lent 1 (2018)

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The First Sunday in Lent February 18th 2018 Rector: The Rev’d Canon Noel A. Burke, M.A. Tel. No.: 435-4272 E-mail: nburke@anglican.bb Associate: The Very Rev’d William G. St. C. Dixon, CBE, MA [Dean Emeritus of the St. Michael Cathedral] Tel. No.: 427-3169 E-mail: spod@caribsurf.com


Introit Hymn 117 Lent Sentence Acclamation Collect for Purity Kyries The Collect:

Lo now is our accepted day Page 98 Page 101 Page 101 Page 102 Page 163

THE LITURGY OF THE WORD 1st Reading: Genesis 9:8-17 Psalm 25 :1-9 Page 4 (bulletin) The Epistle: 1 Peter 3:18-22 Gradual Hymn 114 Forty days and forty nights THE HOLY GOSPEL: Mark 1:9-15 Sermon The Nicene Creed Page 104 Intercession B Page 107 Act of Penitence & Absolution Page 123 The Greeting of Peace Page 124 THE LITURGY OF THE SACRAMENT Offertory Hymn 112 Christian dost thou see them Presentation of the Offering Page 126 The Sursum Corda Page 126 Epiphany Preface Page 127 “Therefore we praise you” Page 131 Sanctus et Benedictus Qui Venit Page 142 Consecration Prayer E Page 131 The Lord’s Prayer Page 144 The Breaking of Bread Page 145 The Invitation Page 145 Agnus Dei Page 147 Communion Hymns 110 All ye who seek for sure relief 118 Lord in this thy mercy’s day 645 Do no sinful action Post Communion Prayer Page 148 THE DISMISSAL RITE The Blessing Page 149 Notices and Announcements Recessional Hymn 115 Good it is to keep the fast The Dismissal Page 149 Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you




8:30 a.m.

1st Reading

Michael Thompson

Rhonda Forde

Akira Evanson

The Epistle

Anne Gittens

Anthony Foster

Sandra Maloney


Julie-Ann Burke

Amelia Edghill

Lynn Bowen

The Collect:

Page 163


A Reading from the Word of God written in the book of Genesis Chapter 9 beginning at the 8th verse.

Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him, "As for me, I am establishing my covenant with you and your descendants after you, and with every living creature that is with you, the birds, the domestic animals, and every animal of the earth with you, as many as came out of the ark. I establish my covenant with you, that never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of a flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.� God said, "This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: I have set my bow in the clouds, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. When I bring clouds over the earth and the bow is seen in the clouds, I will remember my covenant that is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. !3

When the bow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.� God said to Noah, "This is the sign of the covenant that I have established between me and all flesh that is on the earth." Reader: ALL:

Psalm 25

Here ends the Reading Thanks be to God

Ad te, Domine, levavi

1. To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul; my God, I put my trust in you; * let me not be humiliated, nor let my enemies triumph over me. 2. Let none who look to you be put to shame; * let the treacherous be disappointed in their schemes. 3 Show me your ways, O Lord, * and teach me your paths. 4 Lead me in your truth and teach me, * for you are the God of my salvation; in you have I trusted all the day long. 5 Remember, O Lord, your compassion and love, * for they are from everlasting. 6 Remember not the sins of my youth and my transgressions; * remember me according to your love and for the sake of your goodness, O Lord. 7 Gracious and upright is the Lord; * therefore he teaches sinners in his way. 8 He guides the humble in doing right * and teaches his way to the lowly. 9 All the paths of the Lord are love and faithfulness * to those who keep his covenant and his testimonies. !4

Glory to the Father, and | to the | Son * and | to the | Holy | Spi-rit. As it was in the be | ginning is | now * and | shall be for | ever. A | men THE EPISTLE READER: A Reading from the Word of God written in 1st Peter Chapter 3 beginning at the 18th verse

For Christ also suffered for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, in order to bring you to God. He was put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit, in which also he went and made a proclamation to the spirits in prison who in former times did not obey, when God waited patiently in the days of Noah, during the building of the ark, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were saved through water. And baptism, which this prefigured, now saves you--not as a removal of dirt from the body, but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God, with angels, authorities, and powers made subject to him. Reader: ALL:

Here ends the Reading Thanks be to God


THE HOLY GOSPEL The Lord be with you. And also with you. A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to Mark Glory to Christ our Saviour.

In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And just as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending like a dove on him. And a voice came from heaven, "You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.” And the Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness. He was in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan; and he was with the wild beasts; and the angels waited on him. Now after John was arrested, Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God, and saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.” The Gospel of Christ Praise to Christ our Lord From the Rector’s Notebook: Greetings: Ash Wednesday has gone by this past week and we are now into the solemn and holy season of Lent. We would have received the sign of ashes in the form of a cross on our foreheads. !6

This ancient sign speaks as the Book of Common Prayer (CPWI) says of the frailty and uncertainty of human life and marking the penitence of the community as a whole. When the ashes were blessed we asked God our Father to allow these ashes to become a symbol of our intention to keep Lent faithfully in preparation for the joy of celebrating the Pasch - Jesus’ path and passage from this mortal world to the Father. The ashes that we have received are first of all sacramental in that they indicate the inward imprint of the cross of Christ in our hearts. (Galatians 6:17). What this means from a Christian Spirituality perspective is that while the ashes have been washed off with soap and water the presence of Christ who dwells within us remains. It is in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit that we are able to maintain the spiritual discipline of the season of putting away anger, jealousy, envy and such like. In their place this Lent we put on the fruits of the Spirit ‌ the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Galatians 5: 22- 23) Having maintained our fast from the things that place a barrier between ourselves and God and from each other, the ashes of Ash Wednesday prepare us for the renewal of our Baptismal Vows at the Great Vigil of Easter. !7

Lent is a time to think and ponder on our Easter faith and to realize that our baptism into the death and resurrection of Christ is the primary purpose in receiving the ashes. At the Great vigil of Easter we are sprinkled with newly blessed water from the font as we prepare to celebrate once again the new life that comes from the glorious resurrection of our Lord. As the seasonal blessing in the BCP (CPWI) states May Christ give us grace that we may grow in holiness and that we may be prepared to take up the cross and follow Him. Your friend and priest, Noel A. Burke, (The Rev’d Canon) Rector


NOTICES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK 18th Gary Durant, Winston Spencer, 19th Lynn Armstrong, Leah Rollock 22nd Shawn Clarke 24th Deborah Clarke WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Congratulations to Ivor & Margaret Gilkes who celebrate their anniversary on the 23rd of February. PRAY THIS WEEK Betty Gill, Evelyn Gittens, Nigel Griffith, Henderson Haynes, Caulda “Hetty” Hobbs, Clotilda Howard, Eileen Hunte, Ruby Jones, Norma Kirton, YOUNG PEOPLES’ MINISTRY A note for all young people aged 13 and older to attend a meeting on Saturday February 24th at 4:30pm in the Church Hall . HEALTH GUILD WALK. The monthly walk of the St. David's Health Guild will take place on Saturday, February 24th, 2018, commencing at the Garrison Savannah, St. Michael. Walkers are asked to gather in the St. David's Car Park to leave by vehicles at 5:30 a.m. The walk will proceed through the environs of the Garrison. COMMEMORATIVE MAGAZINE A Commemorative Magazine celebrating the ministry of Archbishop Dr John Holder who will retire at the end of February as Bishop of Barbados and Archbishop of the West Indies has been produced for distribution. The Magazine is available at a cost of $5.00 each. THE LATE JB SIMPSON The funeral and burial of the late JB Simpson will be held at the Coral Ridge Memorial Gardens at 10:00am on Tuesday February 20. His body will be here at the church on Monday 19 between 4:00pm - 6:00pm. May he Rest in Peace. !9

HEALTH CORNER: By Sophia Marshall, Ph.D Vegetables are good sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Each person should aim to eat two or more servings of vegetables daily. How much is that? A serving is 4 ounces or half cup of vegetables. Did you know? ✓

1 serving of the following vegetables can provide all or nearly all of the Vitamin A needed daily: Parsley, spinach, carrots, cabbage leaves, lettuce and pumpkin

1 serving of the following vegetables can provide you with about half of the Vitamin C you need daily: String beans, christophene, okra, ripe tomatoes, lettuce and pumpkin

Try to cook vegetables in the minimum amount of water. Too much water will result in greater losses of nutrients and flavor. The water used to cook vegetables could be used in stews and soups. This water contains water soluble nutrients.

To reduce nutrient losses and cooking time, add vegetables to boiling water. This also aids in preserving flavor.

Many nutrients are concentrated just beneath the skin, therefore where possible cook vegetables in their skins. If you don’t eat the skins, you can peel them after cooking by pulling the thin layer off; you would have still preserved the nutrients during the cooking process.

Nutrient loss occurs when vegetables are exposed to light and air; therefore, don’t wash, chop, or slice vegetables until you are ready to use them.



Genesis 9:8-15 Psalm 24 1 Peter 3:18-22 Mark 1:12-15



A time to be more like J ___ ___ ___ ___.

A time to prepare for E ___ ___ ___ ___ ___. How many days did Jesus spend in the wilderness?



(Circle the right answer.)




32 Colour in the letters with an * to find out what Jesus said to the people.

H R *

E *

P *

E *

N *

T *

V G A N D E * * *

S R B *

E *

L *

I *

E *

V *







T *

H *

E G N U O V *




B G O O D O N * * * * *

E *


E W S Q * * * 1! 1


6:15am Holy Mass & Sermon 7:45am Solemn Mass & Sermon Sunday School 10:00am Administration of Holy Comm & Homily


8:30am Said Mass & Sermon, Sunday School


9.30am Bible Study 6:30pm Choir Rehearsal 7:00pm Holy Mass & Homily

Wednesday Friday


10:00am 5.00pm 6:00PM 10:00am



Office Hours Children’s Bible Study Stations of the Cross Confirmation Class 25th February

6:15am Holy Mass & Sermon 7:45am Solemn Mass & Sermon Sunday School 8:30am

Said Mass & Sermon, Sunday School


We extend warm Christian greetings to all visitors!! Follow us on Facebook and Twitter

St. David’s Church Christ Church Barbados Church Tel. No. 437-1801 Residence 435-4272 Email stdavidbb@icloud.com


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