2 minute read
B Sessions: Sunday, 4:40–5:40 p.m
Mobilizing Teams
B.01 Empowering Leadership Teams
Room: Catalina 7 This interactive session will focus on strategies for empowering adult leadership teams: developing individual efficacy of team members, exploring leadership styles, helping teams maximize their strengths and understand others’ challenges, and establishing supportive and productive meeting practices and protocols. Participants also will discuss the importance of a strengths-based approach to leading. Presenter: Janice Schwarze, Downers Grove North
High School
Supporting Leaders
B.02 Foster Curiosity, Fuel Collaboration: Teach Students and Faculty to Ask Better Questions with the QFT
Room: Catalina 6 How can we facilitate better classroom and school conversations where all students and faculty participate, collaborate, and approach challenges with curiosity? Experience the Question Formulation Technique, a simple, powerful protocol that teaches students and adults to ask and pursue their own questions. Leave ready to use the strategy in academic and administrative settings. Presenters: Katy Connolly, The Right Question Institute Dana Huff, Worcester Academy Rika Drea, Crossroads School for Arts and Sciences
Connecting Communities
B.03 I’ll Bloom Right Here, Thank You: Elevating
Student Voices for a “Woke” and Urban-Ready
Room: Catalina 5 In this session, we explore the journey of one high-need urban elementary school working to elevate, celebrate, and leverage the lives of its students to promote learning. Students, teachers, coaches, and district leaders collaborate to implement a change idea that invites all learners to bloom in the shared academic space as part of a Read Woke unit of study. Presenters: Sandra Hogue, Jefferson County Public
Schools Angela Hosch, Jefferson County Public Schools Lydia Tharp, Jefferson County Public Schools Creating Possibilities
B.04 Inquiry in the Classroom
Room: Catalina 4 Inquiry encourages students to explore their lives and worlds, engage in ongoing research, and become active agents for change. This presentation will explore approaches to inquiry in ELA classrooms by discussing multiple models of inquiry and sharing student work and resources. Presenters: Jessica Gallo, University of Nevada, Reno Bailey Herrmann, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
Coaching Teachers
B.05 The Value of Virtual Professional Development
Communities: How One State Works to
Empower and Elevate Educators with
Comprehensive Learning Opportunities
Room: Catalina 3 In this session, three state literacy specialists will share lessons learned while creating and facilitating statewide learning during a pandemic. Find out how to create a network of learners within your own school, district, or state. Attendees will leave with tools and resources to feel empowered to facilitate their own ongoing comprehensive professional development. Presenters: Sarah Bondy, Arizona Department of Education Lauren Spenceley, Arizona Department of Education Maggie Velazquez, Arizona Department of Education