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Peter Lamont
Director ACRS and Senior Policy Advisor peter.lamont@neca.asn.au
it’s not just work that has changed. Social interactions and keeping in touch with people now also relies heavily on technological mediums. The challenges facing industry during COViD-19 have affected offices, homes, events, hospitals, schools and public places. Survey data coming out of the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is also telling us that it is not just young people who are using new and enhanced technology. people of all ages have improved their technological literacy and taken a liking to social media. in fact, ACMA found that the age group with the highest increase in usage was the over 60s.
Industry shows
COViD-19 has also meant that our industry partners have not been able to bring their new and developing technology to industry shows to keep you up to date with what is coming to the market. The last two years have seen consecutive cancellations of state-of-the art trade shows like integrate and Security. Both shows are planning to be bigger and better in 2022, and are scheduled to occur from 17-19 August at the Sydney international Convention Centre, where they will provide everyone with a chance to see the latest innovations.
One of the interesting innovations that will be on show will be touchless and secure entrances, which mitigate workplace health and safety risks (including the spread of COViD-19), as well as managing building populations by keeping track of all visitors and staff entering the premises. Melbourne ran an event from 8 to 10 March with the innovative Comms Connect, which included live events, speakers and a trade show.
The Australian Cabling Registration Service (ACRS) is one of five registered cabling registration providers approved by the Australian Media and Communications Authority (ACMA). ACRS is a wholly-owned subsidiary of NECA and as well as providing cabling provider registration services, ACRS provides access to regular and timely up-to-date information on the state of the data and telecommunication industry, and makes representations to the Federal Government on behalf of the industry on policy and compliance matters.
Thinking about a move into data and communications as a way to diversify your contracting business? Here are a few critical questions to ask before you get started.
Am I registered to do the work?
In Australia, all cabling work, including telephone, data, fire and security alarm system cabling, that connects with the telecommunications network must be performed by a registered cabler, or under the direct supervision of a registered cabler.
What is required to become a registered cabler?
To become a registered cabler you must complete the appropriate training course for the work to be undertaken through a Registered Training Organisations (RTO). An Open Registration is required for commercial and domestic premises work. For work in domestic premises you only require a Restricted Registration. You must also have a minimum of 80 hours cabling experience for Restricted Registration and 360 hours for Open Registration. Holding an electrical licence, Security licence or enAbleTM NBN Card will suffice.
Do all my staff need to be registered?
COMPLIANT FOR CABLING? Thinking about a move into data and What are the consequences of doing communications as a way to diversify your cabling work without being registered? contracting business? Here are a few critical questions to ask before you get started. The ACMA has a range of options available to enforce compliance. These include: formal Am I registered to do the work? warnings; non-compliance notices to the telecommunications carrier, which may In Australia, all cabling work, including result in disconnection from the network; telephone, data, fire and security alarm telecommunications infringement notices system cabling, that connects with the (on-the-spot fine of $2,040); and if the telecommunications network must be matter is serious enough, taking court performed by a registered cabler, or under action, which may result in a conviction the direct supervision of a registered cabler. and/or a fine of up to $20,400. What is required to become a registered The biggest consequence is that, should cabler? anything go wrong or your work is found to be faulty, your business insurance is To become a registered cabler you must unlikely to cover you. This could lead to complete the appropriate training course litigation and substantial financial loss for the work to be undertaken through a for your business. Registered Training Organisations (RTO). Not being registered is not worth the risk. An Open Registration is required for commercial and domestic premises work. For work in domestic premises you only require a Restricted Registration.
Peter Lamont
Do all my staff need to be registered?

COMPLIANT FOR CABLING? Registrations At the end of December 2021, there were 26,365 providers registered through ACrS. The vast majority of these registered cablers (25,725) have Open registration, with smaller numbers having restricted registration (601) or lift registration (39). What are the consequences of doing cabling work without being registered? While we have seen reasonable growth The ACMA has a range of options available to in the number of new registrations, at enforce compliance. These include: formal 218 for the last quarter of 2021, what warnings; non-compliance notices to the concerns ACrS most is the high number of registered cablers (315), whose registration expired during the quarter without them renewing. While ACrS telecommunications carrier, which may result in disconnection from the network; telecommunications infringement notices (on-the-spot fine of $2,040); and if the matter is serious enough, taking court has made every attempt to contact action, which may result in a conviction those with lapsed registrations, there and/or a fine of up to $20,400. are many we cannot get hold of. The biggest consequence is that, should While we have said it many times, it is anything go wrong or your work is found important to keep reiterating that work to be faulty, your business insurance is by unregistered cablers is not only unlikely to cover you. This could lead to illegal, it could result in insurance claims being denied should anything go wrong. litigation and substantial financial loss for your business. registration is easy and cheap and it Not being registered is not worth the risk. provides a wonderful safety net for both workers and the owners of premises where cabling work is undertaken.
Peter Lamont
Director, ACRS www.acrs.com.au
Smart wired homes –growth area!
Smart wired home certification applies to telecommunications cablers, not just electricians and specialist home automation installers, such as CEDiA members. Home automation requires significant cabling work and many cablers will need to transition to this work in the future. As part of our membership of the registered cablers website consortium, along with other registrars and the iCAA (international Copper Association of Australia) information is provided on a voluntary code of practice for smart homes and can be downloaded from the recently updated registered cabler website,
information booklets can be downloaded free and include a guide to use with a customer when designing a network and a sample of the label that can be left on equipment at the premises for future reference. By certifying against the code, you are abiding by ACMA wiring rules and registration requirements, so the customer knows the job is a “smart wired” trademark installation. To be eligible to sign off on the smart wired home you need to be an Open registered cabler with endorsements.
Best wishes
Wishing everyone a great year and success in getting businesses on the front foot again.
Cabling Registration run Cabling Registration run Cabling Registration run Cabling Registration run Cabling Registration run by the industry, for the industry by the industry, for the industryby the industry, for the industryCabling Registration run by the industry, for the industryby the industry, for the industryCabling Registration run by the industry, for the industryby the industry, for the industry

Peace of mind costs less than 60c a week! Register with ACRS and reap the benefits of being with the only Australian electrical specialist registry while avoiding a hefty fine. It is illegal for anyone other than a registered cabler to install or maintain cabling that connects to the telecommunications network. So if you are installing any equipment Peace of mind costs less than 60c a week! Register with ACRS and reap the benefits of being with the only Australian electrical specialist registry while avoiding a hefty fine. It is illegal for anyone other than a registered cabler to install or maintain The Australian Cabler Registration Service (ACRS) provides a fast, reliable and low-cost registration service for the electrical and communications industry. Peace of mind costs less than 60c a week! Register with ACRS and reap the benefits of being with the only Australian electrical specialist registry while avoiding a hefty fine. The Australian Cabler Registration Service (ACRS) provides a fast, reliable and low-cost registration service for the electrical and communications industry. Peace of mind costs less than 60c a week! Register with ACRS and reap the benefits of being with the only Australian electrical specialist registry while avoiding a hefty fine. The Australian Cabler Registration Service (ACRS) provides a fast, reliable and low-cost registration service for the electrical and communications industry. Peace of mind costs less than 60c a week! Register with ACRS and reap the benefits of being with the only Australian electrical specialist registry while avoiding a hefty fine. It is illegal for anyone other than a registered cabler to install or maintain cabling that connects to the telecommunications network. So if you are installing any equipment Peace of mind costs less than 60c a week! Register with ACRS and reap the benefits of being with the only Australian electrical specialist registry while avoiding a hefty fine. It is illegal for anyone other than a registered cabler to install or maintain The Australian Cabler Registration Service (ACRS) provides a fast, reliable and low-cost registration service for the electrical and communications industry. Peace of mind costs less than 60c a week! Register with ACRS and reap the benefits of being with the only Australian electrical specialist registry while avoiding a hefty fine. The Australian Cabler Registration Service (ACRS) provides a fast, reliable and low-cost registration service for the electrical and communications industry. Peace of mind costs less than 60c a week! Register with ACRS and reap the benefits of being with the only Australian electrical specialist registry while avoiding a hefty fine. The Australian Cabler Registration Service (ACRS) provides a fast, reliable and low-cost registration service for the electrical and communications industry. that will connect to the network – from smart home systems to extra phone lines – you need a current cabling registration. Carrying a current cabling registration card confirms you have completed the relevant training and gained the professional experience to complete the work to the customer’s expectations. For more information visit www.acrs.com.au or call 1300 667 771. cabling that connects to the telecommunications network. So if you are installing any equipment that will connect to the network – from smart home systems to extra phone lines – you need a current cabling registration. Carrying a current cabling registration card confirms you have completed the relevant training and gained the professional experience to complete the work to the customer’s expectations. It is illegal for anyone other than a registered cabler to install or maintain cabling that connects to the telecommunications network. So if you are installing any equipment that will connect to the network – from smart home systems to extra phone lines – you need a current cabling registration. Carrying a current cabling registration card confirms you have completed the relevant training and gained the professional experience to complete the It is illegal for anyone other than a registered cabler to install or maintain cabling that connects to the telecommunications network. So if you are installing any equipment that will connect to the network – from smart home systems to extra phone lines – you need a current cabling registration. Carrying a current cabling registration card confirms you have completed the relevant training and gained the professional experience to complete the work to the customer’s expectations. that will connect to the network – from smart home systems to extra phone lines – you need a current cabling registration. Carrying a current cabling registration card confirms you have completed the relevant training and gained the professional experience to complete the work to the customer’s expectations. For more information visit www.acrs.com.au or call 1300 667 771. cabling that connects to the telecommunications network. So if you are installing any equipment that will connect to the network – from smart home systems to extra phone lines – you need a current cabling registration. Carrying a current cabling registration card confirms you have completed the relevant training and gained the professional experience to complete the work to the customer’s expectations. It is illegal for anyone other than a registered cabler to install or maintain cabling that connects to the telecommunications network. So if you are installing any equipment that will connect to the network – from smart home systems to extra phone lines – you need a current cabling registration. Carrying a current cabling registration card confirms you have completed the relevant training and gained the professional experience to complete the It is illegal for anyone other than a registered cabler to install or maintain cabling that connects to the telecommunications network. So if you are installing any equipment that will connect to the network – from smart home systems to extra phone lines – you need a current cabling registration. Carrying a current cabling registration card confirms you have completed the relevant training and gained the professional experience to complete the work to the customer’s expectations. work to the customer’s expectations.work to the customer’s expectations.