3 minute read
Topic Strands
TOPIC STRANDS All sessions fall under one of these topic strands. Starting on page 11, you will find complete session descriptions, room numbers, presenter names, and strand information.
A.04 Light in the “Never-Ending Shade”: A Project-Based Exploration of Amanda Gorman’s Theme with Three Different Student Populations B.05 The Value of Virtual Professional Development Communities: How One State Works to Empower and Elevate Educators with Comprehensive Learning Opportunities C.05 Supporting Novice and Early Career Teachers through K–12 and College Partnerships D.02 Activate Your Community of Practice through Intentional, Actionable, and Empowering Feedback D.03 Beyond Book Lists: Texts and Tools to Build Community E.04 Learning Together as Educators: Supporting Teacher Learning through Mathematizing Children’s Literature F.01 Building a Literacy Ecosystem: Our Collective Responsibility G.02 Grading as a Process Not a Product: Reflecting on How Assessment Practices Need to Mirror Composition Studies’ Knowledge of Writing as a Process H.03 Enhancing Student Literacy Learning: A CrossDisciplinary Approach
A.05 Leading through Hard Times: A Pedagogy of Connection B.03 I’ll Bloom Right Here, Thank You: Elevating Student Voices for a “Woke” and Urban-Ready Community C.03 Leading the School Where All Students Succeed! D.06 Transformative Protocols to Address the Influence of Hate Groups in School Communities E.02 CÀ PHÊ SỮA ĐÁ & BÁNH MÌ | The History of Colonialism, Imperialism, and Militarism in Vietnam from the Vietnamese American Perspective F.02 Challenging the Poverty Narrative through Children’s Literature G.03 Literacy for Liberation: A Community’s Counter Story H.04 Learning Together: Conversations on Academic Writing Tutoring in a Community High School
A.03 I Wanted to Engage My Students with the Writing Process . . . So I Became a Living Poet B.04 Inquiry in the Classroom C.01 Growing Writers, Not Grading Writing D.01 A 30-Day Writing Habit: Developing a Community of Teacher-Writers E.03 Collaborative Literacy Communities with EL and Special Education Students F.04 Inclusive Innovation: Community Led Solutions to Challenges in Adolescent Writing in Two School Districts
A.01 From a Room to a Zoom: Leading Literacy at the State and National Levels A.02 How (and Why) We Created ELA Curriculum for Our District B.01 Empowering Leadership Teams C.04 Meeting Better: Purposes and Protocols to Maximize Productivity D.05 Partnering to Help All Kids Learn: Transformational Literacy Leadership E.01 Building a Collaborative Community of Literacy Leaders through the Launch of a Regionally Facilitated English/ Language Arts Cohort E.06 Leading Antibias and Antiracist Community-Building in English/ELA Departments G.04 Resuscitating Professional Learning: Opportunities in and out of PLC Spaces H.02 Circle Momentum: Exploring Restorative Circles for Cross-Institutional Collaboration and Community
PP.01 How can I plan, prepare, and publish with CEL’s English Leadership Quarterly? PP.02 What can literacy leaders do to support novice teachers? PP.03 How can we leverage ebooks to support diverse texts and changing curricula? PP.04 How could better collaboration between high school teachers and first-year college writing instructors impact student writing? PP.05 How do we engage with and discuss the “science of reading” while honoring teachers’ current practices? PP.06 What are ways in which we can build community between parents and schools?
B.02 Foster Curiosity, Fuel Collaboration: Teach Students and Faculty to Ask Better Questions with the QFT C.02 Leading New Literacy Initiatives in New Roles D.04 Growing New Leaders in Your School and District: Methods for Empowering Teachers and Expanding Their Leadership Avenues E.05 Preparing in an Era of Pushback: Guiding Planning for the Teaching of Diverse Books F.03 Growing and Sustaining Literacy Leaders G.01 Co-Constructing Meaning of Literacy Projects in Order to “Honor, Develop, and Enact” Literacy Practices within the Communities of Students and Teachers H.01 Centering Leadership in Literacy by Understanding Diversity: Building Trust, Culture, and Reflective Practice