To the Christian, we hope that you have been encouraged in your walk with God, that you have been empowered to study further on your own, and that you are more confident in your dialogue with others. Reject the doubt and believe by faith, going forward better equipped to reason with others. If you are a non-Christian, we hope you have felt you were treated with respect, and that you have reciprocated with a mind and heart open to the possibilities. In eternity, each person will be in one of only two groups: those with God and those away from God. This is the simplest description of the difference between heaven and hell. God loves you so much that He provided a path to heaven. Here it is, simply explained in Romans 10:9: “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” The gift of salvation, just like God’s love, is free. We hope you will consider taking this step of faith and believe.