A Brief Introduction to NDF

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Photo credit:Tscherno CC

The joint Nordic development financing institution focusing on climate change and developing countries

NORDIC DEVELOPMENT FUND, P.O. Box 185, FIN-00171 Helsinki, Finland (visiting address: Fabianinkatu 34) Tel: +358 10 618 002, Fax: +358 9 622 1491, e-mail: info.ndf@ndf.fi, website: www.ndf.fi

Key Characteristics:

How does NDF finance?

• Facilitates greater investments in developing countries to address the causes and consequences of climate change.

• All projects are screened for their climate change content. - Mitigation criteria: The value of the emission reductions should be at least 10% of project investment costs. - Adaptation criteria: at least 50% of the project costs should be subject to the actual or expected impacts of climate change.

• Offers funding to projects in cooperation with multilateral and Nordic development agencies and organisations. • Contributes to strengthening the international aid effectiveness and harmonization agenda. • Applies a specific screening methodology to assess the climate change content of projects ex-ante. • Promotes a broad scope of Nordic priorities and objectives.

This is NDF:

• Strategic focal areas: catalytic role and leverage, project preparatory funding, support for innovation, support for private sector development and linkages between the public and the private sectors, piloting of interventions with a high risk level and identification of emerging climate change issues. • Projects are mostly identified and developed in cooperation with partner countries and within the country programs of multilateral development banks and Nordic development financiers. • Funding level per project ranges from EUR 3 million to EUR 6 million.

• A multilateral development finance institution established by Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden in 1989. • Original, subscribed fund capital by the Nordic countries’ equivalent to EUR 1 billion. • Mandate since 2009 to focus on climate and development. • Annual approvals for new activities approximately EUR 40 million. • Has proven effectiveness and efficiency and a value-adding niche as a fully operational and functioning piece in the global climate financing architecture.

NDF focuses its activities on these low- and lower middle income countries: Africa: Benin, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia.

• The Nordic Climate Facility (NCF) is a financing window within NDF through which private and public Nordic entities can, in partnership with local partners in an NDF country, seek financing for innovative climate change projects. NCF is a call for proposal facility that supports the piloting of novel climate change solutions and technologies in low income countries.

Regional Distribution of Approved Financing EUR 250 million






Asia Latin America Multiple regions

Asia: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Nepal, Vietnam. Latin America: Bolivia, Honduras, Nicaragua.

As of 8.6. 2016: 88 projects with a total value of EUR 250 million

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