You have become a Christian by being “saved” (Ephesians 2:8) or “born again” (John 3:3). Remember that you instantaneously received both new life and eternal life when you accepted Christ Jesus as your Savior and Lord. Both of these are present and future realities. Eternal life is not something that you have to die to experience. You start experiencing it the moment you receive new life in Christ and it extends throughout eternity. Nothing or no one can ever take this spiritual life away from you! That’s because your spiritual life has its source and security in God (John 10:28–30). While God has been the Initiator of your salvation, you must be the initiator of your sanctification. Salvation is about birth. Sanctification is about growth. Salvation makes you a child of God. Sanctification makes you a mature man or woman of God. Salvation takes place in a moment. Sanctification takes place over a lifetime. You must do some studying and growing to enjoy and manifest the abundant life God wants you to experience and enjoy now on earth on your way to heaven. We Christians experience and enjoy many of the blessings and benefits of the “kingdom of God” or the “kingdom of heaven” here on earth in the meantime. Living out the priorities and principles of God is an exciting and fulfilling kingdom adventure from start to finish! So, my new Christian friend, go for it! Live out the adventure He designed for you from before He created the world (Ephesians 2:10). You will never regret it! It will not always be easy or simple, but it is the only way you will experience authentic purpose, lasting happiness, and total fulfillment in life.