While I am not in any way drawing a parallel between Nero and any American president, I am reminding us as Christians what our responsibility is before God and man. These passages in Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2 that were inspired and written through Paul and Peter could not be clearer. These truths from God stand eternally fixed in the heavens, whether or not the person on the political throne over us is of our party or the other, is conservative or liberal, or is for us or against us. It is still true that “the authorities that exist have been established by God.” But God reigns! He is still on the throne and “sovereign over all kingdoms on earth” (Daniel 4:17). We do not live in a perfect theocracy today, but in a faulty democracy. Only Jesus Christ was the perfect incarnation and consistent demonstration of the principles He taught. All other leaders are flawed by sin, tarnished by the flesh, and manipulated by the devil. Make sure you vote. Don’t throw your vote away when untold thousands have died on the battlefield to give you this freedom and responsibility. There are millions the world over who would give anything to be able to live in a democratic country where they could have a meaningful vote for the government officials who rule over them. Before you go into the voting booth, go into your prayer closet. Don’t let your focus be on the person, but on the principles, policies, and political platform that best represent the heartbeat of God as revealed in His Word. Also, give thanks this Election Day for our country and the freedoms and peace we enjoy. And let us be faithful to pray for the president and his family. Pray for their safety, for godly wisdom, and for joy. God Bless America!