2 minute read

The electrotechnology Training Package is Changing



As you may be aware, after a lengthy review and consultation process, the electrotechnology Training Package and associated qualifications have been updated. The improvements ensure that training for electrical apprentices now reflects industry best practice, current legislation and new and emerging technologies.

As a result of these changes, over the next two years many electrotechnology and electrical fitting apprentices will be required to transition to the new qualifications, which will need to be finalised by 1 October 2022.

What does ‘transition’ mean?

Transition refers to the process of transferring an apprentice’s existing qualification and associated units to the new qualification. If an apprentice is transitioned to the new qualification, they will:  Receive credit for units that they have been deemed competent in and that have equivalent units in the new qualification.  For units that they have been deemed competent in, but for which an equivalent unit does not exist in the new training package, the apprentice will be required to complete gap training between the old and new unit. CeT will keep you updated on the details of any gap training your apprentice is required to complete.  Apprentices will also be required to complete additional units that are part of the new qualification.

For units that apprentices have attempted, but have not yet been deemed competent in, we recommend that they complete these units ASAP. Old units of competency cannot be completed once an apprentice has transitioned to the new qualification.

Will my apprentice/ apprenticeship be affected?

First and second year apprentices

The majority of apprentices who commenced their apprenticeship in 2020 or 2021 will be transitioned to the new training package.

Third and fourth year apprentices

Apprentices who do the following by 30 September 2022 will not need to transition to the new training package:  Complete their apprenticeship;  Pass their Capstone Assessment; and  Receive their paper certificate from CeT. If any of these items are not completed by this date, from 1 October 2022 the apprentice will need to transition to the new package.

Additional information for apprentices nearing the completion of their apprenticeship (due to complete by December 2022)

CeT will be reviewing the progress of these apprentices towards their Capstone Assessment to see if it is possible for them to complete their apprenticeship early and meet the 30 September 2022 deadline. To be considered, they will need to achieve the following:  They need to be deemed competent in all units;  Their eProfiling will need to be up to date with targets achieved; and  As their employer, you will need to be satisfied with their skill level.

If all of the above requirements are met, the apprentice can be scheduled for their Capstone Assessment. If they are deemed not satisfactory in their Capstone Assessment, they will need to reattempt the ‘not satisfactory’ assessments and be deemed ‘satisfactory’ before 30 September 2022. If the apprentice has not successfully completed their Capstone Assessment by 1 October 2022, they will be transitioned to the new training package.

Any questions?

CeT will continue to keep all CeT apprentices and employers up to date with details regarding the transition. If you have any questions, please phone CeT Joondalup on (08) 9233 5000 or email transition@cet.asn.au.

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