Illustration Portfolio

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I like to v i s ua l i z e s i tua ti o n s , l a n ds ca p es , p eo p l e a n d e mot i on s that are p a rt o f o rdi n a ry rea l i ty a n d gi v e th em l i f e t hr ou g h i l l u s t r a t i on . This il l ustrati o n i s f ro m a to w n ca l l ed " Y uto " i n th e m un i c i p a l i t y of C hoc o, C ol omb i a .

Wild things.

Friends driking tea in the middle of nowhere.

Twin tigers.

Dogs and owners.

Dogs and owners. El verjon, Bogotรก, Colombia.

Dogs and owners. Schaarbeek, Brussels, Belgium.

planting flowers that can hang me.

The city.

Rogier Station, Brussels.

Drunk old friends in Brussels.

The mountains.

Merry Christmas card.

Family of mountains / experimenting with paper.

there was once a dog so fat that all my emotions fit in him


“Yipaos”, loaded Jeeps in Colombia. Series of drawings that were part of exhibition in Botaničar, Zagreb, Croatia.

Street dogs of Bogotá.

Sketch of Ghent.

Contact me. Email: mobile: +32 491183646 Instagram: @manabanbana

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