3. MORE THAN JUST A PLAN – 5 STRATEGIC AREAS 5 3.1 Vienna within Europe and the region 6 3.2 Perspectives for the economy and the labour market 9 3.3 Promotion of science, education and culture 12 3.4 Preserving and improving natural and urban spaces 15 3.5 Developing the quality of life and the environment 18 4. THE USAGE OF BROADBAND INFRASTRUCTURE
5. E- GOVERNMENT AND EXISTING ONLINE SERVICES 5.1 e-Government in Vienna 5.2 Online Services provided by e-Government 5.3 Future Trends and Challenges
23 23 24 25
6. TRAFFIC, ENVIROMENTAL AND SECURITY CONTROL USING ITC TECHNOLOGY 6.1 Traffic Management 6.2 e-Health 6.3 Public safety, Enviromental protection & Others
27 27 29 30
7. THE EXISTANCE OF PUBLIC OR PRIVATE- PUBLIC INITIATIVES FOR PROMOTNG HI-TECH CLUSTERS 7.1 Start Ups – New Dynamics 7.2 Public initiatives for promoting HI-tech Clusters 7.3 HI-Tech Clusters in Vienna
33 33 33 35
8. THE PROGRESS 37 8.1 Vienna = Growing City 37 8.2 Vienna = Intelligent Mobility 38 8.3 Vienna = TARGET AREAS of urban development 41 8.4 Summary of the indicators 42 8.5 My digital city progress 43 9. BIBLIOGRAPHY 43
1. INTRO Vienna is the capital of the Republic of Austria. It is the country’s biggest city and seat of many international organisations as UN and OECD headquarters. 1.73 million inhabitants live in a space of 414 square kilometers which is equal to round 20% of Austrian total population. The city is structured in 23 district and presents together with the high dense sounding area including Bratislava a 3 million metropolitan region known also as a strong economic, cultural and spiritual center of the central Europe. Although Vienna is a historic city with imperial grandeur, it has an exceedingly modern infrastructure and a constantly growing industry and ranks among the top three cities worldwide in terms of quality of life and public safety. According to the worldwide city ranking of MERCER SURVERY in 2012, Vienna has the world’s highest quality of life!
2. THE DIGITAL CITY FROM THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT PERSPECTIVE Vienna has a special position in Austria as it is both a city and a federal province. The mayor of Vienna is also the governor of the province, while the City Council also acts as provincial government. The City Council consists of 100 members and constitutes the City’s highest official body. The City’s policies are geared, in principle, towards sustainability, regional relations, gender mainstreaming, active location policies, as well as public relations and participation. Vienna houses all institutions of Austria’s federal government. Austrian provinces are autonomous entities within a multilevel RTD governance system. The main levels are:
• European level (vertical relationship) • Federal level (vertical relationship) • Regional/provincial level (other regions/provinces as partners, horizontal relationship)
Each of the provinces has its own government and its own constitution. The interplay between the national and the provincial level is organized by the federalist principle. Irrespective of the provincial autonomy in Austria, Research & Technology Development (RTD) policy is strongly influenced by the federal level, for the following two reasons:
• First, the federation dominates the academic life in Austria on basis of legislation. Universities are under full federal responsibility, supervised by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. The provinces do not have university competences. Also the polytechnics are supervised by the federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture.
• And Second, the strong federal RTD policy presence in Austria is not only caused by the law concerning higher education, but also by the amount of public money, administrated by the two big national funds. One of it is the industry oriented FFG “Austrian Research Promotion Agency” which incorporates (since 2004) the former FFF “Austrian Industrial Research Promotion Fund”. The other is the FWF “Austrian Science Fund”, Austria’s central body for the promotion of basic research. Vennese research entities are successful in getting money from FFF and FWF. For example, 25% of the whole budget of the FFF and 57% of the whole budget of the FWF flows to Vienna31. All together, the federal government is financing about one third of the Viennese R&D expenditures, whereby the provincial government finances about three percent. Although Viennese research entities are highly successful in attracting federal grants, the main part of federal money consists of the regular financial endowment of the universities.
And Austria consistently scores among the top countries in European e-government rankings, an accomplishment which has a lot to do with the efforts undertaken by the city of Vienna itself. For example, there are the numerous activities of the city’s public funding bodies, the Vienna Business Agency (VBA) and its Center for Technology and Innovation (ZIT); its platforms for ICT and the creative industries, VITE and departure, respectively; and also the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF). 4
The Strategy Plan for Vienna is a modern planning tool designed by the Vienna city government to create an attractive vision guidance for future developments. In the face of new challenges and opportunities, the primary goal of the plan is to formulate objectives for an ideal overall development of Vienna. Its main function is to establish links between the programmes, concepts and measures of many different areas, while at the same time taking account of socio-political visions and global challenges. This requires a continued proactive planning effort taking economic, social and ecological qualities equally into account, all of which contribute to make a city attractive. Social justice and co-responsibility, viable economic systems for the future and responsible management of the natural environment constitute the main pillars of the strategy for Vienna. This approach emerged as a result of an interactive dialogue between community representatives, which created the basis from which the Strategy Plan evolved. Five Strategy Areas define the medium- and long term policy targets for the further development of Vienna and create a binding, but flexible framework for urban policymaking. Its implementation is primarily based on strategic projects. These projects include ambitious and innovative large-scale propositions as well as short-term commitments. The Strategy Plan aims at safeguarding and enhancing Vienna’s rich and manifold qualities in all areas of urban life, the city’s economy, labour market, sciences, culture and education, its natural environment and urban landscape. It formulates Vienna’s energy future as a long-term Smart Energy Vision 2050, Roadmap 2020 and Action Plan 2012-2015. The energy efficiency and climate protection goals are formulated with a close connection with the urban development plan by integration of users when implementing new technologies. The Five Strategy Areas:
• Vienna within Europe and the region • Perspectives for the economy and the labour market • Promotion of science, education and culture • Preserving and improving natural and urban spaces • Developing the quality of life and the environment
3.1 Vienna within Europe and the region
Regional Partnerships Vienna is facing a number of challenges relating to co-operation with its environs and the federal provinces of Lower Austria and Burgenland. A priority issue consists in improving co-ordination in the fields of settlement and transport policy. One of the goals is to divert the pressure exerted by the current growth and development push away from Vienna’s immediate environs and towards the region’s long-established towns, and thus to transform the urban sprawl into quality development patterns and prevent the despoilment of the landscape in the surroundings of Vienna. In the Vienna Region, the recommended approach is to link the agricultural land and forest areas of the city districts and the surrounding municipalities and thus create a supra-regional green and forest belt that serves as an ecological reserve and a recreation area for the population. Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland should link their national parks (Lake Neusiedl area, Danube, Thaya and Marca wetlands, Natura 2000 projects) to create an unbroken nature preserve. The joint promotion of low-impact tourism would additionally help to enhance and strengthen the national park area as a whole.
Vienna within Europe & Cross-border co-operation At an international level, common goals create a link connecting Vienna with the cities in the neighboring Central and Eastern European countries. The Strategy Plan provides a reference framework within which Vienna, as a cosmopolitan centre, can make full use of its intellectual potential and geopolitical location. As the globalisation process continues, the time has come to resolve the rivalry between regions in order to create a basis for coping jointly with superregional issues and for holding common ground in today’s competitive international environment. As a central city with its neighboring municipalities and surrounding regions, as a national capital with the other federal provinces and as a metropolis with other European and international centres, Vienna boasts long-standing and multifaceted relations with its closer and further surroundings. Cross-border regional policy concepts are a suitable means of stifling in the bud possibly ruinous competition between neighboring cities and benefit everyone involved. Vienna is a part of the Central European Region project - CENTROPE. The polycentric cooperation of 13 regions in four neighboring countries (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Austria) represents a long-lasting framework of cross-border co-operation for district authorities, enterprises and social bodies. The program tend to the transformation of the cultural and economically diverse region with approximately six million inhabitants into a strong, unique and attractive area providing a more effectively workflow in the aspect of the cross border issues. Integration and collaboration stand for a dynamic and sustainable development of the region. As a result of the increasing competition between European regions, providing a high-quality spatial data infrastructure and efficient tools for spatial analysis with new information and communication technologies have become fundamental to the support of political and economic decisions.
Vienna Region TEN Junction Although it is 2,000 km from the Black Sea and 1,500 km from the North Sea, the trimodal port of Vienna has the advantage of offering direct links to the three main means of transport, namely water, rail and road. Europe’s further economic development depends strongly on the successful development of the Trans-European Networks (TEN) and their extension into Central and Eastern European accession countries. For this reason, this issue has become one of the priority areas of EU transport and communication policy. The Vienna area will necessarily assume a central role within this network alone on account of its geographical location. In order to create this environment, Vienna must be linked up to the main Central and Eastern European transport routes, while at the same time improving the urban and regional infrastructure. In this context, development efforts must focus on ecologically sustainable transport systems, i.e. above all rail and water transport. However, TEN concept is not restricted to traditional means of transport, but also aims at promoting the interconnection and interoperability of future telecommunication networks, which will increasingly constitute an alternative to material goods transport. The Viennese port is also of increasing economic importance, and its business on the Danube is booming. The Port of Vienna Group was able to significantly increase its turnover and profits in recent years. Compared to last year, turnover went up by 6.7 percent to 50.8 million euros. The logistics centre of the Port of Vienna handles no less than twelve million tonnes of cargo per year. Daily, 1,800 containers are handled in the container terminal alone. Although eleven million euros were re-invested in the company, profits still amounted to eight million euros.
The hub between East and West Vienna’s greatest advantage as a business site is its geographical position at the heart of Eastern Central Europe. One of the major factors for the positive development in the past decades lies in Vienna’s function as a hub for the emerging and future markets. After the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989 Viennese companies recognized and used the opportunities to establish the connection between the east and the west market. By an average of 40% percent of their revenues in Eastern and Central, Vienna based companies enjoy the leading position in these regions. The key to the success in business is a consequence of the strong connection tie between the local and East European countries presented next to the geographical proximity also in the historical relationship and a deep understanding of the Eastern and Central European cultural and traditions. The “Centre of Legal Competence”, a legal services agency for businesses in Central and Eastern Europe, is a first step towards establishing Vienna as an international service centre offering very high information density on market opportunities and institutional framework conditions in the transition countries. The strong economic ties of the local businesses with these, according to experts, future markets make Vienna less vulnerable for international crisis. The relatively small impact of the 2009 crisis confirms this. As a centre of competence in the field of urban and environmental technologies, Vienna’s Urban Technology Network offers Eastern European partner cities comprehensive know-how and expertise.
3.2 The economy and the labour market
Vienna’s economic performance is overall satisfactory. (CITAT: Mayerhofer,P. (2003) Zweiter Bericht zur internationalen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit Wiens. Wien: Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung. (Second Report on the international competitiveness of Vienna). Vienna’s diverse amenities make the city attractive to live in, however its economic infrastructure in particular ranks it amongst Europe’s top performers. It presents one of the most influential and innovative economic centers in Europe and has a huge impact on the sounding area. Only a modern and forward-looking market economy will be able to safeguard jobs in the long run, while, in turn, a functioning labour market with an adequate supply of qualified and creative professional staff is a prerequisite for a competitive business location. The Vienna city authorities have been endeavouring to target promotion measures in a way that they benefit both the local and regional economy and the urban labour market. This approach is essential to ensure that Vienna continues to feature among the European cities with the highest employment rates. Vienna’s economy consists of a wide range of industrial, trade and service companies, which are able to satisfy the major part of regional demand. A rich multitude of different lines of business concentrated in a single location is what characterises the economic structure of a functioning metropolis. On an international level, however, Vienna competes with urban regions in other highly industrialised countries, while in the global marketplace large global players are increasingly taking the lead in the different industries. In order to prevail in the emerging global economy, it is therefore an urgent and essential priority for Vienna to specialise in specific economic sectors. On the one hand, this requires finding and developing business niches that have not yet been claimed by a number of European competitors. On the other hand, any such specialisation must be based on the existing regional potential and the specific advantages of the business location Vienna. Vienna already boasts innovative research and development institutions and successful companies in areas with a high future potential such as medical technology, biotechnology and pharmacology, environmental and transport technology as well as telecommunications. Promoting these areas and making Vienna attractive to both foreign and domestic players in these industry segments is a prime target of urban policy. Next to this main goal based of international specialization of the business market, Vienna will also try to improve the services in the following sectors:
• Public sector services • Modern business location management • The social value of employment • Active labour market policy for women • Social responsibility
The ICT Sector Austria is a small but smart market, and Vienna’s high-tech industry is clearly oriented to the global market. The city represent an attractive business location, a hub between East and West, is currently a host to one of the three international UN headquarters, and one of Europe’s hottest spots in terms of creative industries and digital technologies. Vienna has successfully completed the transformation towards a knowledge and service-based economy. More than 80 percent of value is created in the tertiary, service based oriented sector. 8% of all enterprises in Vienna are ICT companies. The ICT industry is one of the pillars of the city’s economics. According to a study, the value of Vienna’s ICT industry is 6.5 times higher than that of Vienna’s traditional mainstay, the tourism industry. The sector accounts for approximately 10% of Vienna’s gross regional income. In 2007 Vienna’s ICT industry posted earnings of €24.3 billion (gross revenues including exports and foreign subsidiaries), 400 of over 8,000 registered companies with a revenues exceeding €1 million in 2007. Most of the ICT multinationals are primarily cooperate mainly with the neighboring countries in Central Europe, Germany and Switzerland however, its activities and influence range far beyond Europe. The main export markets are Central and Eastern Europe (58%), EU (24%), Asia-Pacific and Australia (8%), North America (6%), and South America (4%).
One in five dependently employed persons in Vienna works in the technological field. The ICT sector employ around 10% of Vienna’s workforce what is equal to around 70.000 employers. Eighty-nine percent of the ICT companies in Vienna employ 1-9 persons, 9% have 10-49 employees, and 3% employ 50 or more. Ninety-nine percent of all the ICT companies in Vienna
3.3 Promotion of science, education and culture
In modern economies, knowledge is becoming an increasingly important input besides the classical production factors of capital, labour and land. Moreover, knowledge also determines the development of urban society as a whole: In fact, the knowledge factor is not only a determinant of urban culture and intellectual climate but also of the quality of a city’s labour force and the population’s willingness to accept social integration and an open society. The knowledge referred to is more than merely scientific or technological know-how, it also covers communicative, creative and social competencies. Art and culture enrich a city’s intellectual life. The Education and Research system Vienna has always been a city of science and research and is one of the oldest university cities in Europe. 3,440 people graduated from the universities of applied sciences in 2010/11 where business, technology and engineering are among the most popular fields. Looking at the percentage of the employees involved in research, Vienna ranks fourth among all European cities behind Helsinki, Munich and Stockholm. The research landscape is a cluster of nine universities, five technical colleges and round public and private 1.000 research institutions. Since 1997 the Austrian capital has invested approximately EUR 400 million into research and technology projects predominantly focused on the key areas of competence, including life science, creative industries, information and communication technologies and transport/logistics. The city of Vienna participated in EU 6th research framework programs and accounted for 51.3% of the total Austrian co-funding volume in the past years. The funding for research and innovation work of VITE (Vienna IT Enterprises) are provided by the current 7th framework program (star in 2007), the Centre for Innovation and Technology (ZIT) and the WWTF Program. Furthermore, WWTF has launched the Vienna Research Group for Young Investigators to promote young researchers working in the most important fields of research in Vienna. ZIT, in its turn, is responsible for promoting company research and innovation in Vienna and for relevant marketing and PR activities (such as the Content Award). Funding focuses on strong sectors such as life sciences, the creative industries, information and communication technology, and transport and logistics.
The Main Library–a new symbol for Vienna’s educational policy The City of Vienna’s new Main Library is located on the ‘Gürtel’ in a representative and spectacular building that is a prominent symbol of the importance of lifelong learning. This central institution of Vienna’s network of municipal libraries represent the state-of-the-art of library science and work, and meet all the requirements of the multimedia age. Offering consumer-friendly extended opening hours and premises for exhibitions and workshops, the library serves as an educational and training centre for individuals. Moreover, the new Main Library is also an enhancement of the local com- munity due to its embedment in the local urban structure, its functionality and cultural offerings. The project cost about 360 million and was completed by the end of 2001.
Tradition and everyday-life culture Vienna’s rich historical and cultural heritage implies a special responsibility for policymakers and administrative authorities. The City of Vienna encourages a proactive and contemporary approach to the past in order to make this valuable legacy accessible for present and future generations, what however requires people’s awareness of their historical heritage. Modern information and dissemination systems in the city that make use of the technical options available, and a creative approach to communication are designed to enhance this awareness. The target groups addressed are not only tourists, but especially the inhabitants of Vienna. The city administration provides financial aid for decentralised cultural activities in the city’s districts and supports local cultural activity centres as important factors to shape urban life. Local libraries, schools of music, theatres, cinemas and concerts ensure that cultural event locations can be reached safely and easily (especially in the evenings and at night) by all citizens, including people with limited mobility. In addition, local urban culture offers possibilities of active participation and personal involvement and thus strengthens human relations in the local districts. New facilities for recreational activities will preferably be built in residential areas. Local, decentralized locations will benefit not only people with limited mobility or people requiring particular protection or supervision. The City of Vienna wants to be able to influence the content and design of any such large-scale projects to make sure that Vienna’s recreation infrastructure preserves its unique features and does not enter into unnecessary competition with other regional and international locations. 14
3.4 Preserving and improving natural and urban spaces
The city is more than a centre of business activity, a transport hub or a dwelling place–above all, it is a space in which people live and work. Vienna is therefore committed to a sensitive treatment of natural spaces and enhancement of urban quality. To achieve a sustainable development of the city’s natural spaces, ecological needs must be given the same priority as economic and social aspects in all future development policy decisions and planning processes.
The principle of sustainability Together with other European cities, Vienna has committed itself to the principle of sustainable development. This implies that equal value has to be attributed to economic, ecological and social aspects. In line with this principle, the Strategy Plan for Vienna gives priority to good stewardship of the city’s natural resources and the further enhancement of the city’s high environmental standards. The economically and ecologically efficient use of land, water, air and all sources of energy must become a basic principle of all political and administrative action, in business and in private life. An issue of equally central import is to enhance social justice. This objective is to be achieved by mainstreaming equal opportunities and the targeted promotion of specific groups of the population and minorities. Besides an adequate legal framework, resolving the problems of disadvantaged groups such as women and migrants re quires promoting an open-minded attitude among the population in general. One of the central objectives of the Strategy Plan was to define ways of creating equal access to education, work, and housing as well as a high quality of life and political involvement of all population groups. The local regional centres already boast high quality service and social infrastructure, as well as access to the high-capacity public transport network, which could be used more efficiently or further expanded. With a view to saving public funds and protecting nature and the environment, a more restrictive policy needs to be adopted to check the settlement trends in peripheral regions that are not linked to the public transport system. Co-operation is a must, above all in implementing large-scale projects (e.g. shopping centres or entertainment resorts) whose impacts go far beyond the city precincts and even provincial borders. VIENNA - MY DIGITAL CITY
Long-term policy for green areas Vienna’s especially sensitive and structurally important green landscapes must be preserved and protected against damage. In the periphery of the city, an unbroken “green belt” must be maintained and expanded into the territory of the surrounding communities. To provide the necessary finance for the purchase and design of open spaces, funds, sponsors and public-private partnerships should play an increasing role to supplement public funds. Financial assistance and consulting services have to be provided to farmers in this zone to ensure the continued existence of farms, which make an indispensable contribution to the maintenance of cultural landscapes, in addition to providing the city with fresh produce at short distances. The Department of Environmental Protection’s staff (MA 22), including experts on environmental law, noise control, nature protection, air pollution control etc., is concerned with the legal and technical aspects of environmental protection. The main concern of the experts is to position present-day Vienna in such a way that in 50 or 100 years it will offer equally good, if not better, living and environmental conditions.
Tree Map in the area of Vienna
35.4% of Vienna’s total area falls into one of several categories of protection. There are national parks, nature preserves, landscape protection areas, protected parts of landscapes, ecological development areas and protected biotopes as well as 429 natural monuments.
Popular recreational areas, such as the Wiener-berg and Laaer Berg areas in the south, the Prater zone near the Danube, the Danube Island, or the park of Schönbrunn Castle, must be maintained and improved, in addition to improving access by public transport. So-called “green wedges” are to be established, linking Vienna’s major green areas to the densely built-up districts, and these in turn will be connected to social institutions, such as schools, kindergartens, senior citizens’ homes and sports facilities via footpaths and bicycle paths. Sufficient recreational opportunities within the city must be ensured through diverse green and open spaces. These include: visible and usable surface bodies of water, attractive walking and cycling routes, car-free squares, streets with traffic-calming regimes, sports facilities, small parks and green backyards. In addition, limited access shall in future be provided to a number of non- public gardens and parks, which have hitherto been closed to the public.
Public garden in Schönbrunn
Green Gürtel in the city centre
Innovation way of residential building planning New construction should in principle take place next to the built-up areas of the city, or on unused inner city land reserves. Inner city projects can as a rule count on existing technical infrastructure and social institutions in their vicinity, as well as a network of retail and service businesses. New projects on the periphery of the city should, wherever possible, be planned along existing development axes, i.e., along major public transport lines, to ensure cost-efficiency, compatibility with urban life quality and environmentally sound development.
As experimental forms of residential building and urban planning can open up new ways of enhancing the quality of life in the city, particular attention has to be paid to the promotion or further development of such proactive projects. These include model residential settlements with social objectives, such as “inter-cultural housing” or “integrated housing for senior citizens”, as well as environmental initiatives such as “car-free housing” or “low-energy building”. In principle, the City of Vienna supports all projects which are characterised by a high degree of participation and self-determination and which help to strengthen mixed urban structures. In addition to architectural quality, a good local supply of goods and services and the necessary transport infrastructure, the immediate environment of people’s dwellings, their quality and appeal are of particular importance. For example, improved green spaces and recreational areas in close proximity to residential quarters can help to cut down weekend traffic and curb the trend towards second homes outside the city.
3.5 Developing the quality of life and the environment
Quality of life is the sum total of all factors involved in urban development and is defined by economic, ecological and social standards. City governments have to ensure that all inhabitants alike enjoy such standards. To enhance the quality of life and the environment of disadvantaged groups, more opportunities have to be created for social integration.
Development through integration One significant quality criterion is the urban society’s level of tolerance. Vienna seeks to promote conditions in which different cultures, religions and lifestyles flourish side-by-side in peace and equality. The integration of migrants has always been a major factor contributing to the city’s prosperity. Immigration strengthens a city’s innovative pow- er and creative potential. In view of declining birth rates in cities like Vienna, immigration also contributes significantly to social and economic stability. Intelligent mobility The transport concept of 1994 adopted by Vienna’s City Council aims to meet the mobility needs of all groups of the population in an environmentally friendly, safe and economically reasonable manner by promoting the changeover to sustainable means of transport. The measures involved include traffic avoidance as a longterm objective as well as an increased shift of urban passenger traffic from motor cars to cycling, walking and ecologically-friendly public transport.
• More than 85 % of all passengers are now using environmentally friendly rail vehicles (trams and underground connections)
• A switch to public transport means saving per year up to 1,500 kg of CO2 pro person. VIENNA - MY DIGITAL CITY
In the Transport Master Plan 2003, the following objectives for the transport division of the people of Vienna are set for the year 2020:
• Reduction of motorized traffic to 25% of all trips • Increase of cycling as quickly as possible to 8% • Improvement of public transport from 34% to 40% • Increase in city limits border traffic • Change in modal split between public transport and motorized individual transport from 35%-65% percent to 45%-55%
The reduction of motor traffic results not only in lower emission levels and thus in benefits for public health and the climate, but has other positive effects on the city and the quality of urban life: less noise, more safety, particularly for children and elderly people, the reclamation of streets and squares as spaces for living, a boost to neighbourhood retailers and city commerce, increased attractiveness of urban living, etc. All urban development planning for Vienna has to be brought in line with Vienna’s basic principles of transport policy. To create a compact “city of short distances”, urban renewal and urban development must be given priority over peripheral expansion. New developments on the city fringe should be located along the axes running through the outer districts and, where possible, within walking distance of efficient public transport. As a forward-looking measure, urban planners also have to act early to secure the land needed for a possible future extension of major public transport lines. Major projects and facilities attracting large numbers of people (shopping centres, leisure and entertainment centres, public institutions) should be erected only at public transport nodes. Businesses that fit into a residential environment should be encouraged to settle in as many parts of the city as possible in order to avoid the need for long trips to work.
The aim is not the complete elimination of cars from the city but their intelligent and environmentally friendly use. Vienna, for example, promotes electric cars and supports alternative efficient car uses, including car-pooling, shared-ride taxis available on call, and car sharing.
Waste management In 2010 Vienna was awarded the title “World City closest to sustainable Waste management”. (CITAT: ADD DOW: WTERT (Waste-to-Energy Research and Technology Council) and SUR (Council for Sustainable Use of Resources). Award criteria included data on waste production, recycling, composting and other waste-to-energy processes such as thermal treatment, fermentation and power generation from landfill gases. • roughly a million tons a year waste • Annual increase of 0.6–3.5%. • When related to population figures that’s a per-capita amount of ca. 625kg of waste per year. In order to cope as well as possible with this amount of waste, Viennese Waste management is based on three pillars: • Avoidance • Separation • Recycling VIENNA - MY DIGITAL CITY
At the same time, separate waste collection (used paper, used glass, metals and cans, plastic packaging and bio-waste) has increased by almost 3%. Of course the best path towards sustainable waste management is not to produce any waste at all. Thus, to reduce waste quantities and to bring down dangerous waste is the ultimate goal. In 2009 more than 100,000 tons of biogenic waste were collected with the help of bio-waste containers, among other things. Composting produces over 45,000 tons of finished compost per year, which is used mainly in organic farming. Waste that can neither be avoided nor separated is disposed of in an environmentally friendly way and used for power generation in the Spittelau, FlĂśtzersteig, Simmeringer Haide and Pfaffenau waste incineration plants. Thermal recycling at these four incineration plants already covers 36% of the district heating market in Vienna. A new waste logistics centre right next to the Pfaffenau incineration plant will be put into service in spring 2013. Waste supply to other incineration plants is also possible in case of shortages. For non-compostable biogenic waste the Biogas Vienna plant was put into service in September 2007. This fermentation plant generates district heating for 600 Viennese households from kitchen waste (primarily from canteen kitchens and inner-city bio-waste containers) and waste from markets. 
Biogas Vienna plan
4. THE USAGE OF BROADBAND INFRASTRUCTURE Austria has a remarkable history of pioneering developments but also of rapidly adopting new technologies. It was the first country in Europe to have an independent, interbank automatic teller machine system available around the clock; one of the first countries to introduce the electronic wallet, mobile payment, and commercial UMTS; it tested the first Voice over IP applications; and has introduced ENUM. Most of these break-through developments happened first in Vienna, normally within the framework of joint projects between universities and companies such as Alcatel, Siemens, Ericsson or Kapsch. Vienna was where the music cassette and the VHS system, the CD and more recently, Near Field Communication got their start. Today, the Viennese use cell phones for booking tram and train tickets, paying parking fees or taxi fares, buying drinks and discover their way around using the advantage and support of navigation systems. Moreover, the cell phone applications are used for home control features for heating or surveillance to optimize the energy consume. Companies and research organization as The Vienna University of Technology, the telecom research center FTW and Austrian Research Centers ARCS are trading in their fixed line switchboards for mobile alternatives and are using mobile Voice over IP solutions for communication with their offices abroad. Near Field Communication (NFC) has introduced additional options, including a growing range of industrial logistics applications as well as mobile e-health diagnostics. Most of Vienna’s home care organizations have switched from handwritten documentation to smart phone solutions, a combination of field service applications with mobile e-healthcare. And ever since the European Soccer Championships took place in Austria and Switzerland in June 2008, mobile TV has been available.
Near Field Communication Services - NFC In September 2007 Mobilkom Austria, Telekom Austria Group’s mobile subsidiary, launched the world’s largest and most comprehensive commercial package of Near Field Communication (NFC) services in Austria in cooperation with its partners NXP Semiconductors, Nokia, Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) and Wiener Linien, Vienna’s main public transportation operator. NFC, developed in Austria by NXP (formerly Philips Semiconductors) and Sony, facilitates short-range communication between electronic devices via a fast and easy wireless connection.
5. E- GOVERNMENT AND EXISTING ONLINE SERVICES The Strategy Plan requires the interdisciplinary commitment of policy-makers and administrative authorities. In order to meet these requirements, the City of Vienna has initiated a comprehensive modernisation programme encompassing all of the city’s administrative departments and institutions. Like all strategic projects, the implementation progress is closely monitored. Moreover, the Strategy Plan is intended as an invitation to the economic agents, scientific institutions, public agencies and private individuals to co-operate in public-private partnerships to attain a concerted and coordinated development of the city. Thus, the Strategy Plan for Vienna is a further step closer to citizens’ involvement and democratisation in urban policymaking. The Austrian Federal Computing Center, called BRZ (in German) is the leading source for intra-administrational e-government solutions. Headquartered in Vienna and employing a staff of around 1,200, it supports over 30,000 civil servants in the federal administration and other governmental offices and hosts an overall data volume of around 500 terabyte. The list of companies in Vienna supplying technology for federal and municipal applications is long and includes international corporations such as IBM, Microsoft, Hewlett Packard, Cisco and Unisys as well as many innovative local developers such as Fabasoft, Austria’s most successful solution provider for e-government, and IT solution, the company which licenses their e-signature software to the Austrian government.
5..1 e-Government in Vienna
In 1995, the City of Vienna launched its online appearance with a press review. This was soon followed by the “Digital City“ which consisted of a fictitious underground map with lines and stations directing users to the city’s Internet services. In 1996, interactive city map search was introduced which continues to be the city’s most popular online service. In the following years the design was changed several times and adapted to user needs. In 1998, the project WELCOM “Wiener Electronic Commerce” was introduced with the objective of making the City of Vienna fit for eCommerce. In 2001, the City embarked upon the “e-Vienna” project to expand its e-Government services at a new, easily memorized address Thousands of information pages were offered along with interactive services saving customers visits to the authorities, enabling them to pay online and even book some of the City’s resources via the Internet. The “Virtual Office” was born. Since 2005, the maintenance and further development of Internet services have been carried out through an open source “Content Management System“. The Vienna e-Government approach is summarized through its choice of slogan: “Making Data Move – Making Time for People”.
The City of Vienna’s Municipal Department 14 – Automated Electronic Data Processing, Information and Communications runs one of Europe’s largest networks, providing the ICT infrastructure for over 35,000 employees and all electronic services for the Viennese population. The City vision (e-vision) is that by means of ICT the objective is to continuously expand and optimise its comprehensive range of high- quality administrative services for citizens and the business community. Thus, the target is to further enhance quality of life for people and keep Vienna attractive as a business location. In strategic terms, the City of Vienna has defined corporate objectives in terms of performance and outcome, customers, economy and management, which serve as sign posts on the road towards an up-to-date service enterprise with social responsibility. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as an innovation motor play a key role in this development process. ICT strategy is geared to the enterprise strategy of the City of Vienna and aims at optimising the added value of ICT services and products for the implementation of the overall strategy. In particular, ICT supports the two cornerstones of administrative modernisation, i.e. customer-orientation and effectiveness. More particularly, the targeted strategic objectives are based upon significantly increasing the utilisation and intensity of e-Government applications, the further expansion of e-Government Virtual Office services ( and the automation of processes.
5.2 Online Services provided by e-Government
The Virtual Office The Virtual Office covers all e-Government services offered by the City of Vienna. Standard questions are no longer handled by officials but via the Internet, thus allowing officials more time to deal with more complex requests. When using the life cycle situation access the system permits access to personal documents, society and social matters, health-related issues, leisure time and sports, environment, business and economy, financial matters, construction & housing and traffic and transport. The administrative assistance pages were created to assist users in dealing with the authorities and provide information on services offered by the city administration. Structured and coherent elements were chosen to explain and facilitate the administrative steps involved and eliminate them where possible.Depending on the services required administrative assistance pages include information, download forms and online forms, as well as facilities for making appointments and payments online. Vienna Citizenship Information System The Vienna Citizenship Information System was created to help individuals wishing to take on Austrian citizenship find out whether or not they meet the necessary requirements. Applicants are also saved unnecessary visits to the authorities’ offices while members of staff at the authorities can concentrate on de facto citizenship cases. The Austrian citizen’s card was conceived with two functions in mind: clear identification of the citizen and high-quality authentication through safe electronic signature. The electronic signature is used instead of the personal signature.ties for several languages.
Official Electronic Signature The first-ever official electronic given in Austria was issued in Vienna on 10 May, 2005 in the course of an “e-Government runner”, the land acquisition for foreigners, on an approval to sell a freehold flat to a non-EU citizen, and it was signed electronically in accordance with the law. Relevant fees were also paid electronically.
Electronic registration of business and trade The Internet service for registrations of business and trade rose from 1,121 (8%) in 2002 to 8,383 (34%) in 2005. The use of this service allows for saving at least one hour for each applicant and at least half an hour for the authority concerned. These e-Government services are also supported by enabling translation facilities for several languages.
e-Payment at the Vienna City Administration The objective of e-Government is to support applications for administrative procedures and their processing via the internet. The City’s Internet platform and electronic payment options are available round the clock. Customers who avail themselves of this service enjoy the added comfort of no-paper transactions with Internet- banking remittance forms. The project has successfully installed an infrastructure readily available for departments of the City Administration and authorities outside.
Online Voting Ticket Application Citizens wishing to avail themselves of their right to vote but are away from their home district on the Election Day can now order voting cards online with or without citizen’s card.
5.3 Future Trends and Challenges
First target was the facilitation of contact between citizens and the administration by speeding up communication between individual administrative offices. In order to address this objective, some improvements were duly identified. Among them, the need for common technical standards for electronic accounting (where the administration shall cooperate with the business community), the need to improve speedy electronic payment transactions between citizens and the administration (e.g. by credit card and e-payment), the need to extend, to all areas of the administration, the electronic delivery of official documents to citizens and members of the business community, the need to make the electronic form sheets public-friendly on the basis of the standards prepared by local authorities (e-Government style guide). The second target was to speed up administrative procedures by placing the emphasis on increasing the utilisation of electronic registers (e.g. central register of residents, commercial register, land register, central trade register) by simplifying interfaces and improving harmonization of registers, in developing additional registers, especially in transaction-intensive matters of personal status and citizenship; and in intensifying electronic networking between local authorities. The third target was to cater to the need to train officials in the administration to act as multipliers and to provide the public with relevant information. Finally, the need to adapt and revise relevant legislation was envisaged in order to speed up and simplify the implementation of e-Government for specialized procedures.
6.1 Traffic Management
Austria has made quite a name for itself in the fields of traffic telematics and road pricing, especially after Vienna-based Kapsch TrafficCom AG won several national and international tenders for road pricing projects – from Ireland to Australia. Kapsch also develops innovative tunnel surveillance systems, invests in vehicle detection and classification, highway control and digital railway communication.
Siemens Austria has gained extensive experience in advanced traffic telematics and equips cities with traffic control systems, as it did for example in Prague in 2008. Siemens IT Solutions and Services and Mobilkom Austria have developed one of Europe’s first mobile parking systems for Vienna. Drivers book and pay their parking slots via mobile phone. The system has now been implemented in eight cities across Austria.
Austria’s highway monitoring and control center run by ASFINAG (headquarter in Vienna) is one of the most advanced in Europe. ATTC, the Austrian Traffic Telematics Cluster, is a project platform for larger enterprises including Frequentis, world market leader in air traffic control but also the maker of communication and information systems for public transport and maritime communication.
The City of Vienna publishes its traffic management information on the city homepage including the real-time public transport information system RBL, which displays arrival times for Vienna’s five underground lines, 31 tram lines and 80 bus lines.
The Parksau app offers information about parking in short term parking zones and shopping areas. Furthermore, SMS parking tickets can be bought and extended. The mandatory to-be-paid parking hours can be displayed on a map. Our own position is found by GPS and can if the GPS is not precise enough to be adjusted manually.
6.2 e-Health
In a country where health services are basically public services, e-health is a public issue as well. Like the closely affiliated e-government sector, e-health was taken up early in Vienna. The city is home to around a fifth of Austria’s total population and thus has a large number of clinics and hospitals and the highest density of medical practitioners and specialists in the country. Although all imaginable kinds of health services are offered here, Vienna is at the fore in the treatment of cancer and heart disease but also provides cut- tingedge technologies in the areas of digital radiology and brain-computer interface solutions.
Austria was the first country in Europe to introduce a personalized digital ID card for all citizens: the so-called e-Card can be equipped with vaccination records and upgraded to full e-signature card functionalities. It replaces the traditional paper-based exchange of information between patients, practitioners and hospitals. The card and its implemental infrastructure was developed by Vienna-based SVC and supported by IBM, Siemens, Telekom Austria and other companies. A related project is ELGA, an electronic health filing system that will combine all paper based records of a patient that have previously circulated among general practitioners, clinics and authorities such as health insurance organizations. It will even reclaim records which were thought to have been lost.
E-health related technologies developed in Vienna include comprehensive digital hospital projects: for example AME International, boasts an impressive list of reference projects. Hardware solutions are offered by Philips Medical and Siemens Medical Solutions, digital x-ray storage by Agfa Healthcare’s Vienna development labs, which have contributed to Agfa’s worldwide leadership in PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication Systems) applications. In 2007, Otto Bock Healthcare Vienna presented as a world premiere the first “mind-controlled” arm prosthesis. The project was carried out in close collaboration with Vienna’s General Hospital (AKH), a facility which is internationally-renowned in the areas of neuromuscular reconstruction.
6.3 Public safety, Enviromental protection & Others
Safety is an essential criterion for the usability of public space. Measures which help to increase objective safety as well as the subjective feeling of safety must become a standard criterion of architectural design and urban planning. More open vistas and orientation aids, improved overview and better lighting will contribute to safety and also increase the subjective feeling of safety, especially of women. Mobile communication has also become crucial for public safety: starting in 2004, Alcatel Lucent Austria and Motorola have been successively implementing a unified national trunked radio network for all public safety and emergency organizations called Digitalfunk BOS-Austria. The system is managed by a joint venture of the two companies called Tetron. It is based on the TETRA standard and is the most advanced digital emergency network in Europe. Its most challenging task so far involved the European Soccer Championships in June 2008.
At the Austrian Pilot Sites SWARCO FUTURIT technology manages to implement adaptive LED- based adaptive street lighting. The “luminous path� concept consists of the dynamic adaptation of street light luminosity according to traffic levels: lighting levels are increased when vehicles are present, and at night-time and in low traffic conditions, vehicles may be diverted to a priority route to allow energy saving on alternative minor roads. In the Vienna area, road construction areas on the motorway are made safer in the night with progressive lighting.
The “solar potential land” shows for each building in Vienna that the average solar radiation intensity would be suitable for a possible use of solar energy. As well roofs apply to at least five square feet of contiguous space and a theoretical capacity of more than 1100 kWh per square meter per year. The “solar potential cadaster” shows for each building in Vienna if the average solar radiation intensity would be suitable for a possible use of solar energy. As suitable for future solar panel installations apply roofs which least at least five square feet of contiguous space and a reach a theoretical capacity of more than 1100 kWh per square meter per year.
Smartguide shows you the way to the heart of Vienna: from St. Stephen`s Cathedral to numerous other sights in the inner city. Decide for yourself how much time you want to spend and how much of information you want to absorb. Experience a fascinating journey through time and the history of Vienna and dive into facts and stories, photos, videos and legends as well as songs from well-known composers.
The Easy Home Control Starter App is your entry into a smart home automation and allows you a comfortable and energy-efficient future. With this from Wien Energy developed application, you can control your room temperature, lights and electrical equipment simply via Internet or smartphone. The possibility to optimize any time and from anywhere the energy level in your house help the users to save the consumption energy costs. This app shows the city bike stations in Vienna on the map. The addresses and other information are displayed by tapping on the corresponding mark on the map. The data comes and cannot be influenced by producer.
7. THE EXISTANCE OF PUBLIC OR PRIVATE- PUBLIC INITIATIVES FOR PROMOTNG HI-TECH CLUSTERS Another important factor for the successful foundation and establishment of businesses is the quality of public administration. One of the Vienna city authorities’ priority objectives is to raise the efficiency of administrative procedures and to reinforce the service character of public sector agencies by creating onestop-shops ensuring efficient handling of bureaucratic requirements arising for entrepreneurs. Moreover, municipal and private counselling programmes need to be coordinated and made more flexible, for instance by offering concerted financial and legal information. If an innovative entrepreneurial spirit is to be fostered, subsidies, taxes, standards and regulations must be adapted accordingly. Last, but not least, specialising in new lines of business at the European level also requires financial support and backing. For this reason, the City of Vienna also provides assistance in the form of start-up capital.
7.1 Start Ups – new dynamics
Innovative companies based in Vienna profit from an extensive public funding system for startups, research and development and a wide range of other support measures. A large number of business start-ups reflect the dynamic city spirit. About 7,700 new companies are founded in Vienna each year and almost a half of the grounders are Viennese. Additionally to this many internal restructurings in already existing companies can be localized.
Public initiatives for promoting HI-tech Poles or Clusters
Cluster Support Programme A shortage of qualified staff is a frequent problem of the so-called growth sectors. In addition, the qualifications required of employees change so quickly in some fields that specific training programmes are doomed to lag behind. With its Cluster Support Programme, Vienna labour market policy provides support for enterprises ready to fill their vacancies with unemployed persons, train them on the job and thus make up for the shortage by training their own expert staff. The rapidly growing information and communications technology sector is one example where this concept of training people on the job according to demand has already been successfully employed.
The Vienna Business Agency (VBA) The Vienna Business Agency or VBA is the City of Vienna’s primary business promotion vehicle. Its mission is to boost the competitiveness of the Vienna business community, driving innovation and continually upgrading the city’s status as a state-of-the-art business destination. The VBA offers professional consulting services for entrepreneurs, start ups and investors including support in obtaining financial assistance and help in the selection, development and acquisition of appropriate sites. The VBA assists and invests in the construction and operation of advanced technology and start-up centers. It supports networking and the organization of cooperative ventures throughout Austria and the EU. Finally, the VBA oversees the marketing of Vienna as a world-class business location on an international level. The Vienna Business Agency is publicly financed in large part by the City of Vienna. At the same time, with around 3.5 million square meters in holdings, the VBA ranks among the City’s largest property owners. The Center for Innovation and Technology (ZIT) The ZIT (from the German “Zentrum für Innovation und Technologie”) is a subsidiary of the Vienna Business Agency (VBA) and serves as the technology agency of the City of Vienna. ZIT activities include providing direct financial assistance (i.e. grants) to companies, making technology-specific infrastructure available, and implementing a broad range of accompanying measures in all phases of the innovation process. Center employees evaluate the technology sector with respect to trends, developments and functionality. On this basis, they design measures to support technology-oriented companies. ZIT, in its turn, is responsible for promoting company research and innovation in Vienna and for relevant marketing and PR activities (such as the Content Award). The 2011 focus is on green innovation, life sciences, and “From Science to Product”.
Active labour market policy for women Targeted promotion of employment options for women remains an important priority issue. The City of Vienna provides incentives for individual companies or groups of enterprises to offer women re-entering the labour market the means to gain additional qualifications and to provide childcare facilities close to the place of work. A central issue is stronger vocational support of female immigrants to facilitate their social integration through the labour market. Especially with a view to meeting the needs of young people, labour market policy must be geared at providing access to new career options and innovative qualifications. Such an approach helps to increase the employment perspectives of young people and may even motivate them to start independent businesses. The traditional distinction between male and female professions must be overcome, as this concept still limits in- dividual career options both on the level of apprenticeship training and professional college and university education.
Local Events Children in Vienna visit the Children’s University to find out whether Nemo is able to speak, and learn to enjoy mathematics in The Vienna Lectures provide a forum where scientists and citizens meet. Around 550,000 people attended more than 1,200 events with a total of 5,000 speakers since the start of the programme in 1987. The University Meets Public program of Vienna’s adult education centers offers citizens the opportunity to attend lectures by university professors and discuss scientific theories with renowned scientists. Another low-threshold project in the field is the Forschungsfest where Vienna’s universities, private research institutions and companies offered visitors a hands-on experience of innovations at the 2011 “Forschungsfest on Tour”.
7.3 HI-Tech Clusters in Vienna
Vienna’s position has further been strengthened by the creation of new high-technology centres such as Tech Gate Vienna, Vienna’s first science and technology park north of the Danube next to Vienna International Centre, the TECHBASE Business and Science Park, the Business and Research Centre on Höchstädtplatz, the Campus Vienna Biocenter and the Media Quarter Marx. Technology Park Vienna Tech Gate The development and economically efficient implementation of modern technologies in Vienna require a central point of intermediation where research institutions and economic agents can exchange research results and entrepreneurial know-how on an ongoing basis. To this end, the technology park “Tech Gate” with its focus on telecommunications is being set up at a highly attractive business location, Vienna’s “DanubeCity”. A number of enterprises, technical university institutes and research institutions already settling there. Funded by the City of Vienna, federal agencies and private investors, the first phase of the technology park will became operative in 2001.
Media Quarter Marx There are other exciting developments in Vienna in digital TV, virtual reality and various Web 2.0 applications. The City of Vienna has embraced these developments in its support in a brand new center for the creative industries. Just around the corner is T-Mobile’s spectacular “T-Center” building. By 2010, over 30,000 m2 office space and studio facilities became available for use by film, TV, multimedia and other high-tech operations. The aim is to establish the center as a hub for creative East-West collaboration. In total, there are over 170,000 m2 available on site for further development.
Vienna Biocenter The Vienna Biocenter in the city’s 3rd district that exhibits a reassuring development towards a biotechnology research and business location. Business initiatives going beyond research have already been taken up especially in the field of biomedicine. The Vienna Biocenter will be extended. On the one hand, more companies need to be located there in order to raise the importance of the location as a centre of business, while additional research co-operations are required. One such cooperation was formed within the framework of an Austrian Academy of Sciences project subsidised by the City of Vienna and federal agencies. The successful further development of the biotechnology centre Vienna constitutes a contribution of great import for the promotion of Vienna as a state-of-the-art centre of economic activity.
BRC Business and Research Centre on Höchstädtplatz The ultra-modern technology and business center is conveniently located on Höchstädtplatz and started to operate in 2005. As a symbol of Viennese technical know-how economy, the BSC present also the new hub in the IT capital of Vienna. It provides tenants flexibly configurable and accessible office space, meeting rooms, a meeting room for up to 60 people as well as a high-quality telecommunications infrastructure. The total investment cost were close to 7 million euros, of which the city of Vienna has contributed 1.6 million.
8. THE PROGRESS The city government plan to continue the hard work to retain Viennas top position also in the future global framework – in particular with regard to the growth of the city. The main aim for the future is therefore to provide a high quality of living for all – irrespective of age, income, gender, religion and background. The urban and transport policies of the City of Vienna particularly focus on social justice. These policies provide the framework to guarantee wealth, safety and security for all.
8.1 Vienna = growing city
• More than 10,000 people move to Vienna every year (until 2020) • People tend to live in bigger flats (> m2 living space/person) With the following measures, we pro vide the framework for this development in good time • Providing a sufficient amount of space for housing projects (7,000 new subsidised flats per year and 1,500 new private flats) • Expansion of social and technical infrastructure (e.g. 5 new school campus locations, construction of a new hospital in the north of Vienna and upgrading of hospitals in the south and east of Vienna, 6 new homes for the elderly) • Expansion of public transport • Expansion of high-priority road network • Maintaining the high share of green and open spaces (50% of Vienna’s urban area are green spaces and bodies of water). 37
8.2 Vienna = Intelligent Mobility
Private motorised transport has been decreasing in Vienna for years while the numbers of public transport users, cyclists and pedestrians have been increasing, which proves that the measures taken by the City of Vienna have been successful. Two main goals are: • Increasing the share of public transport to 40% by 2020
• Increasing the share of bicycles to 10% by 2015
To achieve this, the city infrastructure must be expanded: • Extension of underground line U2 to Vienna’s urban lakeside development area “Seestadt Aspern” and link to the “Arsenal” neighbourhood in the south, extension of underground line U1 to “Rothne\ usiedl” in the south of Vienna, fast tramway lines in the northeast of Vienna, etc.
• The urgently necessary modernisation of Viennas main train stations The new Vienna Central Station entered into partial operation together with the new ÖBB timeta ble at the beginning of December 2012. Four platforms and one through track have been in use since the opening. The local trains of the Ostbahn now stop at the Central Station, and the temporary Ostbahnhof has been closed. Completion of the redesigned station is planned for the end of 2014. The “bahnorama”, a giant wooden tower next to the construction site, houses an exhibition on the mega-project and affords visitors a glimpse of building progress.
Facts and figures • Started in December 2012 • International railway hub • Through station instead of terminal • 109ha, of which 59ha for a new urban quarter (incl. 8ha of green spaces) • 5,000 flats for 13,000 people • 20,000 jobs • School campus • Excellent public transport connections (underground line U1, 11 rapid transit lines, tramway lines 0 and 18, several local and regional bus lines) • Investment volume: approx. EUR 4 billion • Improving the rapid transit lines and their integration into the public transport network in Vienna. Improving public transport to protect the environment without neglecting the road network: The development of new urban areas and the demand for traffic calming in the city necessitates the upgrading of high-priority road infrastructure (such as the construction of underpasses along the A23 motorway, and the northeast bypass on the S1 express road). Public transport networks are one of the most important factors in the location decisions of business enterprises, in particular of those of the service industry. Vienna has seen a very dynamic development in the vicinity of high-priority public transport nodes such as in the “VIERTEL ZWEI” neighbourhood along underground line U2. VIENNA - MY DIGITAL CITY
8.3 Vienna = TARGET AREAS of urban development
Danube Canal • 17km long natural landscape area • Leisure and recreation area in the city • Framework for further development outlined in a Master Plan • High architectural quality, e.g. buildings by Hadid, Nouvel, Hollein... Waterfront – city on the water
• Development area - north train station
One of the most important development areas in the city Approx. 10,000 flats for 22,000 people o Bednar Park largest newly constructed park in Vienna o Innovative housing projects such as “Bike City”, “Bike & Swim City”.
• DonauCity
Completion with new high-rise buildings by D. Perrault: - DC Tower 1: hotel and office buildings, completion in late 2012, highest building in Austria with about 220 metres, in accordance with the green building standards of the EU Commission; DC Tower 2, 160m, start of construction: approx. 2013
Aspern Die Seestadt Wiens – Vienna’s Urban Lakeside • One of the most important urban development measures in Vienna and one of the largest proj ects of its kind in Europe • The planning area comprises 240ha – i.e. the size of 340 soccer pitches or the area of both the 7th and 8th districts in Vienna together • Located in the vicinity of the Vienna city centre and in the direction of the twin city Bratislava • At the heart of the area: an approx. 90,000m2 large central park with a 50,000m2 large lake • Development in several construction phases and over the period of at least two decades •Including 8,500 dwellings for 20,000 people • 20,000 jobs: 15,000 office and service jobs and 5,000 production and trade jobs are planned • Location for research, development and education in Vienna • Leisure and recreation areas in the vicinity such as the Danube Floodplain
National Park, the Danube Island and a large walking and cycling network
• Step-by-step connection to the underground and rapid transit networks, the railway line between Vienna and Bratislava of the Austrian Federal Railways, and the motorway. New tramway and bus lines. • New design quality of urban space (“composition for public space”)
8.4 Vienna = Education Network
In order to give all of Vienna’s children and young people the opportunity to access computers and modern communications technologies without barriers, all 400 compulsory schools in Vienna will be equipped with about 10,000 computers and linked together in a high-performance network. 200 additional locations such as youth centres, libraries and community adult schools will be linked with the educational network in the near future to promote extra-curricular activities. These links will also be offered to public and private schools in Vienna. An investment volume of about 250 million euro for the public compulsory schools alone makes this one of the most ambitious educational projects in Europe.
8.4 Summary of the indicators
Level of qualification
Innovative spirit
Affinity to life long learning
Social and ethnic plurality
Economic image & trademarks
Flexibility of labour market
International embeddedness
Cosmopolitanism/Open-mindedness Participation in public life 2 -3
Attractivity of natural conditions
Participation in decision-making
Public and social services
Environmental protection
Transparent governance
Sustainable resource management 3
Local accessibility
(inter-)national accessibility
Availability of ICT-infrastructure
Sustain., Innov. And safe transport sys. 1 -3
Cultural facilities
Health conditions
Individual safety
Housing quality
Education facilities
Touristic attractivity
Social cohesion
SMART Economy
SMART People
SMART Governance
SMART Enviroment
SMART Mobility
SMART Living
8.5. My digital city progress
0 Progress 1% - 30% 31% - 60% 61% - 100%