovative Shabbaton programming.


NCSY’s social action experiences create the foundation for a life of service to the world. Whether it’s responding to natural disasters, delivering food to the poor, or running local toy drives, NCSYers gain valuable lessons in giving back to their local and global communities.


TODAY’S TEENS. TOMORROW’S LEADERS. LEADERSHIP TRAINING SEMINAR shows teen leaders how to get the most from their roles on regional board. This weekend event trains teens to work as a team, take charge of a program, and bring ideas to life. LEADERSHIP BOOT CAMP brings together the top 100 teen leaders from around the country for four days of intense workshops and team building. By the time they leave, teens learn the skills they need to inspire and motivate others to make a difference. JEWISH UNITY MENTORING PROGRAM (JUMP) places yeshiva day school student leadership front and center. Through several challenges that put teens in the driver’s seat, students learn the skills they need to be a positive force in the Jewish community.


NCSY Summer Programs are more than just summer trips. They’re one of the most meaningful and memorable experiences of a person’s life. NCSY runs nine unique summer programs in the US, Israel and Europe that cater to teens with different interests and backgrounds.

92% 90%

of Kollel participants feel that Kollel enhanced their connection to Judaism. of Michlelet participants feel a stronger sense of Jewish identity.

THE JERUSALEM JOURNEY (TJJ) takes public school teens on a once-in-a-lifetime journey through the land of Israel. This experience combines the best of touring and fun with social action, political advocacy and Torah study. Time and again, TJJ continues to strengthen a teen’s tie to Israel. GIRLS ISRAEL VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE (GIVE) teaches high school girls the art of giving back. From soup kitchens to medical clowning to painting schools in poor towns, GIVE participants contribute to the many needs of Jews living in Israel.


Yarchei Kallah changed my life. Since the trip I have become more observant of Shabbat. It has made me want to learn and do more to connect with Judaism.” –Ashley B., Thornhill, ON


Yarchei Kallah provides public school teens with an opportunity to learn Torah and Jewish values during their winter break. Students from across North America gather for five days of profound Torah study.


Friday Night Lights (FNL) brings the Shabbaton experience to towns with limited Jewish resources. FNL advisors light up the community and build close relationships with teens and their parents.

FNL is a beautiful experience giving teens who have not experienced Shabbat the opportunity to connect with those who have. Nothing opens up teens to the idea of Judaism like a Friday night Shabbat dinner spent with friends discovering the inner beauty of Judaism.” – Amanda E., Roslyn, NY


TORAH HIGH is a unique after-school Jewish studies program where public school students can receive high school credits. The classes are taught by experienced teachers who make classroom material come alive. The JUDAIC SCHOLARS INSTITUTE, in partnership with Long Island University and March of the Living, offers college credit to high school students. The college courses provide a strong foundation in Jewish history, literature and philosophy for any teen interested in discovering and cultivating a greater sense of Jewish identity. The SENATOR BEN CARDIN JEWISH SCHOLARS PROGRAM provides leadership training to teenagers passionate about combining community service and Jewish values. The program merges mentorship with engaging education by influential leaders in the fields of law, finance, government and the nonprofit sector. The program concludes with hands-on advocacy and leadership opportunities in Maryland and Washington, DC.


ALUMNI CONNECTIONS partners with Jewish professionals on campus to ensure that the relationships developed through NCSY do not end at graduation. This allows their Jewish education to continue into their college years.

SCHOLARSHIP FUNDING FOR ISRAEL Every year, NCSY provides over $500,000 in scholarships to Jewish teens who want to spend time in Israel. The scholarships go towards summer programs or gap year programs such as a yeshiva, seminary, or university. TORAH BY PHONE is one of the ways NCSYers and advisors keep in touch during the year. Each week, NCSYers pick a topic to learn with their advisor over the phone. These sessions not only introduce teens to Jewish texts and concepts, but also provide them with a mentor. JEWISH HOLIDAY PROGRAMS instill joy and meaning into the lives of teens and their communities. NCSY runs creative and informative programs that bring these treasured holidays to life. DINNER & LEARNING, like Latte & Learning, is a place for Jewish teens to gather, learn and enjoy each other’s company. Dinner & Learning: Food for the body. Food for the soul.

INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS 11 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NY 10004 212.613.8233 NCSY.ORG INFO@NCSY.ORG FACEBOOK.COM/MYNCSY TWITTER.COM/NCSY NCSY is the international youth movement of the Orthodox Union.

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