My artistic approach is meant to be close to people. I like to describe drift or common behaviors related to our existence and mainly to excessive and hyperindustrialisées companies like ours. The objective is to confront the viewer in his own image or his behavior has become commonplace and routine and do think about them.
Away from the elitist and upper echelons of contemporary art, I claim an understandable and close to my fellow art.
I sometimes like to use objects, sometimes find metaphors to convey my message and, very often, all is included with a touch of humor and / or provocation.
In my work, you will always find something in common, something that speaks to you: a receipt, subway, a representative everyday object, like my series on the helmets of workers and capitalism. This is a link I want to talk because I can not imagine the art away from what makes it live.
Often working on the human figure so often pictorial, metaphorical, or caricature, it also