February 17, 2022
How I Made Partner: 'It Was My Commitment, My Track Record and the Advocacy of My Mentors and Sponsors,' Says Collette Woghiren of Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg "My commitment to increasing diversity and bringing awareness to the harm caused by the lack of inclusion has only been strengthened by each obstacle that I have overcome." By Tasha Norman Collette A. Woghiren, Neal, Gerber
in my career and have courtroom
& Eisenberg, Chicago.
experience as a junior associate. NGE
Practice area:Litigation.
delivered all these things and so much
graduation:The University of Chicago Law School, 2013.
more. What’s the biggest surprise you experienced in becoming
How long have you been at the
partner?Overall, I felt very prepared for
firm? I started at the firm as a summer
the transition from associate to partner
associate in the summer of 2012
because the firm was very transparent
during my second year of law school.
about the process. The biggest surprise
After graduation, I joined the firm as
so far has been the overwhelming
an attorney in September 2013.I was
sense of accomplishment. I knew I
elevated to partnership effective Jan.
would be happy and excited once I
1, 2022.
was promoted. I am surprised at how
What criteria did you use when
long-lasting the feeling has been.
Collette Woghiren Courtesy Photo
deciding to join your current firm?As
What do you think was the decid-
a Black woman and an immigrant,
ing point for the firm in making you
I searched for a firm where I would
partner?It was not a single factor. I
be accepted and where I would be
believe it was a combination of many
comfortable bringing my full self to
factors. Meeting and exceeding the
work. I sought out a firm that stood
firm’s benchmarks for performance in
behind its diversity and inclusion goals
various areas as an associate, my
not only in words but in action. I also
commitment to firm initiatives, including
ness development in your opinion
sought a firm where I would be able
diversity and inclusion efforts, as
and how do you grow profession-
to gain concrete litigation skills early
well as my strong track record as an
ally while everyone is navigating a
associate for delivering quality work. It also involved the advocacy of my mentors and sponsors—without their support and guidance, partnership would not have been possible. What’s the key to successful busi-
February 17, 2022 •
Ask questions of newly promot-
to successful business development is
ed partners to get a better understand-
creating a strategy that matches your
ing of the process and the changes that
personality andyour passion. Over the
accompany the elevation.
last two years a lot of people have
Credit: Katflare/Shutterstock.com
hybrid work system?One of the keys
Familiarize yourself with the
grown accustomed to a more virtual firm’s benchmarks for promotion and networking world, so it does not seem
develop a plan to make sure that you
as awkward or uncomfortable to attend
are able to meet and exceed each
virtual events. I think this helps with
expanding your network, because you are not limited by time or distance. Who had the greatest influence in
When it comes to career planning and navigating inside a law firm, in your opinion, what’s the most com-
your career that helped propel you mon mistake you see other attorneys to partner?There are many people
making?The most common mistake is
that have helped me during my legal
not having a plan at the beginning of
career. Family, friends and colleagues.
their career. Instead, the “plan” is to
One of the most influential people is
see what happens in a few years. Each
Scott Fisher, a partner at NGE. I first
attorney should set a goal. And if that
met Scott as a summer associate
goal changes, that’s fine. Developing
at the firm. I was able to have a
a plan, discussing with a mentor and
candid conversation with him about sponsor and then working toward it my concerns of beginning my career
is something everyone should do—no
at a law firm (any law firm) because of matter the level of seniority. the lack of diversity in private practice. Scott assured me that he would make sure I would not slip through the cracks
What challenges, if any, did you
to increasing diversity and bringing awareness to the harm caused by the lack of inclusion has only been strengthened by each obstacle that I have overcome. Knowing what you know now about your career path, what advice would you give to your younger self?I would tell my younger self that it is all worth it: Every billable hour, every networking event, every late night will all be worth it. Do not give up. What impact would you like to have on the legal industry as a whole?I would like to have a meaningful impact
on increasing the diversity in the legal face or have to overcome in your profession, especially private practice. career path, and what was the lesson What lessons, if any, did you learn
at NGE. Since that day he has been a learned? How did it affect or influsponsor, mentor, advocate and most
ence your career?As a Black woman, I
importantly, my friend.
have encountered many obstacles that
What advice would you give an
I have overcome over the course of my
associate who wants tomake partner?
career. These obstacles have reinforced
in 2020/2021 (the COVID-19 years)?I realized the importance of treasuring time with loved ones and truly enjoying and living in the present moment. Pick three words/phrases you
I would advise the associate to the importance of representation in the
would like to focus on for 2022.For
make this known at the firm and to seek
legal profession as well as the need
2022 three phrases I would like to focus
out partners who are willing to invest in
for a commitment from all attorneys to on are:Be Brave. Be Intentional. Be diversity and inclusion. My commitment Fierce.
the associate’s development.
Reprinted with permission from the February 17, 2022 edition of Law.COM © 2022 ALM Media Properties, LLC. This article appears online only. All rights reserved. Further duplication without permission is prohibited. For information, contact 877-256-2472 or reprints@alm.com. # LAW-2182022-544629