ANNUAL REPORT 2015 financial health review
President’s Message Brian Menking
I am once again grateful to be with you for this annual
meeting as a fellow co-op member and President of NEC’s Board of Directors. NEC is a trailblazer in the co-op world and with the acceleration of our technical developments in 2015, our activities continue to position us as a cutting-edge co-op and a leader in our industry. As a member-owned electric cooperative, we come together each year to celebrate our success and to learn about the business and benefits of your investment in the co-op. We work hard at NEC to keep up with technology which helps us bring our members reliable electric service, metering, billing, and member information management. The roll out of our Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system began in 2015 with a test pilot of approximately 2,000 meters. The pilot took longer than expected, but with the success of that pilot behind us, the implementation will continue through 2016. NEC is extremely grateful to be a part of a nation-wide cooperative network which helps disseminate quality products, supports training, and assists us as we purchase business items at co-op prices. As we’ve improved our technology, NEC has been able to offset rising costs in many areas. However, moving forward, we expect operating costs to continue to rise and challenge us to keep up with industry standards in the field and in the office as we continue to provide the most reliable, cost-effective service possible. These improvements drive us to accomplish strategic
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goals for the Co-op. The Strategic Planning Committee continues to monitor the progress on goals established in 2013. Management and employees do a great job focusing on our five strategic goals. The five goal areas are Safety & Health, Member Satisfaction, Growth & Efficiency, Work Environment, and Key Message Communication. The plan includes 22 key performance measures that drive us to accomplish these goals. In 2015, the Board approved for NEC Retail Electricity to move forward with a new renewable project and signed a 25-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with Clean Energy Collective (CEC). CEC will work exclusively with NEC Retail Electricity to provide members the opportunity to participate in a solar energy initiative. Members who would like to participate in this program may purchase roofless solar panels directly from CEC. These solar panels are housed on a solar array outside of the Orange Grove area and do not take up space on members’ property or rooftops; however, all of the energy generated from owned panel(s) is applied to that member’s bill as an electric bill credit. After the hard work and due diligence to ensure the project would benefit our members, in June of 2016 CEC was able to activate the solar array to begin generating energy for our members that have opted in by purchasing panels. A key point that the Board of Directors and leadership worked to negotiate was to lower the up-front, one-time cost per panel that each NEC Retail Electricity member would pay. As a result, complete with installation of the panel and lifetime maintenance, these panels cost half the price of a professional
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