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Is Your Child Gearing Up for Next School Year?
As a result of disrupted learning due to COVID-19, and the potential for student learning loss, Collier County Public Schools is encouraging all students to participate in Gear Up for Next School Year.
The Gear Up online program provides summer learning opportunities for students in English, math, science, and social studies. These engaging activities are designed to sustain learning during the summer months and prepare students for next school year.
All CCPS students moving into grades 3-10 will have access through Canvas to a Gear Up course, which will appear on their dashboard. Students moving into kindergarten, first, and second grades will have brought home a calendar of activities last month to be completed throughout the summer. Participation is voluntary, and students work independently at their own pace on these non-graded assignments. If your child brought home their district-provided device for use during the summer, ensure they do not leave the laptop continuously plugged into the charger. Remember, “A charge overnight is just right.” You also will want to securely store the laptop when not in use, avoid extremely hot temperatures in vehicles, and carry your laptop in a waterproof bag in the event of rain. Browse safely and responsibly at all times, as rules of use apply whether on or off campus.
For more information about Gear Up, visit www.collierschools.com/gearup. Questions related to lessons and activities may be sent to TeachingAndLearning@ collierschools.com, and those needing technical support may email studentlaptop@ collierschools.com. As a reminder, the wearing of face masks now is optional on all CCPS campuses. The district will be resuming all regular activities for the 2021-22 school year, including field trips and the use of volunteers on campus.
We look forward to welcoming our #CCPSFamily back to school on August10.