grown old, the Lord said to him, ‘You are now very old, and there are still very large areas of land to be taken over’” (Joshua 13:1). This verse reminds us that whether or not we are old, it does not mean that we can retire, relax, or recreate. Even though Joshua had lived a long, faithful, and fruitful life, the Lord still reminded him of the unconquered and unoccupied territories of the Promised Land that still had to be taken over. Likewise, we need to cease wandering around in the wilderness and constantly falling back toward Egypt, and instead take the higher ground in His Promised Land for us. Why do you think the Lord has kept you alive for the time that you have lived? He has not given you life and kept you alive just so you could do your own thing, live for yourself, and build your own little kingdom. He has kept you and me alive so that we could live by His promises and fulfill His purposes for our lives. Each year is a gift of grace that the Lord has allowed us to see. So regardless of what birthday you are celebrating, let’s take new territory for His glory and for the good of others. It is only when we are committed to a lifestyle of constantly taking higher ground that we will glorify God by fulfilling His highest purposes for our lives!