Inspiring our future community leaders Trace McCuan, CEO
At Nueces Electric Cooperative, we take great pride in highlighting the value of cooperative membership to not just you, but your children too—after all, they’re our members-in-training. We provide a wide variety of programs that benefit youth, from elementary school field trips to safety demonstrations at our Annual Meeting. However, we’re especially proud of our annual scholarships. Last year, our Ramiro De La Paz Scholarship Program grew to encompass three different type of scholarships for high school seniors in our service area. We now offer scholarship funds for students attending a fouryear college or university, students attending a two-year college or vocational school and students attending an accredited Lineman’s College. We will be giving out $38,000 to our communities’ future leaders through this scholarship program for current graduating high school seniors, Class of 2018. Be on the lookout for another special round of scholarship applications this summer in celebration of our 80th Anniversary this December for the graduating Class of 2019. We also sponsor four high school juniors from our service area on an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C. each June. During this annual Youth Leadership Tour, more than 1,500 high school students from across the country descend on the nation’s capital to learn about government, history, and role of electric cooperatives. We will be announcing this year’s Youth Leadership Tour delegates in the March issue of Texas Co-op Power, so stay tuned. 18
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In 2016, we launched our annual Christmas Card Contest for our members’ children up to the age of 18 to submit original artwork with the potential of winning great prizes and even to be featured on our company Christmas card for the following year. We will be announcing the winners in each age category for the 2018 Christmas Card Contest in the April issue of Texas Co-op Power and the 2019 Christmas Card Contest will launch in November of this year, so get your thinking caps on early! NEC emphasizes the cooperative difference by providing real value for even our youngest members. At NEC, we want to make sure that we are working for our members. To learn more about we are helping our future generations thrive in our local community, visit www.nueceselectric. org to view all of our youth programs. Do you have youth programs that you would like to see the co-op get involved in? Let us know by emailing
1/11/18 8:15 AM