Giving Black: Hampton Roads - The Genesis of American Black Philanthropy

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DATA ANALYTICS The Giving Black®: Hampton Roads survey represents a collaborative partnership between NEBiP, Hampton Roads Community Foundation, Visionaries for Change and the region’s notable philanthropic partners and individuals. Their 15-month engagement has culminated in an extensive study of the early history and current attitudes, practices and trends of Black giving for a select sample of Hampton Roads’ Black philanthropic community.

descent or in combination with another racial identity were included in the analysis. Survey data collection began in February 2021 and closed in April 2021.

This research offers a snapshot of current Black giving attitudes and practices in Hampton Roads. Its purpose is to provide data and touchpoints for further reflection and discussion on the current and future Black giving landscape. Its hope is to catalyze conversations on Black philanthropy, both its current state and untapped potential. The report may prove useful to those seeking to understand and to explore Black giving practices in Hampton Roads.

Twenty-six 90-minute one-on-one interviews and two focus groups were conducted with Hampton Roads’ Black donors. Interviews began in March 2021 and concluded in April 2021. NEBiP used a semi-structured interview protocol for the focus groups and the one-on-one interviews. Focus group participants and interviewees were diverse in gender, income, occupation, region and age, ranging from the Silent Generation to Generation Z. Topics did vary depending upon the energy and flow of the conversation, as well as participants’ responses. Examples of common themes covered included definitions of philanthropy and community, participants’ introduction and experiences to philanthropy, and motivations for giving. Participants were recruited with guidance and assistance from the Hampton Roads Community Foundation to help ensure appropriate diversity in region, age, gender and occupation. Interviews and focus groups were recorded after obtaining participants’ consent. Participants were also provided the option to participate without recording their responses. They were also assured of confidentiality, as self-identifying information, such as specific attribution of quotes, would

METHODOLOGY OVERVIEW The Giving Black®: Hampton Roads study instrument was developed by NEBiP in close collaboration with the Steering Committee but administered by NEBiP only. The survey design leveraged three previous NEBiP Giving Black surveys in Boston, Cincinnati and Richmond. With guidance from the Steering and Advisory Committees, the survey was distributed through their networks. Nearly 470 individuals from Hampton Roads accessed the survey online, with 320 completed survey responses. Survey respondents who either self-reported a racial identification as exclusively of African


The Giving Black®: Hampton Roads study relied upon quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Although we received over 470 surveys, quantitatively, findings relied on 320 completed survey responses, which represents a survey completion rate of 68%. (By comparison, the average survey completion rate for surveys with 15 or more questions was 42% in 2019, according to survicate, a well-known survey provider). Moreover, the survey company’s data quality analysis check, a feature that uses artificial intelligence to detect poor data, revealed a 100% passage rate of the 320 Hampton Roads’ survey responses. The survey instrument was comprised of 38 questions that were primarily closed but included a few open-ended questions. Qualitatively, the study used a snowball sampling of Black donors in Hampton Roads, including focus groups and one-on-one interviews.


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