Christ our Lord. You will vow to each other: “As a token and pledge of my constant faith and abiding love, with this ring I thee wed in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!” Husband-to-be, are you prepared to take your fiancé to be your wedded wife; to live together in the holy estate of marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, and keep her? As the Bible says, Will you live with her according to knowledge and understanding, so that your prayers not be hindered? Will you always strive to love her as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for her? Will you love her at all times and under all conditions? Will you cleave to her emotionally, mentally, and physically as your only lover? Will you always seek to live with her in such a way that she will be nurtured as a godly woman? And will you constantly strive by the power of His Holy Spirit to do all this until Christ requires your presence with Him? Wife-to-be, are you prepared to take your fiancé to be your wedded husband; to live together in the holy estate of marriage? Will you also love him, comfort him, honor him, and keep him? As the Bible says, Will you respect him and acknowledge him as your spiritual head, and therefore be submissive to him as unto the Lord, just as the Church is submissive to Christ? Will you love him at all times and under all conditions? Will you always cleave to him emotionally, mentally, and physically as your only lover? Will you seek to love and support him as God’s man and minister? And will you constantly strive by the power of His Holy Spirit to do all this until Christ requires your presence with Him? Through your upcoming marriage commitment, give yourselves to each other unreservedly. Everything you have and everything you are belongs to each other. From this coming moment on, the two become one!