Food & Nutrition Division
MayoPowderTM • • Egg-Free Gluten-Free Sulphite-Free Cholesterol-Free Lactose-Free
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Egg-Free Mayonnaise Powder Balanced formula Economic and Excellent Performance (Up to 16 L of Mayo per Kilogram of MayopowderTM. Unique funcDonal properDes. High ConservaDon Capacity up to 1 Year @ room temperature BeKer hygiene as Salmonella and other egg-borne bacteria can be avoided. Once prepared it can be maintained up to 72 hours within freezer As industrial product (once pasteurized) and/or sterilized reacts for a longer shelf-life. Cholesterol-free. Easy-in-use as it is mixed easily with oil and water. Impressive texture and mouthfeel analogue to egg-mayonnaise.