Issue 58B - April Fool's Day 2014

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APRIL 1, 2014

N E C ’ S S T U D E N T- R U N N E W S PA P E R


potential construction work that could be taking place on nearby streets. Please contact Building Operations with any concerns

Those of you who have spent any time in the Keller Room lately

regarding this issue. Thank you.

will probably have noticed the warpage of the floor boards.

Building Operations has determined that this is being caused by

Department will be performing repairs throughout the Residence

steam escaping from the bubbling cauldron of an ogre who has

Hall. Please be aware that the hours of work will be 12:01am

dwelled beneath the foundation of 290 Huntington for hundreds

to 11:59pm, and that most of the work requires the use of jack-

of years.

hammers and wrecking balls. Loaner hardhats may be signed

out from the Building Operations Office between the hours of

Because the situation does not constitute a serious

Also on Tuesday, April 1st, the Building Operations

hazard and because repair work will be time consuming and

8:00 and 8:07am. Please remember to bring your student ID.

inconvenient (it will require shutting down the heating system,

Thank you for your ongoing patience as we strive to make NEC

ripping out affected floor boards, hiring a wizard to drive out

a better place.

the subterranean creature, and replacing said floorboards), Building Ops has decided to take a watchful waiting position


until the heating season is over before dealing with the problem.

In addition, we would like to notify you of a possible

Building Operations Department

disruption to the water and sewer service to all NEC buildings


on Tuesday, April 1st,, 2014. Any disruption in service may be


expected to take place between 2:00am and 10:00am, due to

penguin CULTURE Rebranding New England Conservatory Following the recent success of the marketing department’s change of Not England Conservatory’s annual Brass Bash to the new, exciting, and wholly original Brash Bash (which included a world premiere of works by the composer Richard Stauss), we’ve come up with a few more new ways to rebrand our school. Be sure to catch one of our next Music: Truth No Power concerts on April 17th in Jaw Dinhall. This concert will feature the NEC Jizz Orchestra led by Ken Slapherst, playing music of the wonderful composer Sun Re. Sun Re turned 100 this year, and I’m told he’ll make a special appearance if enough people turn up to the concert! 2

APRIL 1, 2014

by ANDREW NISSON First-year GD Trombone

Also in our close future, on April 23rd mastercard Hugh Wolves will lead the NEC Fullharmonic in an updated version of Shostakovich’s 11th Symphony, now subtitled “The Year 2005”. The revolution will end as you also listen to Beerthoven’s Eggmont Overture. This will be a special concert for all our students, as it will be in the Bostn Symphony’s Sinphony Hall. Not many people get the chance to play there, unless of course they pay enough money to do so! What you saw above was just a small sampling of the exciting changes you’ll see your tuition money go toward in the next year. Looking forward to another exciting ear of muzak at NEC led by our venerable Tony Woodcook!

PS: Happy April Fools' Day from The Penguin!

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