Chicago State Comment

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Chicago State University College of Education Chicago, Illinois Institution Comment Comments submitted by: Sylvia Gist, Dean, College of Education

Thank you for your analysis of Chicago State University (CSU) College of Education’s (COE) elementary, secondary and special education programs. While CSU did not expect to meet all standards that NCTQ set forth (standards that were considered questionable), we expected to gain some insight from the analysis. Perceivably, such insight could have been used as a basis for program improvement as we moved forward. This was certainly not the case. Although we spent hours responding to your initial analysis, it appears that there was a complete disregard for our responses. Of particular concern is what we viewed as disparagement of our university’s mission that states the followings: “the university is committed to “…educating students where academic and personal growth may have been inhibited by lack of economic, social, or educational opportunity.” Also, it appears that in every instance where we pointed out your omission of information, reference to incorrect documentation, fallacious methodology, incorrect data interpretation, etc., our input was completely ignored. We could endlessly list concerns but opt to stop short of doing so primarily because past experience has taught us that it would probably be an exercise in futility. We wish you well with future endeavors.


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