lng Volume 3 - Issue 2 ///// March/april 2014
is there unity?
international aboriginaltourism conference whistler, bc
prince rupert
opening doors for increased aboriginal inclusion
rezgas 2014
Canada’s inaugural First Nations Gas Station conference
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///// COVER STORY 09
LNG Summits – Promise, Is there a Unified Group of First Nations?
05 Publisher Geoff Greenwell 2G Group of Companies geoff@2ggroup.ca Managing Editor Marlon Louis editor@aboriginalmarketplace.com Design / Production Tina Skujins tina@2ggroup.ca
Aboriginal Travel Services new travel agency launched
14 15 16
18 21
Contributors Paul Clements-Hunt, Neil Philcox, Keith Henry, Merle Alexander, Geoff Greenwell, & Laurie Sterritt. 2014 PRODUCTION SCHEDULE May/June, Aug/Sept, Oct/Nov & Dec/Jan (2015)
rezgas 2014 Canada’s inaugural First Nations Gas Station conference
Advertising Sales Marlon Louis editor@aboriginalmarketplace.com
Distribution Aboriginal Marketplace is published by 2G Group of Companies ©2012 all rights reserved. The magazine is distributed globally online and in printed form in Canada. The views expressed in the Aboriginal Marketplace are those of the respective contributors and not necessarily those of the publisher or staff.
Cando Aboriginal Economic Developer of the Year Awards naboc prince rupert special edition A Tribute to the Coast Tsimshian Metlakatla and Lax Kw’alaams ‘everything comes to those who wait’ naboc prince rupert sees unprecedented interest and adds North coast job fair
18 20
Creating Opportunities in Northwest BC
23 26 29
Striving for Excellence quickload
Access to Capital NABOC Prince Rupert, 2014
aboriginal Entrepreneurship Gets Boost in Northwest BC Breaking into the Trades industry training authority
///// features
07 Keeping it Riel 09 Legal Eagle
Aboriginal Marketplace - March/April 2014 3
rezgas 2014
Canada’s inaugural First Nations Gas Station and Convenience Store Conference and Tradeshow to be held in Osoyoos in October.
uncor, the parent company of Petro- Canada, is working with the Osoyoos Indian Band and 2G Group to put together Canada’s first ever conference and tradeshow aimed at First Nations gas stations and convenience stores. The conference and tradeshow will be held at the Osoyoos Indian Band’s (OIB) NK’MIP Resort. The idea for the event came from conversations between Chris Bower, Business Development Manager for OIB, and Barry Wood head of Dealer Development in Western Canada for Suncor. “Barry and I were working together on building the Band’s new gas station/convenience store at the entrance to our NK’MIP Resort, and we got to talking about how most of the First Nations
4 Aboriginal Marketplace - March/April 2014
Osoyoos Indian Band’s new Petro-Canada station
Chief Clarence and Osoyoos Mayor Stu Wells at the opening day of the new gas station
in Canada are still operating their gas stations as independents without a name brand. The value of a name brand on your gas station makes a huge difference in sales, so we thought we should try to put together an event at our resort that shows other First Nations the value of converting to a name brand,” said Chris. The inaugural REZGAS conference will be held at NK’MIP Resort on October 28th and 29th 2014. The agenda will feature the latest innovative marketing and merchandising concepts in the industry, product positioning advice, financial benefits of working under a name brand, contract development, advice on site locations as well as numerous other industry specific topics that will be of great value to all First Nation gas station/convenience store operators.
Chris Bower, Osoyoos Indian Band’s Business Development Manager speaking to the crowd at the opening of their new gas station
“The target market for this event is any First Nation (or First Nations individual) who operates a gas station/convenience store(s), the information at the event will be really helpful in improving the efficiency and profitability of operating their stores,” said Chris. “The event will be open to anyone who wishes to attend though and we expect a number of industry related exhibitors to attend and showcase their products and services,” he added in closing our interview. Registration for the event will open in the late spring of 2014 but anyone interested in more information on attending as a delegate or exhibitor should contact Rochelle Saddleman of Aboriginal Marketplace Events at rochelle@aboriginalmarketplace.com or Toll Free 1-855-307-5291. Aboriginal Marketplace - March/April 2014 5
Coastal Wood Connection Ltd. is looking for first nations wood products for new Chinese markets.
if your community or forestry company has lumber for sale please contact Chris Sankey of CWC at chris@thecbrc.ca or toll free 855-863-1797 cwc is interested in buying lumber from all across canada!
keeping it riel ///// Keith Henry - President, BC Métis Federation k.henry@bcmetis.com
Keeping It
Riel we must encourage Métis businesses from all sectors to work together to secure new contracts and begin to operate our communities like businesses.
his month I wanted to focus on the importance of economic development as it relates to Métis people and communities in British Columbia and across Canada. BC Metis Federation was proud to represent our member communities at a recent Aboriginal conference at the Penticton Trade and Convention Centre. There was a rich diversity of Aboriginal cultures represented at the event. The BC Métis Federation remains committed to economic development with a purpose. Our goal is to equip Métis people, families and communities with the knowledge and capacity to be truly self sustaining, leading to ongoing positive community formation. As a First Nations leader put it, “we are in a tremendous period of nation building.” For Métis, this means that we are moving away from dependency relationships, economic injustice and piecemeal economic “solutions” toward healthy, self determining, self governing and self sufficient communities and nations in Canada. These overarching holistic themes were made abundantly clear throughout the conference. The conference represented this paradigm
shift because it provides the momentum for Métis people and communities and others who partner with them in creative ventures to build long term sustainable relationships and capacity development that is responsive to community values and historical relationships to the land. The BC Métis Federation is committed to build the specific linkages to help Métis people establish or increase their businesses, assist Métis community organizations build capacity, and enable the BC Métis Federation to activate joint ventures where possible. Métis people need to create direct business opportunities, joint ventures and other success stories from all possible economic sectors. What is clear is that British Columbia has many opportunities in various economic sectors from oil and gas, tourism, marine, mining, plus many others. The role of BC Métis Federation has been to define how best to facilitate the opportunities in an efficient manner, lining up necessary partnerships to build success, will recognizing capacity challenges. Today much of the Métis economic development in British Columbia has been limited by
access to Aboriginal economic development programming, raising capital, feasibility and business planning expertise, and a small view on labour market strategies. BC Métis Federation recognizes that labour market is important but only addresses one aspect of economic development. Going forward a number of new strategic partnerships are being created with a goal of supporting self sufficiency and this is the only way forward. British Columbia has many opportunities and it is time for the Métis to become more actively engaged. We cannot and must not wait for government handouts, we must encourage Métis businesses from all sectors to work together to secure new contracts and begin to operate our communities like businesses. This is the only way forward for Métis communities. For more information about the BC Métis Federation please go to our website www.bcmetis.com. Just trying to keep it Riel and thank you Joe Desjarlais! k.henry@bcmetis.com Aboriginal Marketplace - March/April 2014 7
Aboriginal Travel Services
ver the course of the past few years AtBC has explored the concept of providing an Aboriginal travel service initiative to provide further marketing and business support for current Aboriginal cultural tourism experiences that are market ready. The Aboriginal Travel Services business plan is designed to support an increased visitation for Aboriginal tourism experiences as well as provide corporate travel solutions for Aboriginal communities, supporting partners and organizations who want to support the Aboriginal tourism industry. Aboriginal Travel Services has been established to support corporate travel services for any partner with a focus on serving the Aboriginal communities, Tribal Councils, corporate partners and Aboriginal tourism businesses. AtBC CEO Mr. Keith Henry stated; “The launch today is a major achievement. It is a reflection of the hard work and dedication by our management team and board of directors. Extensive review and research was completed and AtBC is extremely proud to launch a First Nations owned and operated service that will reinvest revenues into the Aboriginal tourism industry.” AtBC Chair Brenda Baptiste stated, “Our leadership team has made Aboriginal Travel Services a priority and this demonstrates commitment to our stakeholders showing that
8 Aboriginal Marketplace - March/April 2014
we are working hard to bring business in new marketing and direct travel planning support. It also provides Aboriginal communities with a new corporate travel support service creating and supporting our own economies.” AtBC CEO Mr. Keith Henry concluded; “The future continues to be exciting and Aboriginal Travel Services offers future sustainability to market Aboriginal tourism in British Columbia as well as meet the travel services for all corporate needs including booking flights, hotels, and car rentals.” Information about Aboriginal Travel Services can be reviewed at www.aboriginaltravelservices.com. Information about the Aboriginal Tourism Association of British Columbia is available at www.aboriginalbc.com.
Industry Contact
Keith Henry Chief Executive Officer Office 1-604-921-1070 Email khenry@aboriginalbc.com You can follow Aboriginal Tourism BC on twitter @AtBC_Updates
Legal Eagle ///// Merle Alexander - Partner, Gowlings LLP Merle.alexander@gowlings.com
LNG Summits – Promise, Is there a Unified Group of First Nations?
here have been three LNG Summits hosted by First Nations throughout Northern BC. The first was on the Coast, downstream location of both pipeline and LNG facilities. The second, was in the North Central Interior, midstream of the pipeline. The third and planned fourth, will both be in the Northeast, where the natural gas development and pipelines originate. I have heard participants, Aboriginal Leaders included, ask the question
“Are the Summits creating a unified group of First Nations to engage the natural gas pipelines and LNG facilities?” Time is
precious and dialogue alone is not in anyone’s best interests. People are looking for some sort of plan of action or LNG strategy. My observation of the answer to the question is Yes, No and Maybe. Yes, there are regional coalitions within existing Nation groups such as the Coastal First Nations and Carrier Sekani Tribal Council engaging on a Government-toGovernment basis. No, it is difficult to tell whether any groups are jointly negotiating IBAs with the pipeline or facility proponents because of the confidentiality requirements, but I do know a number consultant efforts to create a corridor-wide coalition failed. It would have taken an impressive effort to convince 25-30 First Nations with at least 9 language groups and no experience acting as a single group to
form that negotiation monolith. Seems like too much, too soon. Maybe, well that is the interesting future, isn’t it? Henry Ford said “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” This certainly rings true here. These LNG Summits definitely represent a beginning of coming together. You can see friendships, political alliances and business relationships beginning across the Province among First Nations, other Governments and business. The togetherness is at its infancy, but it is an empowered infancy and if harnessed could create incredible results. Sticking with the quote, keeping together is the challenge for First Nations to achieve true progress with the enormity of the tasks in front of us. It is my opinion that First Nations do not need to create the super coalition that delegates all authority to a single negotiation team. We should start identifying topics and positions that we can all agree upon, not lock each other to static coalition and cry failure when our dynamic circumstances cannot create unanimity. In other words, we do not need one voice to deliver stronger supported positions for each other as First Nations. In terms of joint advocacy, the call for working together was echoed over and over at the Summits. Elders, Chiefs, Councillors and advisors alike are calling for us to work together and not undermine one another’s Treaty and Aboriginal rights. Determining shared interests is a constructive next step and I heard the call for action items of mutual interest throughout the Summits. Core topics that appear to have First Nations’ consensus are:
1. A requirement for an equitable share of the revenue generated by natural gas development in BC, including a percentage of the proposed LNG tax. 2. A need for substantive and improved Crown consultation. First Nations do not consider the delegation of procedural consultation requirements to companies or engagement by the quasi-judicial agencies, the BC Environmental Assessment Office or Oil and Gas Commission, to fulfil the substantive duty to consult owed by the
Crown to First Nations. 3. A requirement for a vigorous, substantive and meaningful environmental assessment of all natural gas pipelines and LNG facilities. Specifically, First Nations do not consider the current environmental assessments to adequately consider the cumulative and regional effects of oil and gas (fracki ng and conventional gas development), mining, energy and forestry development. 4. A requirement that traditional ecological knowledge and traditional land use be fully incorporated and given equal weight to other baseline information in evaluating studies applicable to the environmental assessment of the projects. 5. Provision of adequate capacity funding for First Nations to engage proponents, the Crown and other third parties in all natural gas development, including LNG. If the Crown is delegating procedural consultation to companies, they should directly ensure that adequate funding is provided to First Nations to ensure participation in environmental assessment and other regulatory processes. 6. Greater coordination among First Nations in the environmental assessment working groups. 7. Equitable opportunity for all economic development opportunities for contracts and employment arising from the development of these projects. 8. A requirement for a substantive investment in health, education, skills training and other socio-economic programs to mitigate effects of these megaprojects. An investment proportionate to the Mackenzie socio-economic fund may be acceptable.
In closing, I would observe that First Nations are laying the foundation for success. More than any other sect of British Columbians, we are engaged early on and acknowledging our incredible need for capacity development to be successful in sustainable economic development. Our honesty and open eyes on the challenges ahead is reflective of our collective wisdom. Our history has always shown that working together creates greater success. Aboriginal Marketplace - March/April 2014 9
CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS INCLUdE: > effective marketing of indigenous cultural tourism > creating authentic cultural destinations and experiences > best practices & success stories in indigenous cultural tourism Delegates shoulD fly into the VancouVer international airport where shuttle serVice has been arrangeD to whistler booK your accoMMoDations online at the fairMont château whistler website
use the following Discount coDe linK: https://resweb.passKey.coM/go/iatc2014
a b o r i g i n a l m a r k e t p l a c e . c o m for information & to register please contact rochelle saddleman toll free: 855.307.5291 or rochelle@aboriginalmarketplace.com
It’s Time to Shine with Cando Aboriginal Economic Developer of the Year Awards!
n 1995 the Cando Economic Developer of the Year Award was created to recognize and promote recent or long-standing Aboriginal economic development initiatives throughout Canada. All winners past and present share a common desire to bring their communities forward as each pursues a vision of sustainable economic self-sufficiency. Although the path of economic development may vary from one Aboriginal community to another, the goal is always the same. That goal is to improve the wealth, prosperity and quality of life for Aboriginal people.
Although the path of economic development may vary from one Aboriginal community to another, the goal is always the same. That goal is to improve the wealth, prosperity and quality of life for Aboriginal people. When the Economic Development of the Year Awards was established in 1995, only one award was given to the community who demonstrated excellence in Aboriginal economic development. Throughout the years, it became apparent that there were businesses and individuals also deserving of recognition for their contributions to the advancement of Aboriginal economic development. That is why today, Cando grants Economic Development of the Year Awards in three separate categories; 1) Aboriginal Private Sector Business; 2) Individual EDO; and, 3) Community category. What are the criteria for the Aboriginal Private Sector Business Award? The Aboriginal Private Sector Business Category was introduced in 2008 to recognize Aboriginal owned businesses that exemplify the fundamental connection between sustainability, innovation and long-term business success. Aboriginal Marketplace - March/April 2014 11
development at the community level or for an organization that serves Aboriginal communities. These individual champions of economic development are agents of change that have played key roles in the overall improvement of the Aboriginal economy whether it be on a local, regional or national scale. When nominating an individual for this award, please consider the following points:
Nominating an individual, business or community for the Economic Development of the Year Award gives them the recognition they deserve for their hard work and dedication. When nominating a business for this award, please consider the following points: • Establishment of sound business practices. • Demonstration of good corporate governance. • Market development and innovation. • Creation of employment and local wealth generation. • Acting as a role model in the community (i.e. coaching and mentoring). • Investing back into the community.
What are the criteria for the Community Economic Developer of the Year Award? This category is reserved for communities who have improved their economic prosperity by embracing hard work, innovation and a commitment to pursuing economic opportunities and driving them to succeed. The economic realities for Aboriginal communities in Canada are diverse, and so it natural that different communities approach 12 Aboriginal Marketplace - March/April 2014
• Assisting local community members start their own businesses. • Establishing community owned businesses that generate jobs and revenue. • Establishing new business ventures or partnerships that benefit the community. • Demonstrated excellence in economic development planning for the community. • Utilizes best practices and tools for success. • Demonstrates innovation and ability to generate economic opportunities. • Proven track record of successful initiatives.
economic development in various ways. When nominating a community for this award, please consider the following points: • Incorporation of traditional values into economic development practices. • Creation of new business ventures or partnerships. • Improvement in the socio-economic indicators within the community. • Improving the morale and pride of the local community through innovative initiatives. • Demonstrating good governance, resulting in a favorable investment climate. • Creation of employment, training and entrepreneurship programs. • Development and successful implementation of economic strategic plans. • Success in attaining a high degree of economic self-sufficiency. • Demonstrated commitment to overcoming challenges and barriers.
What are the criteria for the Individual Economic Developer of the Year Award? This award category is dedicated for an individual who works in the field of economic
Why should I nominate an individual, business or community for these awards? Recognition programs are a great way to surface best practices and learn what others are doing. Nominating an individual, business or community for the Economic Development of the Year Award gives them the recognition they deserve for their hard work and dedication. Finalists for these awards are given an opportunity to showcase their success to a national audience, enhancing their prestige and recognition by investors, government and other communities. By receiving an Economic Developer of the Year Award, each successful nominee is nationally recognized for their excellence, success and contributions to the advancement of Aboriginal economic development in Canada. How can I nominate an individual, business or community for these awards? Nomination forms and instructions can be found on the Cando website at www.edo.ca. Nominations are being accepted until July 31, 2014. For more information, please contact Svitlana Konoval at 1-800-463-9300 or Svitlana. konoval@edo.ca
Building Partnerships with Aboriginal Communities Britco recognizes and values the unique contributions of Aboriginal People and engages Aboriginal communities in three key ways: • Youth and Literacy Programs. Through our community
literacy initiative, Britco is providing library facilities to First Nations in remote locations throughout BC. With our partners at Indspire, we are funding scholarships for Aboriginal youth. • Jobs Training and Skills Development Agreements.
Aboriginal students can develop skills that will help them advance their career in the construction industry. • Progressive Business Partnerships. With revenue sharing
business partnerships with First Nations across BC, Britco is focused on developing long-term opportunities for Aboriginal communities.
GSCT is proud to present the ...
9th Annual Business Tourism Conference
April 2, 2014
April 3, 2014
Biz Connect
Bruce Poon Tip of G Adventures
April 4, 2014
Aboriginal Tourism Ontario (ATO)
Biz Connect will provide a how to workshop for parBruce Poon Tip is the founder of G Adventures, the Aboriginal tourism is much more than just an ecoticipants, a lenders panel as well as a session that will most successful travel adventure company in the nomic opportunity. If we choose our path well, it is include buyers and suppliers of Aboriginal tourism world. He once turned down a $70 million offer to also an excellent way to create stronger communities products and services, business consultants, funders buy his business, so that he could continue to grow and maintain cultural authenticity. It provides good and lenders. It is the intent of this session to stimulate the company based on its core values, showing how jobs and builds pride in the past and opportunity in business development, promote Aboriginal Businesses community, culture & karma matter in business, and the future. Join Government officials, dignitaries, and and create partnerships for future developments. in engaging customers and your team. Delegates will ministers who will be in attendance for the official receive a FREE book of his book the Looptail along launch of Aboriginal Tourism Ontario. April 2nd - 4th, 2014 with book signing opportunity.
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The Global Savages Early Bird Deadline March 7, 2014 Registration Deadline March 21, 2014
April 3, 2014 at 6pm
All delegates will be treated to a dinner theatre night with Deebahjgemujig - Storytellers. The unknown 18,000 year History of the Indigenous people of North America
For more information or to register:
Great Spirit Circle Trail P.O. Box 469, M’Chigeeng, ON P0P1G0 Tel: 1(877) 710-3211 Email circletrail@circletrail.com Website: www.circletrail.com
Other Fantastic Workshops: 4 Important Elements of Product Development, Operational Efficiency, Hands on Facebook Campaign and Online Marketing, Emerging Trends in Business & Tourism, Strategic Partnerships, Proposal Writing
NABOC Prince Rupert April 29th - May 1st 2014 JIM CICCONE CIVIC CENTRE Welcoming key leaders from Northern BC First Nations communities and global private sector companies for the most popular three day business networking event in Northern BC
Conference Highlights chief haroLD LeiGhToN
Mayor Garry reece
• Port of Prince Rupert Development Updates • LNG Projects Updates • Best Practices: First Nations Partnerships and Joint Ventures • Employment, Training and Procurement Initiatives • Raising Financing for Projects and Infrastructure Development • Updates from Metlakatla and Lax Kw’alaams First Nations • Banquet Dinner with Comedian Howie Miller and Nass-Ville-5 • Newly Added Event: North Coast Job Fair
coMeDiaN hoWie MiLLer
A Tribute to the Coast Tsimshian
Metlakatla and Lax Kw’alaams ‘everything comes to those who wait’ By Geoff Greenwell, CEO 2G Group
A ship waiting to load in Prince Rupert’s harbour
first visited Prince Rupert in 1996, a time when the local economy was at an all-time low. The logging industry was struggling, fishing was bad, Skeena Cellulose was laying workers off in droves and the city was rapidly becoming a ghost town. Shops were boarded up, the number of foreclosures was close to bankrupting the local Credit Union and the future for the city looked very bleak. Lots of non-Native people dropped off the keys to their houses at the local banks, walked away from their mortgages and left the area never to return. The population dipped to as low as 12,000 and the municipal government began to struggle to keep up with servicing the community with property taxes rising dramatically. Herb Pond who was Mayor at the time was famously quoted as saying, “if there was an Olympic medal in the municipal world for being broke we’d win gold.” Lots of towns in BC have disappeared over the last 100 years and Prince Rupert was looking to be a likely contender as one of the next to go. However there was one thing in Prince Rupert’s favour that kept the city alive, the Coast Tsimshian people, who have lived in this area since time immemorial. Their attachment to the traditional territory kept the Coast Tsimshian people in Prince Rupert and the local communities of Metlakatla and Lax Kw’alaams. Without these local First Nations citizens Prince Rupert may
well have entered the history books as another BC town that ran out of natural resources and died. These people toughed it out in the late 90’s and early 2000’s, they supported the local businesses and provided just enough financial stimulus to keep the city alive, never losing faith that things would improve in the future. Fast forward 18 years from my first visit in 1996 as a consultant, working with WCB to help upgrade the commercial divers in the region to a new CSA standard, to 2014 being the organizer of the NABOC Prince Rupert event, and the city is in a whole different place. Optimism is at an all-time high, as are property prices, companies are pouring into town in the hopes of grabbing a piece of the LNG gold rush and the bar in the Crest Hotel is buzzing every night with anticipation. Once again the Coast Tsimshian are driving the economy but this time as partners in the resource boom coming to the region, not as unemployed people struggling day-to-day to make ends meet. In 1988 the Metlakatla Governing Council had a vision of creating a successful development corporation that would provide employment and benefits for all of its members. Now in 2014 it appears they have almost reached their goal, there are very few Metlakatla members wishing to work who can’t find jobs, and there is a veritable flood of business opportunities coming to the Metlakatla Development Corporation.
During this entire period Harold Leighton has presided over both the governance of the community as Chief and the growth of the development corporation as CEO. As with most financially successful First Nations, continuity of strong leadership is the key to that success. At the first Prince Rupert NABOC conference in 2010 Chief Leighton was recognized by his council and community members for his long service to his people. As a very calm, quiet spoken person Chief Leighton is sometimes underestimated around the negotiating table, but that attitude doesn’t last long once people realize how financially astute and sharp a negotiator he really is. At the same NABOC event Mayor Garry Reece of Lax Kw’alaams was always recognized by his community for his lengthy service and dedication. Mayor Reece is particularly proud of his work in providing recreational and work opportunities for young people in his community which has been a big factor in the significant reduction of teen suicides. Helping stop these tragic deaths is something Mayor Reece should definitely be recognized for along with his support of business growth within the community. Both Harold and Garry have worked very hard in their years as community leaders to form more joint ventures between the two Bands, and Coast Tsimshian Enterprises was recently created to be the jointly owned corporate vehicle that many of the new industry partnerships can be formed through. So as the saying goes, “my hat goes off” to the Coast Tsimshian, it seems they finally are about to be rewarded for their unfailing support of their traditional territory, which includes the city of Prince Rupert. Without them the vision of city founder Charles Hays, who sadly went down with the Titanic, would probably never have been achieved. At this year’s NABOC event let us be respectful and appreciative of the fact that the business opportunities we are all being presented with are largely due to the original people of the North Coast. Aboriginal Marketplace - March/April 2014 15
NABO Prince Rupert sees unprecedented interest and adds North Coast Job Fair to the 2014 Lineup
ach year the National Aboriginal Business Opportunities Conference (NABOC) Tour stops in Prince Rupert for what has become the city’s biggest annual First Nations/private sector business networking event. The two community hosts, Chief Harold Leighton of the Metlakatla First Nation and Mayor Garry Reece of Lax Kw’alaams First Nation alongside city Mayor Jack Mussallem, will once again be welcoming businesses and First Nations groups to attend the 3 day networking event from April 29th – May 1st, 2014. It seems that Prince Rupert is about to experience the ‘perfect storm’ from an economic development standpoint as numerous mega projects in the surrounding area come closer to starting. With the growing resource development in the LNG, energy, mining, forestry, agriculture and transportation sectors, Northwest BC’s economic development opportunities are on the rise and are attracting new businesses to the area. The 4th annual NABOC Prince Rupert event is bigger than ever and has been moved to the Jim Ciccone Civic Centre in order to accommodate the anticipated 350-400 First Nations and private sector delegates who will all have a focus on creating joint ventures, partnerships, and long-lasting business relationships with one another. Guests will travel in from across Canada, Asia, Europe and the USA for 3 great days of business networking. A new addition for 2014 is the North Coast Job Fair
16 Aboriginal Marketplace - March/April 2014
CFNR will be broadcasting live from the event as usual and the Prince Rupert Northern View reporters will be onsite interviewing delegates and taking pictures.
OC which will allow local job seekers access to the NABOC Tradeshow for free during the 2 day event. Over 60 exhibitors and 300 job seekers will get an opportunity to meet each other during the conference. The NABOC events have become well known as gathering places of leaders. Each year, companies attend the NABOC Prince Rupert event in hopes of establishing equitable and beneficial relationships with First Nation groups. More and more First Nations communities are declaring themselves ‘open for business’ and they are actively seeking joint ventures and partnerships with private sector groups. All groups who will attend share a common interest in exploring opportunities and getting involved in the upcoming projects scheduled to take place in Northern BC. “Over the last four years we have watched companies attend the NABOC event and walk away with very positive results from the mass of opportunities that were presented at the events. Mega projects that were only topics of discussion at the first NABOC Prince Rupert in 2010 are now close to realization. At that first event, over $60 billion worth of investments were announced that were to happen over the next decade in the region and now with the addition of more recently announced projects
we’ll certainly see an increase in that number at the 2014 event” said Rochelle Saddleman, Client Relations Manager of 2G Group at a recent interview. Not only has NABOC Prince Rupert become the most popular private sector/ Aboriginal business networking event in northern BC; it has also spawned numerous multimillion dollar projects that have been initiated due to relationships formed at this unique conference. Aside from the very informative plenary sessions, there are also 2 great hospitality events being hosted by Black Diamond Group, NCSG Crane and Heavy Haul Services Group and Embark Engineering, comedy and live music from Howie Miller and the Nassville 5 at the banquet dinner, a charity golf tournament and harbour tours by both boat and helicopter for delegates to take in at the 2014 event.
Major sponsors for the 2014 event are PTI Group, Northern Savings Credit Union, and Pacific Northwest LNG; with RBC, Nexen, BC Hydro, Britco, Inpex, Quickload, PRPA, Transcanada, SMIT, Innergex, Ridley Terminals, BG Group, Spectra Energy, Stantec, Universal Geomatics Solutions, Canpotex, Outland Camps, Graham, Gowlings, Horizon North Camps & Catering, Maher Terminals and Fraser River Pile & Dredge and IBEW 993 also providing financial support. CFNR will be broadcasting live from the event as usual and the Prince Rupert Northern View reporters will be onsite interviewing delegates and taking pictures. For more information on NABOC 2014 visit 2ggroup.ca
Aboriginal Marketplace - March/April 2014 17
Access to Capital NABOC Prince Rupert, 2014 By Paul Clements-Hunt & Neil Philcox The Blended Capital Group
ABOC Prince Rupert (April 29 – May 1, 2014) will be the largest gathering of Aboriginal communities, economic development corporations, and the wider business community, since the event was first held in Prince Rupert. The growth of the event is directly tied to the development of Prince Rupert as an important geographic hub and terminus for major existing and new infrastructure development in the region. One of the driving forces behind this growth is the proposed export of energy, primarily liquefied natural gas (LNG) through Kitimat and Prince Rupert. LNG is not the only driving force: for example, there are upgrades and expansions planned/proposed for the rail corridor, coal and container terminals (as well as a new potash terminal), as well as the recently completed wood pellet terminal. Overall, there is approximately $60 billion in major projects planned/proposed in the region .Many people are excited by the prospect of new investment and the development of major projects in a region that has experienced economic hardship and community dislocation. However, the development of upstream and downstream energy development is loaded with significant risk, especially environmental and social risk. It is no secret that the proposed oil pipelines from Alberta to the BC coast have generated the most opposition from Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities, especially on the coast, where the impact of a potential tanker spill is most significant. Aboriginal communities on the coast, and along the proposed oil pipelines see themselves as stewards of the environment; however, many are torn between the real need for economic
18 Aboriginal Marketplace - March/April 2014
activity and community participation, and the risks associated with environmental damage and cultural dislocation. A further complicating factor is the hangover from the post-contact pattern of economic development that mostly excluded Aboriginal communities from participating in (i) the rapid industrialization of BC’s economy, and (ii) the management of that process. Historically, the fishing and forestry sectors were the dominant drivers of economic activity in the region, but both suffered significant setbacks or are now highly cyclical or depleted (on the supply side) and/or subject to increasing market volatility (on the demand side). Aboriginal communities saw little benefit from the rapid growth in both sectors, yet bear many of the environmental costs associated with the depletion of fish stocks and forest ecosystems in their traditional territories. Naturally, this type of economic development was not positively viewed by Aboriginal communities, and a great deal needs to be learnt from that experience. Chief Roland Willson of the West Moberley First Nations summed it up succinctly: “We’re in favor of a balanced approach to LNG, but when we look at B.C.’s record of resource development, we are very wary. ” So, is there an appetite for new development and on what terms? Yes, there is, starting with a responsibility to effectively manage the process at territorial and regional level. This responsibility is achievable through (i) a process of planning and of risk identification, assessment, avoidance, mitigation and management at the community and traditional territory level, and (ii) through a cumulative effects assessment that effectively models environmental, social and economic impacts
Natural Gas Tank and pipe line
under multiple project and development scenarios, over time and across multiple jurisdictions/traditional territories. Based on the process outlined above, each Aboriginal community will be in a position to decide both why and how it would like to participate in the economic development opportunities flowing from activity in and around the traditional territory. This approach is far more proactive, as compared to the current reactive system defined by the current referral and IBA frameworks. So, what steps can an Aboriginal community take to assess the need and/or opportunity to participate? Firstly, assess the overall scope and scale of the need in and around the territory. This assessment should also include a more specific determination of the needs of the Aboriginal community, and/or business development arm.
each Aboriginal community will be in a position to decide both why and how it would like to participate in the economic development opportunities flowing from activity in and around the traditional territory. Secondly, assess at what level the community aspires to participate (i.e. passively, reactively, or proactively). This assessment will be based on both the ambition of the
community, as well as the practical realties of the project, including what’s required to build, own, operate and finance the project. Passive participation may include the receipt
of royalties under terms agreed in an IBA. Reactive participation may include the lease of reserve land to a developer building industrial, commercial or residential property. Proactive participation includes (i) the identification of a specific need or opportunity by an Aboriginal community and/or business development arm, and (ii) the subsequent intent to meet the need or seize the opportunity (including land development, procurement/contracting opportunities, etc.). Thirdly, assess the specific elements of each project, and determine the capacity required to participate as intended. This assessment will ultimately help to define the extent to which a community and or business development arm will need to partner with other parties, versus going it alone. For each project assessment, financial capacity will be a critical component, amongst others. With all three steps completed, a solid project and/ or implementation plan is required to move to the next level, including the development of a value proposition and capital raising strategy. To continue the conversation, please contact Neil Philcox at +1.604.773.7221, or by email at nbp@blendedcapital.com. You can also visit our website at www.blendedcapital.com.
We are honoured to sponsor NABOC Prince Rupert. Your commitment to the community inspires us all. It’s important to build relationships based on mutual respect, shared values, and a common understanding. That’s why RBC® has a long history of partnering with associations and organizations serving Aboriginal communities from coast to coast to coast. Together, we can create a strong and sustainable future for all.
Banking | Community | Employment | Procurement To learn more about how RBC partners with Aboriginal associations and organizations, visit rbcroyalbank.com/aboriginal or call one of our local team members at 1-800-ROYAL®-20. ® / ™ Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada.
30081 (07/2010) Aboriginal Marketplace - March/April 2014 19
Creating Opportunities in Northwest BC
acific NorthWest LNG is proposing to develop and operate a natural gas liquefaction and export facility on Lelu Island within the District of Port Edward on land administered by the Prince Rupert Port Authority. The facility, which represents an $11 billion investment, would process natural gas produced in northeast BC by Progress Energy Canada Limited. The facility is expected to operate for at least 30 years. The natural gas will be transported to the facility by a new pipeline, the Prince Rupert Gas Transmission Project, which will be owned and operated by TransCanada. We believe our project is an exciting opportunity for local communities and First Nations, generating new economic and social benefits in an environmentally safe and sustainable manner. Up to 4,000 jobs will be created at the peak of construction, plus an estimated 330 local new, long-term careers operating and maintaining the facility and an estimated 300 additional spin-off jobs.
Some examples of the construction jobs that will be available include: • Carpenters • Caterers • Concrete finishers • Crane operators • Gas fitters • General labourers • Heavy equipment operators • Steel workers • Purchasing agents and officers • Security • Truck drivers And here are some examples of the operational jobs that will be available: • Process operators • Administrative support • Civil and structural technicians • Health, safety and fire officers • Industrial electricians • Instrumentation technicians • Mechanical and rotating equipment technicians • Security
To help ensure we employ as many local people as possible during both construction and operations, we are in the process of working with the communities, provincial government and local education institutions to ensure the necessary training programs are available in the Port Edward and Prince Rupert area. As an example of our commitment to local education, we are pleased to be a sponsor of the Coastal Pathways Partnership Program, a Prince Rupert-based trades training initiative that involves the local school district and Northwest Community College. A decision to proceed with construction of the facility is expected in late 2014. Construction would begin in 2015 with commercial operations expected in early 2019. To learn more about the project, visit www. pacificnorthwestlng.com. Or visit our community office in Prince Rupert, 105 -515 3rd Avenue West.
Pacific NorthWest LNG will create local long-term jobs and contracting opportunities. We are committed to working with local communities and First Nations. For more information on our project, please visit our website PacificNorthWestLNG.com. Or visit our community office in Prince Rupert, 105 – 515 3rd Avenue West.
Canadian Energy. Global Reach. 20 Aboriginal Marketplace - March/April 2014
AMTA’s proven solution to Aboriginal workforce development now available across British Columbia’s resource sector By: Laurie Sterritt lsterritt@amta-bc.com
oday, the Aboriginal Mentoring & Training Association (AMTA), formerly the British Columbia Aboriginal Mine Training Association, announced it is making its Aboriginal workforce development solution available to resource-‐sector industries across the province. This will open the door to increased Aboriginal workforce inclusion and contributions to Canada’s provincial and national economies. “Our mission, and the work we do, will not change,” says Laurie Sterritt, AMTA’s chief executive officer. “We remain committed to empowering First Nations to create economic health for themselves and their communities through skills training, education and career opportunities. What’s changed is that we’ll be working with a broader group of resource-‐sector partners and companies, with more potential job opportunities for AMTA candidates.” Four years ago, representatives from industry, government, educational institutes and First Nations began AMTA with the goal of connecting Aboriginal people to jobs in BC’s
exploration and mining industry. The resulting Aboriginal workforce development model has challenged assumptions about Aboriginal workers and has offered critical solutions for our industry partners. “More than 200 employers have hired AMTA candidates because they are trained, certified to recognized industry standards and are ready to work,” continues Sterritt. “Our roots will always be in exploration and mining, but we’ve created a business solution other industries want to adopt; a solution that benefits many First Nation communities and our provincial and national economies.” Companies working across the resource sector are looking for ways to respond to labour shortages within their own industries. Graham, one of Canada’s largest construction companies, approached AMTA earlier this year, recognizing alignment in the two organizations’ approaches to workforce development. “Graham builds deep roots in the communities where we operate,” says Trevor McGiveron, Graham’s Director, Strategic
Accounts. “Whenever possible we hire locally, and we recognize the importance of building collaborative partnerships with organizations that help us do this. We’re very impressed with the results AMTA has achieved in the mining sector, and are eager to work together to provide Aboriginal people with opportunities for skills upgrading, education and project- specific training in the construction sector.” Since 2010, AMTA has placed more than 715 Aboriginal people into jobs and has registered almost 2300 more in a variety of education, training and development initiatives. According to a report from Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP (PwC), AMTA candidates contribute approximately $137,000 each to Canada’s gross domestic product, $107,000 of which is realized in BC. This results in a total impact to the national economy of almost $98 million annually. To learn more about AMTA, visit www.amta-bc.com.
Aboriginal Marketplace - March/April 2014 21
Progress Energy is proud to support the 2011 CAP Progress Energy is proud to support the 2011 CAPL Progress E nergy C anada i s p roud t o s upport t he 2 014 N ABOC Progress Energy in Canada is proud to sand upport the 2014 NABOC Conference Quebec City would like to than conference i n P rince R upert a nd w ould l ike t o t hank a ll o f the Conference in Quebec City and would like to thank conference in Prince Rupert and would like to thank all of the the volunteers who make this event volunteers who make this event p ossible. allall of of the volunteers who make this event soso volunteers who make this event p ossible. successful! successful! Progress Energy Canada is explora,on an explora,on produc,on Progress Energy Canada is an and and produc,on
company focused on natural development in the Foothills company focused on natural gas gas development in the Foothills of of northeast Bri,sh Columbia Deep Basin of northwest northeast Bri,sh Columbia and and the the Deep Basin of northwest Alberta. Progress Energy develops Montney shale assets in the Alberta. Progress Energy develops Montney shale assets in the Foothills of northeast Bri,sh Columbia. development Foothills of northeast Bri,sh Columbia. This This development will will support proposed Pacific Northwest opera,on on Lelu support the the proposed Pacific Northwest LNG LNG opera,on on Lelu Island genera,ng substan,al economic benefits Island BC, BC, genera,ng substan,al economic benefits for for local local communi,es, Province f Ba.C., he roest of Canada. communi,es, the tPhe rovince of B o .C., nd atnd he rtest f Canada. Progress Energy Canada Builds human and business rela,ons that Progress Energy Canada Builds human and business rela,ons that are grounded in respect, trust and a commitment to enhance the are grounded in respect, trust and a commitment to enhance the future tradi,onal wellbeing of the Aboriginal people future and and tradi,onal wellbeing of the Aboriginal people and and communi,es where it operates. communi,es where it operates.
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Please visit our website to learn more about our business, our initiatives and our innovations.
Quickload logistics provides high quality cargo handling services to customers transiting the Port of Prince Rupert.
s a company, Quickload aims to enhance the competitiveness of the Port of Prince Rupert by delivering best-in-class port services through recruiting and developing highly skilled people, investing in innovative materials and equipment, educating and supporting the local community,
and maintaining environmentally sustainable business practices. Quickload logistics provides high quality cargo handling services to customers transiting the Port of Prince Rupert. With 2 facilities in the Prince Rupert area; a container examination facility and a logistics centre, Quickload
combines deep experience operating in the Pacific Northwest, modern facilities, and up-to-date equipment with innovative approaches to provide for a variety of cargohandling needs.
2014 NATIONAL ABORIGINAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CONFERENCE Established in 2007, Quickload offers professional cargo handling and container examination services for shippers transiting the Port of Prince Rupert. We are pleased to support the First Nations communities through investment and participation in programs such as Paul Martin Aboriginal Education Initiative, the Metlakatla Youth Alliance Business & Leadership Conference, the All Native Basketball Tournament and the BC Annual Elders Gathering.
WWW.QUICKLOADLOGISTICS.COM Aboriginal Marketplace - March/April 2014 23
If you have a story you’d like to share in the Aboriginal Marketplace magazine please send an email with details to: rochelle@aboriginalmarketplace.com For more information go to aboriginalmarketplace.com
JUNE 24TH - 26TH
International Aboriginal Tourism Conference Whistler, BC National Aboriginal Business Opportunities Conference Prince Rupert, BC
Aboriginal Economic Leadership Summit Osoyoos, BC National Aboriginal Business Opportunities Conference Venue to be Confirmed
OCT 28TH - 29TH REZGAS Osoyoos, BC
Stronger Together.
The fabric of community is strengthened by collaboration … unity of purpose … and the merging of diverse perspectives. For more than half a century, Spectra Energy has acted upon those principles. We’re stronger together when the communities we serve share in the benefits of our business – a business developed with respect for the environment and an understanding of the rich cultural history of its people.
Meet Our Commercial Services Team Business Continuity • Payroll Services • Business Accounts • Commercial Lending Wealth Management • Business Succession Planning • Buy/Sell Insurance • Key Man Insurance • Group Benefits
Steve Dotto
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Commercial Accounts Manager, Terrace
General Insurance • Business Owner Package • Contractor Package • Commercial Marine • Commercial General Liability and Bonding Barry Pages
Mark Mastroianni
Commercial Accounts Manager, Haida Gwaii
Senior Commercial Accounts Manager, Prince Rupert
Moving Forward Together
Entrepreneurship Gets Boost in Northwest BC
magine living in the northern reaches of British Columbia, wanting to start a business and being able to access awardwinning university entrepreneurship training in your area. A shared initiative between the Aboriginal-owned Tribal Resources Investment Corporation (TRICORP) and the University of Victoria Peter B. Gustavson School of Business means Aboriginal entrepreneurs in Northwest BC can do just that. TRICORP, which offers financial services to First Nations entrepreneurs from its headquarters in Prince Rupert, saw the opportunity for Aboriginal entrepreneurs to start and run businesses to “plug into” the major projects worth $48 Billion that are moving forward in its region that runs from Haida Gwaii east to Burns Lake, and from Hartley Bay north to the Yukon Border. TRICORP’s CEO Mr. Frank Parnell and Dr. Brent Mainprize, Teaching Professor in Entrepreneurship at Gustavson have worked together on a number of entrepreneurial and training projects over the past 14 years. The Northwest Aboriginal Canadian Entrepreneurs program (www. nwace.ca) is a natural extension of that successful collaboration.
26 Aboriginal Marketplace - March/April 2014
The program launched in May 2013 in Prince Rupert and numerous faculty from Gustavson flew into the city from Victoria over a six week period to provide classroom instruction. This was followed by a 12-week mentorship phase where online webinars and in-person workshops kept the momentum going as participants worked on their business plans moving toward launching their ventures. A second cohort began in October and a third is commencing in March. Gustavson’s faculty have won prestigious awards for the way they teach entrepreneurship theory and practice. Mainprize said the NW-ACE program affords these professors an opportunity to see those concepts and tools through a different lens, the Aboriginal context. “Mainstream entrepreneurship is focused upon the commercialization of innovation within an individualism paradigm (ie. “I will increase my personal wealth”). A prime motive for Indigenous Peoples’ desire for selfdetermination is preservation of heritage within a collectivism paradigm (ie. “Increasing the wealth of our community and the richness of our culture”),” he noted. “The superficial temptation is to classify First Nations’ heritage orientation as “looking back at our collective history” and contrast it with the mainstream
Frank Parnell, CEO, Tribal Resources Investment Corporation (left) and Brent Mainprize, BEd, MBA, PhD, Teaching Professor, Entrepreneurship, University of Victoria Gustavson School of Business.
Canadian Aboriginal Management Program Harbour in Victoria British Columbia
Victoria, BC Summer 2014
entrepreneurship ethic of “looking forward toward individual opportunities.” This is a false dichotomy and a real impediment to creating a well-grounded framework and the practical tools to teach Entrepreneurship and positively effect change for Aboriginal Communities in Canada. The challenge is to understand the dynamic potential inherent in heritage and a collectivism paradigm, not simply regard it as a roadblock to futureoriented commercial development. The TRICORP/Gustavson partnership has led to another new program, the Canadian Aboriginal Management Program (www.uvic.ca/gustavson/camp), with a suite of short core and elective courses that can be delivered in community as well as on the UVic Campus. Where the ACE program focuses on business development, the CAMP program is focused on community economic development infrastructure, supporting those responsible for its viability. These programs complement each other and provide for a sustainable environment in which Aboriginal business can thrive.
Join managers from village bands and Aboriginal Financial Institutions to professionalize your approach to Aboriginal economic development and gain the skills you need to serve your communities with confidence. Four-day Courses: • • • • • •
Finance Governance Management Leadership Business law Economic development
No university pre-requisites. On campus housing available. Call for more information: 250.721.7039 www.uvic.ca/gustavson/camp
Provided in partnership with:
Aboriginal Marketplace - March/April 2014 27
WE’RE CREATING WE’RE CREATING OPPORTUNITIES FOR OPPORTUNITIES FOR ABORIGINAL BUSINESS BUSINESS ABORIGINAL We encourage interested businesses to visit We encourage interested to visit bcbid.gov.bc.ca to learn businesses about current opportunities with BC Hydro. bcbid.gov.bc.ca to learn about current opportunities
with BCBCHydro. Hydro is proposing the Site C Clean Energy Project, a third dam on the Peace River in northeast B.C. Subject to approvals, Site C would provide opportunities for Project, BC Hydro is proposing the Site C Clean Energy small, medium and large businesses to participate in a third dam on the Peace River in northeast B.C. Subject the construction of the project. To register your business to approvals, Site C wouldDirectory, provide opportunities for on the Site C Business please visit: sitecproject.com/site-c-business-directory. small, medium and large businesses to participate in
the construction of the project. To register your business on the Site C Business Directory, please visit: sitecproject.com/site-c-business-directory.
Breaking intothe Trades BC and Canada’s aging labour forces are going to open up a lot of opportunities for Aboriginal people to work in the apprenticeable trades” - Gary McDermott “BC and Canada’s aging labour forces are going to open a lot of opportunities for Aboriginal people to work in the apprenticeable trades,” says Gary McDermott, Director of Aboriginal Initiatives, Industry Training Authority. “However, Aboriginal people don’t always know how to start.” “It only underlines the importance of ensuring Aboriginal people have access to trades training, and that connections are strong between First Nations, Aboriginal employment organizations, and industry,” says McDermott. “We’ve been averaging over 1000 Aboriginal people annually entering trades training programs,” said McDermott. He attributes this to the partnerships established between First Nations, Aboriginal employment organizations, unions and other training providers and industry
organizations in BC. Since 2009, ITA Aboriginal Initiatives was able to provide support to about 40 projects that helped Aboriginal people enter the skilled trades with funds from the Canada-British Columbia Labour Market Agreement program. McDermott says, “These programs are initiated by the partners, and start with a mutual understanding of the benefits of working together to fulfill common needs and mandates.” In September 2013, ITA helped coordinate and attended the “Partners in Trades Forum” hosted by the UA170 (United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada, Local 170). The event held at UA 170 on Annacis Island/Delta, BC, brought together more than
100 representatives from the 15 BC Aboriginal employment and training organizations and the 14 construction trades unions to begin exploring how to work together to increase the number of Aboriginal people in the apprenticeable trades. Each group toured centres of the other located in the BC lower mainland, learned about programs and services each offered, and brainstormed ideas on how to work together to fulfill common interests. The top ideas were: 1) Better communications and entering into commitments to work together; 2) Sharing information and data; 3) Building understanding and cultural knowledge; 4) Addressing entrance barriers; and 5) Creating an environment that supports Aboriginal people in trades training.
Skilled Trades Your Ticket to Choices. w w w. i t a b c . c a Aboriginal Marketplace - March/April 2014 29
About Rupert Square Mall Rupert Square Shopping Centre is the only premier indoor shopping mall with more than 220,000 square feet of prime retail space under one roof located in the heart of the city in Prince Rupert, B.C. is the only premier indoor shopping mall serving the Prince Rupert communities since 1975. The mall currently hosts tenants such as Walmart, Home Hardware, Shoppers Drug Mart, Dollarama, Royal Bank and the TD Canada Trust Bank, restaurant and other services. Prince Rupert is a port city in the province of British Columbia, Canada. It offers one of the deepest natural sea ports in the world and is fast becoming a strateic gateway to the Far East from North America. It is the land, air, and water transportation hub of British Columbia’s North Coast, and has a growing population. The local economy continues to grow with major projects and new projects underway, such as the Ridley Coal Terminal Expansion, Ridley Island Rail Utility Corridor, Westview Wood Pellet Termnal, Fairview Container Terminal Expansion, Potash Export Terminal, BG Group Prince Rupert
LNG, Pacific Norwest LNG, and Watson Island Seaport Terminal. With all the new development underway and more development anticipated, many companies are now hiring full time and part time employees.
A committed 15 billion dollars worth of investments and about 12,000 jobs will be generated in the Prince Rupert, Kitimat, and Terrace areas in the next 12 months.
Prince Rupert is a welcoming, friendly, safe and affordable place to live and raise a family. This is where the breath taking scenery of the north coast combines with first-class recreational attractions, state-of-the-art transportation and telecommunication infrastructure, and countless business development opportunities.
We feel that 2014 will be a good year to be in Prince Rupert, to be positioned to benefit on some major upcoming announcements for the City and the North West region.
The future is bright for Prince Rupert going beyond the next five to ten years.
More than $5 million has been invested in building improvements in 2012.
“This is a good time to consider capitalizing on this timely opportunity. The management team of Rupert Square Mall is prepared to offer attractive terms to suitable tenants.”
Steven Tao, Mall Manager & Owner
Steven has been the current owner of the Rupert Square Mall since 2008. He brings a wealth of business experience to Prince Rupert, both in international business and real estate investments.
Call Steven Today! OFFICE: 250-624-5163 CELL: 604-771-3168
500 2nd Avenue West, Prince Rupert, BC V8J 3T6 WEB: www.rupertsquaremall.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/rupertsquaremall EMAIL: steven@pollycogroup.com 30 Aboriginal Marketplace - March/April 2014
A B O R I G I N A L M A R K E T P L A C E . C O M