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T oo Old for Camp? Learn how your tweens and teens can become counselors-in-training
Too Old for Camp? Be a CIT!
NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020 D eciding how your middle schooler will spend their summers can be difficult. Many day camps are only for children 12 and younger. If the idea of having your tween and teen spend the summer sitting at home in front a screen makes you dread the end of the school year, check into counselor-in-training (CIT) programs. Not only will your kid be occupied and have fun, the hours spent as a CIT may qualify as volunteer hours, which can fulfill scholarship requirements. Because of closures due to COVID-19, registration requirements and camp dates may change over the coming weeks. Camp Able. This day and overnight camp for children with special needs at Marco Island Charter Middle School is scheduled for July 14-18. Students ages 15-21 may apply as volunteer counselors. Visit campable.org for more information. Camp Highlander. The five-week training program for ages 16-17 is designed to transition campers into their role as staff. The program consists of a two-week education period, followed by three weeks of on-the-job training as an assistant counselor in a cabin, under the leadership and guidance of two older and more experienced counselors. Check camphighlander.com.
Golisano Children’s Museum of Naples. “Volunteens” must be age 15 and older and can assist in a variety of areas during the summer and year round. All Volunteens must attend mandatory training sessions. For more information visit cmon.org. Collier County Parks and Recreation. The AIR Junior Leader Internship program for ages 13-17 facilitates the development of the skills and knowledge necessary to become a future leader in the community. Check collierparks.com. Conservancy of SWFL. The Conservancy offers two programs for older kids. Its Junior Naturalist camp is for students who have completed grades 7-9, while CITs must be at least 16 years old, and will assist the counselors with campers. Spaces are limited for the CIT program, which is one to three weeks long, M-F, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Visit conservancy.org for additional information. Diabetes Day Camp. High school volunteers are needed for this camp at the Greater Marco Family YMCA. Transportation to and from Naples is provided. Email hlpdiabeticchild@aol.com or call 239-821-5051. Greater Naples YMCA. For ages 14-17. CITs will earn volunteer hours that can be counted toward their high school graduation requirements. Check greaternaplesymca.org for details.
Naples Therapeutic Riding Center Summer Camp. Teens ages 14-18 can apply to volunteer for at least one week from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in June or July (as well as during the rest of the year). Volunteers must attend an orientation. Applications are available at NTRC.org. Naples Zoo. CITs help guide campers ages 5-12 through the zoo, and assist with games, crafts, and activities. CIT and other volunteer opportunities are available for students age 16 and older. Visit napleszoo.org for additional information.
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